I Created the Myth of the Old Ruler

Six hundred and twenty. Awkward yet polite smile

Chapter 621 620. Awkward yet polite smile

Emma was completely confused when faced with Lu Kan's question.

Didn't you agree to investigate the pollution in father's villa?

Why are you asking about Gaode?

This Gao De has nothing to do with his father's inheritance. What did he do?

This detective is quite handsome, but he is not professional at all.

Looking at Lu Jian suspiciously, Ms. Emma had some doubts about Lu Jian.

On the side, Stone looked at Lu Tiao with a confused expression on his face.

"Ahem, he's just a little curious. We still want to ask about your relationship with your father first. Has he said anything or done anything that impressed you in the past few years?"

Stone asked, clearing his throat.

"My relationship with my father is not that good. He always follows the rules and has his own way of doing things, and he is never willing to deviate from his plan. He is like a precise wall clock, always clanking at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. , even though it made him a huge success in business, I would say my father was a really boring person."

Emma seemed to be opened up to chatterbox, and she said nonchalantly.

"So, if you ask me to say what profound things he has done, I really can't think of it for a while, because he is just that kind of person who has been doing it for ten years."

Having said this, Emma glanced at Lu Jian and felt inspired.

"That's not to say it's not impossible. It was very strange when he bought this villa. My father has never been interested in real estate. The house he lives in has been there for decades, and he only renovates it every once in a while. His material desires are not very high, and he only drinks and smokes a little. Since his mother died, he has not found another woman, well, at least not to my knowledge, so he bought this place, collected those terrible paintings, and also Having a lover makes me very confused.”

Emma still said naggingly.

"I don't know exactly how my father bought this place, but he quickly moved here from the old house he had lived in for decades, and began to collect some strange things, including novels about the ancient capital. , those paintings, some antiques and treasures, and even a lover, God, does he know how old he is?"

"What Miss Emma means is that Mr. Browning changed before he bought this mansion, so he bought it here, and after moving here, he made some behaviors that had not happened in the past?"

Stone asked while writing down something in a small notebook with a pen.

"Ah, yes, that's right. If you ask me, it may be all the fault of Gao De. He and my father have known each other for more than ten years. My father has changed a lot. By the way, this villa seems to be Gao De. Someone in Germany introduced me to sell it to my father."

Emma seemed to recall something and said again.

"He introduced it?"

Stone stopped writing and took a serious look at Emma.

"you sure?"

"Yes, that's it. I remembered that Gaode lost money in some speculative business, and then he found my father and introduced this property. He took a part of the commission from it. If it weren't for Gaode, my father would also Wouldn’t buy this place.”

Emma suddenly gritted her teeth. She made fists with both hands, and the veins on the back of her hands could be clearly seen.

"Maybe that woman was also introduced to my father by Gao De. How could he be like this? My father was so kind to him, but he actually wanted to murder our family property."

"Please calm down, Ms. Emma."

Stone gently held the other person's hand to calm her down. Emma glanced at Stone and showed an ambiguous smile.

"You are so kind, Mr. Stone. I have met many people, but none of them were a true gentleman like you."

She just gave Stone a room card and said, don't come to my room tonight to take you to experience the rich woman's sex.

Stone still maintained his kind smile and said immediately.

"Then let's talk about Mr. Gothe? What kind of person is he? How did he meet your father? Did he mention Master Byron?"

Lu Tiao glanced at Stone immediately.

This question is exactly the same as the one he asked at the beginning.

However, this time Emma was not confused. Instead, she thought for a moment and answered.

"Gaode, how should I put it, I don't like him very much. He was born in a gang, but the turmoil back then caused the big gangs to scatter. He started his business by relying on some gray means. When I met my father, he already had a lot of experience. Few assets.”

"The turmoil back then?"

Lu Tan interrupted Emma out of curiosity.

"Don't you know, it was the Catania family. They expanded extremely and defeated several big gangster families at the time. However, they eventually fell apart due to internal strife within the family. The godfather also died. At that time, the Catania family was almost unified. Including all the underground gangs, but because of that internal strife, those gangs who had originally surrendered rebelled, and the Catania family disappeared from the world of gangs, while most of the others were useless. Gothe was the one who was at that time A gang member who was recruited by the Catania family and later broke away.”

Emma said matter-of-factly.

"I see."

Lu Tran glanced at Stone. Although the detective's expression did not change, the hand holding the pen shrank slightly, and it could be seen that he was a little embarrassed.

After all, what Emma was talking about was something Stone had done in the past. This situation of telling history in front of the client was somewhat like a public execution.

"They say they are gangsters, but they are actually street gangsters. He knows a lot of not-so-serious people. It is said that even after he started business, he often did some work of coercion and inducement. I don't like this person very much, but my father sometimes I really can't understand how someone like my father, who is as accurate as a pocket watch, can cooperate with Gothe."

Emma complained, it seems that she likes clean and sunny young men like Stone or Lu Jian or mature men with gentlemanly demeanor, and is not interested in strong men like Gothe who have well-developed limbs at first sight.

"This is normal. Maybe your father needs someone like Gothe to help him do some dirty things so as not to dirty his hands."

Lu Tan was blunt.

It's hard for Emma to fix it.

Although she is not interested in her father's business, she still has a basic understanding. Of course she knows why her father would deal with people like Gao De: doing normal business by herself and entrusting some dirty work to trusted people, so that she can clean it up at any time. Whiten yourself without any stains. In the era when gangs were prevalent, businessmen were almost coerced by gangs to do this. But after the gangs declined, under the leadership of businessmen, these former gangs became their private The thugs continue their original work.

But there is no need to say it.

What happened to this person?

Although he is handsome, he keeps talking like this. Even if he is a face control person, he can't bear it. If he endures it again, if this man is rude again, then he will leave directly!

Faced with Lu Kan's question, Emma showed an awkward yet polite smile and replied.


"What do you think about Ms. Lily? Although she is not married to your father, from a factual point of view, she is also your stepmother. If she becomes pregnant, the child she gives birth to will theoretically have the right to inherit."

Lu Tan asked again.


Emma squeezed her fan tightly.

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