I Created the Myth of the Old Ruler

Three hundred and forty-seven. Wanted order

After hearing the hostess's words, Lu Tiao quickly thought of the bandaged man.

Those dressed so strangely must be those invaders from foreign lands.

"Are both of them bandage people..."

Lu Tiao thought to himself.

"What's the matter, you want to see the big shot too?"

The hostess joked when she saw Amber suddenly standing still.

"Yes, what time is it in the afternoon? She and I were just planning to go out for a walk."

Lu Tan asked Amber to take two steps back and took the bamboo basket himself.

After the hostess left with the little girl, he and Amber returned to the room.

"It does look like he's here to kill you."

Lu Jian checked the freshness of the fish. This kind of live fish that had just been caught had no fishy smell and was most suitable for boiling or steaming.

"what should we do?"

Amber held the corner of her clothes anxiously.

The life on the island made her feel that she could stay away from that kind of life, but the reality kept reminding her that she was the candidate to preside over the priestess, and she was the focus of everyone's attention and expectation.

But Amber just wants to live a peaceful life now.

"Check the situation first, and kill the other party if necessary."

Lu Tan felt that when he said this, he was like a professional killer who washes his hands in a golden basin.

Should he hold a potted plant and say a few words to it?

Oh, I'm just a potted plant, so that's okay.


Amber nodded.

No matter how naive she is, she knows that these killers are coming for her. If she is not cruel, she will be the one who dies. But Amber, who now has a happy life, wants to live.

"I'll dress you up so that it's not easy for the other party to recognize you. I can assassinate him directly on the spot in the afternoon."

Lu Tran said, and then changed Amber's hairstyle.

"Why is this hair style, do you have any explanation?"

Amber looked at her twin tails with some confusion.

"Isn't this great?"

Lu Tan asked Amber to put on plain clothes and cover her face a little, so that at least it couldn't be seen at a glance. The two cooked fish for lunch. In the afternoon, they walked towards the Yamen of Dao Zongzong. Just in case, Lu Tan Kizuna also brought a crowbar with him.

There are only more than a thousand residents on the island in total. Most of the men are still fishing at sea. Only women, the elderly, children, and some young men engaged in business come to join in the fun.

Lu Tian and Amber were walking in the crowd. Among a group of women and children, Lu Tian, ​​a tall man, stood out a bit.

He thought for a while, stood under the tree, and listened from a distance, letting Amber hide behind the tree. As for Laika, he was circling nearby, and he didn't know that he found the same dog there playing in the mud.

Seeing the people from Dao Zongzong walking out of the office, Lu Tian quickly saw the visiting "big shot".

Bandage Man indeed.

The whole body was wrapped in bandages, and the body was made of gray mist, with only one eye as red as blood.

In the eyes of the people on Hedao, he was just a man covered in scars and bandaged. Only the Chosen One from a foreign land like Lu Jian could clearly see his true face.

"Everyone, I am a special envoy from Wajima Taisha Shrine. I am here for only one reason, and that is to capture fugitives."

He spoke, his voice low and hoarse, like that of an experienced wild wolf.

"There is a miko who was corrupted by filth and became a misfortune witch. She escaped from the island with a man and wandered around here. They will attract attacks from filth. If anyone sees these two people, please contact us. Contact us immediately, the shrine will reward you greatly.”

He posted two reward posters.

Lu Tan took a look, what a good guy.

The level of these two portraits is very high. Compared with the artistic abstract paintings where you can't recognize the person at all, these portraits are like photos. It's hard to imagine that they were drawn with a pen.

"Maybe it's also some kind of extraordinary prop."

Lu Tian thought that he saw the hostess who had brought fish to him in the morning. She must have recognized Hu Hua and Lu Tian. She looked around and pulled up her daughter.

"It seems that their method is to make you a witch of trouble and mobilize ordinary people to arrest you."

Lu Tan said to Amber who was hiding behind the tree.

Amber bit her lower lip lightly. She didn't expect that the other party would use this method.

If he doesn't kill him, he will be wanted wherever he goes.

Only by going to Wajima Taisha Shrine and clarifying his identity can all this be ended.

"Luckily, Changfeng Island is the first island here. If he can be dealt with in time, at least no one on the other side of the sea will know about these things."

Lu Tran thought for a while, in this Hedao where transportation and communication are blocked, as long as the source of such rumors can be suppressed here, Kohaku can still get the life she wants.

"So, Miss Miko, do you need me to kill him for you?"

Lu Tan had a sudden idea and said a line from the movie.

"Please kill him for me."

Amber finally didn't hesitate any longer.


Lu Tan looked at the bandaged man who had returned to the office. He thought for a while and asked Amber to go to the location where they landed. The small boat was hidden in the woods. After watching the witch lady leave, he picked up a bamboo hat and put it on. If a sword is added to the head, it will look like a wandering ronin.

It's a pity that Lu Tiao had a crowbar on his waist.

The crowd dispersed one after another, but Lu Tiao walked towards the government office.

As he went upstream, he attracted some attention, but most people did not connect Lu Tiao with the previous wanted order.

Only the hostess shivered when she saw Lu Tan's appearance and hugged her daughter tightly.

"Flower, flower."

The little girl didn't understand anything yet, but when she saw Lu Jian, she smiled.

"Thank you very much for not reporting us directly just now. Please believe that we are not bad people."

Lu Tan said something to the hostess.

If she had just reported it directly in front of the bandaged man, the entire island would have been mobilized immediately, but she didn't. Lu Tiao didn't know whether it was because she was afraid of her own revenge or because she was willing to believe him and Amber, but it didn't matter, it was the same.

The hostess's lips were bruised and her legs were shaking, making it difficult to stand.

Lu Tan didn't talk to her anymore, but came to the door of the government office.

There were two people from the island standing there. They were a little confused at first, but soon they connected Lu Jian with the picture on the wanted poster.

"It's you!!!"

The two shouted while holding the sticks in their hands, trying to stop Lu Tiao.

"It has nothing to do with you. If you don't want to die, you'd better get out of the way."

Lu Tan raised the crowbar in his hand.

The two Dao Fengxing glanced at each other and took two steps back.

But other people from behind rushed out. These islands looked at each other in pairs and rushed towards Lu Tiao.


Lu Tiao tossed the bamboo hat, then picked up the crowbar in one hand, and manifested the [Last Words] in the other hand, rushing towards the followers of these islands.

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