I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1050 Personal Tax Reform 2

The dispute between the DPRK and China is a dispute, and in the end, Wu Changqing has the final say.

"Personal income tax must be levied. Next, Dahua will accelerate its development and need to carry out many long-term major projects. How can it be done without money.

The money placed in the hands of wealthy individuals has extremely limited use. Only when the money is concentrated in the country can the country accomplish more major things with this money.

And this is also good for the rich, building railways, building highways, and building large ports. If the state hadn't spent money to carry out these projects, would the current transportation be so convenient and business be so easy?

Taxation is taken from the people and used for the people. Individual blindness and selfishness cannot help Dahua develop rapidly. The function of the imperial court is to lead.

For example, the court is the head of the family in a country. Of course, it is most appropriate for the head of the family to spend the money. If it is given to the children, they will only use it to buy toys..."

Wu Changqing reminded those officials who were dissatisfied or worried in a slightly complaining way.

Wu Changqing told those guys in easy-to-understand terms that the court collected this tax not to be greedy for their money. After the money received by the court, didn’t it end up being spent on them?

Without a country to coordinate and make long-term plans, the money would be scattered in the hands of the rich and would not play a big role in the development of Dahua.

Is it possible for an individual to build a road that makes no profit but is of great use?

This truth is actually very simple. Wu Changqing doesn’t need to tell anyone to understand it.

However, in the final analysis, those people are still short-sighted and selfish.

As long as their money is asked for, they will feel heartache.

They also hope that the court will collect money from the poor to build these infrastructures so that they can do business and make a lot of money.

Although this idea is extremely shameless, many people do think this way.

It's just that Wu Changqing won't let them get their wish.

Regardless of whether the rich people are happy or not, Wu Changqing decided to do this and it will not change.

As for whether doing this will cause unrest in Dahua, Wu Changqing is not worried at all.

As the saying goes, boiling a frog in warm water means you can't add it too hot all at once.

If all the rich people's money were to be robbed at once, they would definitely rebel.

However, they only grabbed a little bit each time, which made them feel distressed and unable to make up their minds.

Wu Changqing had done this kind of thing before, and it was very easy.

For example, the standard currency reform will simply allow the rich who hide their silver in the cellar to directly shrink their money by 10 to 15 percent.

In the end, the rich couldn't just give in and curse.

It's the same this time. The final fate of those businessmen will definitely be cursing and paying taxes.

In a few years, after they get used to paying this tax, this curse will disappear.

By then, Wu Changqing should introduce an inheritance tax.

Boiling frogs in warm water is actually a clever way to deal with the wealthy class.

The news of personal income tax reform soon leaked out, and many of the officials participating in the meeting represented the interests of the wealthy class.

As soon as the meeting ended, they released the news and asked the rich people to use their brains and think of a solution.

Of course, it was the wealthy people in Nanjing who got the news first, but soon the wealthy people in other places also knew about it.

Telegraphs and telephones have closely connected the world.

After the news came out, the rich world suddenly burst into mourning. The more people earned, the harder they cried.

For example, Hong Tailin, who is in the shipbuilding industry, has a corporate tax rate of 40% in a hugely profitable industry, and his monthly income has exceeded 100,000 yuan.

This means that 64% of the money he will earn in the future will be handed over to the court, all of which will be spent working for the court.

"It's really unreasonable. I know that this tyrant has never treated us as human beings. He just raises us like cows and needs to be milked every once in a while."

"Please keep your voice down, I'm tired of living with you."

In a mansion, a woman was so frightened that she quickly covered her master's mouth.

Kong Xun's words just now criticized the current Holy Emperor of Heaven, which was treasonous.

If someone heard this and stabbed him, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'm going to say, if you can, just kill me."

Kong Xun slammed the table.

No wonder he was so angry, because he used to be a big landowner.

Wu Changqing's currency reform forced him to exchange the silver in the cellar for standard currency, and his wealth shrank by nearly 15%.

After the land reform, he was forced to sell his land at a low price, and his wealth shrank by nearly 40%.

This is why he hates Wu Changqing.

Of course, this is only a superficial reason, the fundamental reason is still because of his selfishness.

Kong Xun only saw that Wu Changqing made him a lot of money, but he did not see that Wu Changqing ended the war and gave him a safe society and a good business environment.

We can't see the infrastructure that Wu Changqing built to facilitate his business. We can't see Wu Changqing defeating other countries and plundering cheap resources from overseas to make raw materials for him. We can't see the advanced technology Wu Changqing provided them.

Wu Changqing's two policies indeed robbed more than half of his wealth.

However, before Wu Changqing founded the country, Kong Xun's wealth was less than 500,000 taels.

But now, his wealth has reached three million yuan, excluding some derogatory points.

The value is approximately equal to the two million taels before the founding of the People's Republic of China, which is equivalent to a fourfold increase.

This is something that none of his ancestors for three generations could do, but he did it.

Those landlords who have fallen behind the trend of the times may still have the qualifications to hate Wu Changqing.

But Kong Xun, who had taken advantage of Dahua's development and enjoyed the benefits of Dahua's development, did not have this qualification.

However, only normal people can see Wu Changqing's contribution and role, while people like Kong Xun, who have been blinded by selfishness, feel that their wealth growth is earned through their own efforts.

Even when he made this money, he was a little complacent.

I still think in my heart, ‘Even if you use force to rob me of my money, I can still make more with my own skills’.

Kong Xun felt great resentment in his heart, but Wu Changqing was not worried about such people at all.

Such extremely selfish people are the easiest to rule.

Don't look at Kong Xun banging the table and throwing chairs, but if Wu Changqing stood in front of him now and gave him a gun, he wouldn't do it. He was not the kind of person who would lose his mind just to vent his anger.

He would just huddle aside like before, and then when he went to bed at night, he would imagine that someone else would stand up against Wu Changqing. When others are sure to win, he will stand up and shout.

He would even remain silent until there was no hope of victory.

He is not that stupid to throw his head and blood.

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