Lin Yun quickly controlled the helicopter to descend.

So high, even if you are an innate master, you can't live on the ground! He was anxious, and he didn't expect Lin Hong to jump straight down.

Someone below found that Lin Hong did not bring a parachute and screamed involuntarily, thinking that Lin Hong would fall into a pool of flesh.

However, Lin Hong turned around in the air for a few times, without rushing, an umbrella appeared in his hand and he opened it directly.

Use an umbrella as a parachute?

Many people thought that Lin Hong was crazy.

The clothes moved with the wind, the lights of the helicopter shone on Lin Hong, and thousands of people in the entire playground looked up at Lin Hong.

However, Lin Hong held the umbrella, and the speed of descent slowly slowed down, and finally fell in front of Shu Yao.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Lin Hong closed the umbrella, her earrings moved with the wind, and smiled gently at the second daughter of Shu Yao.

he came……

The boy who used to stop in front of him whenever he was in danger, he came...

Liu Anshuang squatted beside Shu Yao and couldn't help but relax when he saw Lin Hong.

"Don't look at me, don't..." Shu Yaolian shook his head in a panic, buried his face in Liu Anshuang's arms, not daring to let Lin Hong see it.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?"

Before hurting Shu Yao, he was frightened, and the blood-stained dagger in his hand trembled and trembled.

When Lin Hong saw this dagger, he guessed at odds and ends, and couldn't help but chuckle: "I am your life-killer."

On this person's chest, there was a sign engraved with the four characters of the Doomsday Council.

"The doomsday comes, everyone has to die, all human beings have to die!!"

This person backed away involuntarily, fearing in his heart for Lin Hong, a person who jumped from a height of 100 meters but was safe and sound.

The school’s security team just received the news and happened to arrive, and could not help but start fighting with these people in the Doomsday Council.

Lin Hong shook the umbrella in his hand: "Since everyone has to die, then I will give you a ride."

"When I die, I will hold you back!"

The man clenched the dagger in his hand and rushed towards Lin Hong with a grim expression: "Go to hell!!"

Lin Hong was silent, suddenly lifted the umbrella in his hand and hit the man's hand with the dagger. The dagger was blown away, and then he forced the umbrella forward by a bucket, with the bucket on the man's chest.

Cardiac arrest.

Although Lin Hong only used half of his strength, the man directly knelt on the ground, unable to breathe.

He thought he was bound to die, so he took out a hand from his pocket, pulled out the safety plug, and looked grim: "Let's go to **** together!!"

Lin Hong frowned, and quickly began to back away. This so-called parliament is obviously a terrorist organization!

"Bang—" The hands exploded along with people's screams, splashing off smoke and directly submerging Lin Hong.

"Lin Hong!!!"

Liu Anshuang panicked, Shu Yao turned her head in shock, and Mancho in the distance covered her mouth involuntarily.

But just listening, Lin Hong's voice came out faintly: "It's a pity my umbrella..."

When the smoke dissipated, Lin Hong was safe and sound, stroking the umbrella in his hand with a pity. Compared with before, this umbrella had many holes.

It's okay...

Just as Liu Anshuang breathed a sigh of relief, Shu Yao suddenly stood up, covered her face and ran away. Her right foot was red and swollen. Every step she took was painful. But compared to these pains, she didn't want Lin Hong to see herself. This is what it looks like now.

Liu Anshuang wanted to hold her back, but there was no time. In addition, there were too many people here, and it was Heitian, and soon she could not see Shu Yao's shadow.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Hong did not look back, ignorant of these, and rushed directly to the other members of the Doomsday Council.

These members of the Doomsday Council are being attacked by security guards and students, but because of their physical strength, coupled with a hundred or so people, they can barely remain undefeated.

Lin Hong's participation caused the balance to tilt instantly. These people in the Doomsday Council quickly fell apart and were under control. During the period, some of them took out their hands, but they were easily stopped by Lin Hong with stones.

Seeing everything began to be in order, Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief, crouching and picking up the national flag on the ground, with some shoe prints on it.

"The national flag is not to be thrown on the ground."

Lin Hong shook off the stains on it, came to the flagpole, slowly lowered the flag of the Doomsday Parliament, and raised the national flag of China.

The sun rises and everything recovers. People on the playground look at the national flag, knowing that the current situation is only temporary, and the country will definitely win!

Looking at the banner of the Doomsday Parliament in his hand, Lin Hong directly tore it into several pieces and threw it on the ground.

"You're back." Manqiao hurried to Lin Hong's side.

"Well, I'm back."

Lin Hong smiled and nodded to Mancho with red eyes, and the simple conversation made them both feel at ease.

"Thank you for saving Shu Yao..." Liu Anshuang walked over, her voice trembling.

Although she is strong on the outside, so many terrible things have happened that made her near collapse a long time ago, and she can't wait to find a shoulder to cry.

"Where is Shu Yao?" Lin Honggang wanted to comfort, but suddenly found that Shu Yao could not be found.

"I said you, why are you stupid to jump off the plane?"

Lin Yun finally found a place to stop the helicopter, and walked over at this time, wishing to slap Lin Hong.

But Lin Hong ignored him at all and ran directly to the school gate.

"Shu Yao?" Lin Hong called out loudly, running out of the school gate all the way, but did not notice Shu Yao, who was hiding behind the tree and sobbing.

Being disfigured was a nightmare to her.

She can't use this face to meet Lin can't do it at all...

"Shu Yao?" Lin Hong still shouted loudly, but she had gradually ran away, while Shu Yao stumbled and walked towards the house.



The next day.

Lin Hong, who was in Zhang Kuang's home, was anxious.

After last night, the experts of the relevant departments destroyed all the genetic spiders, and the provincial capital was restored to its former tranquility, but Ke Shuyao has been unable to contact.

"Have you found Shuyao?" Lin Hong asked the arrogant man standing in the living room.

Zhang Kuang shook his head slightly. He had already used all his connections, but he couldn't find Shu Yao, let alone Shu Yao, even Shu Yao and his whole family were missing.

"You've been looking for it all night, go to bed," Zhang Kuang couldn't help but say when he saw Lin Hong staring at a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Lin Hong shook his head lightly and sighed, "Is my mother asleep?"

Busy looking for Shuyao yesterday, he only briefly met with his mother.

"It didn't take long for the babysitter to take care of it."

Zhang Kuang sighed. The room was opposite the door, which was the room where Lin Hong's mother lived. These days, I treat her better than my own mother.

"That's good, I'll go look for it." Lin Hong nodded, then got up and opened the door.

"Where do you want to go!"

Mother's voice came, and she didn't expect her mother to stand outside the door.

Lin Hong was taken aback: "Mom..."

"Don't call my mother, I don't have a son like you! What were you doing when I asked you to come back? Ahem..."

Mother coughed again and again, Lin Hong stepped forward and patted him on the back.

"Mom, my son went to find his father..." Lin Hong said helplessly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! Author's message: We will definitely win, biu~

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