75. god will

The bishops who participated in the debate were all famous faces.

Starting with Saint Lucia, who serves Goddess Justia, who is in charge of justice right now.

Hertia, the goddess of hearth and fire, Velas, the god of festivals and joy, Demeter, the goddess of fertility and the earth, and Raiser, the god of lightning and clouds.

The bishops who serve countless famous gods were all sitting in their seats, glaring at me, saying they didn’t like it.

To them, I’d be like a criminal who should be hanged right now.

The sharp gaze did not come only from the bishops.

Citizens were so out of control that even if I let them go a little, they would bring torches and shout that they had to burn me.

Even in the midst of this, the saintess calmly approached me and asked for a handshake.

Suddenly, the last greeting at the restaurant a few days ago came to mind.

“Long time no see.”

When I whispered in the same tone as back then, Lucia was expressionless and asked me.

“You know, did you?”

“… … .”

I let go of my hand without saying a word because the voices of the citizens raging about the saintess’ hand being soiled echoed from all directions.

One of the students of the archmage who was serving as the moderator coughed and grabbed the microphone.

It was a tool that used the user’s mana to make their voices resonate louder.

“Okay then. before starting the discussion. Let me explain the subject.”

The subject of the discussion was whether it was possible to accept me as a memorial service.

Of course, already with thunderous booing, the call to execute the execution broke out again.

“From now on, for smooth discussion, the archmage will cast a silence spell on the forum.”

The brilliant magic of the great wizard, who jumped up from the VIP seat, unfolds.

The audience opened their mouths and shouted something, but they were forced to remain silent, and in the end, they were exhausted and had no choice but to shut up.

The discussion hall has now become quiet.

The first to speak was the wrinkled bishop who served the goddess Hertia.

He taps the microphone with his finger and opens his mouth.

“This is McDoren Firenze, who serves Goddess Hertia. Guys, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t think this discussion itself is necessary in the first place.”

Applause pours out from some quarters for his strong yet resolute remarks. Of course, I can only see the action, but I can’t hear the sound.

“How do you think the kingdom of Griffin, which boasts a long history and tradition, has continued until now?”

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McDoren’s eyes, which he thought were all old, were still burning with passion.

He wasn’t a bishop serving Hertia, the goddess of the hearth, for nothing.

“We were able to come this far because there was no black magician. It is because the monsters who raise corpses, drink human blood, and exploit the souls that should be heading to the side of the gods are sealed off at the source.”

“… … .”

“To warlocks, Griffin Kingdom is called a barren land. They are afraid to even set foot on our land.”


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McDoren bangs the desk with his fist, saying that he will definitely kill his spirit from the beginning.

“That’s why Griffin was safe and has been able to carry on safely. If you accept that man, the Sorcerer, I’m sure other warlocks will start snooping around the sacred grounds of the griffins!”

It doesn’t end with accepting me alone, other warlocks will gradually begin to come into Griffin.

It was definitely not wrong.

‘Tsk, it became a hearing rather than a forum.’

It came out emotionally from the beginning, so a place to criticize me was naturally created.

It seemed to be a trick prepared by the other side, and the audience cheered and agreed with McDoren’s words.

After my turn, I got a chance to speak and picked up the microphone.

“I partially agree that we were able to come this far because there were no warlocks.”

In fact, most of the black magicians were strange enough to be called monsters.

But there are times when even poisonous herbs can be medicine.

Griffin, who had grown in size, was now ready to use the poisonous herb called the Warlock as a medicinal herb.

“However, there is no guarantee that this will be possible in the future. Do you know about the strange phenomenon that is currently happening in the kingdom?”

Several bishops turn their heads as if stabbed. However, Saint Lucia paid attention to my words.

Because she was a being who fought at the forefront of phenomenal phenomena.

“In East Solar, 10 villagers died at the same time on the same day.”

A huge screen made of mana pops up. It was a picture of a brutal incident.

It would have been nice if there was at least a PPT like in my previous life, but in this world, the only thing I could do was upload a picture.

