Nanjing, Xuanwu Street, Lu Dasheng's housewarming.

He is moving his family to the bustling Xuanwu Street, a large mansion.

He co-invented the bicycle with Daxuetang, and of course he obtained part of the patent rights.

This part of the patent rights alone allowed him to obtain a patent fee of 13,000 yuan this year.

This is 13,000 yuan, 13,000 yuan, 13,000 yuan.

For an ordinary worker, this is an astronomical figure, a figure that no one else can earn in a few lifetimes.

Lu Dasheng could not have imagined that he would be able to become rich one day, it was simply too dreamy.

If it weren't for the court's patent law, his life would never have had a chance to turn around.

And now, he can live a prosperous life.

"Congratulations to Master Lu."

"Master Hexilu."

Those who came to the banquet said congratulations.

Not only is Lu Dasheng rich, but his social status has also been greatly improved, and there are many people who admire him.

After all, it's truly remarkable that the all-important bicycle was invented.

Lao Lu has successfully become Master Lu.

In the inner courtyard, Lu Dasheng's wife was chatting with other women.

"It's better for Mrs. Lu. Her husband is so talented. In the future, as long as he sits at home and doesn't have to do anything, he can get money."

A woman complimented.

"Hey, when he was tinkering with this thing, I strongly supported him, so that he could do research with confidence. Fortunately, he succeeded, and it was not in vain for me to support him in the first place."

Mrs. Lu had a smile on her face, but she was secretly glad in her heart.

I'm glad that my husband didn't listen to me at the beginning, otherwise there would be such an earth-shaking change in my life.

Back then, when Lu Dasheng didn't work and tinkered with bicycles at home, she scolded Lu Dasheng half to death.

Fortunately, Lu Dasheng did not give up because of her opposition.

"No wonder Master Lu was able to succeed. It turned out to be all thanks to Mrs. Lu's virtuous helper."

Another flatterer, Mrs. Lu was very comfortable.

"It's still the current imperial court. If it were the Ming Dynasty in the past, how could we ordinary people have such a chance to turn over?"

A woman sighed.

"Da Ming, don't mention that rubbish imperial court. During the Daming period, my mother never had a full meal, and never wore a good dress. Fortunately, the emperor of the Zhu family is all dead, otherwise we would not be as good as we are now. day."

Mrs. Lu was angry when she talked about Daming. If the world had been dominated by Dahua sooner, she would not have had to live so hard before, and her former children would not have to starve to death.

Everyone was talking and laughing, celebrating the happy housewarming of the Lu family.

On Jiaer Road in the northwest corner of Nanjing, a family was quarreling.

"I told you not to mess with this, don't mess with this, but you don't listen. Now all the money has been spent, and the good home is gone, how will you live in the future..."

A woman's complaint was accompanied by some weeping.

"Women's vision, long hair and short knowledge. When I find a suitable photosensitive material and invent this printing technology, I will be able to make a fortune. At that time, you can have whatever you want."

Mi Hong, who had learned pinhole imaging and some optical principles, had a bold idea in his mind.

As long as the target image is collected on the film of the camera obscura through a convex lens, and the different reactions of light and different substances are used, the gathered light spots can be displayed to form the image of the target.

In this way, all painters can seal their pens in the future, because the paintings drawn by the painters are definitely not as accurate as the images obtained in this way.

Now, Mi Hong has solved all other problems, and only needs to find a photosensitive material to restore the captured picture.

Mi Hong explained this idea to his wife ten times, but his wife was still confused and couldn't understand it at all.

Not to mention his wife, even some scholars who are very knowledgeable, and some scholars who have learned new knowledge, can't understand what he is talking about.

On the one hand, Mi Hong's ideas are too imaginative and too elegant. On the other hand, Mi Hong's expressive ability is limited, and he cannot express his thoughts clearly and accurately in words.

Therefore, when he sought funding from wealthy businessmen, he repeatedly ran into a wall.

In desperation, as soon as he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he sold the house on Xuanwu Street, and brought his wife and children to live at the foot of this cheap city, and lived in a small house.

All the money sold was used by him to conduct scientific experiments.

Tragically, however, he didn't make it until the money ran out.

His wife, of course, was so angry that she wanted to commit suicide by throwing herself into the river.

Although their family was not particularly wealthy, they were wealthy anyway. Less than above, more than below.

And now, their family has been in such a state that they can't open the pot tomorrow.

"I have long hair and short knowledge, so I never thought about the days I wanted to make a fortune. I used to live a good life. But now, what will I eat tomorrow? Uuuuu..."

"I'll go to my eldest brother's place to borrow a little money to get through this difficult time."

Mi Hong said.

"You are dreaming, I have been begging my elder brother and elder sister-in-law a long time ago, and they all said that you have fallen into evil, lost your mind, and would not lend a single penny. I don't care about you anymore, I want to take the child back to my mother's house, you alone Starve to death."

As Mrs. Mi spoke, she packed up her things.

"Dare you, are you trying to lose my face?"

Mi Hong said angrily, if the old man knew that he couldn't even support his wife and children, where would he put his face.

"You don't want to be ashamed, but go get money. The rice tank at home is empty. Do you want to starve our mothers to death?"

Madam Mi cursed.

Mi Hong's lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

He is not good at communication and has no friends. The only one I can count on is a big brother.

If the big brother doesn't help him, he really has no means.

He was so obsessed with inventing dreams that he didn't even notice the interruption of food at home.

At this time, a huge problem was placed in front of him, which made him almost collapse.

Seeing his wife leave with his crying son, Mi Hong was angry and helpless.

He knew that it was the best choice for his wife and children to return to their parents' home, at least to have food to eat. However, he resented his wife's ruthlessness and abandoned him when he was at his worst.

"You go, you get out, and don't come back when you get out. When I succeed in my invention, I will marry ten concubines and line up to make you angry."

Mi Hong roared.

"Crazy, crazy, you're crazy, go to hell."

While scolding Mrs. Mi, she dragged her crying and screaming son away.


There are not many extreme examples like Mi Hong, but there are many similar examples.

Some people succeed and get rich overnight.

Many more have failed, losing time and money.

Mi Hong was the worst, and even lost his wife and children.

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