I Build an APP in One Piece

Chapter 130: Lost the Watermelon and Picked Up the Sesame Seed?

The depths of the ancient palace of Alabasta.

The scorching sun outside the window, and the breath of history and vicissitudes inside the house with the cool breeze, except for the sound of the air conditioner, it was very quiet.

Weir stopped writing and rubbed his temples, and saw Jinbei standing aside meticulously with his eyes wide open. If it's a smile, he's already drooling asleep, Jinbei, you are such a conscientious guy.

Weier has been a little bit careless about government affairs in the past two days, not because of her sister who is still drifting on the sea. She has her own future. As the princess of the royal family and the sister of the king, this is the future she must bear.

It's because Reiju's research has made breakthrough progress.

Lineage factor, this miraculous technology.

Called one of the most amazing technologies in the entire One Piece world.

Weir thought that even in countless worlds, this technology would not be ordinary in "Nine-Seven".

After Reiju joined the Academy of Sciences, Weier gave Reiju two tasks. The first was to develop how to use blood factor technology to make lifeless dead “eat” Devil Fruit to obtain the ability of Devil Fruit.

The second is how to create the pseudo Devil Fruit ability through the descent factor.

But what makes Will feel dumb is these two techniques, they both have.

In other words, there is imperfect technology.

The battle suit of Derma 66 is the product of the combination of these two technologies.

Not only the "Lightning Factor", "Fire Factor, and "Poisonous Fog Factor" similar to Devil Fruit's power were researched through the power of the blood factor, but also the power of this factor can be imparted to clothes that are dead.

This is not to blame for Weier, he is indeed technically blind, because he uploaded that technology directly to the network disk without downloading it to his own memory, so he didn't understand very clearly that the original battle suit was also a product of the bloodline factor technology.

But obviously compared to the PX pacifists of Vegapunk, this technology is still far behind.

At least Vegapunk has developed the most basic AI, and it is controlled by this Al's free manipulating factor, but in the final analysis, the combat uniform still needs to be controlled by humans, and the cost is much higher than that of the pacifists.

Collecting the power of the entire Germa, there are only these few combat uniforms.

And although the combat uniform has comprehensive power, it is far from the destructive power of pacifists.

But... What Vale needs is not that complicated and powerful.

The gate of the palace was slowly pushed open, and Wil saw Reiju walking in with a black metal disc in his hand.

"Your Majesty, this is something made according to your requirements-the ultra-miniature Thunder Factor energy source, which can achieve uninterrupted power supply 24 hours a day, and can supply at least 20 people's daily life. The lightning factor needs to be re-injected, but the current is very weak and has almost no destructive power."

Reiju says it is almost non-destructive. In fact, it has fully reached the household electrical standard of the 21st century.

Weir took this little thing, seeing, hearing, and seeing the energy directly in it.

The cost of such a small energy source is only 10,000 Baileys, which is equivalent to 1,000 Singapore dollars, but it can provide power supply 24 hours a day for ten years.

"If it were made bigger." Will's eyes lit up.

"In theory, as long as you need it, even if it is an energy source close to the strength of Thunder Fruit, it is not impossible, and the cost is not high. Only to be able to make a combat suit." Lei replied, but she still didn't understand what Weier was going to do. Such a thing, but without any combat power, was equivalent to a super bomb, and it was still the kind that couldn't explode.

"Then make one first."

Weir smiled. If the combat power is used well, it can be said to be a strategic weapon, okay?

Djerma 66, a country with powerful technology.

But this technology has been used up.

Since the acquisition of Thunder Fruit, although the pressure of the electrical age caused by the lack of electricity has been greatly eased, with the electrification of dozens of cities and the establishment of factories that use a large number of electric motors, Thunder Fruit is still not enough.

After all, with a hundred GB of memory, it is impossible to find ten people like Shishiguo.

The lightning factor energy source is believed to be a perfect solution to this problem.

Household users use small energy sources, and factories use large energy sources...

The replacement rate of the ten-year generation, coupled with the special electricity meter researched by the Academy of Sciences, is used to calculate the electricity bill. In most cases, even public cables are not used.

Put it on the earth, people on earth dare not even think about it.

Djerma 66 has never studied civilian technology. In their opinion, Vale's order is simply inexplicable, but after all, Kashi is not good to say anything, or he is a little happy--

Because it seems that Vail is not interested in the technology of the combat uniform.

Otherwise, how could he lose the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds?

Such a powerful combat uniform technology is unnecessary, but it takes time and effort to develop this ridiculous thing.

I heard that the purpose is to power civilians?

The power supply is to allow them to use electrical appliances, such as an electric cooker for cooking.

What can be replaced by fire, why use electricity, is really a strange country-Gaj.

This one after another large project means huge investment. In fact, the entire Alabasta, and only Albana, the capital, barely achieves a 24-hour power supply.

Even so, for Albana's population of more than five million, the per capita electricity bill is 100 SGD a month, which means that the monthly income exceeds 500 million SGD, which is equivalent to five or six billion Baileys.

This is just a city, and it still uses electricity for civilian use, if you count the electricity used by factories.

There are at least 10 billion Baileys in a month.

5.8 Once the electricity facilities are popularized in 34 big cities, hundreds of small towns, and Sky Island, the supply will be able to keep up.

In a saturated state, Feville can harvest at least 500 billion Baileys in one month!

The most frightening thing is that these electricity bills are not invested in any cost except for the upfront manufacturing costs!

The cost of one thousand Baileys even includes labor costs, which can supply electricity for more than 20 people at least, but a family of five people uses 500 Baileys every month.

For this new type of energy source, in order to be able to produce it quickly, Vale has incurred a lot of cost, and even the salary for it is much higher than that of Sky Island workers! Now Alabasta is doing construction everywhere, and workers are needed everywhere. Sooner or later, even if there are 200 million people playing the base, they will be overwhelmed.

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