I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 349: Li De’s Journey to the Underground City (a 10,000-word chapter)

"Your Majesty Cachar, we can see the Black Iron Castle when we cross the hill in front."

"Barney, there are only 50,000 halflings in Black Iron Keep?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Cachar."

"Dylan, is there no problem with the valley where Corso and the others are hiding?"

"Your Majesty, 300 cyclops and 700 two-headed ogres have occupied the whole valley. As long as they don't encounter extraordinary beings, they can crush even the most powerful enemy.

But Your Majesty, why don't you keep the other Cyclops and the Two-Headed Ogre? "

"1,000 giants are more than enough for us. Too many giants will put huge pressure on logistical supplies.

Those big guys eat quite a bit.

Moreover, the construction of the magic crystal veins also needs the help of these big guys, so it is just right to send a batch back.

With their participation, our construction progress will be greatly improved.

Development, exploration, both. "

"Your Majesty, I understand."

"Asrega, you entered the dimensional plane to hide your body. The aura on your body is too eye-catching. We are not going to fight this time. Come out when I call you."

"Yes, Father God"

“Castro has shrunk in size, and I don’t need you for the time being.

Barney Graypaw, you six halflings must not reveal information about us in Silt Marsh under any circumstances.

Asrega will be watching you from the dimensional plane. Once you reveal even half a word, no one can save your lives. "

"Your Majesty Cachar, I, we will not tell anyone."

"Dylan, prepare to enter the dungeon, everyone is on alert."

"Yes, your Majesty"

After Li De explained, he looked forward again. A slightly bulging hill a hundred meters away blocked their view.

The leather boots stepped on the dry and hard ground, which was slightly fluorescent, and the deformed and twisted plants were trampled under his feet.



As the team of 20 vampires, plus 6 halflings, marched forward, the sound of withered grass being trampled down continued to echo.

The sky in the underground world is always dark, and the whole world seems to be covered by a layer of gauze, with extremely low visibility.

After conquering the two tribes, Li De led everyone out of the swamp.

At the same time, Castro, who went back to report the news, brought more than 2,000 magic bats and a large amount of supplies from Graystone Castle.

After making some arrangements, he left half of the giants behind, and the remaining giants and their cubs were all brought back to the magic crystal veins by the magic bat.

The magic crystal mine that is currently undergoing large-scale construction needs the addition of these humanoid excavators.

He stayed behind with the remaining 1,000 giants and headed toward the dungeon where the halflings were.

This small underground city hundreds of kilometers away from the swamp is the city where Barney Graypaw lives, the halfling who broke into the swamp and was captured by him.

Black Iron Castle, a city completely ruled by halflings, is home to dozens of races unique to the underground world.

It also contains abundant wealth and resources.

But this time Li De did not come to start a war, so when he was 20 kilometers away from the underground city, he asked the giants to find a valley to hide.

And he took the halflings and 20 vampires alone to the Black Iron Castle, the legendary dungeon.

Exploring the dungeon, hearing this title made Li De feel like he wanted to speed up his pace.

In the surface world, dungeons are often equated with countless gold pukes and gems.

Mountains of gold pukes and gems blocking moats are the underworld described by bards.

That’s why there are stories of batch after batch of adventurers going deep underground to explore dungeons and dream of becoming winners in life. Unfortunately, most of them were buried underground.

Under the influence of various legends, even Li De couldn't help but raise his expectations. If he really got three or five artifacts inside, how would he use them? After all, he only has two hands, which is really distressing.

After leaving the silt swamp, the surrounding environment has obviously changed. The soft land has turned into hard land that will not suddenly collapse. The surrounding sight is no longer an endless plain, but hills and various towering trees have begun to appear.

But the interesting thing is that everything in the underground world is different from the surface. The trees growing in the woods on the roadside are not the verdant green plants on the surface.

The bark of these trees is dry, as if it has not absorbed water for thousands of years. The branches are like human beings with their fingers spread out, dry and twisted. The leaves above are mostly needles, and the sharp needle points are like handfuls. The steel needles are superimposed together, full of weirdness that makes people feel uncomfortable.

Twisted trees stood on both sides of Asakusa in the dark light, like demons hiding in the shadows that could jump out and devour anyone at any time.

But the only good news is that even if the surrounding environment is still harsh, at least the disgusting rotten smell in the swamp has disappeared.

