According to rumors, the previous global financial crisis was alleviated by the Yanyun family, which shows how rich they are.

"Can you tell me why?" Lin Hong tilted Erlang's legs and looked out the window, involuntarily remembering the shy look on Yan Yun's face before he died.

"This is what our master meant."

The bodyguard repeated it.

Lin Hong shrugged: "If I really fall in love with a woman, I will be desperate, and your master can't stop it."

The meaning of the words is that if he really likes Yanyun Zhiming, what their master meant, it's a fart!

The bodyguard frowned, but did not continue.

Anyway, the words have been brought, as for what Lin Hong thinks and how to do it afterwards, it has nothing to do with him.


Emperor Restaurant.

"Ah, I'm starving to death, I want to eat abalone!" Xiao Feng was extremely excited when he got out of the car.

"With your status as a young master, you can't even eat abalone?"

Lin Hong got out of the car, somewhat puzzled.

Xiao Feng curled his lips: "You don't understand, the abalones here are all top-notch abalones. You can't buy them in the market.

Abalone is a thing that doesn't take a few mouthfuls, and it costs tens of millions.

Lin Hong couldn't help but shook his head, the world of the rich really couldn't understand.

"I have arranged a state banquet chef, let's go."

Yan Yun ordered them to come.

Kingston did not follow because he needed to catch a plane overnight to perform in other places.

State Banquet...

Lin Hong faintly looked forward to it, and walked into the door of the Emperor's Restaurant with a group of people.

"Welcome!" As soon as I entered the door, there were more than a dozen beautiful girls, dressed in Hanfu, with beautiful looks.

"Here, our guest is the emperor~"

Xiao Feng bewitched in Lin Hong's ear, raised his eyebrows, and after speaking, several beautiful girls gathered around.

Yan Yun knew his fate, but looked over: "You don't need you here, just go down."


These girls secretly said that it was a pity and leaned down.

Lin Hong chuckles when he sees this: "Someone's emperor's dream, before it even started, it broke all over the ground."

"Huh, come here to eat."

Xiao Feng curled his lips, and a group of people walked to the box.

The independent luxury box, magnificent, carved with beams and painted buildings, reveals the word noble everywhere.

Lin Hong took a seat and sighed, "How much does it cost for such a box?"

What kind of box is this? It is simply the place where the ancient emperors eat. Everywhere is extremely luxurious, even the chopsticks are inlaid with diamonds.

"Several hundred million."

Yan Yun said, knowing her fate, that these were not enough for her one day's pocket money.

Lin Hong couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

Everyone was seated, and soon, the waiter began to serve dishes.

The national banquet-level dishes are really extraordinary, what are the boiled cabbage, Dongpo meat, crab noodles, lion head, chicken gravy...

Lin Hong and others had a great time eating.

Half an hour passed.

Xiao Feng patted his stomach: "Bring me two more abalones!"

"Can you still eat?"

Lin Hong turned to look, and smiled softly.

Yan Yun knew his fate and put his arm on the table: "Darling, if you like it, how about I bring you here every day?"

The two bodyguards guarding the door frowned at the same time.



Just as Lin Hong was about to speak, the wall next to him suddenly exploded, causing bursts of smoke.

"Ka——" The sound like a broken bone makes people hairy behind, and as the flying smoke dissipates, a figure slowly emerges.

I saw this "person" with a gas mask on his face and a rough cloth tightly wrapped around his body, with no skin exposed.

"He came in through the wall?"

Xiao Feng said in disbelief, already sitting on the ground.

Lin Hong frowned: "This guy... is not a human being."

How can humans easily break through walls?

"Miss, be careful!"

Of the two bodyguards, one stood in front of Yan Yun Zhiming and the other stood in front of everyone.

"Ka Ka Ka——" This "person" took a step closer and exhaled the turbid breath from the gas mask.

"Small, beautiful, goal, to be accomplished." Its voice was hoarse, listening to movement, it didn't look like a person at all, but it was similar to a person.

"Bio-robots? How could it be so much progress?"

The bodyguard standing in the front, named Dali, frowned.

Lin Hong suddenly said: "Biological robot!"

He once fought with the bio-robot of Osman Company, which was extremely difficult to deal with, and the bio-robot in front of him was obviously much stronger than the one before.

"Small, beautiful!"

The biological robot instantly disappeared in place and rushed towards Xiaomei.

not good!

Lin Hong leaped, holding Xiao Mei backhand in his arms.

"Bang——" Dali stunned, appeared in front of Lin Hong, and collided with the biological robot with two fists.

The fists crossed, and the strong wind dispersed, raising the corners of Lin Hong's clothes.

"They... are here to catch me?"

Xiao Mei grabbed Lin Hong's clothes in fear.

Lin Hong exhaled, "It's okay, we will protect you."

He was very puzzled. The Osman company had already closed down. Where did this biological robot come from?

"Daqiang, go and help Daqiang."

Knowing his fate, Yan Yun stepped back and motioned to the bodyguard beside him to help.

Daqiang nodded: "Okay."

After speaking, Da Qiang appeared beside the biological robot, punched out and hit the biological robot.

"Small, beautiful."

The biological robot is completely like a strong fist, not on his body.

"Don't be afraid, these two bodyguards are very strong." Lin Hong looked at Xiao Feng and the others.


Shu Yao nodded, not only not afraid, but also a little excited.

It was the first time she saw such a master fight.

It's just a fight between gods!

Some of my strength is not enough...

Lin Hong was pursing his mouth and could only watch Daqiang fighting with Dali and the biological robot.

How can I reach the innate realm?

He couldn't help but raise this question in his heart.

"How can this thing not die?" Daqiang frowned. At this time, the biological robot was full of pits, which he punched out with his fists.

"Small, beautiful, take it back, and go."

The biological robot is hard to beat with four hands, but it can stand tall.

"Hit his mask!" Xiao Feng suddenly suggested.

Vigorously blasted a punch directly, hitting the bio-robot's gas mask, only hearing a "click", the gas mask shattered and fell to the ground.

this is……

Everyone is disgusting.

Because this so-called biological robot has no face at all, and the whole body is like minced meat, Lailai Baba, and even no facial features!

"It's kind of like a sausage?"

Xiao Feng swallowed and spit.

Lin Hong helpless: "If this is really sausage, would you dare to eat it?"

"I dare not."

Xiao Feng shook his head quickly. If this kind of food is really eaten, I'm afraid it will cause diarrhea.

The bio-robot seemed to see a bad situation, and turned around to leave.

But where did the two of Dali agree, they quickly wanted to stop it.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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