I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 118 Expanding the Vampire Clan

There are many trivial matters in the city hall, and each item requires Li De to think carefully.

Because a lot of it is about the foundation of Daybreak in the future.

After Li De calculated the number of vampires that humans in Dawn City could support, he started to think about it.

It's time to expand the number of vampires while all work comes to a standstill in the snow.

The cold winter months make many things impossible.

Otis' plan to plunder the population at the border will be stopped in half a month at the latest. The cold winter is the most powerful enemy.

The number of vampires has now become a huge problem for Li De. Although no one in the City of Dawn can resist the vampires, the small number still makes him constrained by many things.

Therefore, the expansion of the vampire clan was on the agenda in Li De's mind.

However, how to expand requires additional considerations.

In his plan, the Vampires are the undisputed rulers of Dawn City, the top of the food chain,

Every vampire is a noble and has a distinguished status.

The best state should be that everyone's ultimate dream is to become a vampire.

Therefore, the expansion of the Vampire Clan this time must not be done at a low price. The fact that humans become Vampire Clan should be made a very glorious thing and worthy of celebration.

And everyone will be envious, and the relatives and friends around him will be proud of being a vampire.

How to operate this depends on your wrist.

Li De's eyes showed a bit of thinking.

Reward, he wants to regard becoming a vampire as an important and precious reward to reward those who work hard for the City of Dawn.

What would humans value? You will only cherish the things you get after you have put in countless efforts. The more you pay, the more you will cherish them after you get them.

Everyone has a feeling of indifference to what is given to them for free.

According to his original plan, the vampires could be selected from several aspects.

First, set up a reserve army among humans, and select outstanding humans from the reserve army to become vampires.

Second, reward residents who have made great contributions to the City of Dawn,

Third, talented young people.

But at present, several plans are not very realistic, and he does not have that much time to establish a reserve army.

Not to mention making a huge contribution, the current City of Dawn has nothing to contribute to them.

As for humans with excellent talents, even if they exist, there will not be many of them, which is not suitable for the current urgent need to expand the number of vampires.

Therefore, these policies can only be used later, and now we need to change our thinking.

Li De pondered for a moment and then suddenly showed a meaningful smile, stretched out his hand and called in the vampire standing guard outside.

This time, let’s play an interesting game.

The king of routines is online again.

That afternoon, a surprising scene occurred outside the South District.

A young and handsome boy ran into the City of Dawn from outside the South District with an anxious look on his face, holding a female vampire who was covered in blood and whose bat wings had not yet been retracted from her back.

This scene immediately aroused the curiosity of countless people, what happened? Why was this vampire lady so seriously injured?

Coincidentally, this young man never encountered the security team who patrolled frequently when he entered the city. He was discovered by the security team only after he walked around the City of Dawn and arrived at the square.

"What's wrong with you?"

The young man held the female vampire covered in blood with a serious and anxious face, "Sir, I saw this vampire lady outside the plain. She was seriously injured at that time. There I saw the One-Horned Thunder Leopard."

Several security team members were shocked when they heard this, and one of the experienced ones pointed at the scars on the female vampire's body and shouted.

"This is indeed an injury caused by the One-Horned Thunder Leopard! This Vampire Lord was injured by a monster. Hurry, send this Lord to the City Hall!"

"Young man, how did you escape from the hands of the One-Horned Thunder Leopard?"

"My lord, the one-horned thunder leopard was also seriously injured at that time. I used a torch to scare it away."

"Okay, very good. You have made great contributions. Come with us to the city hall. Lord Cachar will definitely reward you!"

Residents in the square witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and the incident spread throughout the City of Dawn that night.

"Have you heard? Today, a young man saved the Lord of the Holy Light Vampire Clan. Tsk, tsk, tsk, that boy is going to be rich this time."

"I heard from the adults in the security team that the Holy Light vampires above are very satisfied with that young man and even want to reward him with 100 points!"

"Hey, 100 points can be exchanged for the status of a noble!! I'm so envious."

"What's this? The Lord of Cachar City was very satisfied after hearing about it. He seemed to intend to reward the young man to become a vampire. Tsk, tsk, tsk, now is the real kindness and generosity."


Because people were bored in the winter, they immediately started talking about this matter, and gossips were heavy in their hearts. Many people made up a big drama in their own minds.

But more people still envy the good luck of the young man who became a vampire.

Because according to custom, he will definitely be rewarded heavily, especially with the great and benevolent Lord Cachar.

The news continued to ferment under the impetus of a force, and in the end, the sudden appearance of gossip pushed the matter to a climax.

"The vampire master of the security team said that the Lord of Cachar City was very satisfied with this incident and said that the heroic human noble should be rewarded.

After the rescued vampire lady woke up, she even begged Lord Cachar to reward the young human named Owen to become a noble Holy Light vampire."

"Once you become a Holy Light vampire, you will gain a noble aristocratic status, and you will also gain the talent of casting spells to become a master mage. More importantly, you will have eternal life."

The reward is to become a vampire, gain a distinguished noble status, possess powerful spellcasting ability, and gain eternal life! !

This is an incredible thing.

After this message came out, it quickly fermented in Dawn City and reached everyone's ears in a short time.

The entire residents of Dawn City are looking forward to what will happen next, which really makes them curious.

On the second and third days, instead of calming down over time, this matter became more and more intense.

Especially the news that is constantly spreading secretly, the entire City of Dawn is in an inexplicable restless atmosphere.

After a while, some people said that the status of the Holy Light Vampires was too noble. To redeem it, 200 points of immeasurable value were needed. It was impossible for the Lord of Cachar to grant such a precious reward.

After a while, news came out that the Lord of Cachar City seemed to be considering taking back his words. He also thought that rewarding a human being in this way was a bit excessive. The Holy Light Vampires were a noble spell-casting race.

Less than half a day later, someone said that although the Holy Light Vampires were noble, the generous Cachar seemed to intend to reward a group of humans who had contributed to the City of Dawn to become the Holy Light Vampires.

Various gossips continue to spread, and everyone is paying close attention to the development of this matter whether they like it or not.

After all, the matters involved this time are too sensitive. Becoming a Holy Light vampire, possessing the talent of casting spells, becoming a noble, and gaining eternal life are such attractive rewards.

Of course, there are also many people who are resistant to becoming a vampire. Most of them came to the City of Dawn later.

But anyway, this matter has aroused enough discussion.

The third day, December 5th.

A piece of news appeared on the public notice board in the square that made everyone crazy and hotly discussed, completely pushing this matter to the top.

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