I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1089 Rural Living Standards in Various Regions

Listening to what my parents said, it sounded right at first glance.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will understand that if everyone listened to their parents, society would not be able to progress, and it would probably remain in a primitive society.

It is precisely because of those who are disobedient and have the courage to innovate that society can progress.

Zhu Changyao is obviously such a person. He is determined not to learn how to drive a harvester or an excavator. Instead, he wants to learn applied meteorology.

This is the major recommended to him by his teacher, and this is actually the task given to teachers by the Ministry of Education, asking them to cultivate diverse talents.

This made Zhu Sanlang half angry to death.

In Dahua, only middle schools and primary schools are free of tuition. Except for those with good grades, tuition is free for those who want to go to university. Others need to pay a fee to go to university.

In Zhu Sanlang's view, spending so much money just to learn how to predict the weather is simply sick.

At the same time, he didn't understand the use of learning this at all.

The third uncle in their village can also predict the weather. Although it is not accurate, it is enough to meet the needs of agricultural planting.

Not only the second son Zhu Changyao, but also the eldest daughter Zhu Ailing gave Zhu Sanlang a headache.

Zhu Ailing didn't listen to him at all and went to Zhengzhou to learn dance by herself.

Although Zhu Ailing explained to him the difference between art and prostitutes many times, Zhu Sanlang still had a knot in his heart.

Singing and dancing for other men, aren't they just the prostitutes who used to make jokes.

In the past, this kind of person couldn't stand being pointed out.

But in Dahua now, not many people gossip, and Zhu Sanlang doesn't know why.

Except for these three older children who have their own ideas, the others who are still young do not let him worry and are not very obedient.

There is nothing that can be done about it. As those children learn more, their admiration for Zhu Sanlang will continue to decrease, and they will naturally become less obedient.

"Forget it, let him learn whatever he wants. Since it is a knowledge recommended by their teacher, it cannot be useless. Look at the changes in the world now, isn't it just based on those weird knowledge."

Zhu Sanlang's wife persuaded and pointed to the motorcycle and radio at home.

Zhu Sanlang also used many fashionable things in his home.

Such as motorcycles, ore radios, flashlights, electric lamps, etc.

The annual income is 200,000, which is a first-class level for the current rural people in Dahua.

But this is compared with other rural areas of the same era, not with the families in later generations with an annual income of 200,000 yuan.

After all, in terms of prices, there is a big difference between some current commodities and those of later generations.

In later generations, a television only cost two to three thousand yuan. But now Dahua TV sets cost 100,000 yuan.

A motorcycle that could be bought for a few thousand yuan in later generations now costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in Dahua.

The higher the technology content, the more expensive the product will be.

When it comes to food, there is almost no difference.

Zhu Sanlang can use a motorcycle and an electric light, which is a first-class living standard in rural areas.

Families with an annual income of between 100,000 and 200,000 can almost live a second-rate life.

For example, Zhu Sanlang's neighbor, Zhu Shiyun.

Zhu Shiyun was not as thrifty as Zhu Sanlang, so he could not save money to buy land and could only rent other people's land.

Although they also farmed 200 acres, they had to pay more rent and their income was slightly lower than that of Zhu Sanlang's family.

However, on the surface, Zhu Shiyun's life is no worse than that of Zhu Sanlang's family.

After all, his attitude towards life is more about pursuing current enjoyment and not thinking much about the future.

His motorcycle has more horsepower, and he has a tape recorder at home that can play CDs and listen to the radio. He even has a 12-inch black and white TV.

This is already considered advanced consumption. It is absolutely impossible for a family with this income to buy a TV.

With this TV set, Zhu Shiyun's home has become the busiest place in Zhujia Village.

Those children would flock to his house to watch TV after school.

But the content to watch is all decided by Zhu Shiyun.

Those children's favorite cartoons are often no longer within the scope of Zhu Shiyun's consideration.

Having a TV at home is the biggest luxury these children have.

But this is difficult. There are not many rural families with an annual income of more than 100,000, and most of them are still below this number.

Those with an annual income of 50,000 to 100,000 are at the third-rate level.

Most families who live in plain areas with fertile land but only cultivate their own fields and have no other additional income belong to this level.

It is difficult to see any electrical appliances in these families, and most of them are even reluctant to install electric lights.

The only means of transportation is a bicycle.

Their biggest expenses in terms of income are building a house and sending their children to college.

Families at their level could actually have a very easy life if they did not provide for their children to go to college, but most of them gave up this ease.

Since ancient times, the Chinese people have believed that reading can change their destiny.

In places where the land is barren and crops cannot be grown on a large scale, even with fifty acres of land, it is difficult to earn an income of 50,000 yuan.

In rural areas such as Lingnan, Jiangxi mountainous areas, and Fujian mountainous areas, the income is generally less than 50,000 yuan.

A home worth tens of thousands of yuan

Household income, at first glance, seems quite high.

However, it depends on how the money is used.

Used to buy food to eat, it can really stretch people to death.

However, if you use it to buy meat, you can't actually buy too much. The current price of meat is much more expensive than in future generations.

If you want to buy those fashionable electrical appliances, it's even more difficult.

However, as the production of those commodities becomes higher and higher, the prices of those commodities will continue to drop rapidly.

It is not impossible for these ordinary families to use TV sets.

Families at this level are no longer able to support their children in college. Only children study hard and get scholarships.

At the next lower level are families whose annual income is less than 10,000 yuan. Most of these people are located in the Loess Plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the mountainous areas of western Hunan, and similar places.

These are already remote areas, with basically no electricity and not many roads.

Compared with 20 years ago, the biggest difference between these places is that the food is better and the clothes are better.

In other aspects, it is not much different from before.

It gives the impression that changes in the world have nothing to do with these places.

Of course, they are not the worst.

Most of the non-Han people in the Ganges River Basin, Southeast Asia, and America had just reached the level of food and clothing at this time.

It has nothing to do with them whether they are well-fed or well-dressed. Some food is good.

When it comes to the clothes you wear, you don’t care about appearance, just keeping warm.

In some places, there are even a small number of people who do not have enough food and clothing.

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