The next day, Hua Jun, who had rested all day, went directly to Xianghe County, and they were not interested in fighting against the Shuo Sai Division.

Tang Guozhen was going to take Xianghe County, and then rely on the simple city wall to hold on.

In the plain area, a county town can be considered a good fortification, much better than being exposed to the wild.

When the Qing army retreated from Beijing to Shanhaiguan, it had to pass through the vicinity of Xianghe County. As long as the troops were stationed here, it was like a nail in the enemy's main artery.

Of course, the Qing army could also take the route of Miyun and Chengde, crossing a mountain and hills to reach the border. You can also go to Datong and bypass the grassland to arrive at Guanwai.

There are many routes that can go back outside the customs, but those routes all have a common feature, which is not easy to go.

These routes are quite difficult for the army to pass through.

As for ordinary people wanting to pass, the taste is quite sour.

When they were walking those routes, they were chased by Hua Jun from behind, and the whole team had no direction to escape.

If the Qing army wanted to return to the customs on a large scale, they still had to go through Shanhaiguan.

Arriving in Xianghe County, Tang Guozhen originally thought he was going to fight a fierce battle.

However, before they could take an offensive stance, the Green Battalion inside mutinied directly, beheading the Manchu war-supervisor officers, and then opened the door to welcome Master Wang.

And this, the reason can be attributed to the fact that there are too few adult men in Manchu.

The number of Manchu Eight Banners supervising the battle in Xianghe County was only 200, but the number of soldiers in the Green Battalion was 2,000. The risk of mutiny was greatly reduced, and the probability of such a thing naturally increased greatly.

"The general trend, this is the so-called general trend. Even if Huang Taiji is resurrected now, he can't save the Manchu."

Tang Guozhen sighed with emotion, then led the army into the city and took over the defense of Xianghe County.

Seeing the Chinese soldiers holding a gun and three grenades hanging from their belts, those Green Battalion soldiers drooled with envy.

This is still a weapon, and in other respects, the Green Camp is also envious.

Iron helmets, sappers, multi-purpose daggers, military uniforms full of pockets, cans, leggings...  

There are all kinds of things hanging on Chinese soldiers.

In contrast, the soldiers of the Green Battalion had a knife in their hands, and then they were naked, and without any other equipment, the humble Chinese soldiers couldn't help but sympathize with them.

The soldiers of the Chinese army can't figure out how to fight with only a big sword now?

After the Chinese army entered the city, they quickly set up defenses.

The Green Battalion soldiers were also allowed to assist.

Originally, Tang Guozhen didn't look down on them, but he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of Cheng He, the leader of the green battalion, so he could only reluctantly accept Cheng He's kindness.

On the city wall, some Green Battalion soldiers were stationed beside the Chinese soldiers.

Then, they naturally couldn't hold back their curiosity.

"Why do you still bring a shovel when you fight? Isn't it too heavy?"

Erhuzi is a soldier of the Green Battalion. This is the first time he has seen Dahua's army, and he is full of curiosity.

Yan San, a senior soldier of Hua Jun, showed a look of contempt and said: "Don't underestimate this engineer shovel. It can be used to dig trenches to avoid shells during wartime, and it can be used as an iron pot for cooking in peacetime. Tongs, scissors, saws, hooks, these There are only uses that you can't think of, there are no places where it can't be used."

Erhuzi and the others suddenly became scumbags, showing the cramped and envious eyes of the villagers.

They never knew that there was so much emphasis on fighting a war.

This kind of thing can't happen to them.

To equip them with shovels, the generals of the Qing army would prefer not to use the trenches in wartime and allow the soldiers to be bombed by artillery shells.

Because the engineer shovel is old and expensive, and they can't afford it.

It is more cost-effective to lose some soldiers in wartime, after all, human life is cheaper.

"What is this?"

Erhuzi pointed to a tin can.

People like to show off.

Looking at the country dumplings in front of him, Yan San also showed off his mind, took out the precious can, cut it a few times with a shovel, and opened the can.

There is definitely no aroma or something. Huajun has not yet had the technology to make canned food smell.

However, the meat inside is real.

Yan San ate a piece of it himself, and then handed the can to Er Huzi, so that the other party could also taste it.

Erhuzi immediately picked up a large piece of fat and devoured it.

This is meat, meat, he hasn't eaten meat for more than half a year.

Moreover, it is still fat, it is too difficult.

In this day and age, fatty meat, which is more satisfying, is more popular than lean meat.

When the other Green Battalion soldiers saw that Erhuzi had eaten the meat, they all drooled.

A daring person immediately came over and grabbed a large piece of it.

Erhuzi didn't have time to scold, and a dozen pieces of meat in a can were divided up, which made Yan Sandu feel a little distressed. They don't distribute much of this kind of canned food.

It's cool to pretend, but sometimes there's a price to pay.

There are many Green Battalion soldiers on the city wall, and only a dozen or so around Erhuzi have eaten the meat.

Others who didn't eat the meat could only stare at the cans of other Chinese soldiers.

A Chinese soldier was really annoying to be stared at, and scolded: "I'll beat you up if you look at it again, this is my military ration."

"do not

Yeah, let's try the meat in pieces. When the enemy comes over later, how about I block arrows and bullets for you? "

A Green Battalion soldier said that in order to eat a piece of meat, he also sacrificed himself.

"You said it as if your speed could keep up with a bullet."

Chinese soldiers ruthlessly complained.

During the interaction between the two sides, most Chinese soldiers resisted showing off and kept their cans.

However, there were also a few Chinese soldiers who were too obsessed with the feeling of being sought after by others, took out a can of food and shared it with everyone, and experienced the feeling of being a city person.

"Xiang, really fragrant, you all have meat to eat when you march and fight. It's really the life of a landlord. Can you discuss with your superiors and say that I want to join you too."

After Erhuzi and other Green Battalion soldiers tasted the canned food, they all started to think about it.

No way, who made their life in the Qing army so miserable.

In such a strong contrast, they felt that being a soldier in the Dahua Army was as happy as being a fairy.

"This is difficult. If you are brave in the next battle, it will be interesting to make a contribution."

Yan San said.

It is becoming more and more difficult to join the Huajun now, and they have no shortage of people.

Hearing Yan San's words, many Green Battalion soldiers were moved.

As long as you go out and fight once, you will have the opportunity to join the Huajun and live a good life. This risk is worth taking.

The enemy hasn't come yet, so they don't need to be too nervous for the time being, both sides have time to gossip.

Mainly, the soldiers of the Hua Army were talking and describing the prosperity of Nanjing, and then the soldiers of the Green Battalion showed envy and disbelief on the side.

"Impossible, impossible, no iron lump can move on its own, you brag..."

The soldiers of the Green Battalion said so.

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