Although the air couldn't be called fresh, it wasn't smelly either.



No one spoke as the team marched, and the sound of dry vegetation accompanied them as they moved forward.

Li De's expression didn't fluctuate much. He had seen too much danger and terror in the underground world these days, and the gloomy surrounding environment seemed ordinary to him.

Walking up the hill step by step under the terrifying shade of the surrounding trees, when I stepped onto the top of the hill, my eyes suddenly opened up.

Below the hill is a wide open space with no trees blocking the view.

Looking into the distance, about a thousand blades away, a huge city appeared in front of Li De.

The city that looks like a giant beast lying on the plain at a glance can be called magnificent. The towering city walls are made of pure black unknown stones and stand like mountains.

Among the uneven battlements on the city wall, the siege ballistae was aimed directly at the bottom of the city wall. The sharp crossbow arrows shone with a cold light, as if they were ready to attack the invading enemy at any time.

A huge city tower was built every 50 meters on the city wall that was 50 meters high. The rock tower was so hard that it could withstand the bombardment of catapults.

The halflings on the city wall were wearing black armor and patrolling the surroundings with sharp eyes. The huge long bow on their backs exuded cold and murderous intent, and they were heavily guarded.


At this moment, bursts of eagle cries suddenly came from the sky, and hundreds of gray giant eagles suddenly flew out of the center of the huge city.

The eagle's beak is like a barbed sickle. Even a warrior's armor cannot withstand such a sharp weapon. The sharp eagle claws flash with cold light, and they can leave bottomless marks on even a hard city wall. trace.

Halflings are riding on these giant eagles with 8-blade wingspan. These natural archers still hold longbows in their hands, but their eyes are sharper and they may shoot the fatal arrows at any time.

Hundreds of giant eagles flew in the sky, adding an ancient atmosphere to the huge and towering city below.

Even though he was thousands of blades away, Li De could feel an epic shock coming to his face.

This city, which has been handed down from ancient times, is full of unique charm that has been washed away by time.

Is this a dungeon? ?

Seeing this glorious city, a bit of surprise flashed in my eyes.

"I didn't expect this dungeon to be so grand. So, aren't the treasures inside even more tempting?"

Li De touched his chin.

"Barney, are you sure there are only 50,000 halflings in this city??"

He turned his head and looked at the halfling who was about 1.7 blades tall and had extremely strong arms, with a slightly subtle expression.

This underground city is too exaggerated. Even the city walls of Dawn City are not so strong and tall. There is no pressure at all for three to five million people living in such a city.

Only 50,000 people are too few.

Barney, a level 10 halfling, nodded and looked at the giant city in the distance that looked like a giant beast crawling on the ground with complicated eyes.

"Your Majesty, Black Iron Castle was once the main city of the halflings, with more than 500,000 people living there.

The reason why there are so few people now is because an unprecedented turmoil broke out in the mud swamp thousands of years ago, and countless dark creatures and magical beasts came out.

Even though our ancestors tried their best to resist, the main city still fell because of the overwhelming numbers.

Later, in order to avoid disaster, our ancestors built a new city 1,500 kilometers away from the silt swamp.

But this city belongs to the halflings after all. After the great turmoil, a small group of our tribe came back. After thousands of years of repairs, the city finally showed its former glory again.

But unfortunately, the halflings have become accustomed to living in the city of Leus in the central area and have never migrated back. "

Barney obviously knew the legend of the halflings very well, and he was full of sighs and emotions at the end.

For such a magnificent city to be captured, this must be said to be an eternal pain for the halflings.

Li De couldn't help but be speechless after hearing this.

The underground world is indeed full of dangers. It has such a strong and towering city wall, and it is also the main city of the halflings. Under this background, it can be captured by monsters and Warcraft. This is simply unimaginable.

The human world can only occur when an abyssal invasion or undead natural disaster occurs. No matter how powerful the warcraft and monsters are, they cannot capture the main city of mankind.

"Let's go, let me see the former glory of this main halfling city."

After taking a deep look at Barney, Li De took the lead and stepped down the hillside, stepping on the withered grass.

Seeing this scene, the vampires behind them immediately followed, leaving only a few halflings looking at each other.

"Captain Barney, are we doing this right?"

A halfling looked at Barney with a blank expression. They obviously had doubts about bringing these extremely powerful beings back to Black Iron City.

