Chapter 135 You call this interesting? Are you two!!


The shell grazed the side of the Humvee, hit a house behind it and exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the vehicle-mounted machine gun sounded with fierce tilting bullets.

“Get off quickly, get off quickly!”

Eleven shouted in the welfare, and the four hurriedly kicked the car door and jumped to the side.

If you are an ordinary person, the first reaction at this time must be to slam on the accelerator and drive to see the car run.

But the better option is to disperse before the second shell of the armored vehicle hits, and the survival rate is higher.

In the blink of an eye, the four people jumped out of the car, and a person next to Foley was quick-eyed, raised his hand and threw out a smoke bomb and threw it at the foot of the armored car.

However, just as he was about to bite off the second smoke grenade, two heavy machine gun bullets swept by, killing him instantly.

A palm-long bullet can pierce a huge hole in a concrete wall.

Hitting vulnerable people is as easy as cutting raw oil with a quick knife.

However, thanks to the smoke bomb he threw out, the other three were given a few seconds of respite.

The smoke bomb he didn’t have time to throw out in his hand released smoke at the feet of the Humvee, which also provided them with cover.

“……… Run to the right and get around from that side! ”

Welfare dragged Dunne, Ramirez followed and threw out a grenade for a second cover, and then the three ran to the house in embarrassment before the smoke cleared.

The Russian side who drives armored vehicles is also a player, and they also have their own tasks on them.

Seeing that the shot missed, they didn’t bother to turn around and pursue the three, so they continued to move towards their target point.

Behind the house, the three stood in a corner and nervously listened to the armored car leave before sighing with relief.

“Damn, actually despised? I thought they would chase after me. ”

Ramirez stuck his head out in the corner of the wall to take a look, made sure the armored car left, and grumbled.

“Huh? So what else do you want, you expect him to come after us to be satisfied?! ”

Dunn glared at him.

“Don’t argue, according to the original plan, let’s go to the crash site first and find a way to contact other troops.”

Welfare stopped the two of them, and then climbed to the roof in three or two steps through a ladder at the back of the house, climbing on it and observing for a while.

“The transport plane made a forced landing, but it did not explode.”

“I see that there are some people who are resisting nearby, and we can rush to support.”

“Leave the residential area first, there is a gas station more than a hundred meters northwest, and we enter the crash area from there. Walk! ”

Saying that, Welfare jumped off the roof, and the three of them lined up, slowly moving forward under the cover of the house.

A skirmish without a command is like a headless fly, and no matter how strong an individual plays, it is also skirmishers.

The most fatal thing is that the communication was also destroyed by the enemy, and the command was not contacted, and even air support could not be requested.

When did the proud magnesium guy suffer such grievances and be taken away from everything on his own land?

However, in this regard, how much of a loss of happiness did the three of them have in their hearts? Or excited?

Because for the first time, they had a reason to really pick up a gun and fight, both in and out of the play.

Compared to being thrown into Afghanistan, he was despised and reviled by the locals, and from time to time he was attacked by the guerrillas with cold guns.

Moreover, as a retired soldier, they are not treated with the minimum respect, and they are even despised by their own people.

So now, fight on your own land and fight an upright Great Patriotic War.

Even if this is dead, it is extremely proud.

There must be a valid reason for the flag to be covered in the coffin, right? Most importantly, the welfare sergeant is a black man.

The player who controls him is also a black man.

Ramirez and Dunn are both white.

The metaphor and the unthinkable in this will only come out of such a game world…….

“Pay attention to concealment, that broken armored car has encountered a road obstacle.”

“Look which way he’ll go, hide a little and don’t attract attention.”

“Bypassing from the alley, there should be a road to the gas station.”

The area where they are located is basically a community-style civilian area with its own garden garage.

Hiding behind a car and watching through the window for a few seconds, Foley sighed in relief as he saw the armored car walking to the other side.

All three were holding SCAR assault rifles and 20-round magazines.

If you are not equipped with a single anti-tank bazooka, you are still cautious and try not to provoke the Iron King 8 that is firing everywhere.

After waiting for a minute, waiting until the armored car was far from the block road, Welfare made a gesture, and the three of them quickly slipped into an alley.

Compared to Sister A, they encountered fierce resistance to the beach-grabbing landing.

Players who parachute into this part of the area are much easier.

Because before landing, the White Swan washed all the important positions that should be hit with heavy aerial bombs.

Their task was to assemble effective firepower after landing, and then attack all the way to the direction of Huachengton.

Therefore, the players here are more relaxed in mentality after landing.

For example, now, there are a few people who have just landed, and they are enthusiastic in the business hall of the gas station and rummage around.

“Damn, they can be honest and rummaging around other people’s houses?”

“As if we hadn’t done it.”

“Don’t argue!”

The three of them concentrated all the way, half-squatting and entering the vicinity of the gas station.

Dunn and Ramirez both poked their heads out and looked through the window into the business hall.

