I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 733: Still Have to Rely on Weapons


Following Lu Qing's order, the cannon artillery regiment began to fire.

The other red-clothed cannons were also fired, which is better than nothing. If you shoot it out, it will have some effect.

No matter how bad it is, it can be strong and powerful, deterring the enemy's psychology.

A large number of shells hit the city wall, and those solid iron balls were all mocked by the thick city wall without exception.

And at this time, those armor-piercing projectiles were in full swing.

Limited by the technology of the current cannon, the power of these armor-piercing projectiles is not particularly great, at least they cannot penetrate the city wall, and only a small section of the head pierces the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, the pierced part exploded, blowing the masonry flying.

Wherever the armor-piercing bullet hit, a big pit was left, like a big scar.

However, there is still a long way to go to blow up the city wall. This city wall is ridiculously thick. The ghost knows how much effort the Spaniards spent in building it.

"That is how the matter?"

Francisco's smile gradually disappeared, and he suddenly had a bad feeling when he saw the flying bricks.

For a while, his subordinates didn't know what happened.

And the Chinese artillery is very dense, they dare not go to check.

But they don't have to go over to check. After a few rounds of bombing, they can clearly see that some city walls have been severely damaged.

"What cannonball is this?"

Francisco asked again, but there was still no response.

In their perception, the larger the volume and the larger the mass of the shell, the greater the power.

However, in the artillery positions of the Chinese army, there were no particularly large artillery pieces.

If there really needs to be a coastal defense gun, they can see it at a glance. After all, it is too conspicuous.

Moreover, even that kind of artillery can't be so powerful.

Before the emergence of the rifled cannon, the damage of the shells to the walls of the castle was extremely limited. Otherwise, Western Europeans would not be in love with this kind of military fortress.

"Look, it looks like it was shot by a cannon with a very long barrel."

An officer pointed to the direction of the cannon regiment in the Hua Army formation.

Several other officers with binoculars raised their binoculars and saw the distinctive cannons in the Chinese army.

Although I don't know why this artillery is so powerful, at least it is determined that it is the disaster brought about by this artillery.

"Pull the artillery up to the city wall, fire it at the enemy's long-barreled artillery, and destroy the dozen or so artillery pieces."

Francisco said.

In fact, they still have a group of artillery pieces in the city, but no matter how the Chinese army bombed them, they didn't take them out.

Because they knew that it was not cost-effective to fight against the Chinese army with their dozens of artillery pieces.

They have been keeping it, wanting to wait for the Chinese army to launch a large-scale general offensive, and then suddenly take it out to slaughter the infantry.

This was a move by Francisco to stay behind, but at this time, out of fear of the cannons of the Chinese army, he couldn't care about staying behind.

Solving the current problem is the key.

The Spaniards moved, and a cannon was moved to the wall, and a counterattack was launched.

The artillerymen of the Chinese army were immediately happy. They had been trying to force the enemy's artillery out but failed, so they did not dare to launch a general attack casually.

Well now, the enemy artillery finally appeared.

Those ordinary artillerymen who had nothing to do when destroying the city wall replaced them with howitzer shells at this time, and then the artillerymen aimed at the enemy began to shoot.

They can't fight the city wall, but they can kill the artillery.

Not only them, but also the cannonball regiment, also suspended the attack on the city wall at this time, but aimed the muzzle at the enemy's artillery.

After all, the city wall is a dead thing, there is no threat to them, you can fight at any time.

The enemy's artillery, although the lethality is touching, is still a bit lethal after all.

These artillerymen who operate cannons are all educated and highly literate treasures, and a Lu Qing who dies will feel distressed.

In order to avoid unnecessary losses, the enemy's artillery became the object of priority.

As a result, the Spanish artillery suffered immediately.

The number of artillery pieces of the Chinese army was seven or eight times that of the Spaniards, and the lethality of artillery shells was even greater, and the experience of artillerymen was also richer.

The Chinese artillery with many advantages, after turning the muzzle, immediately occupied an absolute advantage, and beat the Spanish artillery.

It was terrifying. Some artillery units were bombed by two shells at the same time, and the shrapnel was almost indiscriminately fired.

An entire artillery crew was bombed like this, three out of ten.

Worse still, the artillery group hit by the cannon had a huge explosive power, blowing everyone away.

The person at the center of the explosion is even more dead.

At that moment, many Spanish artillerymen collapsed directly.

"Lord Governor, we can't fight anymore, let the artillery withdraw."

Someone hastily suggested.

Those are precious artillery, not cheap infantry.

The training of every artilleryman is not easy, and they cannot afford to lose.

Francisco wiped the sweat from his forehead and gave the order for the artillery to retreat.

He knew that he couldn't shoot at the artillery of the Chinese army, and he knew that it would be even worse to withdraw the artillery.


He had no choice.

Everyone watched helplessly as the city wall was gradually thinned, and there were large gaps in some places.

At this rate, their city walls would be blown apart in less than two hours.

By then, they will be safe.

"Your Excellency the Governor, why don't we raise the white flag and surrender."

Castro persuaded him that he finally understood why the Huajun was so arrogant yesterday, and it was too late to regret it.

By now, they had no choice but to surrender.

"Surrender, will they let us go if they surrender? I ordered to prepare for the defense gap. The Chinese are cowards and can't afford losses at all, otherwise they would have launched a general attack long ago.

Therefore, as long as we hold the gap and cause certain damage to them, we can force them back. "

Francisco groaned.

From Dahua's attitude yesterday, he realized that he had missed the chance to surrender.

If you surrender at this time, the ordinary soldiers below will definitely be able to save a life, but he, and those high-ranking officials, will definitely not end well, and there is a high probability that they will be executed.

Rather than that, it's better to fight to the death.

In his opinion, Hua Jun is more afraid of death, and he still has a chance.

After being reminded by Francisco, several commanders also strengthened their determination to resist.

However, the determination is made, but the inner fear is also lingering.

They are all afraid, afraid that the Chinese army will attack and their lives will be lost.

The Spaniards were still setting up defense lines in the city, while the artillery of the Chinese army continued to bombard wildly.

About two hours later, a hole tens of meters long was finally blown out of the city wall.

Subsequently, the Huajun also issued an order for a general attack.

At this moment, the Marines have waited for more than half a month, and they have long been suffocated.

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