I Broke Through Again

Chapter 493: Offering treasures, strange objects

   Chapter 493 Treasures, strange things [please order tickets]

   Zhao Huaizhong had read the gift list and had a few words of warm words with the envoys, giving them a lot of encouragement.

  The envoys were taken down, and Meng Yi was responsible for contacting them with other matters.

  Lu Buwei came out and reported the follow-up arrangements for the cities and kingdoms:

   "The ministers and others jointly discussed that the borders of the cities and states could be divided into seven major counties.

The    county governor is assigned by my Daqin, among which Qiuci, Dawan and Jingjue Three Kingdoms former rulers can temporarily succeed the county guard.

   Qiuci is a great city.

  The lord of his country serves as the county governor of our Daqin, which is conducive to stabilizing people's hearts and has special significance;

  Dawan was the farthest from our Daqin, but he was the first to present a detailed list. He wished to return to Qin’s city and country, and should be treated favorably. As for Jingjue, the things he accepted and offered were the treasures of his country, which shows his sincerity in surrendering.

   These three kingdoms all have special features, so ministers and others believed that they could turn their lords into county governors for a five-year term.

   Whether to stay in office after five years is to be negotiated. "

  Lu Buwei said: "Except for the former rulers of the above three kingdoms to be changed to county governors, the remaining rulers and clans will move to our Daqin Xianyang, or the surrounding cities to live in, so as to prevent them from repeating.

   In addition, there are seven counties in the city, and the governors of the remaining four counties are all appointed by His Majesty, who can control each other and supervise each other, which is conducive to long-term stability. The defenders of the seven counties were taken over by our Qin army, and the defenses were changed regularly. "

   Zhao Huaizhong looked through the books written by Lu Buwei and other ministers about the follow-up policies for the cities and states.

There are hundreds of   , which are very detailed.

The core content of    is to strengthen the centralization of power in these places, use differentiation, support local forces and other effective strategies summarized after Qin's destruction of the country, and strive to make the countries in the Western Regions quickly become the laying hens who can serve the Qin Dynasty faithfully.

   And strive to let it lay golden eggs to further strengthen Qin.

   "The land of Dawan is convenient for raising horses, and the ministers believe that in the future, two more horse farms should be built in Dawan.

  The Qiuci people are good at dancing and music, and are good at iron craftsmanship, and it is expected to strengthen the craftsmanship in their territory in the future.

   In addition, my Daqin will actively encourage trade with the Northwest. "

   "I agree with this minister!"

  Lu Buwei finished his words, and Wei Liao, Zhang Cang, Han Fei and others joined in one after another.

   They had already discussed in advance before they dared to present the agreed content to Zhao Huaizhong, so the efficiency was extremely high.

   After Zhao Huaizhong nodded in approval, he dismissed the court discussion and returned to the study to review the other memorials.

   Near noon, he took out a few ingenious things from the gourd and played with them.

   One of the more special ones is a jade-carved well, which is cylindrical, nearly a foot long, with a forearm-thick diameter, concave wellhead, smooth surface, and warm jade.

   Zhao Huaizhong held it in his hand, and his expression was a little weird. He felt that this thing was not only a water well, but could also be used for coercion.

  The most amazing thing is that there is actually water in the well, and it does not dry up all the year round.

   When you bring the wellhead close to your eyes and look into the well, you will see that the well is deep and the well water is sparkling.

  The aura inside it slowly became illusory, and a man and multiple women appeared.

   These men and women quickly started their counterpart operations in the well, and in the process they were eloquent, you came and I went.

   The scene in this well is different every time I look at it, which not only guarantees a sense of novelty, but also satisfies the curiosity.

   Zhao Huaizhong traced its cause and effect, and briefly studied the origin of this jade well.

   But there are two qi between heaven and earth, yin and yang, and it is the result of the harmony between heaven and earth, and the reproduction of living beings.

   The fusion of these two qi-machines can evolve the scene of the reproduction of sentient beings.

   The Yujing in front of him was met by fate, and he got a little breath of heaven and earth, so he was able to manifest some wonders and visions, with men and women corresponding to yin and yang.

   It reflects the desires of everyone's heart. Zhao Huai sees it, the men and women who manifest are implicitly himself and the concubines in the harem.

  This thing is a rare treasure collected by the Kingdom of Dawan. If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to lick Zhao Huaizhong this time, the Lord of the Kingdom of Dawan would definitely not be willing to take it out.

