Chapter 116 to deceive! Go sneak attack! Enemy fatigue and disturbing!!

This trick is indeed very yin, but it is also good, and the enemy is tired and disturbed.

Cang Lingyun: They have fully studied the gameplay.

These five dead people will be resurrected, and they will definitely think of revenge.

So Frost fooled them into saying that he wanted to disguise himself as an enemy.

Those five people will definitely be stunned in their hearts after they are resurrected, and they can’t let go of their hearts when they see friendly troops, which can cause them a lot of interference.

Then, the same trick followed.

On the street corner before, the people who went to support were taken away by the nervous thunder, and the angry leader opened the street indiscriminately.

Then Old Six Cang Lingyun thought of a more damaging move.

His helmet was punched open, and it didn’t look good.

Cang Lingyun took off his hat and stuffed another grenade inside, stumbling over it with a string

There was still the corpse of the enemy lying next to the car, and Cang Lingyun’s body turned upside down, covering his face with his head.

“Grass, I really served this old yin bi!”

“The enemy’s helmet is covered on the face of the corpse, and if it is found by others, he must lift the helmet to see the face!”

“Isn’t this another trick!?”

“This dog thief old six, I’ll obey!”

At the scene, the audience watched the sleeping devil set traps, laughing and angrily cursing the street.

The most important thing is that they saw a lot of gameplay in this game from Cang Lingyun’s side.

This is teaching them! In the future, when playing by yourself, these damage tricks can be used.

At this time, the director cut the camera to the other people’s side.

Two people were taken away by the booby trap, and the others did not notice that there was an enemy at the scene, so they rushed back to the block in anger.

Sure enough, when running across a street corner, they learned to be much more cautious this time, and many of them kept their eyes under their feet.

They did find an obvious trick.

A thin wire is pulled between the corner and the bin, and a grenade on the side of the bin is covered by a plastic bag.

“Damn, really blind? Can I still hit two times in a row? ”

“Who is that, didn’t you bring cord cutters?”

“Give it to me, I will personally dismantle 253, fucking this grenade I must keep and return it to them with my own hands.”

Saying that, the leader took the tongs from his teammates, leaned over on the ground, and bit his tongue to carefully cut the mixing line.

The grenade didn’t explode, so the buddy let out a long breath and showed the others the grenade: “This group of dog thieves.” ”

“Brothers, remember to give me a chance, I will…”

“However, before the words were finished, there was a sudden bang and explosion.”

Fragments flew all over the sky, shaking the ground with dust.

At least three others were killed on the spot.

Confused, holding hands Lei, this buddy couldn’t help it, scolded and took off the VR headset: “I report!” Fuck them cheating! I obviously dismantled the booby trap, why did it still blow up! ”

In front of him, the staff listened to him scolding the street and laughed; “Thunder in thunder!”

“He put two grenades, and you actually have no problem removing that one.”

“The other one is hidden in the garbage can, reverse the mixing line, you can not blow up as soon as you cut the line.”

“You shouldn’t get over, just stand far away and detonate with a shot.”

“Keep playing? Or do I let someone else replace you? ”

The staff seemed to have a smile on their faces, and the angry buddy cursed and put on his helmet and went back to continue.

In the game.

This is how the so-called psychological warfare is played.

The inexplicable and sudden explosion of grenades made these people even more frightened.

They were so angry that they did not dare to go any further to the side of the street, so they walked in the middle of the road without cover.

Then, when they returned to the block, they saw a dead man lying next to the car.

There was a burst of chagrin on his face again, and he was tricked by the monkey!

At this time, there was a loud roar from others on the intercom.

“Attention! Those five dogs are better than putting on our clothes! They want to disguise! ”

“I watched them change their clothes before I was killed!”

“Attention others!!”

Hearing the reminder, these people were shocked in their hearts and immediately looked at each other.

“Fuck, look at my fucking chicken feathers, just now a few of us have been together, even I don’t believe it?!”

“Who is that dead man on earth? You look at the helmet that covers his face. ”

“I don’t care who the is.”

Scolding, one of them strode over, kicked open and slammed the car door next to him like an angry: “Go to Nima’s!” ”

The helmet was kicked away, and the face of the dead man on the ground was still vaguely recognizable although it was shot through the back of the head.

When someone saw it, they wondered: “I know this buddy, didn’t we just be together?” ”

“No, what does the helmet on his face mean?”

Then, a sense of foreboding immediately flooded into the brains of these people.

But before they could react, the high-explosive grenade with a five-second delay burst open at this moment.


With a loud bang, the grenade exploded, and at the same time detonated the car next to it.

The fireworks burst into the sky, and six people fell to the ground and died on the spot.

“Oh fuck me!! Fucking can you stop using this trick, I beg you!! ”

On the other side, the sound of the car being detonated was far away.

Cang Lingyun pouted when they heard it and glanced down at their watches.

“Fifteen minutes, enough playing.”

“Quark, still unable to contact the command?”

Quark was carrying a small communication radio station, and he couldn’t hear a reply in his headphones, so he shook his head: “No, the interference is very serious.” ”

Nebuta nodded: “The speed of the Russian fleet is fifteen knots, and it will reach the coastline in two and a half hours.” ”

“We need to solve the problem of jamming towers before that.”

