Borneo, also known as Kalimantan, claims to be the third largest island in the world with 743,300 square kilometers.

Due to its equatorial location, the island has a tropical rainforest climate, which makes it the second largest tropical rainforest in the world after the Amazon jungle.

The blood orchid is located deep in Kalimantan’s deserted rainforest.

A Black Hawk helicopter emblazoned with the Umbrella logo swept over the sea at great speed towards Kalimantan.

The wolf mother has changed into a tactical outfit, and on the plane, the other 5 members of the U.S.S. team are sitting on it.

“The mission was very easy, and our goal was to get the target samples out of the rainforest.”

“Our biggest obstacles in our actions are the local animals, as well as the natural environment and climate.”

“When the mission is underway, there will be a Black Hawk helicopter on standby 24 hours a day, and when it arrives at the temporary base, there is a chance to rest, what questions do you have?”

Although many of the Wolves’ USS members are “problem children” in the army, Karena’s years of prestige are here, and they are obedient.

Listening to the briefing, the most troubled child’s road smiled cheekily, don’t look at him kindly, this is a tall and strong demolition maniac, this is a ruthless man who had to be equipped with prosthetics because of the explosion accident.

“Wolf Mom, do we need to face BOW?”

“No need.”

“Then I’m okay with it.”

It seems that hearing that there is no need to fight BOW, the rest of the team members are completely interested, and the four-eyed girl who is obsessed with science to the point of being a little sick is a little excited.

“I can collect some samples.”

“Don’t hurt yourself, or I’ll treat you.” The military doctor Beisha showed a cold and pleasant smile.

The other team members only felt a chill in their backs, as if cold sweat was about to come down.

Besha is a very good military doctor, but her treatment process is very scary, for example, she uses anesthesia during treatment, and although she is normal every treatment, not many people want to be her patients.

When she helps you deal with your injuries, it’s more like torture.

It is better to be killed by a bullet than to treat Besha.

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Karina just hit the circle and said: “Okay, children, enjoy this journey, this is our first task after transfer, don’t mess up.” ”


The temporary base, where the WH company’s expedition has assembled, but they have not yet set out, but are waiting for someone.

Jack. Dr. Bailong, the leader of the WH company’s expedition, is the villain in the movie, but in fact he is just a paranoid unlucky scholar who wants to get the blood orchid.

Now Jack. Dr. Byron’s head was looking at several expedition members who came to question them, including the finance of the research group, as well as his assistant, the captain of the pilot.

Despite the additional investment they received, WH was only a distressed company on the verge of bankruptcy, and it was clear that they were just better equipped than the original team, and hired a few more relatively professional guides.

The whole team is still like the original work, a combination of smelly fish and shrimp.

“Doctor, why don’t we leave yet? We have been waiting in this damn place for 3 days. ”

Jack. Bai Long said helplessly: “We still need to wait, we haven’t received the order to leave, rest assured, the money will be calculated.” ”

In fact, he is also more anxious, the blood orchid is said to bloom in just seven days, although there will be many blood orchid groups, but it may only add up to half a month’s flowering period, and now 3 days have passed.

At this moment, the representative of the company’s side, Gail . Steen walked over, and this woman was the top person in charge of the WH company.

Originally, Gail sneered at the operation at first, believing that the expedition was a waste of time and money.

She was out of place with the expedition, but now she seemed to have changed as a person, and when she saw her coming over, she directly scolded the members.

“We are waiting for the team of investors! Do you have any questions? ”

“But ma’am, we’ve wasted 3 days here, the blood orchids have a short blooming period, in case they’re late, do we really have to wait?”

Faced with doubts, Gail sneered.

“You know what! That’s Umbrella! Umbrella companies, you know! Even if we find the blood orchid, we can only count on this powerful investor to get a large investment! Now the money is sent to you, but it is all Umbrella! ”

“Even the base where you are staying temporarily was bought by Umbrella at your expense, as well as new ships and equipment for exploration!”

“You know if we offend Umbrella, even if we find the Blood Orchid, with their influence, hum.”

“For Umbrella’s request, even if we wait ten days, twenty days, we have to wait, of course, the salary will be paid to you as usual.”

What else can be said? Anyway, the money was taken, and hearing Umbrella’s reputation, the players did not expect that Umbrella was actually the financier behind the scenes.

I don’t dare to have any more opinions, that’s Umbrella! Ordinary people offend such enterprises, and there is no good juice to eat.

At this moment, the sound of the propeller sounded.

Rookie Chicken expedition members saw a military Black Hawk helicopter emblazoned with an umbrella logo slowly descending onto the makeshift tarmac.

A group of U.S.S. special forces members armed to the teeth jumped off the plane.

The wolf mother walked majestically in front of the crowd and asked, “Who is the leader?” Now it’s taken over by Umbrella! ”

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