I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 368: The Halfling’s Journey of Faith in the City of Dawn (Part 2) (5,400 words)

After seeing the City of Dawn that was completely different from what he imagined, the young halfling Clayson felt that he was greatly shocked.

In his impression, the vampire's castle must be built in a dark cave, dark and bloody, but the current situation is that if this city can be called dark and bloody, then there is no good camp in this world.

This incredible city has all races living together in such harmony.

Halfling God, this is simply the most outrageous thing he has ever seen in his life.

Vampires chatted and laughed with humans, goblins made bets with dwarves, Cyclops let a child ride on his shoulders, and orcs looked at the crowd around them with a silly smile...

How did these races come together? ?

Don't they think each other is in danger?

Won't they fight each other? ?

This magical scene is not even mentioned in the absurd legends of the bards.

It's a pity that apparently no one has answered the halfling's questions.

After confirming that all three hundred halflings were present, human warriors wearing dwarf armor came forward and took them to their residence.

Although Clayson was the leader, the command was now in the hands of the surrounding soldiers, and he could only obey the arrangements of these people.

But he didn't have any additional thoughts about this, because Clayson already felt that his eyes were not enough. Like the halflings around him, he looked around in this weird city with surprise, and everything he saw seemed strange. Very very fresh.

The streets are clean and tidy without any garbage or stench, the majestic and respected patrols led by vampires are composed of humans, the people coming and going are full of smiles and curiosity, but the fear that they should have is not seen in them... .

These things should have been common in the past, but in this city ruled by vampires, Clayson felt that they were shrouded in an extremely mysterious veil.

This city refreshed his understanding of the earth's surface and his inherent concepts.

It turns out that vampires are not necessarily all evil and murderous. The humans they rule can also show such pure smiles.

It turned out that the gentle smile of the female priest who preached in Black Iron Castle was not rare in this city, but could be found on everyone's face.

Although it was just an initial contact, Claisen inexplicably felt the charm of this city, which attracted him more than the Black Iron Castle.

Walking along the street to a residential area, three hundred halflings were scattered to various floors.

"Sir Clayson, this is your residence. You can use this house as you like. Please keep the key. It will be very troublesome if you lose it.

In addition, please allow me to introduce to you the usage of various things in the house..."

Claesen, who had a separate room, was still recovering from the shock he had received. Looking at the human warriors wearing armor in the room, he couldn't hold back his curiosity. He coughed lightly and asked.

"Dear Sir, is this the usual situation in the City of Dawn?"

The young warrior was slightly startled when he heard this, and looked at Clayson with some confusion, not knowing what this strange halfling wanted to ask.

"Sir Clayson, what do you want to ask?"

"Do the humans, orcs, and goblins in Daybreak City usually live together like this?"

Clayson's eyes were full of doubts, and he stared closely at the human warrior in front of him, trying to see some shortcomings, but he was disappointed. The other party's natural answer was always the same.

"But, wouldn't they be hostile to each other or even attack each other?"

Claeson was still very puzzled. How could different races get along? ?

In Black Iron Castle, although all races are nominally prohibited from fighting against each other, a large number of corpses can be found in the sewers every day...

"Sir Clayson, because our ruler is the great His Majesty Cachar, we are different.

We are the people who are personally ruled by Your Majesty, and we are the glorious residents of Daybreak. Everyone abides by the rules set by Your Majesty, and everyone loves this city. "

The young human warrior's tone was filled with pride and pride overflowing from his heart.

"Sir Clayson, the City of Dawn has never distinguished high and low by race, birth, skin color, belief, gender and age.

Here, we are looking at points, that is, how much they contributed to the City of Dawn.

Those who have contributed to the City of Dawn deserve our respect.

Otherwise, even if you are a giant dragon, you can only queue behind an ordinary resident.

Lord Clayson, the City of Dawn is a free city and a great city. Believe me, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg of the City of Dawn.

Maybe within a month, you will fall in love with this city as much as I do. "

The human warrior's words struck Clayson's heart like a battering ram, shattering his inherent views to pieces.

No distinction is made based on race, origin, skin color, creed, gender or age... Is there really such a city in this world? ?

Clayson, who was educated in halfling traditional culture, wanted to refute this view. In Black Iron Castle, those gray dwarves, dwarfs, and lizardmen were all inferior beings, and halflings were the highest race.

But he had just witnessed that scene in this city, but he couldn't express the rebuttal in his heart.

At the same time, there was something very strange in my heart.

No one is judged by his birth status. If Black Iron City was like this, then he might not have his credit misappropriated by his superiors or be sent to this city...

The human warrior saw this halfling and didn't speak much for a long time. He believed that after living in the City of Dawn for a period of time, the halfling would definitely agree with his ideas, just like he once did.

After a moment of silence, the human warrior changed the topic.

"Sir Clayson, please allow me to introduce to you the unique living facilities of Dawn City in the house, otherwise you may not be able to use it..."

Clayson smiled when he heard this. How could an ordinary house have things that he didn't know how to use?

