Lin Tian's nerves tightened instantly when he heard the name.

It's no wonder that I have been back for so long and I always feel that I have forgotten something. That is my mentor, Han Shuangyue who is good to me doesn't know where he went?

How could Lin Tian forget that beautiful teacher? It was just a coma during the year that made him treat too many people, sometimes even blurred.

"What did you just say? Say it again, what happened to Han Shuangyue? Make it clear!"

Lin Tian roared, all the students around had heard it. At this time, they rushed over to see this scene.

"It's Zhang Yuxuan!"

"He even dared to offend Lin Tian. His father was killed by Lin Tian. This guy is really stubborn."

"Hey, he is also miserable enough. He offended Lin Tian and ended up in this way."

"It's not that he took the blame. He chased Lin Tian for so long, and finally was killed by Lin Tian. Now his teacher and people related to him have left him."

People around were talking about it.

However, Lin Tian was not in the mood to listen to them.

What he cares about is what happened to Han Shuangyue?

"You want to know, then I will end my life happily, and I will tell you."

Zhang Yuxuan looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes full of despair, despair of yearning for death.

For Zhang Yuxuan, he is now a useless person, so his survival in this world is of little significance.

The only idea is to leave this world quickly.

A cultivator without a cultivation base is simply miserable to survive, and it is a decent way for him to solve it by Lin Tian.

Looking at Zhang Yuxuan, Lin Tian's eyes were full of anger.

"Okay, I promise you."

Although he really doesn’t want to dirty his hands, this guy, if he doesn’t agree, he wouldn’t say.

"He was deceived by me into the Nine Nether Lands, saying that you fell into it. He was just playing around with her. Who asked her to say good things for you, I didn't expect that she really believed it and went straight in."

"Nine Nether Land!"

"Teacher Han actually went to that place. Isn't it a forbidden place? The rumors seem to have ghosts and gods wandering in it, full of weird and gloomy. No wonder Teacher Han has disappeared for so long and has not returned."

"It turns out that this guy made up Teacher Han when he went out to relax."

The people around had good feelings towards Han Shuangyue. Hearing these words at the moment, there was a burst of anger.

For this, Zhang Yuxuan on the ground just smiled faintly.

For him, there is no love.

"Die to me!"

In an instant, Lin Tian shot and punched Zhang Yuxuan's life directly.

Han Shuangyue had disappeared because of him, which was the most intolerable for Lin Tian.

It seems that during the period when I disappeared, there was too much seriousness without me, and accidents occurred.

"Han Shuangyue, why are you so stupid, Jiuyou Land."

Lin Tian left here to himself, and Zhang Yuxuan's body will be dealt with by the college.

Today's Zhang Yuxuan can be said to be a mouse crossing the street. Everyone shouted and beat him, so no one would feel pitiful for his death, not to mention that he had offended Lin Tian and died, and no one would want to provoke Lin Tian.

After returning, Lin Tian asked Xiaodu to investigate the information on Jiuyou Land.

"Master, the land of the Nine Nethers is very mysterious, similar to those forbidden areas. There are laws of heaven and earth. Anyway, if you want to go in, you must think clearly."

A small voice came.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Think clearly? In fact, he couldn't think clearly. If he didn't go, he would feel guilty for a lifetime.

It's like knowing the knot, you must open it.

No matter what the ending is, you must see it yourself.

"Qingyue, come out, I have something to discuss with you."

Lin Tian's voice resounded loudly in the courtyard.

"Well, tell me."

In an instant, Venerable Qingyue appeared in the yard. She seemed to be prepared for Lin Tian's question.

"What I will tell you next is that you have the right to choose and you can reject me."

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue, and to be honest, at first he thought about kidnapping Venerable Qingyue, but later, after understanding some of the qualities of Venerable Qingyue, he naturally didn't have this idea.

"Well, you say, I'm listening."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian quietly, without any emotion, because when Lin Tian faced such a situation for so long, there was usually something big.

"I'm going to the Jiuyou Land to find someone. If you think it's too risky and dangerous, you can refuse."

Lin Tian stared into the eyes of Venerable Qingyue before him. This was the truth.

And Venerable Qingyue was surprised at this.

"Nine Nether Land, that ghost place, who are you going to find?"

Obviously, Venerable Qingyue still seems to have some understanding of this place.

"My mentor, because I disappeared in it, I must go."

Lin Tian said it frankly, there seemed to be nothing to hide.


Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, and she found that Lin Tian was really a person who had nothing to look for for a day.

Others want to practice quietly, but he is good, and there are quite a few things every day.

Regarding this situation, Venerable Qingyue didn't know what to say about Lin Tian in front of him.

"I believe you must be very persistent in this matter. I want to tell you that the house is extremely dangerous in the Nine Nether Lands. If you want to save people in it, maybe what you rescued is just a corpse, even if you go in. It may not be able to retreat completely."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​his expression full of seriousness.

"Well, even so, I have to go. This is my decision. Think about it. I will leave tomorrow."

At this moment, Lin Tian didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

What he is thinking is to do what he can to do as much as possible, at least to protect the people around him, otherwise in his concept, it will be futile to possess no matter how strong it is.

"All right, since you have decided, I have no opinion."


With that said, Lin Tian started to write letters.

Since he wants to leave, he naturally has to leave a letter to explain clearly, lest everyone think that he has disappeared unclearly.

Lin Tian is not the kind of person who plays missing people at will.

Venerable Qingyue on the side didn't say anything? Because she understood very well that once Lin Tian decided something, it would be difficult to change it.

The next day, before dawn, two figures disappeared into a path in the college.

In Lin Tian's yard, there were just a few letters left, indicating who they were addressed to.

After a while, the two of them disappeared completely from the academy.

"Did you often sneak out of the college before?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​and seemed to be familiar with the path. The door didn't go, and there was no one to take the path.

"No, this is what my mentor taught me. It's safer here."

As Lin Tian said, he thought of Han Shuangyue, a hot mentor, full of due diligence.

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