87 – ORIGIN (6)

A slash like a giant crescent moon reaching 50m.

blah blah!

It didn’t just attack trees. Even after splitting the Makaisu in half, it was overflowing with power, and the shock wave spread, causing secondary damage to the Rock Salt Wings.

Others don’t know, but I could tell.

I thought of it as soon as I saw it.


The basis of source power is faith. The stronger one’s own belief is, the more the Source Force repays that will.

But that slash is too much, too much.

I thought that Ara Kim believed in herself that much, but at the same time I thought it was dangerous.

Kim Ara must have used more strength than I thought.

Maybe more than when using Pacheon.


I called Kim A-ra’s name and quickly ran to the black island. Kim Ara was falling, powerless. I made a platform in the air and closed the distance as much as possible.

And he hugged Kim A-ra with the princess hug.

“Can you use Pacheon?”

“If you overdo it, at least once.”

“… … okay.”

While having a brief conversation with Kim Ara, I felt all kinds of waves of magic on the ground.

-Lightning Impact!

-Shadow Critical!

– Magma Attack!

There was no curse in between.

There are many people who specialize in curses with rock salt wings, but it must have been effective that I removed all curses so easily while rushing to catch the demon tree.

‘It’s like that.’

I took out the black wings.


Black single wings appeared, denying the surrounding flow. The reverse wind radiated from the wings negated the air and led the current to lead me upward.


Its black single wing reached the sky and created a light wave. The intangible gyeongpa stretched out its negative powers and began erasing the magic.

“My God, what am I looking at?”

“Is it resistance? No, that’s something like exorcism… … !”

The members of the Wings of Rock Salt were perplexed. I took a deep breath and told Kim Ara.

“Hang on my back like this.”


Kim A-ra calmly clung to my back. Trying to ignore the soft feeling on my back, I grabbed the black cloth in reverse.

Confirm with the Holy Ghost. There is no prize. The problem is that most of them are septum.

‘I do not care.’

finish in one go

Yeongcheon drew a magic spell. A secondary technique as usual.

-Strengthening muscle strength, strengthening senses, speed, and falling speed.

A spell made of reverse heaven wrapped around my body.

Feeling a sense of uplift, I blew the reverse sky into the dark sky. The black unclean power was condensed into the black cloth, forming a blade.


is not The shape of the blade that I forcibly caught with the concept stat inversion.

“A swordsman?! Crazy, there was no such thing as a prize!”

“Everyone retreat! Contact the other wing right now to adjust the difficulty level!”

However, it was enough to make the opponent fall into a panic.

And while falling like this.

In an instant, my vision darkened.

Memories surfaced in my brain.

A garden with a pond. A structure reminiscent of old China.

-Heuksinmu was created to kill a higher rank than himself.

A woman was seen there. It was a woman in a black uniform. Oddly, the face was blurry, so I couldn’t see it.

-The reason Yeonja came this far was probably just before learning about Purgatory, the bottomless pit that swallows everything. As they reached the septum, they made it possible to learn this martial art when dealing with a large number of people. The original woman will teach you the martial arts to deal with the majority.


The woman stretched out her hand. A black light wave was wrapped around her hand.

-This is meaningful in spreading the light waves of the black mirror. The black gyeong is a martial art created to kill a high-ranking attack with a single blow. The lowly can kill just by unleashing it and spreading it.

The long-clothed woman, the former Heavenly Demon looked back at me and said.

-Bonnyeo named this the black mirror killing method. It’s pretty useful, so make sure to learn it. Even if Black Heaven teaches you the purgatory that swallows everything, the abyss, isn’t that a martial art that can deal with the majority?

The Heavenly Demon said while laughing.

-Seeing this is proof that you successfully completed the Black God Dance. It is certain that the original woman’s hard work was not in vain. If it’s a pity, it would be that I couldn’t see the face of the performer.

The background started to darken again.

-And, when using the Hungry method for the first time, do not load the light wave on the weapon. Is it much easier to spread out with a body that has been trained in black shoes?

back to reality

It was still falling.

‘Maybe time hasn’t passed.’

It might be possible because the Heavenly Demon is a transcendental being. I looked at the black sky. The Heavenly Demon told me not to… … .

‘Is it possible.’

Intuitively, I knew I could use the black cloth to slaughter. This is because there is a concept stat inversion.

The power to deal with the concept of inversion itself.


The energy of the reverse sky condenses into the black sky. Like when opening a black spectacle, instead of shaping the blade, it’s blunt. Then, slowly unraveling it, he made a light wave.


Dark Heaven looked at me with a puzzled look.

