72. part-time writer


The king’s official letter spread from Greypond, the capital of the Griffin Kingdom, surprisingly extended the kingdom and gave a big wave to the entire continent.

In Griffin Kingdom, where the warlock Heralhazard left a deep scar.

It was like giving a position to a black magician belonging to the royal family.

As a black magician belonging to the royal family, the name of the man who will be called the ‘Worshiper’ is.

Deius Verdi.

He was the northern bulwark and the younger brother of the Earl of Northwedon, who was called a giant.

The surrounding countries were nervous about the sudden change, saying that Griffin, which was hostile to the warlock, had finally opened its doors.

Indeed, in the Griffin Kingdom, there were far more people who viewed change as corruption than progress, and thanks to this, controversy was raging like a storm.

And that influence was spreading to the Robern Academy, where he originally belonged.

“… … Sigh.”

Erica was heading towards the dean’s office with busy steps.

The students’ gossip is growing day by day. After Deius turned himself into a warlock, the academy was also having a busy day.

In the midst of persuading and encouraging the students who had dropped out in the last Angel of Setima incident, they are finally getting back to their place.

After the midterm exams, I finally thought that the academy was back to normal.

Once again, the topic of Deius became a hot topic, causing a commotion.

Erica opened the door with a knock and entered. Karen, a health professor, and Gideon were already inside.

Gideon frowned at Erica, but she didn’t even look at her.

“It makes no sense to dismiss Professor Deius again.”

Calm yet calm.

In response to the chilling voice that seemed to be looking at Professor Erica of old, the dean shrugged his shoulders and replied.

“It’s not confirmed yet. hahahaha, what the hell am I supposed to do in a situation like this?”

Although he did not serve as a professor, Deius is already listed on the faculty.

Now, on paper, he was on a quarterly business trip, which he requested at the time of the contract.

Here comes Gideon.

“Do you know how many calls are coming from parents right now? There are many parents who want to drop out again, saying that the students have nothing to learn from the black magicians!”


That was the problem.

It was finally over with the Setima angel incident, but now that this incident had exploded, there was no way to really hold on to the students.

But again, Erica strikes back.

“It was as if the royal family gave Professor Deius a new position as a memorial service. To oust him could be seen as ignoring the wishes of the royal family.”

In the end, the dean is conflicted again when Erica says that, in the long run, having Deius has no choice but to benefit.

I glanced at the health professor Keren, but she only shrugged her shoulders and stuck to her neutral position.

Why does a man named Deus make himself so dizzy?

It was the dean who wanted to go and ask.

Erica and Gideon continue to argue with each other by exchanging sharp words.

Gideon’s fiery personality and Erica’s cold way of speaking were literally fighting each other as if they were in conflict.


The door to the dean’s office opened again and a girl entered.

The dean, who was about to ask her in school uniform where she came in, froze with her mouth open.

Brilliant blond hair that symbolizes the authority and pride of the royal family. Eleanor Luden Griffin, who was confidently ranked first in the first grade in this midterm exam.

She declared, stepping between Erica and Gideon with an overbearing step.

“I know that there has been a lot of talk within the academy lately.”

Eleanor in this position was not a student.

As a princess, she was displaying her own dignity and authority.

“It was a story about Deius Verdi, who was acknowledged by his majesty, my older brother.”

“ah… … .”

“Certainly, they wouldn’t treat a royal official’s memorial service carelessly. Deius, a black magician, became a member of the royal family. That’s enough to make me think that His Majesty favors him.”

Erica nodded calmly and supported her remarks.

Slowly approaching the dean, Eleanor looked at him and declared appallingly.

“I already closed my eyes once by not bothering to publicize the last case. But if you act against the will of the royal family again… … .”

With a swish, Eleanor turned and declared.

“In a few days, you will have to come down from the spot.”

outright intimidation.

However, it was clearly persuasive, and it was no different from an order that had to be obeyed.

The dean leans against the back of the chair as if melting, exhaling.

it was better

It was difficult to decide, but I narrowed down the options unilaterally like this.

“Professor Deius is the talent the academy needs. The dismissal will be something that never happened.”

Gideon’s expression crumpled at those words, but he too could not say anything.

It’s because the princess abandoned her status as a student and moved.

After hearing the dean’s answer, Eleanor glanced at Erica right before going outside.

“… … ?”

I wondered if there was something wrong, but Eleanor bit her lip and opened the doorknob with force.

“I will win.”

Before she knew it, she was back as a young schoolgirl who was in love again.

* * *

“Turn it off!”

The woman who got off the wagon does a stretch while relaxing her body here and there.

The braided hair on her shoulders was unusually a color reminiscent of noble white silver.