   "It will be interesting to show it to the queen and the others."

   There are many other offerings, one of which caught Zhao Huaizhong's attention.

   It was a jade plate with handwriting engraved on it.

   "...In ancient times, I saw a luminous stone falling from the sky, and it fell to the southwest of the earth, and then the void shattered, revealing a deep black hole, which was dark and bottomless, and could devour the world.

   Anyone who sees their abnormality will appear in dreams every day.

  The Prophet in the Kingdom of Wujingjue judged it as a disaster, and then sent the Stone of Illumination and Confusion into the ground and buried it, but it was acquired by the Kangyi people... Today's Kangyi is filled with yin, or it has something to do with it! "

  This is something that was donated by the King of Jingjue. It explains that the stone of natural disasters came to Jingjue in ancient times.

  The ancients regarded Yinghuo as a disaster star, that is, a meteorite fell, which was a sign of heaven and earth.

  The jade plate presented by Jingjueguo is telling about an accident that happened in the country in ancient times.

   After looking at it, Zhao Huai highlighted the key points. The Stone of Illumination and Confusion fell to the ground, causing unknown changes, and the changes could affect people's minds, often appearing in dreams, like a nightmare.

   Later, the stone of luminous confusion that fell from the sky was buried by Jingjue people, and then obtained by Kangyi people.

   Suspect that Kang Yi's transformation into the ghost realm is related to that strange stone of luminescence?

   Zhao Huaizhong had seen some things in the consciousness of Kang Yi Nanhu Wang Yan Chaoan before. Combined with the content of the jade plate sent by Jingjueguo at this time, some secrets of Kang Yi could be inferred.

   What can be determined so far is that there is a foreign object hidden in the hands of the Kangyi clan, which is likely to be the stone of elation and confusion mentioned on the Jingjue jade board.

   Zhao Huaizhong judged that the so-called Stone of Confusion and Confusion was an artifact of innate quality.

   Moreover, there is a high probability that it is a treasure in the underworld, otherwise it will not induce Kang Yi to become a ghost in the world, and the yin is raging.

It's not clear what    is, but it's obviously not a ghost pen. Otherwise, Zhao Huaizhong, who has already refined the book of the earth, will not be unresponsive.

   Maybe it’s time to go to the capital of Kangyi.

   Zhao Huaizhong took a few things in his hand and said, "Bao Si, come here."

  In the picture scroll space on the wall, the face of a ghost, a beauty, a man and a disaster for the country and the people poked out: "Is your majesty calling me?"

   Seeing Zhao Huaizhong nodding, she walked out of the picture scroll, her bare feet delicate and small, looming under the flying skirt.

   Zhao Huaizhong handed her the well just now: "Look, there is something fun here."

   "Oh... what is this?"

   "This is a treasure. You need to get used to it first. It is suitable for viewing in a simple way. If you dig deep into the mind, it will give a feedback screen. If you don't want to watch it, just withdraw your superficial awareness."

   Baosi didn't understand, but he was very obedient and let him have a look. He took Yujing with one hand, and found that it was a little big, then he held it with both hands, put his eyes to the mouth of the well, and looked inside.

   When Bao Si was watching the Yin-Yang Well, Zhao Huaizhong released his spiritual sense and created a connection with the book of the earth.


   In the secret territory of the void, the Kyushu Scroll and the Book of the Earth are blended.

   The place where the breaths of the two meet, chaos tosses.

   In the chaos, countless symbols, incantations, and Dao power rules derived from lines collided and blended with each other. Some merged together, and some induced explosive fluctuations, surging at the intersection of the two.

   Their fusion process is long and mysterious, as if they were evolving a world.

   In the book, Zhao Huaizhong's consciousness descended.

  Because he almost caused the Kyushu Scroll to be alerted last time, he became more cautious and pushed his consciousness quietly into the Kyushu Scroll along with the ground book.

   What he did was very obscure, and the thoughts of the past were pushed to the point of faintness.

   With a little divine sense, he was successfully sent to the Kyushu Scroll, and there was no abnormality.

   Zhao Huaizhong stopped after tasting it, and then stopped.

   He wanted to try it. After a period of time, it would add up to some kind of influence on the Kyushu Scroll.

  At present, the fierce battle between Heavenly Court and Yaozu is becoming more and more fierce. While Daqin is attacking the northwest, Heavenly Court and Yaozu are also facing each other in the eastern region of Immortal Realm.

