“Turning off the Red Queen will cause a power outage, and it will take 5 minutes to restart, during which time some infected bodies may escape, but don’t worry, the Red Queen will assist us in evacuating.”

Lisa. Edison held the red queen’s console and explained to the people around him.

“We better act faster, we will not encounter much danger in the early stages of the spread of the T virus, and the initial infected people are vulnerable, and it is difficult to say if they mutate longer.”

After the instruction, Lisa quickly sent a text message using the communication device.

“The goods have been recovered.”

Alice was a little surprised, Lisa didn’t seem to care about saying things like T-virus, spread, infection, she was not an idiot, seeing James’ expression, she understood.

Even if he has acquired memories of the future and knows that these soldiers are people with an unbroken conscience, their current identity is still Umbrella’s soldiers.

They have a rebellious heart against Umbrella, which is also a desperate situation, and only after being abandoned by Umbrella will they be resentful.

Now, even if she reveals more, no one will believe Umbrella’s ugliness and dirtiness, as well as the atrocities that destroyed humanity.

Is the end of the world really inevitable? Alice looked gloomy.

At the same time, she still had a hint of doubt, what was going on with Lisa, and it was logical that there should be no survivors in the hive.

No matter what Alice thinks, now she is a prisoner.

Lisa took out the host of the red queen and put it into the host storage device, and instantly the hive fell into darkness.

The agents wore night vision devices, and James, the special forces, actually turned on the flashlight.

This caused Lisa’s extreme surprise.

“Hey, this captain, you guys came in without even having night vision devices?”

James’s black face darkened even darker at this time, and he smiled bitterly.

Kaplan, an electronic warfare expert, complained angrily: “The logistics department said that it was just a very simple recovery task, and we were not equipped with night vision devices.” ”

He studied the faces of the personnel of the logistics distribution office, and said with a strange yin and yang attitude: “The power device of the hive will not be a problem, and the flashlight is enough to cope with most situations.” ”

Lisa frowned and interrupted him impatiently: “You follow us, let us take the lead, wait until the power is restored, and then reorganize the formation and follow closely.” ”

Saying that, Lisa and they walked out of the laser channel first, and since everyone had a laser pointer on their gun, their infrared laser could be clearly seen.

“Lane, medic, you watch over the prisoners to keep up.”

In the darkness, the commandos followed Lisa and the agents.

Lisa did not take the route of the original Resident Evil movie, they were originally people living in the hive, but it was not the first time to come here, all relying on the map, easy to take detours.

They took a short cut and took an employee passage near Restaurant B, where there were the least staff, and there were many places where they could swipe their cards directly after the circuit was restored.

In the movie, Alice and their escape was so difficult, firstly, because the terrain was unfamiliar, and secondly, the red queen blocked, and had to make various detours.

Now the situation is different, with these old fritters leading the way, the speed of travel is much faster.

Equipped with night vision devices, Lisa and they can see very clearly, shooting the zombies wandering in Restaurant B from far away.

In Restaurant B, the gunshots, tongues of fire and shining fires have never been heard.

Due to the restart of the circuit, many zombies came out here, but under the fierce fire of the agents, these zombies could only be shot one by one, and a few minutes later, there were no movable zombies in Restaurant B.

At this time, the power was restarted, and James and the commandos looked at the corpses in the field, some scalps were numb, and in the dark they did not fire for fear of accidental injury.

Only after the electricity was restored and the lights were restored did they find out that the gang had slaughtered at least thirty zombies.

James They saw zombies for the first time, because the infection has not been around for a long time, so these infected people still look humanoid.

“They could be survivors?”


A male agent scoffed: “If you are scratched by their claws a little, you will become like them, a monster that only knows how to eat and devour the flesh and blood of living people.” ”

After seeing the power restart, Lisa shouted: “Red Queen, I know you are here, mark the best escape route, you know where the most infected people are.” ”

“Understand, the best escape route has been transmitted.”

The voice of the red queen sounded, and then Lisa took out a tablet and glanced at it, and quickly confirmed the route.

“Keep moving.”

Thanks to the help of the Red Queen, Lisa and James’s commando team was able to quickly leave the hive, and they faced a small number of zombies along the way, not at all like Alice remembered, fighting hard, and finally only Alice and Matt managed to escape.

When they boarded the return train, the licker in Alice’s memory did not appear either.

Of course, Alice they are a long detour, unfamiliar with the terrain, and it is the first time to fight zombies, and they have no experience at all.

By the time they got to the train, the lickers had already thawed out of the freezer.

Now Lisa’s combat time is less than 30 minutes, and they are already on the return train.

However, when Lisa and the commandos returned to the Western-style pavilion, a group of uninvited guests appeared.

When Lisa and they crossed the passage, they were not greeted by the receiving troops who were supposed to arrive.

Instead, a group of Umbrella soldiers wearing chemical protection suits and armed with weapons.

At the head is the chief scientist of Raccoon City, Dr. Isaacs.

“Soldiers! Lay down your weapons, you are likely to be infected by the virus and need to be isolated and observed! ”

Seeing this, Lisa unceremoniously raised her weapon directly and confronted them.

“You have no right to command me! We are the direct reports of His Excellency Chen Feng! ”

The agents raised their guns one after another, James and they looked confused, but the black captain was still clear and had to stand in line.

It seems that they are in some kind of terrible situation, and at this time they can only be on Lisa’s side.

So they also joined the confrontation, and the two groups raised their guns and aimed at each other, and they were about to explode.

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