I Don’t Want To Be a Hero

Chapter 345 Ruluye Ruins, Awakened Dark Giant!

(The holiday is almost over, and I have to go to work again. It’s really hard (╯﹏╰)

In the South Pacific, the blue waters form a line with the blue sky, as if the whole world is blue.

Yeya was sitting on a submarine at this time, and with him was Dagu wearing a team uniform.

A few days ago, a ruin suddenly appeared in the Pacific Ocean, which was proved by various materials collected by Hori.

This underwater ruins, which have not yet fully surfaced, came from civilization about 30 million years ago, which is the era when Tiga lived.

So Dagu was sent here to investigate at this time. After the last super ancient plant "Chijera", Juma Hui also knew Dagu's identity.

Actually, this relic is from the era of Diga, so it is naturally the best choice to send Dagu to investigate here.

And Yeya participated in this investigation as a non-staff this time.

When Dagu recommended Yezai to Megumi, he explained that Yezai was an expert on "super-ancient civilization" that he knew. If you claim to bring him, the investigation will be more effective.

And Dagu's idea is also very simple. Saiya and Tiga are the giants of light 30 million years ago. They must know something about this relic.

And he Yezai knows shit, if he hadn't seen the plot, he would have no idea about the ruins.

As for Ultraman Saiya's identity, it was just an identity patch arranged by the system for him.

Dagu wanted Yezai to come and explore the ruins together, but Yezai naturally refused at first, and said that he still had a lot of fast food to deliver.

But after Dagu said that he could apply for a considerable "consultant fee" for Yezai, Yezai agreed without saying a word.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't matter whether it is money or not. He Yezai has never been such a superficial person. The point is that Yezai is righteous and he is responsible for helping friends!

As for the strength of this help..., ahem, naturally, it is also to see how many resources his friends have provided to him.

What, you said that for a brother to treat money like dung? Then I can only say, you have to eat soil sooner or later...

So at this time, Ye Zai and Da Gu were sitting in a submarine at this time, located in an area several hundred meters deep.

The water pressure is normal, there are no other unknown threats, and the search can be carried out.

The submarine's radar did not detect any danger, so Yeya and Dagu also put on their diving suits and swam to the ruins on the bottom of the sea.

For this relic, Ye Zai knew it, it was indeed the relic of Tiga's era, called "Luluye Ruins", and there were many old acquaintances of Tiga.

After the two entered the ruins, it was as if they had penetrated into an enchantment. It is clearly in the bottom of the sea, but there is not even a trace of seawater inside the ruins. Whether it is air or water pressure, it is no different from the ground.

After taking off the diving suit that was difficult to move, Yeya was able to see the whole picture called "Luluye Ruins".

In general, the main color of the entire site is a dilapidated scene. Yezai and Dagu walked all the way, and the most things they saw were various stone statues.

These stone statues are all in the appearance of Ultraman, some are missing arms and legs, some are full of cracks, and some even have only heads.

Obviously, these stone statues were still mighty giants in ancient times 30 million years ago, but after the passage of time, they have now become broken stone statues.

But just by looking at these giant stone statues scattered all over the place, you can see that there was a great war here 30 million years ago.

And these giants who turned into stone statues were very likely to be opposites between the two camps at that time.

Seeing these giant stone statues, the deepest emotion should be Dagu, because Diga was just such a stone statue before accepting the light of Dagu.

When encountering obstacles along the way, Ye Zai used violent blasting methods directly, but Da Gu felt that this was a bit inappropriate.

"Yezai, you were hired as a historian anyway, can you be gentler?"

Dagu looked at Ye Zai and collapsed with a punch, leaving a cold sweat on the side of the stone wall that looked quite historical.

"Don't make trouble, we are not professionals, do we still use a sledgehammer to smash holes and a small hammer to chisel seams?

The site is so big, and there are only two of us. We walked to the center in that way, and the daylily was cold. "

Ye Zai didn't seem to agree with Dagu's statement, not to mention the origin of this site is quite clear to him, just because there is a strong dark atmosphere here, he knows that this is not a good place.

In the center of the site, there is still a huge pyramid, and the dark atmosphere there is the most intense part of the site.

"Yezai, we can't get any closer. There are terrifying dark creatures sleeping here. The light on our bodies will stimulate each other and speed up the other party's awakening!"

When sensing the rich darkness emanating from the pyramid, Dagu decisively pulled Ye Zai to prepare to retreat.

The consciousness that has just been part of "Tiga" told Dagu that once the sleeping creatures in the pyramid wake up, the world will likely fall into darkness!

Ye Zai is very clear that the reason why Dagu feels this way is because the one sleeping in the pyramid is the special boss of Tiga, the evil god Gatanjie!

The evil god Gatangie, a powerful monster known as the "Dark Ruler", used "Chijera" to destroy the super-ancient civilization 30 million years ago, and finally led Zoga to rule the world at that time.

But later, for unknown reasons, he fell asleep in this pyramid.

The reason for Gatangie's sleep may be due to the merits of the warriors of light outside who were shattered to the ground, or because of a large amount of power consumption. He needs to sleep to maintain his strength from weakening.

But for whatever reason, now this "Luluye Ruins" is gradually floating to the sea, which means that the evil god Gatangie is likely to wake up again.

Dagu knew the horror of Gatangie'e, so he didn't want to speed up the other party's awakening at this time.

"Although I don't want to say that, I think we seem to have disturbed this big guy's sleep."

Located in the center of the pyramid, a large amount of black mist was suddenly sprayed around.

The ruins of Luluye, which were already full of darkness, were now completely shrouded in darkness.

Apparently, the sleeping conch, Gatangie, discovered the existence of Dagu and Yezai. But for unknown reasons, I can't deal with them personally for the time being. I can only pass through the black fog in an attempt to block Yezai and Dagu here!

Although the black mist released by Gatanjee was troublesome, it still couldn't stop Yeya and Dagu who possessed the "power of light".

The trouble is, because of the dark power released by Gatanjee, some unfriendly beings in the Ruluye Ruins have gradually awakened under the influence of this dark power...

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