Because the power held by the opponent is enough to destroy Black Iron City.

Barney took a deep breath and took steps to follow the vampire.

"We have no choice for a long time. Black Iron Castle is not a difficult place to find, and there are Cyclops who know this place. It doesn't make much difference whether we lead the way or not. They will come to us sooner or later.

But it would be different if we brought them here. At least we can adjust some things. If we prevent them from conflicting with Black Iron Castle, then everything we do is correct. "

The halfling was silent for a moment, and then hesitantly said, "I wonder what will happen to the other guys who were brought back to their base camp by vampires. Is it true that they just learned our method of making arrows?"

"Don't think too much, after all, halflings' bow and arrow manufacturing technology is top-notch.

There is no need for Your Majesty Cachar to deceive us, our lives are already in his hands. "

After the group walked down the hillside, they entered a low broad-leaved grassland.

It's a pity that this is an underground world, so there won't be a spectacular scene of flowers blooming.

Not far away is a road that leads directly to the city gate. At this time, there are only a few halflings walking on the road.

Slowly moving towards the main road, when Li De stepped onto the black stone road, a group of weird figures appeared in his peripheral vision.

Behind them was a group of short dwarfs. At this time, these dwarfs, who were no more than 1.3 inches tall, were riding on dwarf horses. Finally, a few carriages dragged some cargo wrapped in animal skins and slowly headed towards Black Iron. The city is dark.

At a glance, you can tell that the other party is here to trade supplies.

"Your Majesty Cachar, Black Iron City is a completely neutral city, and other races often trade here.

In addition to dwarves, there are gray dwarves, orcs, and dark elves. On the surface, they are also called night elves, cavemen, harpies, etc.

Halflings do not discriminate against these intelligent beings. "

Li De couldn't help being speechless after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, the halflings were quite smart and managed their city into a place for material exchange among various races.

This is very similar to the formula of City of Dawn. Only trade can bring a lot of profits. It is impossible to develop too fast simply relying on other things.

In the dim light, the dwarf team with more than 30 ponies was very alert. After seeing Li De and others stepping onto the avenue, they immediately stopped and were cautiously on guard.

Even these dwarfs, who were no more than 1.3 blades tall, had already taken out magic crossbow arrows from their arms.

Li De walked on the ground paved with black stones and glanced at the dwarf meaningfully.

Gnomes are standard beings in the underground world. These short people are extremely talented in magic. They have a very high affinity for magic since birth. They are natural casters like vampires.

But what gnomes are best known for is not their magic, but their ability to enchant.

Especially enchanted bows and arrows and various weapons and equipment. Bows and arrows enchanted by gnomes are comparable to goblin alchemy bombs.

The enchanted arrows of dwarfs are also extremely precious treasures among humans who venture into the underground world, and their value is no less than that of Jinpuke of the same weight.

However, Li De had no time to pay attention to these dwarfs at this time. He focused his attention on the city.

The closer he got to Black Iron City, the more Li De could feel the majesty and majesty of this city.

The black city wall is full of special lines, like the metallic colored lines formed by suddenly adding water to an iron pot after it was heated red, and also like iron ore.

"This city is made of iron ore?"

Li De looked at Barney with a somewhat surprised expression. With so much iron ore, what a huge vein it must be.

"Yes, Your Majesty Cachar, this is a city built with underground black iron stone!"

Barney's tone was a bit proud at this time, "The black iron stone underground can withstand the breath of the fire-breathing dragon, and ordinary siege equipment cannot be damaged at all.

Moreover, it has a lot of magic resistance, and the four-ring magic cannot destroy the wall. It is the best and most precious city-casting stone in the underground world. "

Li De nodded slightly when he heard this. He didn't say anything more and subconsciously speeded up his steps.

At this time, he was quite looking forward to what was going on inside this underground city.

Is it really as magnificent as the legend says?

A few minutes later, Li De led the team to the bottom of the city wall. He slightly raised his head and looked up. The majestic mountain-like city wall was displayed in front of him in a more direct way.

Standing under such a city wall, anyone will feel insignificant.

"Your Majesty, this is the main entrance."

Following Barney's signal, Li De turned his eyes, and the giant city gate inlaid with ferocious barbs under the city wall was now open.

Halfling soldiers wearing full body armor, carrying long swords and long bows were strictly guarding and checking passers-by.

