I Create an Angel Civilization in Marvel

Chapter 291 : Iron Man is distraught, Luo Hua restarts to save mankind

After speaking, the figure of J.A.R.V.I.S disappeared into Iron Man's system!

"Did something really happen? Where did you go? J.A.R.V.I.S. Why didn't you answer my words? What are you going to do, what exactly is going on..."

Iron Man shouted hoarsely, but there was no response!

This is the first time that Iron Man has not received a response from him since he owns JARVIS, and this situation has made Iron Man more and more aware that the situation seems to be really wrong, and Iron Man gradually has a very bad feeling in his heart. Premonition!

"Luo Hua, is there any way for you to enter the Internet to see what J.A.R.V.I.S did? He disappeared suddenly, and I am worried about what accidents he might have!"

Iron Man shouted to Luo Hua hoarsely.

"J.A.R.V.I.S... he may also be like you. He can fight for the earth, 807 even sacrifice himself!"

Although everyone doesn't know what happened, only Luo Hua understands that J.A.R.V.I.S is now going to abandon himself to complete this world!

"In the end what happened?"

Iron Man is hoarse!

"Ultron's strength on the Internet has become stronger and stronger, and its source code is unchangeable, so if you want to destroy him, you may integrate a program with another source code file with him!"

"But the disadvantage of this is that all the data stored in these two programs may disappear, that is to say, J.A.R.V.I.S may be forever..."

"Do not!!!"

Iron Man never thought that J.A.R.V.I.S would leave him in such a way, just as Iron Man never thought that the program that accompanies him all the time was actually made by his father!

For a long time, the resentment and even blame for my father, at this moment, suddenly melted away like the ice of winter meets the warm wind of spring!

Iron Man recalled that J.A.R.V.I.S had been escorting himself on his growth path, constantly solving many problems for himself. Even when she was in love for the first time and was hurt by the girl she regarded as the love of her life, it was Fake Lace who had been silently helping Iron Man to heal her wounds, and she had been persuading her with all her heart.

Although J.A.R.V.I.S has always been an assistant, and even a housekeeper in Iron Man's life, in Iron Man's subconsciousness, J.A.R.V.I.S has already become his father.

Yes, J.A.R.V.I.S, in order to completely eradicate Ultron, to prevent this monster from harming Iron Man again, and even to prevent this monster from harming the entire earth again, finally made the decision to integrate itself with Ultron.

For artificial intelligence, the disappearance of stored information means their death. J.A.R.V.I.S finally used his own life to protect the entire earth!

"They have successfully integrated, and I have put the new program in your hands. What you want to do with it is up to your own arrangements, but now we have more important things to do!"

Luo Hua introduced the program that was just integrated to Iron Man.

"We have to find a way to land this floating city on the ground safely. Otherwise, not only in this city, but all the creatures that I have just regained will die out, and even the sudden landing of such a large piece of land will cause it. The earthquake caused huge amounts of tens of millions of people to die!"

After all, Luo Hua is more rational than everyone else!

At this time, the Avengers woke up and found that the ground was constantly falling, and the speed was very fast. If you don't rush to stop it, the consequences are really disastrous!

"Now, you need to remove all the creatures in New York City, whether they are people or other small animals, and put them on the ground securely. Life is the most important thing. We must keep the safety of life still present!"

"It doesn't matter what method you use to do it, and I will be responsible for the landing of this land. Now there is no time to think about it. Let's carry out the task, Avengers!"

With an order, Luo Hua took the lead to fly into the air, waved his arms, summoned his Angel's power, and began to wrap around the land of the entire city.

In fact, the current physical strength of the scan has been restored by 70%, so he actually has the Ability to land on the land safely, and will not harm the lives of all creatures on the land. But after all, these avengers shoulder the responsibility of protecting the earth, no matter what matters to protect the earth, they must be put into effect.

Everyone has something to do, so that the heroes are not lonely, so that they will have a more sense of accomplishment, so that the whole earth will have a more sense of worship for the Avengers, and most importantly, it can also increase the confidence of the Avengers. After all, these few battles have dealt too much blow to their confidence!

As for Scarlet Witch, Luo Hua felt that it would take longer to heal her wounds. .

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