Chapter 105 Plan B! Even if it is to eat, there must be a plan B!!

The Caucasus Mountains are a region covered in snow and ice all year round.

The normal temperature here is around minus 15 degrees.

Now that winter begins, the temperature will drop to around minus 20 degrees.

Coupled with the raging snowstorm, this air base built on the top of the mountain will be plunged into white cold.

Climb to the top of the mountain and report on the situation.

The three of them lined up and walked all the way, and after about three minutes, the three stopped on a hillock to observe the situation.

The telescope did not play any role at this time.

The wind and snow are getting heavier, and the visibility is not even two meters.

This time, the trio is armed with modular ACR assault rifles.

Silencers, full-power bullets, quadruple red dot sights and the like are standard.

The deputies are all four or five pistols, silencers plus subsonic bullets, and the sound is not loud.

As for ACR, although the full-power shell will cause the sound of a small firecracker

But in this snowy weather, this shooting will also be completely masked.

So now the question is simple.

The map in the upper left corner in front of the three of them marked the location of the module, which required crossing the airport and then directly into a large hangar inside the base.

But evacuation and backup planning will need to be left to their discretion.

Soap carries a bird’s-eye map of the entire base, clearly marking the location of important facilities.

Together with the electronic satellite worn on their wrists, the three looked at the map and pondered for a while before recognizing their location.

Regarding evacuation, Da Sima tended to return where he was, and those who climbed up from the cliff descended from the cliff.

Eggplant hopes to fly a fighter, and this is an air base.

There were a lot of fighters parked on the runway that were not pulled into the hangar.

Maybe you can grab one by yourself and then run away.

But this idea was opposed by Sister A and Da Sima.

Although both of them thought so.

But the teammate came up with an idea, whether it was right or not, first deny it and then say, this is the old rule, the main thing is that the weather is too bad now, you can’t see it from two meters away, and the fighter takes off

The runway is so long, the devil knows if there will be a crash on the road.

“Then reserved, next.”

“Hmm……… How is a jeep? ”

“Look at this.”

Da Sima pointed to the map: “This is a garage, there should be snow buggies and the like.” ”

“One car is enough to run, and then… I look. ”

Da Sima squinted his eyes and searched around the map, and then suddenly blinked again [“Lie down in the groove! ”


“You two hab! Take the opposite! ”

“This side is fucking north! I said something was wrong for a long time. ”

“Up North Down South, I’m fucking! Regardless of left and right! ”

Hearing Da Sima scolding the street, Eggplant and Sister A suddenly turned red.

At the scene, there was a cheerful laughter, which caused Ye Yu, the captain of the war pig, to cover his face for a while.

“Oh, I really convinced you two old sixth, and I also have special operations, and I grabbed fighter jets, and the map was reversed!”

“Shame everyone thrown to grandma’s house to feed!”

Eggplant snatched the map with a tense face: “You shout a hammer, don’t you watch it for a long time, and you are still analyzing it blindly” “.”

The two grabbed the map, and Sister A rolled her eyes, and suddenly seemed to see something!

He shouted, “Don’t make noise! Let me see. ”

She took the map and threw it on the ground, her finger pulling a line on the map: “The contour line is not right, brothers.” ”

“Look here, there’s a slope here, obviously below the runway, right?”

“Look at this again, a large slope of more than 700 meters, and then this is a canyon of more than 30 meters.”

“And then?”

Da Sima didn’t understand.


Sister A said, “Haven’t you ever skied in the snow?” ”

“Such a long slope, accelerate down and then……… Trapeze? ”

“They should always have snowy buggies or something, and it’s always easier to grab that than a fighter.”

“Going down the slope, and then accelerating, such a long road, flying up and over a thirty-meter canyon should be fine, right?”

“Hiss……… That’s a solution. ”

Eggplant touched his chin and nodded: “I agree.” ”

“I still tend to grab fighter jets.”

Da Sima said.

“Hang up, try both methods, depending on the time.”

“Go, go get the module first, it’s really not urgent, let the overhead plane directly bomb his mother.”


Then, taking advantage of the cover of wind and snow, the three touched the vicinity of the ground support lounge on the outskirts of the base.

The lounge has two doors, both slightly sheltered, and two people inside lie on chairs and set up an electric stove to grill the fire.

Sister A stayed outside on guard, and Eggplant and Da Sima each occupied a door.

“Prepare…. Enter! ”

At this end, the eggplant gave an order, and Sister A pushed open the door and quickly dodged to the side to make room for the eggplant.

On the other end, Da Sima directly kicked the door and raised his gun to break in.

With a bang, the windswept gate slammed open.

The two enemies in the room were stunned, and they didn’t have time to react.

Da Sima took the lead in shooting, and at the same time the eggplant on the other side also flashed into the door, followed by two shots, and the two enemies fell to the ground.

“Clear, stuff the body under the shelf bed.”

Infiltrate the trouble of combat and trouble here.

Either avoid slipping away, or if you shoot, you have to hide the body.

Now they have all learned to behave, if they had put it in the past, they would have slipped away after the shooting.