“This is a corpse with only the torso found in West Fernan. Each limb was found in the north, south, east and west of the kingdom.”

A murder case that seems impossible from a distance. The impressive thing was that even though it was one person’s body, according to the investigation, the time of death came out differently.

“Right now, in Griffin, there was a woman who suffered because the dead boy she was begging for continued to chase after her. Bishops know, right?”

At my words, the bishops cough and pretend they did not hear.

“I have solved the case that the bishops who do not have divine power closed their eyes and ears and ignored.”

This is a woman who originally visited the church because of a case I solved a few days ago, but because they couldn’t solve it, she risked her life to visit the royal family.

“Like this, currently there are many unsolved cases in Griffin Kingdom. What I said is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Citizens gradually shut their mouths at the brutal photos that continue to pass by, and those with children cover their eyes.

“I can’t guarantee that I’ve done well in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Right now, neighboring countries such as the Clark Republic and the Zeerman Kingdom are already showing a tendency to use warlocks for military purposes.”

One thing that needs to be pointed out clearly is that only the Griffin Kingdom oppresses warlocks excessively.

“If you remain ignorant, you will eventually be weeded out.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the bishop who worships the god Belas took the microphone this time.


Discussions similar to the hearings that have now begun.

We continued to hold the microphone and exchange words as if we were exchanging a one-on-one battle.

“Do you see here? It is a horror created by a warlock who uses corpses and draws blood. Not only that! There are so many savage acts of warlocks that I can’t show you all today!”

If the bishops bite me with what the warlock has shown them all along.

“Don’t be quick to generalize. Not all warlocks are like that. As a representative example, a black magician named Coltman in the German Kingdom is a man who sets an example for everyone with his good deeds.”

I counter that not all warlocks are like that.

“Have you already forgotten the horrors created by Heralhazard 200 years ago? We must not forget the history of that day! The moment we forget the past of the land on which we tread, our identity is undermined!”

200 years ago.

If you mention the incident that became the decisive opportunity for the kingdom to more violently oppress the black magician.

“Even at that time, the Griffin Kingdom was a period of discrimination against warlocks. If we had more knowledge about warlocks at the time, the kingdom army would not have provided the corpse in the wrong way.”

I, too, refute with the times of the time.

“We must not forget history. That is indeed true. However, if you simply remember, you are only a person who regrets. We must learn, realize, and move forward in order not to follow the bloodshed of our ancestors. I am afraid of black magic, so I need to know more about it.”

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My throat was itching.

The water bottle blinded her, but it was not yet her turn to drink.

“The goddess of justice, Justia, has the most followers in Griffin Kingdom. All the dead will be embraced by the goddess. You warlocks are simply denying such a goddess in the end.”

If you bring up a religious doctrine.

“Do it in moderation. Now we’re talking about whether the kingdom of griffins needs warlocks. The will of the goddess is truly grave. You should not forget that the highest commander in chief of this country is Her Majesty Orpheus Luden Griffin, not Goddess Justia.”

I refute with the authority of the royal family.

A situation where they continue to exchange punches towards each other. Right away, the flow seemed to be in my favor, but the important thing was the eyes of the citizens.

No matter how much the conversation continued and logically refuted, the friendly gaze of the citizens did not disappear.

Knowing that, even the bishops were criticizing me, spitting more intensely, even if it was forced.

If the argument was to be treated as a small battle, it would have been a series of victories on our side.

In the end, it seemed clear that the winner of this event, which had been turned into a debate and hearing, would be the church.

Not everyone believes in God.

Of course, there are people in the audience who do not believe in God.

No one liked black magicians.

That was a very big difference, and it was becoming a gap that could not be narrowed no matter how hard I tried.

The more he speaks, the more keenly he feels the resentment toward the black magician in the Griffin Kingdom.

Saint Lucia, who had been silent until now, slowly stood up and took the microphone.

The bishops look at her curiously with their arms folded saying that they will hit the last blow.

Lucia met my eyes.

She, who had never expected to meet in a place like this, now calmed down and opened her mouth.

