I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 138 Li De’s Personality Charm

The residents of Daybreak City have noticed many changes around them in recent days.

The first is the appearance of the Cyclops. These big men have injected a new vitality into the City of Dawn. Many people's fear of aliens has quietly disappeared as they continue to understand the vampires and the Cyclops.

It turns out that these races that are different from humans are not all as evil and terrifying as the legends say.

This directly led to many residents who liked to use bread to tease these big guys who could never have enough to eat. Except for Corso who disdained such children's games, the other Cyclops liked it very much.

In particular, a few naive Cyclops cubs have become the favorites of the residents of Dawn City, with a cheerful atmosphere.

The second change was the completion of the newly emerged Church of the Dawn Sect, located directly opposite the square.

One of them, a Holy Light vampire named Amy, served as the bishop of the church.

What interests people is that the god this sect believes in is not the god they know, but the patriarch of the Holy Light Blood Clan, the Lord of Dawn, and the great Lord of Cachar City.

In the propaganda of the Dawn Sect, the Lord of Cachar City is the God of Dawn with unlimited divine power.

The great Mianxia left the kingdom of God and descended to earth in order to lead mankind from darkness to light, and was a great god who brought hope to people.

The emergence of the Dawn Sect undoubtedly shocked the residents of Dawn City and caused everyone to talk about it these days.

"Is the Lord of Cachar really the God of Dawn? No wonder, if he is not crowned by the great god, how could the Lord of Cachar be so kind to humans?"

"It's not necessarily true, it's true that the Lord of Cachar City is a hero, but what does the god say, seems to be missing something?"

"What's wrong?! Even a powerful creature like the Cyclops has surrendered at the feet of Lord Cachar. What is it if it's not a god? Didn't you see it that day?"

"The Cyclops isn't that scary. I fed them bread yesterday."

“Idiot, what do you know, if not tamed, these Cyclops will eat your bread?? They will eat you!!

Didn't you feel Lord Corso's momentum in the square that day? "

"Hey, it's true. Lord Corso, the cyclops lord, almost scared me to death that day.

Kachar is still so great that even such a powerful creature can be tamed like a puppy.

Will there be dragons in our City of Dawn in the future? I really look forward to the day when I feed bread to the dragon.

Praise Your Majesty Cachar, may your divine light cover the entire earth.”

"Idiot, dragons don't eat bread"

The endless discussions have always made the residents of Dawn City pay close attention to the Dawn Sect.

This incident really had a great impact on them. The great Lord Cachar City turned out to be a god. This was simply unbelievable!

The teachings spread by the Dawn Sect also amazed people.

Constant self-improvement, tenacious struggle, unity, bravery and fearlessness, love for family and country

What a great wisdom that can sum up this doctrine? It is so catchy and deafening that even the rules of chivalry that have been passed down for millions of years cannot be so incisive.

The Dawn Sect is worthy of being the sect under Cachar's crown, which is really shocking.

But no matter how big a stir it caused, the first reaction of many people when they heard this statement was disbelief, just like Patrick at this time.

The Eric town resident who was invited by Recker to join the logistics team is full of gratitude for everything now.

If there were no Holy Light Vampires, no Lord Cachar, and no City of Dawn, he might have starved to death on the way to Green City.

Therefore, Patrick pays special attention to news related to Li De.

After hearing the news about the Dawn Sect, his first reaction was that this statement was definitely a lie!

But after thinking about it seriously, he discovered to his horror that everything the Dawn Sect promoted was actually true! !

Isn’t the great Lord Cachar doing the same thing as the Dawn Sect said?

When people are at their most helpless and darkest, lead them to light and hope, and give them a happy life.

It was Cachar Sahib who provided him with free food in the beginning, it was Cachar Sahib who provided him with a job, it was Cachar Sahib who gave him free housing, and it was Cachar Sahib who assigned him There are many, many more things like land.

All kinds of reasons were added together, and Patrick suddenly discovered that what the Dawn Sect promoted was actually true.

Because he couldn't think of anyone else who could achieve such a level except for the gods who were so bright and majestic.


Thinking of this, Patrick sneered a little. Those damn blood-sucking bugs were more disgusting than rats. It was impossible to expect them to do anything for the civilians.

The original doubts and disbelief quietly disappeared after a series of thoughts.

I made up my mind.

The Lord of Cachar is a great god!

Early the next morning, Patriel quietly arrived at the Dawn Church, which had just opened its door.

This place was originally an idle manor. After Amy's renovation, it was filled with the unique sacred atmosphere of the church.

Patriel straightened out his wrinkled clothes with a sense of pilgrimage, and walked into the church hall with a solemn expression.

In the wide hall, hundreds of seats are arranged neatly, and the basic white color makes the hall very holy.

To Patrick's surprise, it turned out that he was not the only one in the temple.

Ollie, the little guy who had just become a Holy Light vampire, was also there, and there were about a dozen familiar faces in the empty church. He recognized them all at a glance as residents of the original town of Eric.

I felt a little excited in my heart. It turned out that not only I had discovered the truth of the matter, but I also had many companions.

Praise to His Majesty Cachar!

Oli turned his head slightly when he heard the movement behind him, and showed a bit of joy when he saw Patrill's face.

"Uncle Pat, are you here too?" After Patrill walked in, Ollie said, unable to contain his excitement.

"I knew that the great Kachar was not a mortal, and only a god could be worthy of his radiant majestic image."

Seeing the admiration on Ollie's face, Patriel was slightly startled, and an inexplicable desire to find his companion arose in his heart.

"Yes, only great gods can do such things worthy of praise."

The two looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

When Amy walked into the hall from the back of the church, to his surprise, more than 30 people came for the first time in this newly opened church.

With deep amazement in his eyes, at this moment, the impact of what Li De did in the City of Dawn was displayed in the most intuitive way.

Even if Li De is promoted as a god, some people firmly believe it.

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