When Alice was brought into the office by two U.B.C.S soldiers, she looked embarrassed with handcuffs on her hands.

The azure eyes glared angrily at Chen Feng, like an unruly pony.

Chen Feng was smiling and made a very gentlemanly gesture.

“Miss Alice, please sit.”

Cui Zhiyun on the side helped Alice pull away the chair.

Alice ended up sitting opposite Chen Feng very reluctantly.

At this time, Chen Feng seemed to notice the handcuffs on her hands.

“Help Miss Alice uncuff the handcuffs, it’s not polite.”

A soldier stepped forward to uncuff Alice so she could move her sore wrist.

Chen Feng retreated first: “You guys go out first.” ”

A loyal soldier glanced at Alice: “BOSS, but your safety, this is a dangerous person.” ”

“Don’t worry.”

At this time, there were only Cui Zhiyun, Alice, and Chen Feng in the office, Cui Zhiyun obviously planned to fish in troubled waters and planned to listen here.

“Miss Alice, what are you going to drink?” Tea? Coffee? Coke or milk? But at this time, Alice was still that indifferent, indifferent posture.

Chen Feng had to wave to Cui Zhiyun, the tool secretary over there who wanted to fish in troubled waters: “Two cups of coffee.” ”

Cui Zhiyun walked away unwillingly.

Chen Feng noticed that Alice’s eyes had been carefully looking around, calculating, and couldn’t help but be a little amused.

“Should I call you Alice, or Alicia? Marcus? ”

Chen Feng’s seemingly casual greeting made Alice’s eyes widen at this time, and an uproar was set off in her heart.

Looking at the mysterious smile on Chen Feng’s face, Alice was confused.

How would he know?

Looking at Alice’s facial expression, Chen Feng could speculate that her brain was probably thinking crazy now, how would I know?

Sorry, knowing that the plot is just how you can do whatever you want.

This Resident Evil worldview is formed by the fusion of movies and games, but the game worldview and the movie worldview can be said to have a great conflict.

The biggest villain and behind-the-scenes of the movie world view is Dr. Isaacs.

In the movie world, Umbrella was discovered by Dr. Isaacs and Dr. Marcus, who originally tried to cure his daughter Alicia’s illness.

Marcus was later killed by Isaacs.

After Marcus’s death, his daughter Alicia owned all of Marcus’s shares, and the funny thing is that the movie has a huge bug, Isaacs has destroyed human civilization, but still follows the rule of controlling more than 50% of the shares to control Umbrella.

As a result, Alicia has been using the Red Queen to secretly help Alice, and the ending is naturally Isaacs being defeated and everyone is happy.

But at this time, there were only tens of thousands of human survivors around the world, and Umbrella’s underground facility under the hive was blown up, which stored everything needed for the revival of human civilization.

In this regard, did Alice really win? Human civilization has been completely destroyed, what climate can be achieved with tens of thousands of people? I’m afraid it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years of reproduction before the human base can come back? Moreover, civilization has regressed to the point of indifference, and the world environment is extremely harsh and unsuitable for human survival.

Chen Feng officially looked at Alice for the first time, and I have to say that Alice in this world is several grades higher than the actor Mira.

When Resident Evil 1, Alice played by Mila was the peak of her appearance, but the last few Resident Evil movies had too much time span, and when the final chapter of Resident Evil 6 came out, her appearance was already not the same as when she was 1.

Most of the Europeans and Americans in the real world have a short shelf life and age badly after their golden age, and they rely entirely on makeup and beauty to maintain.

I have to say that Marcus’s genes are still good, so Alice in this world is much stronger than the movie version of Alice.

Because of the closure of the world line, Marcus of this world is Marcus, nicknamed the Queen of the Leech, the head of the Akre Mountain Cadre Training Institute, and one of the three founders of Umbrella.

And he was nicknamed the Queen of the Leech, also because after death, he fused the T virus and the genes of the leech, mutated into a monster, and was finally solved by Rebecca, a fledgling little girl.

Therefore, Alice in this world, his biological father is technically not the same person as Dr. Marcus in the movie.

Dr. Marcus in the movie world is just a rotten good person who happened to find the T virus, regardless of ability and appearance, he is more than a little worse than the ambitious Dr. Marcus in the game world.

Because of the closure of the world line, the Dr. Marcus in the movie world is not even qualified to create Umbrella.

Looking at it this way, Alice in this world is afraid that it is not so simple, just because the biological father has changed, the devil knows if she is the back hand left by the dead ghost genius scientist?

Maybe this Alice is not a pawn for Marcus to avenge Spencer and Umbrella? You must know that in order to take revenge on Umbrella, he destroyed the cadre training institute and spread the virus to the Acre Mountain Research Institute.

It’s not impossible.

But although Marcus, who became the queen of leeches, claimed to be Marcus, Chen Feng knew very well that Marcus was completely dead, even the leech queen was dead, and the leech queen was just a viral body that inherited some of Marcus’s memories and resentments, just like the protagonist of the original form, Brother A.

Alice was silent for a long time and said slowly.

“You can call me… Alice. ”

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