I Developed A Game And Was Reported by A Rich girl for A Shootout!

Chapter 309 The terrifying sentinel robot (please order!)\r

Now Bluestar's technology is basically no weaker than the X-Men world after Qin Chuan's technology in various game worlds.

Of course, here is only the X-Men, the world does not include the Marvel world.

The level of technology in the Marvel world, the current Blue Star is probably not comparable.

So now Blue Star should be enough to create Sentinels.

The basic reason why the Sentinel itself is so magical is that its material structure comes from a meteorite in outer space, at least in the X-Men world.

This means that the Sentinels in the X-Men world are actually limited in number.

Then change to the current Blue Star, although Qin Chuan has set the sentinel in the game world, its basis is still mechanical structure, not relying on meteorites.

But I don't know if it is because of the limitation of the system, even if there are "860" all the mechanical manufacturing technologies, as well as liquid metal or Edman alloy.

Even through the Dragon Fruit Nuwa, the Mystique's gene was found, but it was impossible to create a sentinel robot like the one in the movie.

Qin Chuan quickly determined what was going on.

Apparently because of the meteorite.

What the entire Sentinel's mechanical core lacks is probably that piece of meteorite.

That meteorite can automatically absorb the surrounding energy, and then generate supernatural energy.

In this way, it can be used as the core of the sentinel robot.

Qin Chuan had given the meteorite to Long Guo before.

However, because of his relationship with the Dragon Kingdom, he can naturally ask for it back at will.

Especially after this period of time, most of the soldiers in the army have awakened, and those who cannot awaken with supernatural abilities have little hope even if they have stones.

So the role of the stone is not as important as it started.

Coupled with the sentinel robot, Qin Chuan was originally intended to be provided to the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, the original power of the sentinel robot is still controlled by Nuwa.

Hearing Qin Chuan's letter, Long Guo transported the meteorite to the air fortress in the shortest time.

There is Nuwa's mechanical technology, plus the meteorite core that comes from this supernatural power.

Sentinel robots have finally been developed.

However, the sentinel robot developed by Nuwa is somewhat different from the sentinel robot in the X movie.

Because these robots use the liquid metal of the Terminator world and the original Edman alloy.

Therefore, even if they do not pass abilities, they themselves can change various shapes, even clones.

And it is different from the sentinel robot in the movie, because Qin Chuan has data of various abilities, and these data are recorded on the core chips of these robots. They do not need to use the genes of other ability users themselves. Ability to transform yourself.

It's just that they can't use some powerful skills because of their lack of energy.

At the same time, some spiritual powers cannot be used, such as the time power.

However, the stone in their bodies can automatically recover over time, and at the same time absorb more and more energy, which also means that these sentinel robots can grow.

The longer they survived, the more energy they had in their bodies, and the more powerful the abilities they used.

Although this kind of strengthening certainly cannot keep up with the speed of human beings getting stronger, it is better than nothing.

At least for now, if it was an ordinary planet like Blue Star before, a team of sentinel robots could easily wipe out all the creatures on the entire planet.

Just have enough time.

It's just that for the current Blue Star, these sentinel robots that have just been created are probably really difficult to destroy.

Although the sentinel robot's own abilities are strong, and even its physical fitness is strong enough, it is difficult to kill it if it is against a top martial artist.

Even after waiting for a while, the warriors really grow to the top, and these sentinel robots are probably not opponents.

That's the difference between humans and machines.

After all, machines are also provided by human technology. Unless human scientists can always provide the ability of sentinels, the power of sentinels will definitely not be comparable to that of humans.

All meteorites are made into sentinel droids.

Despite Nuwa's meticulous planning, due to the size of this meteorite, only 500 sentinel robots were finally built.

Among them, 400 sentinel robots were given to the Dragon Kingdom, and the remaining 100 Nuwa left them in the air fortress.

For now, these sentinel robots are still stronger than the escort team.

Longguo Academy of Sciences, all the high-level leaders of Longguo, experts and professors are all concentrated here.

In front of them, it was the four hundred sentinel robots.

These sentinel robots are similar in size to ordinary people, and their overall appearance is silver-gray.

At the same time, they can also transform according to the appearance and shape of anyone.

Even the Night Shadow Squad, which has been getting stronger all the time, is not the opponent of these sentinel robots.

Moreover, the sentinel robot is aimed at the ability user who is now emerging like bamboo shoots.

Although the vast majority of power users have normal psychology, there are still a small number of power users who have a bad mind.

Because of their abilities, it is quite difficult for these abilities even if the Night Shadow Squad is hunting them down.

But there is the existence of the sentinel fleet, so that these power criminals have nowhere to escape.

Sentinel robots can be said to be specially born for these supernatural criminals, at least Long Kingdom does not need to worry about this problem in a short time.

Of course, for the leaders of Longguo Academy of Sciences, the sentinel robot is definitely the pinnacle of Bluestar's machine technology. Although Nuwa has developed the sentinel robot, their goal is still the sentinel robot. This robot replicates again.

He never asked about the science and technology of Longguo and other Nuwas.

With all kinds of technology from the Terminator world, the mechanical legion of Nu 1.0 Wa began its second expansion.

Nuwa's mechanical army is basically hidden on planets outside the solar system.

With wormhole technology and even the cooperation of zombies and dimensional space, no matter how far the distance is, it is not a problem for Nuwa's mechanical army.

Here we will talk about the recent movements of the biochemical zombies.

After the biochemical zombies established a base in the universe, they took the base as their main destination and then developed outward.

Because of the rules of the universe, a large number of citizens of the universe are willing to join the ranks of biochemical zombies.

This also led to a crazy increase in the number of biochemical zombies for a period of time.

Although the strength of the zombies grows very slowly, after all, the characteristics of the zombies are here, and they still have a great advantage for ordinary citizens of the universe.

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