Under the city wall is a silt moat that is more than ten blades deep and twenty blades wide. They need to cross a stone bridge that is 20 blades wide and 50 blades long to enter the city.

The sound of neat steps echoed on the black stone ground. The stone bridge at the entrance of the city was lined with high stone fences on both sides. The pillars of each fence were vividly carved with heroic patterns of halflings.

Everywhere is full of exotic customs.

Tap tap~ tap tap~

When Li De approached the guarding soldiers, the dwarfs riding dwarf horses behind him also entered the stone bridge. The sound of horse hooves spread far in the open surroundings. The soldiers on the city wall looked more at these dwarfs wearing gray and white linen clothes. A few glances.

Soon after the first few halflings were interrogated, it was Li De's turn.

"Wait, what do you do?"

Li De's handsome figure and outstanding temperament made the defense officer very wary, especially when there were 20 vampires behind him with obvious cold aura, which aggravated his uneasiness.

At this time, the halfling Barney hurried forward and said, "Captain Mado, this is my friend. He is here to trade goods in the city."

The halfling defender, who was about taller than Mud, but not more than 1.75 blades, frowned, "Barney, didn't you go to the swamp to look for the swamp black sheep?"

Why do you suddenly appear here? ? "

After saying that, he glanced at Li De coldly.

"And bring back these damn vampires."

Li De's fangs that were always on display, although he did not show his bat wings, could still make people recognize his identity at a glance.

In the underground world, the identity of a vampire is much better than that of a human.

At least vampires belong to the dark camp and would not think of leading an army to capture dungeons. Humans are the most greedy surface life, and their presence in dungeons often means war and killing.

After all, those adventurers who went through all the trouble to come to the underground world were not just here for tourism. Looting wealth was their main purpose.

Therefore, as long as they encounter humans in the underground world, even neutral halflings will kill them mercilessly.

No one wants to face the unknown risk. Too many legends tell them that humans cannot be trusted.

Li De narrowed his eyes slightly. It had been a long time since anyone had dared to talk to him so boldly.

The aura on his body suddenly rose, and at this moment, it was like an ancient dragon opened its eyes and stared at the guard officer indifferently.

Although Li De didn't say a word, the halfling felt as if a giant dragon had opened its mouth to devour him, and the hairs on his back stood up.

At this moment, his body was shaking uncontrollably, his legs were shaking violently, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

His soul was swallowed up by this vampire.

Great terror is coming.


The halfling defender's throat seemed to be pressed tightly by a strong arm, and no more words could be said.

Li De glanced at the other party and walked into the city regardless of the halfling soldiers around him who were already in infinite panic.

The vampires behind him immediately followed. Barney's face turned bitter when he saw this scene, but he didn't dare to say anything.

He just took a rather complicated look at the frightened guard officer, whose limbs were weak and his face was pale, as if he was seriously ill.

He turned around and left with a few halflings following Li De.

Barney did not criticize Li De's actions at this time. Instead, he felt lucky that the defensive officer survived. This guy must have been favored by the goddess of luck.

The Crown Prince he had just offended was a powerful being who had conquered the Cyclops Tribe and the Two-Headed Ogre Tribe. How could a defensive organ resist it? ?

Moreover, there are thousands of giants outside the city who are obeying his orders at any time. This man holds the power in his hands that can easily destroy the Black Iron Castle.

If he really angered the other party, no one in this city would be able to survive.

The dwarfs behind Li De were shocked when they saw this scene. They were almost scared to death by the momentum. The remaining short horses were trembling and could not move no matter how hard they were whipped. Knowing that long after Li De left, those horses Only then did he dare to get up.

The dwarfs looked at each other, their expressions becoming very subtle and a little scared at the same time. Fortunately, they did not offend this powerful and mysterious vampire on the road.

After catching up, Barney came to Li De's side, but when he thought of the terrifying strength of the stalwart being next to him, his face was suddenly filled with nervousness.

"Your Majesty Cachar, I'm sorry, it was just a misunderstanding."

Li De waved his hand, "No problem."

He didn't take the matter seriously.

Just a small halfling, he was not qualified to anger him, so what if halflings from the entire city came?

He alone is enough to suppress the city.

Not to mention that there are thousands of giants outside the city and the level 19 evil Asrega hidden in the dimensional space behind them.

