I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1118 A preliminary exploration of the ancient city

Tu Hongzheng cautiously approached the city wall, and then he noticed that there were countless huge scratch marks on the mottled wall.

The short one is at least ten centimeters, and the long one is even several meters.

The shallow ones are a few centimeters, and the deep ones are even one or twenty centimeters.

The scratches gave the wall an eerie feeling.

As Tu Hongzheng continued to observe, he discovered that there were still some blood stains on the wall that had not been wiped clean, and there were some unknown skeletons in the corners.

There is no doubt that there has been a brutal siege here.

Tu Hong was walking along the corner of the wall. He didn't see the city gate for a long time, which made him quite surprised.

A city of this size usually has many gates.

Like the old Nanjing city, there were more than a dozen gates.

But the city in front of us has very few gates.

This shows that the population in the city is not particularly large and the activities are not frequent.

After walking a kilometer or two, Tu Hongzheng finally saw a city gate, but it was tightly closed.

It was very strange that the city gate was closed in broad daylight.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems normal. After all, there are only a few cities in this other world, and there probably isn't much business between the cities.

Even if there were, those people could fly away.

The city gate didn't open, and Tu Hongzheng was at a loss.

It was impossible to climb up. Even though he had trained various climbing skills in the military camp, he was still beyond the reach of this height of thirty or forty meters.

Tu Hongzheng could only choose to wait patiently. After all, if there was food grown outside the city, someone would definitely go out of the city to manage or harvest it.

When the time comes, just find a way to sneak in.

The hard work paid off. More than twenty hours later, Tu Hongzheng finally waited until the city gate opened.

Then, he saw a group of ragged people coming out, followed by a few soldiers-looking people.

Such a picture immediately allowed Tu Hongzheng to determine a lot of information.

Apparently, not everyone in the city can fly.

Moreover, there is a high probability that most people cannot fly.

Another point is that the social structure in the city is very similar to that on Earth, with common people, soldiers, and classes.

These common people seem to be in a state of exploitation and need to be led to work.

Moreover, judging from the other party's clothes, it seems that the materials in the other world are not very rich.

At least, the people in the Central Plains of China now have no shortage of clothes.

Dahua has achieved the small goal of having enough food and clothing a long time ago.

Seeing the living conditions of humans in other worlds, Tu Hongzheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the productivity of humans in other worlds is not as good as that of Dahua, and the threat is greatly reduced.

Tu Hongzheng took off his military uniform and rolled on the ground covered in mud.

Then, when the group returned, they pretended to be discovered by accident.

He had no choice but to sneak into the city in this way. If he went alone, the city gate would not be opened.

Being discovered by those people on purpose was actually very risky, but Tu Hongzheng could no longer care about that much.

It's impossible to do reconnaissance without taking risks.

And as long as it succeeds and detects valuable information, the rewards for military merit will be extremely rich.

In the military, the promotion rate of scouts is second only to that of officers who graduated from school.

A few years ago, Tu Hongzheng was just a soldier. Now he has become the commander of the reconnaissance company and enjoys the treatment of a full battalion.

As for the regular camp level, they are already the upper middle class in Dahua.

If he were thrown into a small county in a remote area, he would still be a big shot.

"Who is coming?"

The ancient city soldier pointed his spear at Tu Hongzheng and said a bunch of words that he couldn't understand.

Tu Hongzheng immediately understood that there was a language barrier between them and Dahua.

This was not good news, and would make it extremely difficult for him to collect intelligence.

However, that is all for the future. He needs to cope with the current difficulties.

Tu Hongzheng opened his mouth, made a whining sound, and then pointed to his throat and ears.

"He's a deaf mute."

the soldier said.

"That's not the point. This guy doesn't look like he's from Yecheng. Could it be that he's a refugee from Hucheng in the north?"

Another tall soldier said.

"No matter where he is from, he is deaf and mute. Keeping him is a burden. It is better to kill him directly."

Tu Hongzheng couldn't hear what they were saying, but he knew how to read their words.

When he saw a fierce expression on one of the soldiers' faces, he roughly guessed that something was not going well, and he quickly knelt down and kowtowed, making a whimpering sound.

The tall soldier saw this and said: "Forget it, they are all human beings, and every population is precious. Besides, I think he is tall and strong, so he must be very strong and can be used for some hard work."

"I can't hear, I can't speak, and it's troublesome to command."

The short soldier disagreed, but he still did not kill him and acquiesced to the tall man's approach.

Then, the tall soldier made a gesture and asked Tu Hongzheng to follow him into the city.

With them leading the way, the soldiers behind the city gate didn't even conduct an interrogation and just let them enter the city.

Finally got in,

Tu Hongzheng was ecstatic in his heart.

However, he has not forgotten business.

From the moment he entered the city, his eyes never stopped, eager to observe everything in the city and write it down.

In the city, on the streets.

Tu Hongzheng saw some people walking around, but Tu Hongzheng didn't know what these people were going to do.

Because he didn't see any vendors on the street.

He didn't see any shops on either side of the street.

Obviously, this is a place where business is extremely backward.

After walking for a while, he saw a blacksmith shop where a large number of workers were smelting.

The original blower box is used.

And he was soon assigned a job.

The tall soldier gave him a hammer and asked him to smash a purple ore.

When Tu Hong was trying to lift the inconspicuous hammer, a rather embarrassing scene happened. He suppressed his blush and failed to lift it.

On the other hand, a skinny man next to him easily lifted the hammer and smashed it down.

Now Tu Hongzheng finally understood that the thing that looked like a hammer in his hand was actually not made of iron.

Moreover, the human beings here are generally much stronger.

"What a damn good-for-nothing. He's grown this hair for nothing. Could he be a good-for-nothing, a kid from a rich family who has never practiced?"

The tall soldier cursed.

After testing again, he found that Tu Hongzheng was not faking it, so he had to change to a slightly easier job.

However, he was still cursing and cursing, obviously extremely dissatisfied.

In this way, Tu Hongzheng began his life in the ancient city.

At the same time, on the other side, after Cui Hu reported to the deputy company commander, the reconnaissance company was divided into two teams.

One team returned to Pioneer City and reported the intelligence collected along the way.

The other team stayed on standby or continued to collect other intelligence.

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