I Became a God in Tokyo

Chapter 16: Bai Mu Sang, not bad for money

   Tachibana Medical Center.

  In the director's office, several people are gathered around the table.

   The man with the begging face in the front is the father of Yuuri Tori, Yu Kazuki.

   "Director of the level, is there really no treatment at all? You are an expert in this field, think of a way, as long as you can save Yuri, money is not a problem..."

   The director of the neurology department, Zhiren Naoto, is only in his early fifties this year, but his hair has turned gray.

He crossed his hands in front of him, shook his head, and said regretfully: "Mr. Birdyou, including the parents, I regret that we have done our best, but your child’s condition is difficult to treat with modern medical standards. There is no doubt about this. ."

   The expressions of the parents all changed, and the bird Yu Kazuki staggered back a few steps, holding on to the wall before falling down.

   "Then... Yuri, what should I do? My family is just such a child." He said dryly.

   "I can only pray to the gods for blessing." The straight person sighed.

   At this time, a nurse pushed the door and ran in, out of breath.

   "Director! Quick, quick..."

   The level straight man scolded: "Be more stable, what's to panic?"

   "No, Director, these three newly admitted patients today, they..."

   When a straight person heard it, he secretly scolded the idiot.

   It is a big taboo in the medical industry to tell the patient's bad news in front of the family.

   If you lose control of your emotions, it’s hard to end

   The straight face was calm and calmly interrupted.

   "I know all about their situation. Someone has already reported to me just now. You should go over and deal with it first. Everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations."

   The nurse was taken aback.

   immediately quit.

   The straight man got up, patted Yukiki's shoulder, and said in pain.

   "Mr. Birdy, now that something has happened, you have to face it sooner or later, be stronger."

   then walked to the ward.

   Kotori Yu Kazuki didn't make a sound, but followed the straight person, and moved stiffly to the ward.

   Not far away, I heard quarrels in the room.

   It seems that family members are already making trouble.

   The straight person stretches out his hand to open the door.

   In the ward, Yuuri Tori, wearing a hospital gown with a few electrode pads scattered on his chest, stood on the bed. Several nurses stood by the bed and blocked him.

   "What's the matter with you, why didn't you let me get out of bed! I'm fine!" Yuuri Tori is very puzzled.

   I opened my eyes and found that I didn’t talk about it in the hospital. I just moved a little bit, and someone came over to hold myself and give myself an anesthetic injection...

   This kind of thing, anyone will be puzzled!

   The horizontal straight guy widened his eyes, his stomach filled with comforting words in his throat.

   Is this lively girl the same person who relied on the ventilator just now?

   "Yuri!" The little bird behind Yu Kazuki was ecstatic. He pushed the crowd away and rushed to the bed to look at his daughter. He didn't know where to put his hands with excitement.

   "Yuri, it's really Yuri..."

   "Dad!" Yu Yuri Xiaotori finally found her backer, stomping angrily, "What are you doing, people are so in good health, why should you send me to the hospital?"

   "Okay, it's good..." Yu Kazuki kept wiped his eyes. He had forgotten when the last time he cried like this.

   "Yeah, why are you crying? Ling Na-chan was crying just now, inexplicably."

   The straight man reached out his hand and pulled the nurse beside him, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

   "We don't know, it seems that someone came to visit the nurse and sent the latest special medicine, and the symptoms of these patients were relieved immediately after taking it..." The nurse in the ward was also confused.

  Special medicine?

   What kind of special medicine has such a miraculous effect?

   Fairy beans?

   And you call it relief?

   Isn't this a cure?

  The level of Naoto feels that his professionalism has been challenged.

   If it weren't for the nurse's own words, he would definitely think someone was joking with him.

   "Where is the person who delivered the medicine?"

   "I just went to another ward...oh, she's back."

   The horizontal straight person turned his head and looked at Kunou Rena who was pushing the door in.

   He dashed forward in an athlete's posture and pressed Rena Kunou's shoulder.

   A look of torture to extract a confession.

   "Little girl, did you send the medicine?"

   Kunou Rena did not respond for a while: "Huh?"

"Hey! What are you going to do to Rena-chan!" Yu Yuri on the bed was furious. She stepped on Yukiki's shoulder with one foot, then jumped up, adjusted in mid-air, and inserted them in a tricky posture. In between, Kunou Rena was behind him.

   "I warn you, stay away from Reina sauce!"

   Kunou Rena hurriedly grabbed Yu Yuri's hand and persuaded him.

   "Yuri-chan, it's all right."

   immediately apologized to the level straight person.

   "Sorry doctor, Yuri-chan is so impulsive..."

   The straight person waved his hand, with a kind smile on his face: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, blame me for being so excited."

   "But little girls, did you really bring the special medicine that saved them?"

   Kunou Rena shook his head: "It's not me, it's a classmate in our class, he brought it when he visited Yuri-chan, and..."

   She hesitated, then added.

   "And that's not medicine, it's Omori."


   "Yes, Omori." Kunou Rena insisted.

   She just brought Omori close to the unconscious classmates, and the classmates woke up one after another. It was a miracle.

   Can Mishou do it?

   Obviously not!

   This must be the latest medical equipment researched by Suga Industrial Secrets, and it was brought out by Shiraki-san!

   And Shiruki Sang left in a hurry, maybe he was going back to bear the anger of the family...

   Of course these must be kept secret!


   Dense wrinkles appear on the forehead of a straight horizontal person. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   "Where is that Omori? Where is it now?"

   Kunou Rena pointed to the head of the bed.

   The straight man walked over, picked up the seal guard by the pillow, and looked at it over and over.

   After taking a look, he leaned under his nose and sniffed.

   Nothing unusual.

   Apart from the size, it is just an ordinary guard.

   He didn't give up, he wanted to untie the rope tied at the mouth of the bag and take a look at the situation inside the guard.

   "Ah, stop it!"

   Tori Yuuri exclaimed.

   According to Shintoism, Omori cannot be opened.

Once    is opened, it will lose all power!

   What's more, this defensive guard was personally requested by Shiraki Sang for himself. It is of extraordinary significance and cannot tolerate any mistakes.

   The level of Naoto was taken aback, and the demon in his hand was taken back by Yuuri Kotori.

   He was a little embarrassed, so he could only rub his hands and sighed.

   "Unexpectedly, after living at this age, I can really encounter some incredible things."

   "Little girl, let me ask you, what is your classmate's name?"

   Kunou Rena just wanted to answer, Yuuri Kotori turned her head and gave her a silent gesture.

   She glared at the straight person, obviously still a little angry.

   The bird Yu Kazuki on the side only understood it.

   "So, Yuri's classmates rescued her? Thank you so much!"

   He immediately took out his cell phone with a serious face: "Araki, drive over and prepare another five million yen in cash. Yes, I'm going out the door."

   Tori Yuuri listened and shook his head into a rattle.

   "Dad, save yourself."

   "Bai Mu Sang, the most important thing is money!"


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