I plunged the black cloth straight into the ground.

Black God Dance

Heukgyeong (黑勁) – Nansalbeop (亂殺法)

[The mastery of the black spectacle has increased!]

The black light wave splits. As the light wave creates ripples, it is accompanied by the energy of the reverse sky.


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Nearby corpses scattered ashes. It was all proof that it was a demon.

[Concept stat Reverse Transition increases by 1.]

Some of the ashes scattered by demons were absorbed into my body.


I retrieved the scattered inverse springs with the egg-laying method. As the black light waves returned to my body, I realized that I had roughly 95% of my strength left.

And this too was quickly recovering thanks to the seed of spiritual power.

It was an odd thing. The more you fight, the more your strength should be consumed, but I am free from that part.

“He stopped! I can’t move because of the technology from a moment ago! Hit it fast!”

“Die, you monster!”

Guys screaming and coming at me.

I smiled and looked at them. All that’s left are one heavy hitter and two lower hitters.


I hit the flying window with the back of my hand. He changed the position of the spear he had hit with his dexterity as he slashed it. To the Mine who took the posture of holding a sword and trying to strike down with all his might.


“Hey, you punk! what are you doing now… … Kuck!”

Then he quickly cut his throat with a black cloth.


And my eyes met with a demon. Then, Mine, who was about to attack, turned his back and started running away.

“Hey, hey! If you splash now, everyone will die, kuck!”

After kicking the head of the demon holding the spear with my foot, I raised my sword with my hand and struck it down.


With an unpleasant tactile sensation, Mine’s arm went limp.

‘Isn’t pure muscle power itself still that strong?’

This is a bit lower than Park Woon-hyuk.

It’s ridiculous.

It’s only been half a year since I melted into this world. Even so, he caught up with those who had been training for more than ten years.

I controlled the black sword with my thoughts and took the head of the demon who was running away.

The demons’ bodies scattered like ashes and disappeared.

[You have successfully cleared the quest.]

[Paying out achievements… … .]

[Acquire 40,000p for defeating Magyesu (Infant) before fully hatching.]

[Main Quest Chapter. 6. Completely finished. The reward is further upgraded.]

[You left a strong impression on Ara Kim. Relationships are added.]

[belief. This relationship built on trust might be close to that of a king and a knight. However, what is certain is that as long as you don’t betray her, she will be immortal even to death if you trust her.]

‘… … It’s scary.’

It was similar to, but different from, the dependence Seo Ga-yeon showed.

[As the Demon King died, he left behind his seed.]

[Retrieve the branches of the demon tree.]

… … I was going to go anyway.

I went to the place where the Demon King fell.

A tree branch is also a tree branch, but the demon tree is the opposite of the existence of a kind of world tree.

It can be seen that it can be a valuable alchemy material by itself. It is also used in metallurgy and cooking.

‘I’ll have to take care of it sparingly.’

However, the problem is that you don’t know who might steal it.

Ownership has many witnesses here. Plus, my back is the best in the world.

There are also three transcendents called the emperor, heavenly dog, and overlord, and the owner of the red pagoda.

Since it is related to Ara Kim, the King will step in, and others will step in whenever I ask.

First of all, I took the branches of the most important demon tree.



【Branch of Demonic Beast (A)】

A twig that contains demonic energy. When rooted in the ground, it turns into a realm full of demonic energy. There is spirit in it.

: When planting a tree branch, it absorbs all nutrients within a radius of 1km and makes the surrounding barren land.

: When the number of demons grows to a certain extent, it makes the surrounding area its own. Monsters are eroded by Magi.


A brutal explanation.

I put the branch into the subspace and looked at the demon tree.

‘The space of the sub-space is getting dangerous.’

First of all, I think I can move about half of it.

I opened my cell phone. While looking for the person who could help the most nearby, Ersil was seen.

If it was Ersil, he could entrust the work without any burden.

Because there is a business relationship between her and me. What’s more, it’s because I’m good at things.

I called Ersil with a flick.

“How do I do this?”

“Should we break up first? Ah, since the ownership belongs to Ara who caught the demon tree, can I buy it if I need something later?”

“There is something I need right now instead of money.”

Ara Kim said that and immediately looked at me.

“I’m suddenly tired.”

“yes? Would you like to rest for a while?”


After saying that, Ara Kim sat me down and leaned her head on my lap.

“… … .”

“If you stay like this, I’ll give you anything you ask for.”

“The demonic water is very expensive.”

“it’s okay.”

Ara Kim looked at me while saying that.

“Because I don’t need anything but you.”

With clear emotions, Ara Kim quietly spoke to me.

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