To be honest, Lin Tian is still a little moved in his heart.

Not many people have moved him in this world.

The first one is Meng Yanran, that woman, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to get here.

After all, she gave herself a token.

After that, I met a bunch of people.

The two people in front of me can be regarded as my two friends in this world.

"Haha, remember not to wait for me next time. I will come back to find you. You two are not very far from me, right." Lin Tian looked at them.

Qiao Lang immediately said: "Boss, neither of us is as good as you. We are all assigned to bad shifts and live far away."

With that said, Qiao Lang was still a bit wronged.

Lin Tian just smiled at this.

"It's okay, wait a few days for me, I will form a class so that you two don't have to be in the wrong class."

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan were taken aback, forming a class?

Is Lin Tian joking? How long did he come to the college?

"Boss, are you sure? We set up a class, I'm afraid there are only a few of us."

Mou Yan looked at Lin Tian dubiously.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said, "It's okay, isn't Old Fengxue alone?"

Hearing what Lin Tian meant, I just wanted to establish a class.

Qiao Lang was excited for a while, they were about to have their own class.

This situation is really good.

"Boss, we are waiting for you to build, come on!" Mou Yan looked at Lin Tian with a burst of excitement.

From now on, they followed Lin Tian again, and they were happy.

Thinking of being able to set up a class in this Northern Bing Lingzhou, Ji Ling Academy, it is also a well-known reputation to go out, and the two felt cool after thinking about it.

"Boss, how are you training these two days? Both of us made up our minds to accompany you in training, but you didn't know where to go?"

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang looked a pity, they almost didn't cry bitterly to accompany Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled faintly at this.

These two people, he still doesn't know their little nine.

"Really? It's actually not too late. Let's continue training."

With that said, Lin Tian smiled and looked at the two of them for a while.

Mou Yan's expressions changed. What do they say about this situation?

For a moment, the two of them hated that they were so mean just now, and they said something that they missed, and the retribution came.

"Haha, boss, have you eaten now? How about we eat and then train."

"It's okay, I ate."

A few minutes later, there was a burst of pain in Lin Tian's yard.

"Boss, why are you so cruel?" Qiao Lang screamed.

"Hey, you have to do it quickly, otherwise I will be disabled by me and I won't care about you."

Mou Yan and Qiao Lang suffered a while, and they hadn't seen each other for two days, and Lin Tian's strength strengthened.


The two figures were instantly shocked by Lin Tian's body.

"Boss! What kind of body are you? It's terrifying, like an attack."

Both Mou Yan were shocked, Lin Tian in front of them was like a wild beast.

"Haha, you two are still too weak. I have decided to give you two good training."

Lin Tian looked at the two with sharp eyes.

Inexplicably, Qiao Lang and Mou Yan were both taken aback. Did they train? It seems that Lin Tian has always trained them.

"Hey, this training, we are not simply training, today we will go to the training tower."

Hearing this, Qiao Lang and Mou Yan were taken aback.

The training tower, the two seem to have not been there yet.

"Boss, where is the training tower?" Qiao Lang said with a dazed expression.

"This is where the training academy is. It's still early, let's go."

With that, the three set off.

Lin Tian also wants to go to the training tower to train, and the two currently seem to be unable to satisfy him.

At the very least, Lin Tian needs a Yuanzun realm's beating, or a group fight.

Obviously, the power points added by the two men are plummeting.

"Xiaodu, what's the matter? When they hit me, how come they only have a few thousand points."

Lin Tian asked Xiaodu suspiciously, it seemed that this would not happen before.

Xiaodu's plausible answer sounded, "Master, because the system prevents you from cheating to earn gong points, so you have to earn high gong points. You can only earn gong points if your cultivation base is higher or equal. The law point is higher."

I go!

Lin Tian's face was really black. No wonder when he came to the arena, the increase was not so obvious.

"All right, I have time to challenge those saint children and saints." Lin Tian thought to himself.

If Qiao Lang next to him knew Lin Tian's thoughts, he would be shocked.

Challenge the saint son and saint woman, this is also ill-conceived by Lin Tian.

"Master, I have to remind you that you don't offend too many people too much, because you need time to grow up."

Xiaodu's voice came, and it was a little serious.

Lin Tian could feel Xiaodu's emotions, and he responded, "Well, I will pay attention."

People don't provoke me, I don't provoke people, this is Lin Tian.

But sometimes, he is really uncomfortable, he still has to make a move.

A few minutes later, the three came to the training tower.

The night is approaching, and now there are few people.

"Hey, why does that person look so familiar?"

Someone looked at Lin Tian in a daze, and seemed to recognize it.

A man in grey clothes next to Lin Tian looked at Lin Tian and immediately said, "It is Lin Tian, ​​he is here again, this pervert!"

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan froze for a moment, abnormal?

What did Lin Tian do to here? Why do people here call him that?

"Boss, you won't be hitting people here again, are you?" Qiao Lang looked at Lin Tian, ​​some sneaky looking around.

Lin Tian looked innocent and said, "No! Your boss, I look so innocent, why do you beat people at every turn?"

Listening to these words, Qiao Lang was speechless for a while.

Pure, almost wherever Lin Tian goes, disaster will happen.

"Okay, boss, let's go in quickly, I feel that these people look at you a little strange."

With that, the three of them walked directly in.

The two of Mou Yan were actually afraid of being remembered. Next time they came, just like Rong Shan, they would hit them directly.

Although they could only save face, they still made them afraid of being beaten.

"We go directly to the third floor, where should be your limit." Lin Tian said as he looked at the two.

The two were taken aback for a moment, wondering what it meant?

But still followed Lin Tian to the third level. For the two of them, Lin Tianshun went there to practice, and they had no opinion.

Immediately, the three entered the training tower.

"This is the place where you practice. Inside is the gravity field. Don't use your power when you enter, just use your physical body to counteract it..."

Lin Tian roughly popularized the two of them, but in fact, he didn't really understand this.

However, it is enough to teach two people.

In the end, the two of them were stunned, but they almost understood a lot, not the previous ignorance.

Like I can pick up a million exercises, please collect it: ( I can pick up a million exercises. The literature is updated the fastest.

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