Chen Yanxuan followed the army into the examination room, followed the instructions of the invigilator, and took out his ID card and face recognition.

Then I sat in the exam room, waiting for the exam, and in the process of waiting for the exam.

Chen Yanxuan saw his freshman classmate Zhang Kai, and saw that Zhang Kai also recognized him, and the two sat together and chatted about things during this time.

After a while, Zhang Kai was called to take the exam, Chen Yanxuan patted him on the shoulder and whispered a word of cheer.

He continued to wait.

After waiting for an hour, finally, the machine on the big screen showed

"Chen Yanxuan, car No. 4."

Hearing this, Chen Yanxuan immediately got up, then swiped his ID card and walked to the examination room.

Sitting in the shed of the examination room, waiting for the arrival of car number four.

After a while, I saw the No. 4 car driving towards the starting point, and the students sitting inside looked excited.

The invigilator instructed him to stop the car and then told him to go to the signing office to sign. Immediately afterwards, Chen Yanxuan got into the car.

It may be that the person in front of him was more nervous, the first opportunity during the exam, the seat belt was not fastened, which led to direct seizure, and the second time he staggered and started the car, followed by Chen Yanxuan.

The two entered different passages, and Chen Yanxuan skillfully completed the examination items such as reversing into the garage, side parking, S curve, right-angle curve, and half-slope start.

Following the invigilator's instructions, Chen Yanxuan stopped the car, and the on-board system did not sound a sound halfway. It marks Chen Yanxuan's full score.

When he arrived at the signing room, Chen Yanxuan signed his name on it, marking the official completion of subject 2.

After going out of the examination room, Chen Yanxuan asked Zhang Kai on Feixun how he did in the exam. As a result, when he heard the news that had not passed, Chen Yanxuan comforted: "There are many people who have not passed, and they will definitely pass next time."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yanxuan shared the news of his perfect score in subject 2 with Chen Shizhu and Zhao Feng, and after hearing the news, the two also praised Chen Yanxuan on Feixun.

Chen Yanxuan also informed the coach of the news of the passage of the second subject, and then Coach Wang replied in seconds: "Yan Xuan, you immediately make an appointment for subject three in ten days, I will call Coach Sun during this time, and practice the third subject with you, and I will push his flying news to you later."

After a while, Coach Wang sent a business card to Chen Yaxuan, which said Coach Sun of XX Driving School 18XXXXXXX, and Chen Yanxuan immediately passed the business card and added Coach Sun.

After adding, Coach Sun said: "Yan Xuan, you come to the office at six o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, and then I will take you three subjects to the venue together."

Seeing this, Chen Yanxuan replied: "Okay, coach."

That night, Zhao Feng made a table of delicacies to celebrate Chen Yanxuan's successful passage of the second subject.

Chen Yanxuan also shared the news with Su Qinhong, and after Su Qinhong heard it, she kept praising Chen Yanxuan for being amazing. After checking Su Qinhong's learning status during this time.

Chen Yanxuan went to bed early, stayed at home the next day, watched TV series and variety shows for a while, and the day passed.

On the morning of the third day, Chen Yanxuan got up at five o'clock, and after breakfast, he rode a shared tram to the driving school, walked into the office, and saw that the students were almost there.

After a while, Coach Sun also came to the driving school and said to them: "Get in

the car!" After the students got into the car, he drove the accelerator to the practice site, which is composed of four or five intersections, and there are other vehicles on the road.

After Coach Sun parked the car at the starting point, he first asked an old student to give a demonstration to everyone, guiding the students where to brake, where to accelerate, and where to look left and right.

In a short time, the student had already completed two laps of practice, and then, Coach Sun asked Chen Yanxuan, who had just arrived, to recognize the road again.

As soon as Chen Yanxuan got in the car, his movements were not bad at all, Coach Sun said: "Have you practiced, are you so familiar with driving?"

Chen Yanxuan had to come up with the reason for prevaricating Coach Wang to explain, Coach Sun sighed: "A student is a scholar, and you can learn everything quickly."

After Chen Yanxuan got out of the car, he changed to the next student, and when he saw the student's face, the coach said helplessly: "Wenzhi, you give me a long face, I have taken the test twice, and this time it should be passed." "

When he got him in the driver's seat and started to light, the car shook violently, and suddenly there was a popping sound, and then the car stopped. Seeing that this student was not angry, Coach Sun also said to him, and then asked him to open again.

This time, although I stumbled on the road, I finally finished the journey.


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