Chapter 109 Tailor, Driver, and Cartoonist!!

If it’s a real reality.

Such extreme speed, such height fell to the ground.

Only relying on a little snow buffer, hundreds of pounds of snowmobiles, plus more than one hundred and fifty pounds of people.

It will definitely not land so unscathed.

But then again, it’s just a game, just cool.


Two heavy landings and snowflakes splashed.

The two motorcycles immediately drew two long lines and left the snowy mountain with the fighter overhead.

Behind, there was a thick smoke flying in the sky.

Immediately, the scene erupted into extremely enthusiastic cheers and applause.

The human voice is noisy, and you can probably only hear very noisy words such as raw force or crooked sun.

Later, the task is completed and the screen gradually turns black, leaving only a COD icon in the picture.

The lights on the scene also came on.

Originally, according to the process, this live game launch conference should have ended here.

The three eggplant performances have played this level, there is nothing for them, bow and thank you for stepping down.

However, while Ye Yu was clapping, his heart was a little confused.

He stood up with the audience, clapped, and looked back into the audience.

The director cuts the picture from the audience to the big screen.

Everywhere, the scene of more than 10,000 people was filled with tears and excited cheers.

Tenghua also heard the assistant trotting over to report from time to time.

The heat of the scene is fierce and the roof is about to be broken.

At this time, the popularity on the Internet is more than ten times, and the Goose Factory’s own platform has been collapsed several times by a large influx of players.

The game is not yet online, so a large number of players run to the comment area of CF to swipe the comments and ask when it can be unlocked and released.

And look at the appearance of these players and spectators who are going crazy. If this press conference ends now, it will be a bit of a mess.

Actually, it was according to plan.

This level of snow mountain climbing is very difficult, and the three of them have to play for at least three hours.

Not to mention that you have to die four or five times, climb a snowy mountain and fall at least three times, and accidentally injured at least twice when B2 bombarded overhead.

However, they seem to be acting a little too aggressively.

I took them to fight so many times before, and these people really grew up.

One life to clear the level?

This was not the effect Ye Yu wanted.

On the side, Tenghua was very arrogant and hypocritical to accept the congratulations of other manufacturers.

While he was also muttering in his heart.

The effect of this launch is so brilliant!

The last time I personally stood on the platform to publicize the crossing of the line of fire, there were only two or three thousand people on the scene, and the response was mediocre.

A live audience like today’s can’t wait to rush down and tear him up, even he is the first time he has met.

To be honest, it’s almost like a dream.

If this game were its own, it would be more like a perfect dream.

The applause lasted for five minutes before it gradually subsided.

The cheers and whistles of the audience almost noisy ears darkened.

At this time, the backstage staff sneaked up with the process panel and said that it was time to go on stage and say something.

Hearing this, Teng Hua hesitated to look at Ye Yu.

Ye Yu lowered his head and seemed to be pondering something, and after thinking for a while, he beckoned Tenghua to come over: “You can say whatever you want on stage, I’ll go to the background to unlock some files.” ”

Tenghua’s eyes lit up: “You mean?” ”

Ye Yu nodded: “Then put down the next level and continue broadcasting.” ”

“Show them the big scene.”

……… More than ten minutes later.

Tenghua’s ability to draw flatbread with empty words is still very strong.

He stood on the stage and chattered for ten minutes, as if he had said something, but as if there was no useful information at all.

When he was almost there, he heard the instructions in the headphones he was wearing, so he changed his tone and said solemnly: “……… So, this is a war-themed game. ”

“But it’s not just an elite team like Task Force 141 in the war.”

“When the world war broke out, there were more bloody battles on the battlefield.”

“It’s an ordinary ordinary person like you and me.”

“Next, ask the three players Liu Peiji to continue playing the next chapter.”

“And this time, we will show you players one of the most brutal and heavy battlefields.”

“Look at the big screen.”

Saying that, Tenghua nodded in greeting and stepped down.

Backstage, the three eggplants were asked to drink some water and go to the toilet.

Even if the eggplant said that he had no urine in his stomach, the staff solemnly asked him to squeeze it hard.

There are even people who ask if they want to let the three eggplants wear diapers, anyway, the audience can’t see it in a somatosensory suit.

Hearing this, the three eggplants looked at each other: “Damn, brother, who do you look down on.” ”

“We have fought so many times on missions large and small.”

“No matter what, you won’t be scared to pee, it’s too much.”

This staff member is Ye Yu.

He really wanted the three of Eggplant to wear diapers, after all, the next mission was a giant bloody level.

And he hasn’t met with Eggplant Sister until now.

So the eggplant didn’t recognize it too much for a while.

Du Xiaomei thought that this voice was so familiar, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn’t think about where she had seen it.

Persuasion was ineffective, and the three people who had just broken away from the fierce battle in the snowy mountains were now in high spirits.

Ye Yu turned around and left, making a gesture for the staff to take the three people to the field

At the same time, Ye Yu also asked for more security personnel at the scene, and it was best to find some more medical cows to come over.