“I know what you mean. Excessive prejudice was put on the existence of a black magician, and the entire kingdom hated it without even listening to it.”

“… … .”

“We also need change. I also really agree. I think I alone am not enough to solve the strange phenomena occurring in various parts of the kingdom.”

However, Lucia adds after doing it.

“Even so, can the citizens trust you? Even if His Majesty acknowledged it, in the end, the prejudice deep within us cannot be shattered.”

It was a remark that could be called disrespectful in a way, but it was possible because it was a saintess who was said to have been chosen by God.

“Warrior. I heard that it is the one who appeases the souls of the dead. Even if it’s necessary, there will be more people who won’t welcome your touch. Because of the anxiety of not knowing what to do with a dead family member, lover, or friend.”

“… … .”

“No matter what you say, you are not a reliable entity in the Griffin Kingdom.”

Some of the bishops are VIP seats. So, I glanced at King Orpheus.

Is he arguing and judging carelessly? Even if he shouts, he has nothing to say.

Still calm, the king was looking down at the chairman.

“You can’t trust me.”

I nodded and agreed. In fact, I didn’t want you to believe me through this discussion.

It just needed a stage.

I quench my thirst through a water bottle placed on the table. I could feel the slowly seeping wine strangely twisting my intestines.

Grab the mic and step forward.

I cautiously asked the saintess who was staring straight at me.

“How did you become a saint?”

“… … Goddess Justia nominated me, and I can use the divine power that is proof of that.”

A saintess who looks at me with strange eyes saying that it is out of the blue.

I nodded my head in satisfaction at the answer.

“you’re right. At most, Lucia-sama, who worked in a convent, suddenly became a saint one day after being chosen by God and gaining divine power.”

The crowd rippling like waves.

If the sound hadn’t been blocked, there would have been quite a fuss before he said the next word.

“It wasn’t that I showed any ability. It wasn’t even a great success. It’s not like the citizens of Griffin knew the saintess.”

“… … .”

“Because you were simply chosen by God, for that alone, people worship you as a saint, praise you, and give you unsparing praise and trust.”

“How dare you insult God’s choice!”

“Where are you making fun of your mouth, you devil!”

“You finally show your true nature!”

The bishops behind the saintess seemed to think it was an opportunity, so they all blushed and spat and shouted.

I showed a will to never lose sight of the fact that I had insulted God and catch the pod.

“What do you mean?”

Lucia, the saintess, was clearly making eye contact with me.

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More than this was the limit.

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My stomach is boiling, and my body is rejecting it.

I slowly raised my hand.

Brilliant white light radiates from my hand.

Truly pure whiteness.

Consolation and love to people are also regarded as evidence of God.

God’s mercy that only one person on the continent can use.

“God, holy power… … ?”

The trembling voice of Lucia, who can be called the owner, is lively through the microphone and spreads throughout the venue.

The bishops who were confused with dumbfounded faces, the saintess who looked at me in disbelief, and the citizens who were frightened and unable to react.

And the corners of my mouth go up in circles.

Religion is unshakable faith.

In modern times, there are often cases where science and religion are in conflict, but in fact, the two are different.

Science explores and changes.

Religion is firm and unshakable.

Science discards the old when faced with a new reality.

When a new situation arises, religion tries to somehow fit into the framework of existing beliefs.

The gospel is the truth.

They cannot deny the divine power bestowed by the gods.

That’s why I’ve never felt burdened even for a moment coming to this place.

Citizens can’t accept me?

Of course.

But what do you mean?

It was not my job to interpret, believe, or explain my existence.

That’s what those idiots who sit in their seats with full stomachs saying they follow God’s word should do.

“I am Deus Verdi. He is the younger brother of the Margrave of Northwedon, and among the warlocks, he is a necromancer who accompanies souls.”

Introduce yourself casually. It’s an introduction that anyone in the Griffin Kingdom will tremble the moment they hear it.


After that, I add a word that you can never take your eyes off.

“I am the one chosen by God.”

I laughed because it was really fun.

I gave you a problem.

I don’t know the answer, but it was up to you to piece it together.

What does God mean?

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