The balance of power between the two sides is not on the same level at all.

But he didn't come here to capture the city this time, so he didn't bother to worry so much with a little guy.

Seeing that Li De's expression didn't fluctuate much, Barney was relieved. He had just ordered the destruction of the city for fear of Li De's anger.

He didn't think that the current strength of Black Iron Castle could block this majestic existence. The other party was too powerful.

Li De was not disturbed by the scene just now, and was still looking forward to exploring the city.

Ta Ta ~

Leather boots stepped on the ground, and after walking out of the city gate, the appearance of the Black Iron Castle instantly appeared in front of them.

In front of him were all black stone buildings with unique black iron stone patterns on them.

The streets are also made of black iron stones and are flat and wide. The most important street is thirty blades wide and can accommodate ten horse-drawn carriages.

There are no tall buildings like Green City on both sides of the street. Most of them are one- or two-story low houses with pointed roofs made of black iron stone. They look rough and a bit cute.

Round chimneys are exposed from the roof, emitting not too thick white smoke. These rough and solid buildings are full of the unique charm of the underground world.

There were not many pedestrians on the street, and most of them were halflings. These halflings wore linen or clothes sewn with animal skins, and most of them carried long crossbows.

People were coming and going, and most people's faces were full of vigilance. It seemed that danger might appear at any time in this city. Compared with the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the City of Dawn, it was like heaven and earth.

After Li De looked at it with interest for a few times, he raised his eyes slightly and looked into the distance. In the center of the city, there was a stone tower that seemed to connect heaven and earth, which attracted his attention.

The towering stone tower is higher than the 50-blade-high city wall, making it the tallest building in the Black Iron City.

Ancient inscriptions are engraved on the outer wall, and thick magic waves permeate from within.

Li De's eyes lit up after seeing the stone tower, "Where is that high tower?"

When Li De asked Barney, he quickly answered.

"Your Majesty, that is the Black Iron Mage Tower, the residence of the Great Mage Mohali."

Archmage Mohali?

Li De was thoughtful.

There are two most powerful beings in the Black Iron Castle. One is the 18th-level halfling archer Collins Gray Claw, the Lord of the Black Iron Castle.

The other is the Archmage Mohali Gray Claw, who is also at level 18. He is an extremely rare spell caster among halflings. He is also the rock in the Black Iron Castle and is very powerful.

The remaining level 15 combat powers add up to about 10, but they are all insignificant, and their strength cannot be compared with the two level 18 ones.

This is the information Li De got through Barney.

After taking a deep look at the mage tower, he felt a little interested.

I wonder what the difference is between the mage tower in the underground world and the one on the surface? ?

If you have the opportunity, you can go in and visit.

After slightly appreciating the charm of the dungeon, Li De pondered briefly and continued to look at Barney.

“Are there any hotels in this city?”

"Yes, Your Majesty Cachar, it's in the middle of Avenue 1, very close to the Black Iron Mage Tower."

"Well, let's go there. I think your city lord will invite us later."

Li De smiled slightly and walked out of the city gate area.

Barney was slightly startled when he heard this meaningless sentence, and then glanced at the city gate behind him. It suddenly dawned on him that His Majesty Cachar was not simply trying to intimidate the garrison officer.

It is not normal for a vampire that is rare in the underground world to suddenly appear in the city. Coupled with the fact that this vampire is powerful, it means even more meanings.

As the owner of the Black Iron Castle, such a threatening existence has entered his home. He is afraid that he will not be able to sleep at night unless he comes to check it out.

So Li De just showed his momentum just because he planned to let the master of the city come to him on his own initiative. With his big heart, he would not be angered by a weak defense officer.

Moreover, his move was very reasonable, without too much hostility, and everything was under control.

Barney and a few halflings led the way respectfully. Even after returning to Black Iron City, no one of them dared to say that they had escaped or been saved. This was purely a suicide attempt, and no one was that stupid.

The appearance of Li De and his group that was out of tune with the surroundings aroused a lot of curious eyes. The halflings passing by or the shopkeepers who opened shops on the street looked at them with strange eyes.

After all, vampires are a rare thing in the dungeon. Although there are traces of vampires in various legends, they have almost never seen them. At this time, they were still very excited to see them alive.

Li De looked at each other with these halflings with a calm face. The halflings were curious about him, and he was not curious about the dungeon.

