I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 162 The Breath of Death

Li De has been thinking since he came out of Dawn Church.

It can be said that the Dawn Sect has really made a good start in its development so far.

With level 6 Holy Priest Nile, level 15 Shadow High Priest Amy, and two girls who have just become Level 2 priests, the Dawn Church has initially gained its own power.

The other two level 2 priests couldn't bear it after each of them were given two spells by him. They couldn't handle Nello's state of being mentally intact after accepting 15 mages.

However, there is no big impact. Now we just need to continue to preach. When everyone in the entire Dawn City believes in the Dawn Sect, the power of faith will inevitably usher in a spurt of growth.

Then he won't have to spend his faith on such a careful plan.

And for now, the Dawn Sect is far from tapping into its potential.

Those powerful gods even have tens of millions of followers, especially ancient gods like the Goddess of Life, who have hundreds of millions of followers.

If you want to become a sect that can compete with those gods, it will take a lot of time to develop.

Fortunately, the geographical location of Dawn City means that he is destined not to suffer a lot of interference and invasion in the future.

He still has enough time.

After returning to the city hall, Li De called Harrison and asked him about the breeding farm.

You have to eat the meal one bite at a time and do the things one by one.

Missionary work is a long process and should not be rushed.

Dawn City has a lot of work to do now. The first big part is agriculture. The spring wheat has been planted in March, and the first harvest will be in July to August.

There is no doubt about the importance of food. All work this year will be carried out around food, so this cannot be compromised.

The second big part is the construction of the mage tower. The mage tower is the power related to the future. This is a magical world, and magic always ranks first among all forces.

The sooner the mage tower is built, the faster low-level vampires and talented humans can systematically learn magic.

Priority is second.

Third, the Dawn Sect,

Fourth, breeding farms.

Needless to say, these two items are indispensable.

Each of these major projects is very important, but only the breeding farm can speed up the progress, and the others cannot be rushed.

“Clan Chief, all the water pipes in the farm have been connected and officially put into use.

At present, 2,000 pigs have been captured from the Dawn Plains, and 4,000 bison have been captured, but they have all been distributed to residents.

In addition, there are hundreds of wild horses and wild horses.

It is expected that after the workers have mastered the shaping skills in October, the farm will be able to feed at full capacity."

Li De nodded. The breeding farm has been developing step by step, and it is difficult for any major problems to occur.

"How is the expansion of the Magic Bat group going?"

“Viscount Dylan has already started working on it, but if you want to see the results, you need to wait until around October.

Although the growth cycle of the magic bats is not long, it will take a certain amount of time to fully activate the bloodline hidden in their bodies. "

Li De smiled slightly, very satisfied with this.

The breeding farm has been established, and the expansion of Magic Bats has not been delayed, with double blooms.

The beasts on the Dawn Plains are enough for the Magic Bats to expand into the thousands.

He had already ordered Dylan to expand the group of magic bats that numbered less than 500 to 1,000 before the winter moon came.

He estimates that at least 20,000 people will be plundered this winter.

Without enough magic bats, it would be difficult to complete this arduous task.

"Very good, I will fully cooperate with Dylan's work. I hope to see the number of magic bats I want flying in the sky of Dawn City during the winter moon."

"As you wish."

“Also, other projects cannot be left behind, especially agriculture. We need to grow as much food as possible.

A large number of new people will arrive after the Winter Moon. I hope you can start preparing for this now. This year's task will only be heavier. "

Li De's tone was serious. There was always a sense of urgency in his heart. Not only was the time for the player's arrival on the attribute panel getting closer and closer, but there was also a worry that he couldn't explain clearly.

It seems that the future will not be as stable as it is now. He has felt a different atmosphere since the orcs suddenly invaded early last year.

Therefore, he did not dare to stop and could only work hard to strengthen the City of Dawn.

No matter what changes occur in the future, one's own strength is the only way to cope with it.

Moreover, the entry of sand sculpture players in the future will also bring about many unpredictable changes. Although he is no longer as worried about the arrival of players as he was at the beginning, he will never underestimate the players' ability to cause trouble.

No one can be sure how big a storm a butterfly's wings can stir up.

But fortunately, Dawn City is now on the right track, and it only needs to develop according to the plan he set.

Before long, he will be unafraid of all challenges.

"Harrison, I need to go back to Green City. I leave this place to you."

"Yes, Your Majesty the First Ancestor."

Harrison raised his chest slightly without any objection.

The advantage Li De established in the Scarlet Mage Tower is precisely the foundation that can ensure the rapid development of Dawn City, so neither side can fall behind.

He has been out for a long time this time. Although Spark is taking care of him and Vina is managing him, it is impossible to be without a backbone for a long time.

After explaining some trivial matters, Li De returned to Green City. When he returned to the Scarlet Mage Tower, it was already the next morning.

Standing in front of the Scarlet Mage Tower, Li De looked at the giant manor that looked like a small town with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Because of the production of magic scrolls, the Scarlet Mage Tower has now become a veritable rich man.

In order to produce more magic scrolls, the number of mage apprentices recruited reached an exaggerated number of 500. In order to protect the secrets of the production of magic scrolls, the surrounding area was circled.

Now the Scarlet Mage Tower has truly become an independent small kingdom, and he is the king of this kingdom.

The huge surrounding walls are five blades high, and they are so exaggerated that people can stand on them.

The walls of the courtyard, which are all covered with red alchemical materials, reveal the fluctuation of magic power. Alchemy traps and magic circles are arranged on such huge courtyard walls.

Even if the army attacks, it will be difficult to break through these solid defenses in a short time.

The small square in front of the Scarlet Mage Tower has also become a territory that can only be entered from the inside.

Li De stood on the street outside, looking at the scene in front of him with a sense of accomplishment.

More than half a year ago, this place was just an ordinary mage tower with 22 mage apprentices and earning dozens of gold coins every month.

It is inconspicuous in Green City.

But now, the Scarlet Mage Tower has become a force that no one dares to ignore.

Not only because of the existence of Archmage Spark, but also because of the strength displayed by the Scarlet Mage Tower itself.

Relying on the magic scroll, the Scarlet Mage Tower has built a huge business cooperation alliance under the management of Wei Na during this period.

Many things can be easily solved without the Scarlet Mage Tower having to deal with it. It can be said that it is ten times more powerful than the little Mage Tower that had to come to negotiate to purchase food.

Just when Li De was standing at the door of the mage tower wall, just about to step into the door.

Sudden changes.

Cold, bloody, cruel, and destructive.

An indescribable aura of violence and coldness made the hairs on his back stand up in an instant.

Even as the ancestor of the blood clan, he smelled the smell of death at this moment.

Everything about him is like a crazy warning to him!

Danger! !

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