At the same time, the B2 bomber, which has been circling overhead, is also providing communication jamming in real time.

Then, when the body was disposed of, Da Sima was about to go out, when his eyes sharpened and he found a form on the table.

Picking it up, Da Sima hissed and looked at the eggplant: “What time is it?” ”


Da Sima shook the form in his hand: “This is an empty schedule.” ”

“If they really commute to and from work at the time specified in this form.”

“It’s when the Air Force tower and the ground crew take over.”

“Maybe we can take advantage of their chaos and really grab a fighter?”

Hearing this, the eggplant was also happy, took the form and looked at it, and the two looked at the time.

Twenty minutes from now, it’s the end of work, maybe you can really take advantage of the mess?

“Reliable, timing!”

After setting a time, the two went out, met with Sister A, and the three continued to move forward.

At this time, the B2 above the head also gave information in time.

They had been listening in on enemy communications and had been able to intercept some intelligence.

“C3, this is Poseidon.”

“The weather department has given data that the wind and snow are about to weaken, and you need to sneak into the warehouse as soon as possible.”

“According to communications, the enemy has removed the ABS module from the debris of the satellite.”


Hearing B2’s urging, the three immediately quickened their pace.

In about five minutes, the three of them successfully sneaked into the base and went straight to the airport runway. From here to the due north is the hangar where the remains of the satellite are kept.

On the way, Da Sima got his wish and saw a fighter parked on the runway.

The model is not recognizable, it is the kind with two cockpits.

Seeing this, the sister A, who was originally not interested in the plan to grab the plane, was also interested, after all, this thing is too cool, the knife cuts the same angular body, and the wings are also mounted with rockets.

“Damn, it’s so handsome, I don’t care if I have to grab one.”

“You haven’t taken the second subject of your driver’s license test once, and you still want to drive a fighter?”

“It’s like you just passed the exam once.”

“Don’t argue!”

The three of them looked around the plane, all eager to jump into the cockpit to feel it.

“However, there are only two cockpits in this thing, so you can’t squeeze side by side.”

“Buy a hanging ticket, rock-paper-scissors, whoever loses will use a rope to lift him outside the cabin.”


To put it bluntly, the three of them still didn’t forget to get down to business.

Sister A took advantage of her sister’s advantage at this time, throwing a pair of coquettish eyes to try to sell cute to eggplant and Da Sima to grab the opportunity.

However, Sister A forgets that she is now playing the soap with a beard in her thirties.

All her cute expressions were projected into the eyes of others.

The two could only see that at this time, the powerful and reliable soap was pouting and pulling the ghost’s hand and dangling.

This is not only disgusting, it is simply disgusting!

At the scene, a group of spectators laughed at this scene, and booed.

Eggplant couldn’t stand it directly, turned his head and didn’t look at it, and flicked away Sister A’s hand: “Okay, I served you.” ”

“Fuck, a good soap, completely ruined by the impression you made in my heart like this!”

Sister A was also open-minded, and immediately withdrew her expression and faced the two of them squarely: “Then do you want to watch the soap jump pendulum?” ”

“Want to see soap shouting?”

“Do you want to hear soap call brother!”

Three consecutive kills, Da Sima and Eggplant were immediately defeated, they were not afraid of anything, they were not afraid of death.

But I’m only afraid that Sister A jumps the pendulum, not to mention the pendulum with a soapy face!!!

So, the two lowered their heads and covered their faces to hide, leaving the only chance to sister A, and they were responsible for going to the warehouse to get things.

The two fled like they fled, and only then did Sister A retract her face and think about how to climb up around the fighter…

Soon, outside the warehouse.

Eggplant and Da Sima stood at a window, wiping the white frost outside the glass and looking in.

The warehouse was spacious and a tattered wreck was lifted with a crane.

The ground was littered with tools, and only one person was crouching on the edge of the wreckage.

“I’ll solve this work, you go to the second floor to see if you find it.”

Eggplant put the rifle back on his waist and took out his pistol.

Da Sima nodded, and the two of them quietly entered the door one after another.

There was a cool air in the warehouse, and the corridor behind the eggplant poked his head out and glanced at it, gesturing to Da Sima to whisper to the second floor.

He himself took the pistol and walked behind the enemy who was working, and this dude was really serious, sitting on the ground with a motor to remove screws from the wreckage.

On the ground next to him, a large piece of meat and a bottle of wine were covered with clean plastic sheeting.

Watching him swirl into his mouth with a mouthful of meat and wine, the eggplant couldn’t even bear to kill him at that moment.

On the second floor, Da Sima quietly went upstairs, squatted on the ground and held a pistol, revealing one eye to look inside.

Here are just the two of them, also watching the electric heat and drinking in the roasting fire.

Far away, Da Sima even smelled a smell of wine.

On the table on the other side, there is exactly the identification module like that router.

At this time, just when Da Sima casually picked up a screw and was about to throw it out to attract attention.

On the other side of the warehouse door on the first floor, there was a sudden boom, and the whistling wind poured into the warehouse.

At the same time, the voice of the eggplant also came: “Fuck, I was found on the skewers!” ”

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