However, what disappointed him was that the legendary magnificent scene did not appear, and there was no trace of his artifact.

Bah, what kind of dungeon is there? You can’t even pick up artifacts, but you still have the nerve to call yourself a dungeon? Now there is no trust between people at all. I am very disappointed in you.

After walking around half the street, Li De didn't find anything special. At present, it seemed that this city ruled by halflings was quite normal, and there were no disgusting scenes such as the sale of human flesh.

Most of the things sold on the street are food, mostly unknown wild fruits. There is also some meat from monsters for sale, but only a few can afford it.

The leather armor shop and the longbow shop were the most popular, and halflings often entered them to buy.

The closer he got to the center of the city, the more prosperous the surrounding area became, and he began to see some other races besides halflings.

For example, half-orcs, a race that has half-orc blood, but whose blood has mutated and become independent from orcs, is the most common life form in the underground world.

They don't have the racial distinction of lions, werewolves, orcs like the barren wasteland orcs. Half-orcs are just one race.

Although these halflings have well-developed muscles, their appearance is extremely ugly, much like the orcs in the Earth movie Lord of the Rings.

However, these ugly-looking creatures are quite popular in this city, because they often carry a lot of fur on their bodies, and the furs of these monsters are all good materials for making wallets.

Who doesn’t love a boy who brings money?

Li De had a strange expression as he watched a halfling next to him trade a long bow for all the furs on the five orcs. Aren't these halflings doing what he did to the centaurs in the hills?

Use expensive weapons in exchange for cheap raw materials, then use the cheap raw materials to make expensive weapons, and then sell the expensive weapons to the other party. After such a cycle of matryoshka, the other party will be squeezed dry before long.

Of course, there are not only half-orcs in such a huge city. In addition to half-orcs, there are also cavemen who are bent over, almost walking on all fours on the ground, and have extremely strong forelimbs.

The lower body is a snake body and the upper body is a human body.

A harpy with a pair of eagle wings that looks like a harpy.

Short dwarfs, strong gray dwarves, big-eared monsters, lizardmen and so on.

There are many races that even Li De can't name, but what they have in common is that they look very strange.

This also gave Li De an intuitive impression of the composition of life in the underground world.

This is a world so rich in species that it doesn’t belong on the surface at all.

Most of these underground races come to the halfling city to exchange materials. The cavemen exchange ores, the snake tribe exchanges the collected magic fruits and their own venom, and the harpies sell monster furs.

Each race has its own characteristics.

Li De looked at everything in this street with gusto.

On the surface, except for the City of Dawn, he had never seen such an evil race sitting together to do such a thing.

It seems that the underground world is more tolerant than the surface world. After all, everyone is a being from the evil camp, so no one can blame anyone.

There are not many people who want to take advantage of others, and there are even a lot of them. However, the halfling city has a powerful mage tower that can monitor the entire city. Unless you can beat the archmage inside, you can only obey the rules of the Black Iron City. rule.

Most of those who broke the rules were thrown into the sewers or moats.

Li De and his party were very eye-catching when they walked there. After all, there were really too few vampires.

The intuition of many races is very sharp, and their perception of danger is also extremely strong. These races immediately retreated after seeing Li De, and even curled up and pretended to be dead, as if they were afraid that the other party would kill them if they were unhappy.

Li De was quite surprised to see such a scene. He sighed and sighed that the world is really big and full of wonders.

"Your Majesty, this is the only hotel in Black Iron City."

After walking through a whole street, the short shopping trip came to an end.

Barney led the group to a three-story building and introduced it softly.

"Most outsiders will choose to rest in this hotel. After all, it is too risky to spend the night outside."

Li De raised his head slightly when he heard the words. The four continental common languages ​​of the Black Iron Hotel were engraved on the plaque made of red maple wood, and the three-ring spell of character knowledge was also solidified. Anyone who sees this plaque can understand its meaning.

The black door of the hotel was still open at this time. Upon seeing this, Barney immediately respectfully led Li De in.

You're welcome, Li De took the lead. What's interesting is that the light became brighter after he stepped into the room.

Magic lamps emitting warm yellow were hung on the surrounding black walls. When Li De saw the familiar light, he felt inexplicably friendly.

Seven or eight stone tables were placed in an orderly manner in the room, and people were already enjoying food on two of the tables.