   Secretly, both sides have dispatched a large number of people, and Tianting is trying its best to find the soul-eating pen, and make a layout for the future combination of the book of the earth and the scroll of Kyushu.

The    demon clan is designed to destroy the plan of heaven.

"Heavenly Court has not yet found the exact information about the Soul Eccentric Pen, but the Soul Evocation Pen is also a treasure that disappeared with the crack of the underworld after ancient times. It is inferred from this that the Soul Evocation Pen is probably also hidden in a gate of the underworld. I began to pursue the lost clues to the gate of the underworld."

   Zhao Huaizhong withdrew his spiritual thoughts from the book, his thoughts fluctuated.

   turned his head and glanced at the little secretary.

   Bao Si just put the Yin-Yang Well on the low seat, her face flushed, and she fled back to the picture scroll space shaking her hips.

   "Hey, what did you see in the well?"

   Bao Si did not say a word, and ran back to the picture scroll in a flash.

   Zhao Huaizhong put away the yin and yang well, got up and went to the Sendai in the stone hall of the ancestral temple, and began to practice.

   He is very close to breaking through again, half of his foot has already stepped into the next level.

Every breakthrough of    Creation Realm is an earth-shaking change and a reconstruction of life forms.

  When Zhao Huaizhong started to practice, his body was surging, and he was in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and six auras of Dao power formed behind him.

   His figure actually disappeared from the top of Sendai, as if he was pulled away from this world and no longer bound by any rules of this world.

   At this moment, there is no power to perceive traces traced back to him.

   Two hours later, Zhao Huaizhong seemed to have returned from the sky and reappeared on Sendai, opened his eyes, and let out a chaotic air flow.

  In the middle of December, it snows in Xianyang.

   In the northwest of Xianyang, thousands of miles away, the wind was howling and the sand was flying.

  Under the city of Tashkent, Qin and Kangyi had a head-to-head confrontation.

  Kang Yi gathered his army to regain lost ground, but Lian Po instead shrank his troops and started to hold on, dragging Kang Yi's army on the southern battlefield.

   At the same time, Li Xin's Imperial Army, the elite of the Heye Imperial Palace, suddenly entered the eastern line of Kangyi.

   In mid-to-late December, the two sides spent their time in a fierce battle.

After the appearance of the forbidden army led by Li Xin, Kang Yi realized that the Qin army who broke through their two heavy cities overnight on the southern front was not the most elite troops.

  The Great Qin Imperial Army is the one!

  Kang Yi assembled a large army, but the troops on the eastern front were not dispatched, and he was not unprepared for the eastern offensive launched by the Qin army.

   However, the Daqin Imperial Army was dispatched, and the combat capability displayed was far beyond Kang Yi's expectations.

   The Forbidden Army practiced the Six-Nine Warfare strategy, the tactics changed, and the offensive and defensive capabilities were greatly improved compared with the past, more flexible and unpredictable.

   It was Fang Junhu and the Dragon Armored Imperial Army led by Xin Wu who completely collapsed the Kangyi defense line.

   They entered the battlefield for the first time. Through airdrops, they penetrated deep into the rear of the Kangyi line of defense, copied Lian Po's record, and tore apart the two strong cities on the western line of Kangyi in one day.

  Li Xin led 30,000 imperial troops to break through the eastern front, and in late December, he successfully joined forces with the Dragon Armored Imperial Army from west to east.

  The two fronts met, indicating that they had completely penetrated Kang Yi's central defense line, connecting the east and west lines together.

   For the next few days, the Qin army crossed back and forth, hitting the east and west of the Kangyi people in pieces.

   At the end of December, the weather is cold.

  In the Xianyang Hall, Zhao Huaizhong was reading the Northwest War Report.

  The Kangyi people had given up retaking Tashkent and Tuomu because of the advance of the forbidden army, and were forced to return to the defense. Lian Po immediately went out of the city to pursue them.

   By the end of December, Kang Yi had lost his confidence in attacking Qin and turned to defense across the board.

  Lian Po estimates that Qin will completely defeat Kang Yi next spring.

   "It won't take as long as next spring..." Zhao Huai thought centrally.

   At this time, Liu Qi came in from outside: "Your Majesty, it's almost time."

   Zhao Huaizhong got up and walked out. Today is a big day: "Are you ready?"

   "Yes, it has been prepared according to His Majesty's instructions." Liu Qi replied.

  Ps: Please book a ticket, thank you

   (end of this chapter)

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