See what he asked for in a way.

The staff did as ordered, but they were also muttering in their hearts, do you need to find a doctor to broadcast a game?

Do you want to be so exaggerated, should it be deliberate marketing, buy hot searches to do fake news, right?

They can almost think of what the title of tomorrow’s hot search will be.

“Shock! The audience at the game conference was uncomfortable, and a doctor was urgently sent to help on the spot! ”

Later, wait for the departments to be ready.

The three of them also returned to the stage, and the staff helped them fix their helmets and the stability bar around their waist.

Five seconds later, the lights went off again, leaving only a faint glimmer on the big screen.

Speaking of which, Sister A and the three of them are really not nervous at all.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to it.

Remembering that the handsome guy asked them if they wanted to put on diapers, the three just wanted to laugh at him.

At this point, the game begins.

This level of mission does not follow the snowy mountain climbing.

It is a narrative plot level similar to the second prologue.

The three of them are no longer teamwork, they will go their own way

I saw that the picture was pitch black, and a white title slowly appeared in the center of the screen.

【Tailor, driver, and cartoonist】

The title lights up for five seconds, then the blur disappears.

The picture did not continue to appear in front of the two eggplant and Da Sima, only the side of the little sister lit up.

“Oh, one by one.”

“Sister A, come on, don’t let people underestimate you.”

“People even asked if you wanted to wear diapers, and I was laughing to death.”

The two whispered encouragement to Sister A, who pouted, moved her neck and waited for the reception.


A subtitle appears in the center of the screen, followed by a long, gentle whistle in the ears.

The picture gradually clears, a middle-aged man with a ring, sitting on a sewing machine working on it, stepping on the machine.

His appearance is extremely ordinary, not handsome, and has no characteristics to speak of.

It belongs to the kind of person who is thrown into the pile of people, that is, the kind of person who is left alone.

He sat in a room with warm sunlight letting in, whistling and sewing patterns with a roll of cloth in his hand.

On the side, the cigarette in the ashtray slowly burned and a wisp of green smoke came out.

The sewing machine clicked, and the tailor embroidered a flower on the cloth.

He took the cloth off the machine, lifted it, and admired his work with satisfaction in the sunlight shining through the window.

Outside the window, on the grass, a few children frolic around the woman who is drying her clothes.

This extremely warm scene is completely different from the previous level of snow mountain climbing.

At the scene, the audience saw that some people were surprised, and some people showed their aunt smiles.

Many couples are still hugging together, and this kind of warm scene of both children is most liked by couples in love.

And the little sister also showed a slight smile, fantasizing about something in her mind.

But then, suddenly.

Men admiring their work in the sunlight.

But the whistle he blew gradually weakened.

In its place, the sound of shells shelling appeared in the ears. Suddenly, the man’s clean face was covered with 787 sludge and blood.

His expression instantly solidified from a smile to horror.


Instantly, the smiling expression of the little sister also froze on her face, and she blinked, watching the scene in front of her poke in place.

I saw that the tailor she played was holding a gun at the moment, standing blankly on the gray ruins.

In front of them, people who could not tell whether they were enemies or friendly troops were fighting together.

Both of them were covered in muddy water until they were covered in mud, and it was raining heavily in the sky, and the rumbling thunder and lightning blended with the explosions of shells that sounded from time to time.

The two people in front of him seemed to have empty their bullets, so they threw their guns aside, casually picked up the stones on the ground and hit each other’s heads.

Suddenly, blood suddenly gushed from the nose of one of them, rubbed with the mud stains on his face, and was washed by the rain onto his clothes.

With two strokes, sharp stones were deeply embedded in the other’s cheeks, and he instantly collapsed to the ground.

But even so, the man holding the stone in his hand did not give up the blow.

Instead, he rode on top of each other, holding stones in both hands and smashing each other’s brains again and again.

Until the dead man’s braincase on the ground was completely smashed.

I saw a person in front of me being stoned to death like this.

The stupid little sister, who prides herself on having experienced big and small wars and is already a veteran, was immediately stunned in place.

She is now fully in control of the tailor she plays.

But somehow, seeing the man on the other side with a bloody face and like a beast, five meters away, she didn’t even have the courage to raise a gun.

Fear instantly filled the whole body of the dumb little sister, and she couldn’t even tell whether the person on the other side who had won the victory with stones was a friendly army or an enemy.

On the other side, the man dropped the stone, and then looked at Sister A with a pair of bloody eyes.

Then as soon as he lowered his head, he took a grenade from the shoulder of the dead man on the ground, pulled out the latch, and threw himself at it with a shout.

“Be careful!”

Sister A was stunned, and then her body was violently knocked away.

Similarly, another person who could not tell whether it was friend or foe knocked her to the ground.

Three seconds later, the grenade exploded, and the two people who scuffled together were instantly blocked and exploded.

The warm blood instantly pounced on Sister A’s face, and then frightened her

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