Chapter 181: The Weight of War!!

Victory is expensive.

Every victory means paying a more expensive price than before.

But to the ghost, to the 141 people.

Surviving this time is not called victory.

At the cost of half an ear, he escaped from Sheffield’s betrayal.

The people of the shadow force were all focused on the side of Makarov’s rebels, and did not expect, or did not expect that the ghost would actually attack Sheffield.

So, at that moment, the Ghost Fruit broke the gun, and the bullet from the ACR rifle in his hand hit Sheffield first.

And he himself was knocked out by the Magnum in Sheffield’s hand, and cut off half of his ear by the way.

Seeing this scene, the players and anchors watching the battle behind the screen froze ~ froze.

The whole live broadcast room was silent, no one spoke, no one realized what was happening.

A few seconds later.


Xiaoqiang, who plays the role of Mozi, is dead, and her eyes have been fixed on the ghost—this side.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Mozi blushed and almost shouted at his throat to run.

This voice seems to have pierced the barrier of time and space and poured into the ears of ghosts.

Then the next second, he moved.

The hairy player who played the ghost was jumping on the spot like ten times the adrenaline at this time, and his eyes were bloodshot with red in anger.

“……… Belk! ”

A phrase in Russian burst out of his mouth, probably meaning to run.

And while he shouted, he did not forget to control the ghost under his hands.

I saw that the ghost suddenly withdrew his index finger from the trigger of the rifle, and pulled his right hand back to instantly adjust the semi-automatic firing mode of the ACR to fully automatic.

Then, he grabbed the handle in one hand, rounded the heavy rifle, and flicked the butt of the rifle at Sheffield, who was kneeling on the ground.


The scene is beautiful, and even has a bit of a rough violent aesthetic.

The solid butt of a gun hit his head more cheerfully than a brick, and the beret worn on Sheffield’s head was shot away in response, and a stain of blood gushed from his right cheek immediately after a solid blow.

Seeing this, Mozi and the others who saw this scene suddenly opened their mouths slightly, and their eyes widened to see the truth.

“……… Groove? ”

But, the next second later.

When the butt of a gun hit, the ghost had no time to celebrate, let alone take revenge on Xiaoqiang and them.

He didn’t look at Sheffield, who was stunned to the ground, but turned his head and ran into the cabin of the slave helicopter in front of him.

There were only two people in the cabin, a captain and a pilot.

Both turned their backs to the ghost and did not see him rush into the cabin.

And when the captain heard the movement behind him and turned around, he only saw a man with a black and white skull mask in front of him almost sticking to his face.


Most of the people in the shadow army are good players drawn from other units

Some of them are still drawn from the task force, rounded up to be considered ghostly comrades.

But now, with different positions, there is no betrayal.

A crisp gunshot echoed in the small cabin.

Immediately after that, the captain covered his chest and fell to the ground, stretching out one hand in the air as if trying to grab something.

The Maozi player, on the other hand, stared at the captain coldly without pity, and then muttered something and gave a shot to the captain who was not dead.

When he heard the words, the foam that had already been empty in his brain looked at it dumbfounded.

On the side of the little sister, the literate audience was very excited to send a barrage in the live broadcast room: “What he said is that this shot was fired for Xiaoqiang and other brothers!” ”

“For 141 open!!”

Seeing the barrage, the stupid little sister and the others, who had been in tears, were completely unable to hold back, and slapped the keyboard hard and cursed meaninglessly in their mouths.

Ghost side.

The replacement shot kills the captain, and the ghost then turns the muzzle on the pilot.

“Engine, fly!”

Forced by the ghost’s gun, the driver did not have time to pull out the self-defense pistol placed on his chest, so he had to slowly put his hand on the helicopter joystick.

At this time, the rest of the shadow force finally noticed that something was wrong.

The wave of people responsible for clearing the scene and killing Xiaoqiang completed their mission and waited for Sheffield to give the next order.

After receiving the news, he stayed above the villa to provide fire support to the others.

And when one of the bird helicopters saw Sheffield’s helicopter take off, it sent a message to the pilot.

“Uh……… B5, I can’t receive news from Golden Eagle here, is he on the plane? ”

In the cabin, the other party’s questions rang on the intercom.

The pilot controlled the helicopter to take off with both hands on the joystick, heard the sound and did not speak, looking back at the ghost.

“Say you…”

At this time, just when the ghost wanted to say something to fool the driver.

“This is the Golden Eagle, my plane was robbed by a ghost.”

“Immediately fire at the helicopter.”

Sheffield’s weak voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears, which was shocking.

At this time, the Chinook had been pulled to the right flight altitude, and the pilot was forced forward by the ghost with a gun to the back of his head, and the helicopter immediately accelerated.

And over there, hearing Sheffield’s voice, two attack helicopters were the first to turn around and aim their nose guns and air-to-air missiles at Chinook.

Chinook was originally only used for transportation, and naturally did not equip any firepower.

No matter how far they flew, a missile came and Chinook had to crash on the spot, so the two attack aircraft were in no hurry to chase.

Most importantly, hearing Sheffield’s order to fire, the pilot did not immediately open fire, but replied with a little hesitation: “But, sir, there are still our own people on the plane…”

“This is an order, they know the risk when they join, open fire!”

This sentence made the stupid little sister Mozi, who had just ignited a trace of cow hope, feel like an ice cave.

“Hmph, when did Sheffield care about the lives of his subordinates.”

I don’t know who said such a sentence, but in short, this time they were completely desperate for a hundred million…

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