“Can’t ink anymore, now get up and strive to break into the exchange within half an hour.”

“Tuesday, I remember a big stock plunge in history, the world financial crisis, it happened to be Tuesday, right?”

Frost said: “Yes, it caused the impact of the Great Depression around the world for at least ten years. ”

“So it’s called Black Tuesday, and it’s taboo for everyone who plays stocks.”

“Then we’re going to attack the exchange now, is it a double entendre?”

At the scene, Cang Lingyun hurried steadily and heard them discuss the title of this task.

Tenghua remembered that there was really such a day in history, so he asked Ye Yu if he thought so.

He had now begun to learn to think according to Ye Yu’s way of thinking.

This person is ghostly, but everything that can be used, he must learn it, and Ye Yu hugged his arm to look at Tenghua: “There is such an idea, but it is not all.” ”

“This level is very serious about the outcome after that.”

“I originally wanted to keep it for players to play by themselves, but I was afraid that they would not be able to withstand it, so I let Cang Leng Yun come.”

“Texas Tuesday blackout, the second largest state in the magnesium country, completely independent power supply.”

“If the Russian side completely captures this place and takes the port.”

“This is a knife that directly scolds the tip of the magnesium countryman’s heart, and they will suffer a big loss.”

In reality, Texas is the most energy-rich region in the entire magnesium country.

And it’s different from the rabbit’s national grid.

The power energy of the magnesium countryman is controlled by capital, which is very

Their electricity is controlled independently by different working capital companies in other states.

The Texas Electric Reliability Commission, the supply company that controls more than 90 percent of the state’s electricity.

To put it bluntly, how much electricity costs is all decided by these companies, and the president’s side cannot manage it.

One electricity bill in one place, Texas and other states he operates completely alone.

Speaking of which, the power equipment of the magnesium guy is really inferior to the rabbit, and the high-voltage equipment is very backward.

Moreover, these capital companies are originally doing things for profit.

No matter how old and backward the equipment is, as long as it can be used, the company will certainly not spend so much money to upgrade and maintain the equipment.

So, on a certain Tuesday.

This place, which is said to have the most abundant electricity, collapsed in the extreme cold of the winter and suffered widespread power outages.

Several civilians froze to death in winter without electricity to heat their lives.

There are also some people who burn electricity overnight, resulting in more than 20,000 yuan in electricity bills, electricity bills!!

So that’s what Black Tuesday means as well.

The third meaning is a strategic-level game.

Texas is independent and self-sufficient, meaning there are no high-voltage transmission towers between other large states.

There is a problem with power outages across Texas, and other states simply can’t support it.

And this is again modern warfare, no matter how awesome your air defense is and how advanced the equipment is.

But without electricity, the equipment is a lump of scrap iron.

Therefore, the Russian side went straight in, directly took down the power company, caused a large-scale power outage, and then erected jamming towers to block communications.

The native troops on the ground became blind on the spot.

If you wait until the overseas fleet comes in and coordinates with the ground forces.

Garston Beach and other important ports will fall directly into the hands of Brother Bear

Texas is also the second largest state in the southern part of magnesium, and such a large area would be used as a strategic hinterland by the Russian army if it were captured.

Then the magnesium guy can’t play, it’s better to surrender early and lose half. Strategic depth, depth has fallen into the hands of others, and strategic fart.

The worst thing is that there are still many of their own people in the local area who are sporadically resisting.

No matter how cruel the high-level of the magnesium countryman is, no matter how cold-blooded Sheffield is, he does not dare to raise a scorched earth policy on his own land.

So they counted on the Alloy Squad to complete the task.

In short, Black Tuesday, for everyone, today is a black unlucky day.

Ye Yu arranged this mission to broadcast live, but also wanted players to think more about strategy!!

He doesn’t want any player to climb into the position of general and then throw nuclear bombs all over the world.

A good strategy game, which is as boring as two parties putting up a fight and dropping bombs at each other.

If only a smart player could come up with a second lightning assault, or a classic battle like the Verquoron Meat Grinder.

It is very beautiful, and the popularity of the game can rise a lot.

Therefore, this task, Cang Lingyun, they must take and fight a textbook battle.

… In the game.

Frost kept holding the enemy’s walkie-talkie, announcing a false location every two minutes.

They memorized the map and basically had a general idea of the environment in the city.

Therefore, other players are always fooled by false information, and their mentality is about to collapse.

Especially now they don’t know if those five bastards are wearing their own clothes.

Therefore, the mentality is even more irritable, and when calling for helicopter support, he does not dare to let go and let the eggplant fight.

So taking advantage of the chaos, the five of Cang Lingyun ran all the way and approached a hundred meters away from the exchange.

Thirty of them stuck on the exchange.

Sister A is very sophisticated, no matter what other people say, she can’t leave.

Then, suddenly, there was a bang.

The machine-gun position parked near the gate received a grenade.

Du Xiaomei was stunned, looked at the machine gunner who was killed, and immediately jumped over to straighten the machine gun: “Enemy attack!!” ”

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