He was about to retort, but then he saw a scene that stunned him.

A small pipe called tap water can actually continuously flow out clean and clear water. It is also known as the fountain of eternity and can continue to flow as long as it is not closed.

There is also a bathroom where hot water can flow out as long as the switch is turned on. The human soldier said that this is a hot water supply in the experimental stage. It is not currently equipped in the city, but it is amazing enough.

What's even more exaggerated is that there is also a so-called heater. Just turn on the switch, and the room can quickly heat up and keep the cold out.

All kinds of magical alchemy made Clason feel that this ordinary room immediately became different.

The young halfling was very excited and thought that he had been respected. The other party specially arranged a fine house for him and wanted to thank him profusely.

But unexpectedly, the human warrior actually said that everyone has this kind of treatment.

God of Halflings, this magical alchemical creation can be used by all residents in the entire city? ?

This is simply unbelievable. This kind of alchemical creation can be used by ordinary people. It’s amazing...

Clayson suddenly felt a little numb, as if everything was normal in this city.

This made the question in his mind that no one had answered come back to him... What kind of city is this? ?





The next day, Clayson got up early. The room was very warm due to the heating last night, which made him sleep unusually peacefully.

This also made the halfling feel strange. He was always vigilant and was easily awakened even when sleeping in Black Iron Castle, but he fell asleep when he lay down in this city.

Perhaps it was the happy-smiling residents of the city's streets that made him feel reassured, free from the ubiquitous dangers of the underworld...

After last night's heavy snowfall, warm winter sunshine appeared in the morning. The moment Clason opened the door, the gentle sunshine happened to shine on him. It was so warm that it made this halfling who had never experienced sunshine feel happy. I felt happy instantly.

When I came to the corridor, I held on to the cold railings and looked at the logistics staff who were clearing the snow on the street, with a slightly subtle expression.

For the first time, he felt that maybe he was lucky to come to this city ruled by vampires.

With a smile on his face, the young halfling turned and went downstairs. Today they were going to gather at the Magic Industrial Research Institute where the human warrior informed him last night. He did not forget his job and worked with the City of Dawn to develop new ones. Crossbow.

At this time, Clayson was inexplicably looking forward to what he would encounter next...

Time passes day by day, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Clayson felt deeply attracted to this free city.

Whether in life or work, everything here is ten times and a hundred times better than the Black Iron Castle.

At work, the Magic Industry Research Institute has sufficient magic materials for him to research, and no matter how absurd the idea he proposes, no one will laugh or disdain him. There are even goblins and dwarves participating in the discussion... This This made Clayson extremely satisfied.

He felt respect like never before...

This kind of respect is not only in work, but also in life. The most typical one is that as long as he wears the badge of the Magic Industrial Research Institute, men, women, old and young will all look at him with respect when he walks on the street.

This was a feeling he had never had in Black Iron Castle. That gloomy city always made him wary of each other. Most people were greedy and wanted to take possession of his research results and ideas. He never I have never felt happy in Black Iron Castle... and I have never felt so important.

But it's different in City of Dawn. Even if you jointly develop certain projects with others, as long as you gain something, you will be rewarded by the Magic Industrial Research Institute.

And no one will deduct half a point. Even the greater his research results, the more resources he will receive, and he will be more respected because of his research results.

Claeson felt that this was the holy land that was truly suitable for research and development. In comparison, Black Iron Castle was simply a place that even dirty cavemen would not care about.

As for the halflings who came to the City of Dawn with him, except for a few spies sent by Black Iron Castle, most of them had almost no difference in their ideas from his.

They developed a deep affection for this tolerant, open, free and welcoming city.

Claeson had also raised countless questions about why this city became so charming, but in the end the results of the inquiries all pointed to one person, the master of this city-Lord Cachar.

What is even more exaggerated is that the Dawn Sect that allows human priests to preach in Black Iron City actually believes in the Lord Cachar.

In other words, the master of this city is a god - the God of Dawn.

Although I have never heard of the name of this god, judging from the other party's teachings and the behavior of the believers, it is undoubtedly a god who belongs to the light camp.

But this surprised Clayson even more.

Why is a vampire a god of the light camp? ?

Is it true, as believers and residents say, that vampires are not the legendary dark vampires, but the Holy Light vampires?

Cachar, the patriarch of the Holy Light Blood Tribe, was originally the God of Dawn with infinite power, but he gave up his infinite power to save the suffering races in the main plane...

Although this statement is dreamy and unacceptable, the existence of this city is incredible. What makes him even more incredible is that he actually accepted this statement that he considered extremely absurd in the past.

Clayson also developed a keen interest in the Dawn Sect.

After working at the Magic Industrial Research Institute during the day, he would often go to the Dawn Church to learn about this great sect.

Before coming to the City of Dawn, he never thought that there was a god worthy of his faith, even the halfling god... But now, he has found a spiritual sense of belonging here.

He fully agreed with the Dawn Sect's teachings and the way it treated its believers.

This magical sect never forces its members to pray every day. Pastor Dawn even often says that the Dawn Sect is a sect that brings a happy life to the residents. If praying takes up your own time, then there is no need to pray.

