I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1091 Agricultural Development

In Suzhou, an agricultural scientific research team came to the fields.

They are doing a latest research, pipe irrigation.

They want to conduct experiments on this land to verify the feasibility of low-pressure pipe irrigation.

Low-pressure pipeline irrigation means an irrigation system that uses iron pipes or plastic pipes instead of ditch water delivery.

Compared with ditch water delivery, pipe irrigation can reduce infiltration and evaporation and increase water use efficiency. At the same time, it can also save some farmland.

A ditch is at least half a meter wide, and one kilometer is almost an acre of land.

Pipes, on the other hand, basically take up no space.

Of course, with Dahua's current technological level, the cost of using pipelines is actually slightly higher than that of traditional water canals.

However, when Dahua's manufacturing industry reaches another level, that may not be the case.

Now Dahua has no plans to lay large-scale pipelines for irrigation. This scientific research team is just experimenting first to obtain experience and data.

When the conditions are mature in the future, it will be done in one step.

Things that are not needed now must be studied first. This is a common practice in the scientific research community, and Dahua has always done this.

For example, those well-drilling machines were developed as early as five years ago and began large-scale manufacturing two years ago.

At that time, the imperial court actually had no plans to dig deep-water wells on a large scale in Hebei.

In the Central Plains, water conservancy projects are in full swing.

Overseas, water conservancy construction has never stopped.

In important grain-producing areas such as the Ganges Plain, the Indus River Basin, the Mississippi River Basin, and Jakarta, water conservancy projects have been under construction and agricultural technology has been promoted.

Water conservancy, seeds, and chemical fertilizers are the three lifebloods of agriculture.

In the 18th year of Yongxing's reign, Dahua's annual fertilizer output reached 15 million tons. Among them, 10 million tons are from the Central Plains region and 5 million tons are from overseas regions.

Ten million tons in the Central Plains area is approximately equal to the level of flower growers in later generations in 1978, far exceeding other fields.

In other fields, the development level of the Central Plains of China can at best be considered that of the 1950s.

The reason why the fertilizer field has developed so fast is mainly due to Wu Changqing's attention.

As early as the second year of Yongxing, he spent a lot of money to exchange for the synthesis technology of various types of chemical fertilizers.

After more than ten years of development, Dahua's fertilizer synthesis technology is now very mature, the manufacturing process is quite exquisite, and the manufacturing cost is quite low.

The annual output in overseas areas is five million tons, which seems much less.

Dahua's overseas territory is almost nine times that of the Central Plains region (the Central Plains region here refers to the 9.6 million, including the west).

The area of ​​cultivated land is almost seven or eight times that of the country, and the population also accounts for half.

The annual output of five million tons is far from meeting the huge demand.

However, fertilizer production in overseas regions is growing rapidly, and the growth rate far exceeds that in the Central Plains.

For example, in India, the annual growth rate of chemical fertilizer production in Yongxing in the 17th year reached 25%, while in the Central Plains region it was only 10%.

Of course, when it comes to growth, North America is the fastest growing region, and it will continue to maintain the title of fastest growth.

After all, the starting point here is too low.

As Dahua's largest granary, the current annual output of chemical fertilizers in North America is less than 100,000 tons.

This is all because North America was recovered late and the corresponding construction was even later.

In the 17th year of Yongxing, the first fertilizer factory appeared in North America.

However, these have massive arable land and a massive demand for chemical fertilizers.

Therefore, there are many fertilizer factories being built here, and those businessmen are like sharks that smell blood. Before Philadelphia fell, they had already thrown their capital into North America.

Dahua did not oppress the capitalists and rich people in North America. However, when faced with the capital invasion from the Central Plains, they still retreated steadily and their wealth shrank greatly.

The industry they were working in quickly turned into an unprofitable field.

Sectors such as fertilizer plants, steel plants, and oil refineries are either controlled by the Chinese government or businessmen from China, making it difficult for North American capitalists to squeeze in.

Their best option is to cooperate with a Central Plains businessman, provide 100% of the capital themselves, and then the Central Plains businessman provide some technology, and the two of them will split the money 30-70.

Central Plains merchants accounted for 70%, and most of them were relatively soft-hearted Central Plains merchants.

If unfortunately they meet a ruthless person, those capitalists on the 28th can only accept it with tears.

For them, instead of thinking about getting rich and increasing their wealth, it is a blessing to be able to keep their wealth from shrinking.

Through this relatively mild approach, Dahua has also completed its complete control of North America.

There are still white-skinned rich people, but there are only a few white people who can have the final say and have huge influence.

Wu Changqing vigorously promoted the development of agriculture. On the one hand, it was to feed everyone in the world, and on the other hand, it was also for a larger population and more technological points.

However, what he did not expect was that this policy would make the situation in Dahua Overseas very stable.

It is not easy to completely dominate a place.

In conquered places, some resistance often breaks out.

However, in those places conquered by Dahua, the number of rebellions that broke out was relatively few and the scale was small.

There were not even more than ten cases that could be reported to Wu Changqing.

Most of the rebellions did not exceed 5,000 people in size, and were put out by the local garrison or security team.

The number of people with more than 5,000 people was only seven times, including two in Fusang, one in Annan, and one in Bangalore...

The largest rebellion was also started by miners, not farmers.

This should all be attributed to this food policy. It is precisely because of this food policy that everyone in the world has enough to eat, and those people are unwilling to rebel.

The people at the bottom may be relatively small because they are uneducated and uneducated, but that doesn't mean they are really stupid.

They will compare the days they lived in the past and the days they live now.

Clearly, times are better now.

Give up better days to rebel?

If you fail, you will lose your head; if you win, you will return to the hard days of the past.

This choice seems awkward at first glance.

Not to mention that people in this era do not have such a strong national consciousness. Even if some people do not like to be ruled by Dahua, no one is willing to do such a thing where victory or failure has no good results.

Some people even know that someone wants to rebel and are afraid that those people will succeed, so they choose to report to the government.

A few careerists cannot inspire the people, so they can only sigh secretly.

If they had to charge into battle themselves, they wouldn't be so stupid.

When facing the Han people, they are even humbler than ordinary people, and they are even worse than licking the shoes of the Han people.

As they have been ruled by Dahua for longer and longer periods of time, people in some areas have begun to completely regard themselves as members of Dahua.

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