1. Aftermath begins

Rumble rattle.

Rumble rattle.

Inside the carriage back home.

Capturing insignificant landscapes passing by in my eyes makes me look back on my miserable life.

My current name is Deius Verdi. The second son of the Earl family who rules Northweden in the north.

But if you tell me your original name.

Shinwoo Kim.

A 25-year-old young man living in Korea. After graduating from college, being discharged from the military, going to work, being able to see ghosts.

A young man who looks ordinary, but is actually not ordinary.

My maternal grandmother was a shaman.

It is also very majestic, and a magical shaman. Grandma saw me and said that she left such a comment.

– Shinki is too strong. Tsk, if you don’t walk the shaman’s path, the child will be ruined.

My mother, who was always tormented by her maternal grandmother, naturally did not believe it, but that was a mistake.

Could a boy who had seen dead people all his life have proper feelings?

Can you be sane when your partner who died in an accident yesterday goes to school again and strangles you for ignoring you?

It shows a person who died after falling from his apartment climbing up the window of my room every night, saying he wants to live, but can’t it be traumatic?

Thanks to that, I felt like my emotions were worn out.

It wasn’t like this in my life.

It was like this to live.

If that’s the case, why did I become Deus Verdi, whose name only appears in the game ‘Retrie’?

I don’t know either.

As usual, I wondered if it was a prank by a ghost, but after living here for half a year, it didn’t seem like it.

A lot has happened in half a year. He learned the manners and manners of an aristocrat, and an understanding of magic was essential.

Everything that Deus Verdi had accumulated did not disappear. It didn’t take long because I still had an understanding of his magic and how to apply it.

However, if you ask if Deius is a genius, that is absolutely not the case.

It’s not angular, but it’s not special either.

Deius Verdi was a genius befitting the halfway position of being the second son of a count.

A man with a lot of gossip, so-called bad conduct.


Now that I’ve become Deus, I thought I’d become a little more normal.

I thought this damn eye that sees ghosts would disappear, but it didn’t.

Also, funny enough, the game was set in a fantasy medieval world of swords and magic.

The number of ghosts several times greater than that of the Republic of Korea, a country under armistice, caught my eye.

[Whoops, don’t you like the scenery?]

see even now

I was the only person riding in the personal wagon sent by my family.

Before I knew it, the ghost of a lady sitting opposite me was talking to me with a smile.

“… … .”

[Oh, can you give me an answer?]

don’t bother answering

My grandmother told me many times that it is not very nice for the living to talk to the dead.

In fact, it’s rare that I’ve had a good relationship with them.

[You can see me.]

A ghost that jumps up and approaches me.

‘Damn it.’

From my direction, I could see only her left side, but as I approached, the other side was clearly visible.

It looks like the other side is all burnt as if it has been burned.

I almost closed my eyes for no reason, but I kept my composure.

It was an unsightly wound among ghosts, but I’m already used to it.

[Look at me.]

I slowly make eye contact with the ghost with its face sticking out. Then the guy’s mouth is tearing up in joy.

The coachman can hear it, so make a small voice.

“Sit down.”

[oh? You ignored it, but now you’re polite?]

“I am not ignoring it.”

[You didn’t ignore it?]

“It was considerate.”

[…] … Are you being considerate?]

The noble lady ghost sitting opposite me tilted her head and asked. On the left is a middle-aged woman with a truly beautiful appearance, but on the other side, her eyes are distorted by burns and her skin is peeling, and the ooze is still dripping.

“I thought you wanted me to be invisible.”

[…] … .]

“I, too, don’t want others to see my ugly side.”


“However, you have beauty beyond that. Not being ashamed of your weaknesses. It is a beauty to be proud of.”

[Are you a gentleman?]

“I was just saying what I felt.”

[…] … Thank you.]

The blushing ghost disappeared just like that. It’s not unreasonable.

Because becoming a Buddha is not that easy.

He must have left because he was simply satisfied with the conversation.


And that was how I dealt with ghosts. It’s not that I get hit here and there for no reason.

tell them what they want

It gives you the conversation you want and the comfort you want to hear.

“It’s such a funny life.”

Looking down blankly at the spot where the lady had disappeared, my tongue felt sore as if I had chewed on bitter herbs.

I’m living with blunted feelings because of them.

In fact, I care for their empty hearts and wounds.

That was the current life of Kim Shin-woo and Deus Verdi.