As long as you are loyal to Cachar in your heart, then these formal behaviors are not that important. "

This statement simply shocked Clayson. This was the first time he had seen a temple priest talking to believers like this. The priest in the Demigod Temple wished he could let his believers pray to the gods twenty-four hours a day.

The two ways of doing things could not be more different.

And there is another thing that impressed him very much. The Dawn Sect does not dislike residents who believe in other sects. Even whether they believe in the Dawn Sect or not, they can enter the church to visit and listen to the preaching of the pastor...

The inclusive and open-minded attitude deeply attracted Clayson, and he liked going to church even more...

He likes the stories about the city of Dawn established by the Crown of Cachar, and also likes to listen to the priests of Dawn preaching the doctrines of truth, goodness and beauty...

"Clerson? You came very early today..."

Clayson, who got off work early, sat in the first row of Dawn Church.

Hearing the voice beside him, he turned his head slightly, and after seeing the person clearly, a sincere smile appeared on his face.

"Good night, Mr. Patrick," he said, turning his head to the little boy holding Patrick's hand next to him, "Hello, little Pat..."

"Hurry up and say hello to Mr. Clayson. Mr. Clayson works at the Magic Industrial Research Institute..."

Patrill patted little Pat on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

The **-year-old little Pat's eyes lit up and he immediately stepped forward to say hello.

"Uncle Clayson, good night, do you really work at the Magic Industrial Research Institute? I heard that there are many magical alchemical creations there..."

"Yes, there are many interesting alchemical creations. If I have time, I can take you to visit my laboratory next time..."

"Wow~" the little guy suddenly became excited, "Thank you, Uncle Clayson, you are the most handsome halfling I have ever seen..."

Clayson laughed.

Patriel couldn't help but smile and touched the little guy's head, "Let's go play in the backyard and come back during the prayer ceremony."

"Okay, father..."

After little Pat left, Patrick sat down next to Clayson and said with emotion, "This little guy is so lucky to meet His Majesty Cachar..."

Clayson was stunned for a moment and said somewhat puzzledly: "Your Excellency Patrick, why do you say that?"

Patriel smiled bitterly, "If it weren't for Your Majesty, even if we didn't starve to death, we would still be begging for food in Green City.

Not to mention that now the little guy can go to Daybreak Academy to learn the magic and knowledge that only noble masters can learn. Whether he can survive is still a problem..."

After hearing this, Clayson became interested, "Sir Patrick, is there any story in this?"

Patriel glanced at Clayson strangely, "Don't you know the origin of the City of Dawn? It seems that it was just mentioned in the church history yesterday..."

"Huh? I..." Clayson touched his nose awkwardly, "I was experimenting with new magic materials yesterday, and I didn't come...

But I have heard part of the history. Could it be that you were brought back by His Majesty Cachar himself? "

Patriel smiled slightly, with a deep tone, and began to recall the winter three years ago.

"It was a winter, and the residents of Eric Town were praying that the orcs would never come, but the orcs still came...

Then we escape to Green City...

at last......

In this way, we became residents of the City of Dawn, and because of this, we have the life we ​​have now. "After finishing speaking, Patriel's eyes already had deep admiration.

"Your majesty's greatness cannot be described with any words of praise. Mr. Clayson, you are lucky because you can be so close to your majesty's glory..."

After listening to the story of how Eric's town was brought back to the deserted Dawn City, and how the Dawn City developed to its current state, Clayson's expression was very subtle.

"Your Excellency Patrick, I really envy your luck..."

"No, Mr. Clayson, if you want to say envy, I still envy you smart researchers.

Your Majesty said that magic and alchemy are the driving forces for the development and progress of the city. I didn't understand it well before, but seeing the City of Dawn become better due to your efforts, I suddenly realized that your Majesty is indeed Your Majesty, he is the true wise man. "

Hearing this, the young halfling was both proud and a little embarrassed.

"Your Excellency Patrick, this is what we should do..."

After I finished speaking, my heart stirred, and an uncontrollable thought arose, but I was hesitant to speak, and I couldn't say what I wanted to say.

Seeing the other party's hesitant expression, Patriel smiled.

"Sir Clayson, if you have anything to say, please speak boldly. This is the City of Dawn. As long as you do not desecrate His Majesty's glory or destroy the harmony of the City of Dawn, any speech you may make is acceptable."

When Clason heard this, he took a deep breath, followed his inner thoughts, looked at the other person and said slowly.

"Your Excellency Patrick, can I join the Dawn Sect and become a disciple of Cachar..."

Patrill's smile gradually brightened, "Clerson, the Dawn Sect welcomes anyone's belief. I'm glad you made the right choice..."

After hearing this, the pressure on Claison disappeared, and a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

Turning his head and looking at the mural in the church, Li Deru's mural of God coming to save the world was deeply engraved in the halfling's mind.

Under circumstances that no one expected, the first Halfling believer was quietly born.

And this was just the beginning of foreign missionary work.

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