Li De glanced at them from the corner of his eye and saw that these were cavemen with curved bodies and almost walking on all fours.

These underground beings have no hair on their heads and wear clothes made of animal skins. They look a bit short when sitting on a stool. Their arms are even thicker than their thighs.

A very strange humanoid life.

Seeing the scrutinizing gazes of Li De and his group, the cavemen who were talking in secret language immediately became quiet and looked at them with great vigilance.

Li De glanced at it and didn't pay much attention, waiting for Barney to prepare everything.

Naturally, he doesn't need to run errands. If he still needs to do such a small thing, these subordinates can just throw them away.

Not long after, Barney asked the boss to prepare the room, and then took them up to the third floor.

After asking Dylan to assign a room, Li De entered his room.

He looked around a few times and couldn't help but shake his head.

This hotel was very shabby. Not only was it not comparable to his luxurious manor, it was even inferior to the rooms provided to refugees in Dawn City. It had no supporting facilities, let alone such artifacts as running water.

After spending some time outside, Li Decai deeply felt how outstanding his Dawn City was.

But he didn't pay too much attention and just lay down on the hard bed.

Close your eyes and start to rest.

Since entering the underground world, his nerves have been in a state of tension and he has never had a complete rest.

At this time, it was rare to relax in a safe environment.

Coupled with the fact that Asrega was secretly guarding him in the dimensional plane, Li De quickly fell asleep in a comfortable mood.

Although a vampire only needs to sleep for two or three sundays a day to meet his body's needs, this time Li De slept for a full six sundays before he was awakened by a knock on the door outside the house.

"Your Majesty Cachar, Lord Collins invites you to have dinner at the Lord's Manor."

Hearing the shouting outside, Li De quickly woke up and subconsciously turned his head to look at the sky outside the window, but it was still so gray.

He stood up, tidied his clothes for a moment, and then pushed the door open and walked out.

At this time, Barney and the other halflings had arrived, and the vampires were also waiting for him in the corridor under the leadership of Dylan.

In addition to these people, two soldiers wearing black armor were also quite conspicuous at this time.

After seeing Li De come out, Barney hurried forward.

"Your Majesty Cachar, this is the bodyguard of the Lord of Collins City. He has come to invite you to the dinner specially prepared for you by the Lord of the City."

Collins behind him also quickly answered.

"Dear Lord Blood Tribe, Mr. Collins has always respected the new guests of Black Iron Castle, so he specially sent me to invite you to the banquet. I hope to have the honor of being patronized by you."

The words were very polite and there was nothing arrogant about them.

Li De smiled. If he was here to stir up trouble, he should be yelling at the city lord to say hello and tell him to come see me.

But he had no interest in such childish provocation.

What adults talk about is profit, and the rest is really nothing.

"Let's go and meet the master of this city. I hope he won't disappoint me."

After speaking, he walked away directly, and the halfling guard beside him instantly became his little follower.

Everyone behind him immediately stood up and followed him to the city lord's manor.

After leaving the hotel door, five pure white horses were waiting here pulling an open carriage that was more luxurious than a human noble.

When the captain of the guard saw Li De's halting steps, he immediately led him into the car, obviously giving him enough face.

The pedestrians around had strange expressions when they saw this scene.

"That's the city lord's special carriage. Who is that guy? Why can he enjoy this kind of treatment?"

"Vampire? I have never seen this kind of life in Black Iron City. I didn't expect it to be really handsome. I just don't know if his flesh is delicious."

"The hairs on my hair are all telling me how powerful that vampire is. There is no breath, but it makes me feel like there is a fully drawn long bow pointed at my head, and I may die at any time."

"Stay away from that vampire. He is too scary. My consciousness tells me that he is even more powerful than Lord Collins."

"Hey, really? Let's leave quickly"

After Li De came out, the surrounding underground races immediately seemed to have seen a giant dragon, and they all stayed away from him.

Especially the snake tribe, a race with keen senses, is as far away as possible. They feel like there is a dragon sleeping on Li De. Once he wakes up, it will be shocking.

Li De narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this. These underground races seemed to be quite smart.

But he didn't care. After getting on the carriage, he looked to the side casually.

"Asrega, go first to see if there is any danger in the city lord's palace."

"Yes, Father God"

A spine-chilling voice came from the empty carriage, and then the fleeting breath disappeared.

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