After signing the contract, it was almost noon when visiting the Meihui Pharmaceutical Company. Tang Xiaochuan said to Guan Jingwen, "Let's go, I'll take you to the staff canteen of our Meihui Pharmaceutical Company!"

"Okay!" Guan Jingwen was not picky, and agreed happily, and asked as he walked, "How much stock do you own in Meihui Pharmaceutical?"

"Eighty-six percent, and the other 14 percent are held by Bai Shiju, the vice chairman and executive president. He manages the specific affairs of the company, gets the salary, and gets the year-end bonus. I control the general direction of the company's development and take charge of scientific research Technical Adviser!"

Guan Jingwen looked disgusted: "You are not a medical student, but also serve as a scientific research technology consultant? Do you understand?"

"If you don't understand, you can learn. I'm just a name now. The specific scientific research guidance is still in the charge of Director Qi of the R\u0026D Center!"

Guan Jingwen remembered something, "You just said that Daisy's monthly net profit is 18 billion US dollars? How can it be so much? Daisy's development is too fast, right?"

Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "I have to say that Daisiya's rapid development is not only due to the quality of the product itself and the amazing effect, but also thanks to a strong sales team. Now our cosmetics from Daisiya have sold In every corner of the world, even the poorest cities in Africa have our customers!"

"In that case, the monthly sales may not be more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. Excluding import and export taxes, raw materials, labor and miscellaneous expenses, otherwise it is impossible to have a net profit of 18 billion dollars!"

Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help but look at Guan Jingwen with admiration, "Hey, you know a lot, it is true that the import and export tariffs are very high, especially for luxury goods such as high-end cosmetics, the import tariffs are frighteningly high! Don't tell me these statistics Go out, Daisiya is not a listed company, and it doesn't need to announce its operating conditions and financial statements to shareholders and shareholders, if these data are released, it will probably cause the outside world to fry!"

Guan Jingwen nodded: "I know! A few days ago, I read an international news saying that the fruit company with the highest annual net profit of global enterprises is only less than 50 billion US dollars. If you do this calculation, the annual net profit of Desia Company Don't you have more than 200 billion US dollars? Are you the richest man in the world?"

Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "You can say that I am the richest man in the world, because all my money is bank deposits in my hands. As for the list of the world's richest people, most of their wealth is market value shares, which have not been realized. of!"

"Then our family has so many bank deposits, if someone checks it, they will definitely find it out?" Guan Jingwen was worried again, after all, too much money doesn't seem to be a good thing.

Tang Xiaochuan comforted: "You think I'm so stupid. I put all my money in one bank. Isn't that courting death? Now banks in various countries basically have my deposits, and there are many stock options, gold and so on. I will hand over these securities to you for safekeeping some other day!"

Guan Jingwen hurriedly said: "I don't want to keep them. I don't know anything about these stock options. I don't know how to manage them. If I lose money, won't I be able to cry?"

"You really don't want to be a housekeeper?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"No no!"

"Well then, you can buy whatever you want in the future, don't be afraid to spend money!"

Guan Jingwen shook his head: "If you have money, you can't spend it recklessly. If you don't control it, even a country that is invincibly rich will lose everything! I think we should spend some money to do some good things, such as building a road for some mountainous areas to go out of the mountains; Subsidize students from poor families to go to school; subsidize poor families of the disabled; build schools for some poor villages, etc.!"

Tang Xiaochuan agreed: "Okay, you are a celebrity and you have a lot of fans, it's best for you to do this!"

Guan Jingwen thought for a while, and said to Tang Xiaochuan: "Then I have to set up a charity organization. I don't accept donations from other people, and I only use the money I earn to maintain the operation of this charity organization. Go fund someone else!"

Tang Xiaochuan said: "Don't you want a cent for yourself?"

"Me? I have you to support me soon? Don't you want to support me?"


"No, no, I have to leave some money for my mother's retirement, and use all the rest to do good deeds!"

Tang Xiaochuan reminded: "Wenwen, I have no objection to doing good deeds, and I still support them, but I want to remind you that you can't do good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds, and you can't do good deeds for the sake of improving your reputation. Think about it yourself, you are doing these for Is it to gain fame? Or is it just to follow the trend because of the money, or to get the joy of helping others?"

"I think the purpose of doing good deeds is not for these, but that you have kind thoughts in your heart, but that you have the ability and want to help those in need, not to gain their gratitude. It is not difficult to do one or two good deeds , the difficult thing is to do good deeds for a lifetime, you must persevere in doing it, no matter how the outside world criticizes, you don’t care about other people’s gossip, you just do your thing silently!"

Guan Jingwen fell into deep thought, she considered Tang Xiaochuan's words for a long time.

Two days later in the evening, she found Tang Xiaochuan who had just returned, "I figured it out, you are right, I decided to set up my own charity organization, stick to it, and not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles!"

Tang Xiaochuan took the briefcase from assistant Zou Dinghui, "Brother Wrinkle, wait a moment!"

"Okay, boss!"

Tang Xiaochuan turned to Guan Jingwen: "Have you thought about it?"

"Well, think it over!"

Tang Xiaochuan said to Zou Dinghui: "Brother Zou, you have been in the government. Jingwen wants to set up a charity organization and use the money she earns to maintain the operation of this charity organization to help some people who help. It does not accept donations from others. , if you need to apply to the relevant department for this matter, will it be difficult to get it approved?"

Zou Dinghui said: "If you don't accept donations and only use your own money to maintain the operation of the charitable organization and help those in need, I think it should not be difficult to get approval. If Miss Guan needs it, I will return it to the government. I have some old knowledge, and I can handle the relevant procedures on my behalf!"

Guan Jingwen quickly said: "That would be great, this matter will trouble Brother Zou!"

"No trouble, it's just a matter of raising your hands!"

After Zou Dinghui left, Tang Xiaochuan said: "My wife, when this charity organization is established, you may spend even less time with me!"

Guan Jingwen came over and gave him a big reward, "Don't worry, I will balance work and life!"

After dinner, Guan Jingwen watched the news while exercising in the kung fu room. A piece of news related to Meihui Pharmaceutical Company was suddenly broadcast in the news.

"Husband, husband, come on, come on!"

Tang Xiaochuan was watching the video to digest his food. When he heard the shout, he thought that something happened to Guan Jingwen, so he ran to the practice room immediately.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Look, the news about the launch of Meihui Pharmaceutical Company's new drug is broadcast on the news!"

Tang Xiaochuan saw that there was a news about Meihui Pharmaceutical's new drug Neil Huagu on the news of the court station.

"The new drug Nirvagus developed by Meihui Pharmaceutical has a very significant curative effect in clinical trials, which is the gospel for patients with ALS. Within a week, the condition was under control, and within a month, it improved, which indicates that ALS will no longer be an incurable disease for humans..."

After reading the news, Tang Xiaochuan immediately called Bai Shiju, but Bai Shiju called before he got through.

"Mr. Tang, have you read the news from the Imperial TV Station? Our company's new drug Nairva is on the news!"

"Look, I was just about to call you!"

Bai Shiju's voice came from the phone, "I have asked our company's official Zhenyin account to publish this short video of Chaotingtai, and asked the advertising department to immediately contact some big Vs from Zhenyin, Crooked Neck, and the medical forum to vigorously push this video. Let the whole country and even the whole world know this news, and let the ALS patients all over the world know this news!"

"well done!"

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