After quickly hiding her hair, which has no choice but to draw attention from people, she puts on her glasses neatly.

Finally a relatively thin romance novel rather than a thick gospel in hand.

Her name is Lucia Saint, who instantly became a different person.

In the Kingdom of Griffin, except for King Orpheus, she is virtually the most famous woman chosen by the gods.

was a saint

‘It’s been a while since I’ve been to Gray Pond.’

The religious leaders offered to prepare a wagon separately, but she had no choice but to send a special wagon to take care of the remaining work and ride a wagon that runs regularly.

But it wasn’t bad.

Thanks to that, I was able to leisurely see the scenery outside and enjoy my time alone for the first time in a while.

Besides, I had plenty of time to think.

‘It’s a black magician.’

Regarding the case of suddenly giving the name of a black mage as a magician belonging to the royal family and a memorial service, the religious leaders asked the saintess for support.

It was a shallow trick by the bishops that they could solidify their position just by appearing as a saint in the upcoming public debate.

To be honest, it was the saintess’ honest feeling that she didn’t want to get involved in something like this.

I was curious to be curious.

According to the secretly transmitted information, he solved Princess Eleanor’s nightmare that he had not been able to solve, and even annihilated the existence of a demon sleeping in the Griffin Kingdom.

‘It must be a memorial service in the sense of a person who comforts the soul, right?’

He seemed to be a person who was a little different from the black magicians he knew.

Frankly, as a saint, Lucia could only view it with skepticism.

From readwn.com

Most of the black magicians he had seen were selfish lunatics.

There was no malice, and it was worse that it was solely for research or magical achievement.

Doesn’t that mean you don’t even feel guilty?


Let’s start walking downtown, the sound of protests heard from everywhere.

Citizens gathered up the courage to take to the streets holding signs and protesting, but the contents of the signs were quite radical.

– The king is controlled by a black magician.

– Our land is not stained by evil.

– Withdraw Do not be defeated by wicked demons.

– The Goddess is watching.


Extreme phrases were pouring out that would have nothing to say even if they were arrested right away.

They seemed to have come out to the streets with the intention of being martyred.


The reaction of the Kingdom Army was lukewarm. I wondered if it would be suppressed by force, but rather, I was just watching.

While feeling doubt, Lucia naturally entered the store while examining the atmosphere of the street.

A restaurant called Mersenne.

It’s never too late for lunch, but that was even better.

This is a restaurant that Lucia always visits when she comes to Greypond, and it was one of the best restaurants.

In particular, watching the street scene while drinking coffee in a seat by the window was one of the small happiness for her.

The owner of Mersenne greets her with an eye smile when she sees her as a regular.

He knew his identity, but he was a grateful person who pretended not to know.

“ah… … .”

Lucia, who smiled at her usual seat, let out a pitiful sigh when she saw someone sitting in her reserved seat.

A man was sitting there.

His hair was a little long, so he tied the back of his hair in a ponytail, and he looked quite tall and handsome.

For some reason, gauze was attached to her cheek, and it looked like she had been hit by someone.

The sight of her calmly reading a book while basking in the sun after ordering a cup of coffee was enough to make the hearts of many passing women flutter.

To Lucia, she was simply an uninvited guest who took her place.

‘it’s a shame.’

But I can’t help it.

It wasn’t that Lucia’s seat was written on it, and that guest was just sitting in one of the widely spread seats.

The moment you want to find another seat and move.

Jump up.

The man got up and went to the counter.

Seeing as she was carrying a coffee cup and a book, Lucia quickly put her butt back on the chair, thinking that she had a seat.

“You’re lucky.”

Will the goddess accompany me?

Lucia thought so while avoiding the menu and thinking happily.


Someone sat in the chair opposite.

Just now, the man, after refilling his coffee, was sitting and looking at Lucia.

“ah… … .”

Realizing that she had made a mistake, Lucia quickly tried to get up.

The man looked at the book in Lucia’s hand and said calmly.

“Rosemary. It is a good book.”

A calm voice that fits perfectly with the impression, yet has a coolness on one side.

The man takes off the cover of the book he was reading, winking at Lucia, who is sitting in his seat, without much discomfort.

That too, Rosemary’s latest volume.


When Lucia made a strange expression along with exclamation, the man slightly lifted the book and said.

“He is my favorite writer. While using the pen name Luce, he has never been officially seen, but he is an artist I really want to see.”

“Yeah, that’s right… … .”

Lucia felt her face turn red.

Even though she was a saint, she was disrespectfully secretly writing a love novel and publishing it.

Because it was a rough pseudonym ‘Luce’ made up of the first name of Lucia Saint and the first part of the last name.

It was the first time I had ever met my favorite reader like this.

Lucia sat back in her seat, embarrassed.

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