As he looked around his newly acquired laboratory, the new professor couldn’t help smiling.

The spacious room was as clean as new, and the furniture was harmoniously arranged.

“Do you really mind if I use this room?”

Professor Per, who got a job due to a sudden staff vacancy, naturally thought that he would get a small room.

Erica Bright, who introduced the lab from behind Fer, smiled kindly and nodded.

“Absolutely. Professor Pere came, but I have to do this much.”

“I, thank you for accepting me as I am.”

In fact, Fer was a professor at another academy. He is also quite competent, and in the current era, it is irrelevant to call him an unrivaled genius when it comes to magic related to the human body.

The reason why she suddenly came to Robern Academy was because of a faction fight at the academy she attended before.

She had been studying only without any interest in professor politics within the academy, but when she came to her senses, she was unemployed during the most important time for new students to enter.

Erika Bright and Robern Academy were the ones who immediately caught Fer, who was feeling frustrated because there was no place or support to continue his research.

“There may be things from the professor that were used before.”

“Oh, I’ll take care of that! I don’t really like it when someone touches my lab.”

“Yes, in that case, all you have to do is fill out the syllabus and send it to me. Time is running out, so you can refer to the one you used at the previous academy.”

“Yes! thank you!”

Erica walked out with a benevolent smile. Looking at the place she left, Per let out a deep breath.

“He is a very pretty person.”

Beautiful well-maintained blonde hair and a selfish body that makes you look like a model.

On top of that, a smile like sunshine and restrained manners. to a caring personality.

Fer, who thought it was the look he wanted to resemble, looked at the full-length mirror on one side of the lab.

Her crumbly light pink hair pouts here and there because it is not properly maintained. It is confined only to the laboratory, so it has pale skin and a small body.

Excessively voluptuous breasts distort the proportions of the body.

“It’s the worst.”

Slash at yourself in the mirror that looks like you brought a street bum! Stick out your tongue.

Ferrer really hated himself from the beginning. I had no intention of hiding anything.

[It’s the worst]


Something was strange.

The feeling of hearing your own voice once more. even in the mirror.

“It’s the worst.”

I tried it again just in case. As expected, I couldn’t hear any sound, probably because of my own illusion.

“Is it because you don’t sleep too much?”

Seeing the drooping dark circles, Fer stretches himself. I think I should simply clean up today and go to sleep.


You can just use what was prepared at the previous academy.

‘At most, I just need to move it according to the style here.’

Thinking that it could be over soon, Fer turned around and tried to organize his luggage.


I sigh and look in the mirror again.

“Did something weird just happen?”

Since he showed his back, it should be reflected in the mirror, but strangely, Fer in the mirror had the feeling that he was constantly looking this way.

Poof! Poof!

I move around, but a mirror is still a mirror.

“Did the predecessor leave a spell?”

I heard that he is a professor who was expelled. If you are a professor who is going to be expelled, you may have left this kind of joke out of a dirty mind.

Per gently stretched out his hand to check.

“Isn’t it like that?”

There is no magic involved.

Rather, it is an ordinary mirror that does not feel even a small amount of mana.


The moment Fer crossed his arms because he thought it was strange.

[Where did you go?]


A little girl’s voice whispered in your ear.

He turned his head around, but he was still alone.

“What, what?”

But this time I heard it clearly.

The moment you wonder what the hell it was.

[Where did you go!]

This time, a male voice like thunder broke out.


Surprised, Per immediately sat down. Instinctively, he spread protection magic around him.

[Where are you!] [Where are you! Where are you!][Don’t throw it away! Don’t abandon us!][Come here!][Come back!][I was wrong! I was wrong!][I’ll kill you!][Come, come to me!][Enough!][This is our land! It’s my room!] [Mom!] [Go away! Get rid of it!][A bitch that smells like a female.][Can I eat it?][You can’t replace it.][Stop it!][Why are you here? why? why? why? why?]

No matter what kind of magic you use, the sound continues to resonate.

Even though he covered his ears with both hands, the voice that resonated rather clearly seemed to be coming from inside his brain.

[Hey sister.]


The tear-stained Fer raised his head very slowly, trembling at the voice calling him.

A small girl with long black hair covering the entire floor.

The girl’s hair gradually climbed up the walls and reached the ceiling, covering the entire room.

[Where did he go?]

After saying that, Fer passed out with his eyes widened.

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