Four people were wandering around the cash register in the business hall, seemingly trying to disassemble the machine.

“Four people, standing closely.”

“Dunn, delay grenade preparation, release in three seconds.”

“Ramirez stood on guard and died if he was alive.”

As soon as he looked at the benefits, he gave the order, quietly unscrewed the back door of the business hall, and went in with Dunn.

“Prepare…. Lose. ”

With that, Dunn pulled out the grenade safety pin, silently counted three seconds in his heart, and then threw it down the floor.

Modern standard fragmentation grenades generally explode in five seconds.

But during training, instructors generally don’t let soldiers wait so long, basically just pull open the safety pin and throw it out immediately.

Because he couldn’t afford to gamble, although the arsenal promised that the grenade would explode in five seconds.

But gunpowder is something that no one can say, and sometimes the stock grenades placed in the equipment warehouse will suddenly explode for no apparent reason.

So the action of throwing a grenade is actually quite dangerous.

In movies and television dramas or games, the enemy throws grenades over, and then those who have the audacity pick them up and throw them back.

This kind of thing is basically impossible, the time is too short, but there are always exceptions, and there are occasionally stinky bombs that do not explode.

So the prudent welfare made Dunn count three seconds before losing the grenade.

The purpose is to give the enemy no time to react and have no time to dodge or kick the grenade away.

However, welfare for these three people.

Apparently some underestimate these players who play Maozi.

They are a bunch of madmen who will call Ula.

In the business hall, grenades dripped and rolled on the smooth tile floor with a crisp sound.

The four of them were pondering around a cash register, curious to take it apart to see if they could get some useless cash.

But that doesn’t mean they’ll lose their vigilance entirely.

Then, hearing a strange sound nearby, one of them turned his head to look in the direction where the sound came from.

At a glance, he saw the grenade that was about to roll to his feet. Then, a scene that the three of them did not expect happened.

The man hardly hesitated and shouted to run.

Then he threw himself on the grenade, curled up and covered the grenade.


A second later, there was a bang.

The grenade exploded, and the huge impact shocked the person weighing more than one hundred and fifty pounds to fly up from the ground, and then fell heavily to the ground.

He was killed red-handed, but he blocked almost all the grenade fragments with his body.

The other three watched a teammate die like this, stunned for a few seconds, and immediately took the AK from behind their waist and shot in the direction where the grenade was thrown.

Over there, Welfare and Dunn were a little confused.

They didn’t expect that anyone would actually dare to do this, until the enemy bullet came over, and the two came to their senses, and immediately bent down and slipped out through the back door.

At the other window, Ramirez, who heard the movement, suddenly poked his head out.


SCAR uses a 7.62mm NATO bullet, and although it only has a 20-round magazine, its power cannot be underestimated.

After a burst of gunfire, the shells scattered on the ground clattered.


Ramirez turned on a fully automatic and fired empty bullets in three seconds with a random sweep, only to sweep the three people in the business hall to death.

After changing into a magazine and staring at the corpse cautiously for two seconds, Ramirez shouted.

After the back door, Foley and Dunn came out, the expressions on their faces were not very good.

“What’s wrong?”

Ramirez asked.

“… Sergeant, we have to fight against such people all the time? Grenades? ”

In fact, when these magnesium countrymen are training.

The instructor’s first lesson was actually dodging, not a heroic feat.

Because this kind of thing can’t be taught.

Only a long time of coexistence cultivates a deep feeling of comradeship.

After encountering this kind of thing, a trace of the thought of ‘I want to block bullets for others’ may flash in my heart.

So both Welfare and Dunn have ugly faces now.

Because they saw that the man hardly had any hesitation, they immediately pounced.

Although this is just a game, subconsciously daring to do so proves that the opponents have a strong team spirit.

They will be a difficult enemy to deal with.

And look at the equipment on them, the fully armed airborne troops

Huge backpacks, even single sleeping bags ready for long battles.

In addition, there is a sea of people blooming everywhere like snow in the sky overhead.

They knew that this would be a Black Hawk fall-style confrontation, and it would be very difficult.

And the opposite side is no longer a black uncle who only carries RPGs around with the marksmanship.

“Damn, big trouble.”

Dunn looked at the corpse on the ground and muttered.

“Don’t talk nonsense, the battle has just begun, so show me some morale.”

“Ramirez, go and remove their talking device, maybe we can use it.”

Saying that, Welfare squatted down very respectfully and removed a nameplate from the corpse of the buddy who pounced on the rena.

“It’s an adversary to be respected, and it’s fun to play against them.”

“Huh? Interesting? You call this interesting? ”

“Are you two?”

Dunn looked at Fuli with a ghostly look.

“There is no air support, no command, not even an approximate direction.”

“When I chose the blue camp, what I wanted was abundant logistical air strikes.”

“If these are gone, this battle is clearly going to be lost, and a fart will be struck!”

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