I am the Father of the Villain

Chapter 287: Fanwai 22 arena hugs (a lot of bullet screens)...

Extra episode two and two:

Lin Luoqing felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, "Really?"

Although he thinks that he draws well, Ji Yuxiao's drawing is obviously better than him, and he still has this recognition.

"Of course," Ji Yuxiao said eloquently, "otherwise, why can I guess eight correctly, but mine can only guess seven? It's not because the paintings are better and more soulful."

"Why isn't the painting more vivid, so the time is a little slower than mine."

"I'm not as good as that."

Lin Luoqing laughed, Ji Yuxiao has always been good at making him happy, as long as he wants to, he can always make him happy from all angles and aspects.

He was a little sweet in his heart, and said in a low voice, "It's better to draw better, I like drawing better."

"As long as you like it." Ji Yuxiao's tone was gentle.

Lin Luoqing looked at him with a smile, not sure if it was the painting or him, "Well, I like it."

Passionate CP fans only feel the spring breeze blowing in an instant.

[Oh my god, what kind of pure love idol drama is this? It's too sweet. 】

[What do I like, Qingqing is so good. 】

【What does Qingqing like? Clearly, is it Mr. Ji's painting or Mr. Ji [狗头]】

[Of course I like them all~]

[Woof woof, woof woof, Shan Gou is crying. 】

[Dog lovers have issued a strong condemnation, this show is too cruel to dogs! 】

[Who is smiling like a second idiot? It's me, so sweet, so sweet, really sweet! 】

Fifteen minutes later, all the couples finished drawing the game of I guess, and the result of the game was born smoothly.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao scored 15 points, the highest score and ranked first.

Xu Yahui and Qiu Pengpai scored 9 points and ranked second.

Wang Ruchen and Nie Cheng scored 8 points and ranked third.

Cai Shiyu and Li Jiamao scored 7 points and ranked fourth.

Yang Xinyue and Li Zhiyuan scored 6 points, and sadly ranked last.

[So only Ji Zong and Qingqing scored ten points, amazing! 】

[What happened to Cai Shiyu's fans at the time, first place? ? Hahaha this is almost the bottom one! 】

[Just like this, I'm still kind enough to step on Qingqing, whether Qingqing's painting is good or not, Qingqing is the number one! 】

[In terms of soul, it can't compare to Qingqing, in terms of image, it can't compare to Ji Zong, Cai Shiyu, Cai! 】

[No wonder fans call him Cai Cai [狗头]]

Cai Shiyu fan:! Just wait, they will win soon after Cai Cai! They are mad at them!

Yang Xinyue immediately fell on Li Zhiyuan's shoulder when she heard the ranking, and looked at the host worriedly, "There won't be any punishment in this game, right?"

"No, no." The host smiled, "How can there be punishment? Not only is there no punishment, but today everyone is allowed to date freely!"

"Really?" Yang Xinyue was suspicious.

The host nodded and asked the staff to take out three archery targets.

"Then let's move on to the next game - the heart of the heart."

"As you can see, there are three archery targets in front of you, which represent the three dating places you can choose today. The red is the video game city, the green is the movie theater, and the blue is the coffee shop. According to the drawing just now For the results I guess, the first place has five chances to "shoot" arrows, the second place has four chances, and so on, and the last place once. Each group of couples chooses the place they are interested in, and "shoots" the arrow in their own hands. If the arrow hits the bull's-eye, it is a success. Note that each site can only accommodate two couples at most, so if there are two groups in the front that succeed, the corresponding target will be removed."

"What if none of us hit?" Yang Xinyue raised her hand and asked.

"The couples who are 'shot' will be located according to the rules, and the couples who are not 'shot' will be randomly selected by drawing lots."

"Great," Qiu Pengpai said happily, "I will do this, I can do it."

Lin Luoqing heard the words and turned to look at Ji Yuxiao, "What? Will you?"

"Yes." Ji Yuxiao said lazily.

"To what extent?" Lin Luoqing was curious.

Ji Yuxiao smiled slightly, "Let's meet wherever we want."

Lin Luoqing:!


"Where do you want?" Ji Yuxiao asked directly.

Lin Luoqing pointed to the video game city without hesitation.

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao nodded, "Don't we have five chances, let's play by ourselves in a while, and just leave it to me once."

"So powerful?" Lin Luoqing was surprised.

The passer-by doubted: [Impossible? He will too? 】

[It's really proficient in everything, I don't believe it. 】

[It feels a bit too exaggerated, and I don't believe it either. 】

Ji Yuxiao looked at the person in front of him with a smile, "How can you be a boyfriend if you're not good at it?"

"Hmph." Lin Luoqing snorted and turned her head.

The host gave each group five minutes to practice "archery". Lin Luoqing took the bow, pulled the string quite novelly, took another arrow, and hit it.

His right hand slowly pulled the bowstring, aiming at the target not far away.

Ji Yuxiao looked at him, walked behind him, held his hand, and said close to his ear, "Hold tightly, and pull the bowstring hard."

, He took Lin Luoqing's hand and pulled it back, and the whole bow opened an arc in an instant.

Lin Luoqing was delighted, Ji Yuxiao closed one eye, aimed at the bull's-eye, adjusted the angle for him, and said to him, "Let go."

Lin Luoqing let go, and the bow and arrow broke through the wind in an instant, and they were firmly nailed to the target.

【handsome! 】

[Yes, Qingqing! 】

[Mr. Ji has some skills! 】

[Is Ji always a little bit capable? Mr. Ji's ability has grown! 】

【God, he actually knows how to do it. 】

【He can even shoot arrows, what else can he not do? Also too versatile. 】

[I always feel that I'm almost becoming Ji Zong's fan now, this is too sua. 】

[Apologies for my doubts just now, Mr. Ji, you are really awesome! 】

[This kind of guess is that he was a campus male **** when he was in school, I am so envious. 】

[Me before watching the show: I want to see who dares to steal our cabbage, is he worthy? Me after watching the show: ah ah ah ah ah perfect match perfect match! Boss, do you see the standard of my kneeling? 】

[Hahahaha me too, before watching the show, why did Qingqing fall in love, mom doesn't allow it! After watching the show, why hasn't Qingqing married him yet? When will you get married! Mom is going to see the wedding today! 】

【Wedding wedding! Hurry up and marry me with passion! 】

[Soon, soon, as far as Mr. Ji likes Qingqing, it will be soon! 】

[I also think that if you propose before finishing this show, you will get married tomorrow. 】

[Woooo, I can be single, my cp must get married right away! 】

[Yes! 】

Lin Luoqing hit the target with an arrow, although he didn't hit the heart, it made him very happy.

He immediately took a new arrow and continued to practice. Ji Yuxiao saw that he also took his own bow and arrow, aimed at his bullseye, and began to practice.

After all, it was his specialty project. After trying it almost twice, Ji Yuxiao hit the red heart and shot firmly in the bull's-eye.

The barrage exclaimed: [Fuck! It hit it so quickly! 】

[This is the third arrow. 】

【His first two arrows were very powerful, but the second arrow almost hit the bull's-eye. 】

[That is to say, this is a live broadcast, otherwise I should suspect that it was edited by the program group later, this is too awesome! 】

【No wonder he and Qingqing will go wherever they want. 】

[Hahaha, Qiu Pengpai next door is already dumbfounded. 】

【Come on, Xiaoqiu, won't you also do it? Let's compare~]

Xiao Qiu: ... Hey, isn't their meeting a kind of meeting!

Fortunately, he thought that he was very good if he could hit one or two times out of ten times. He didn't expect that there were even stronger players among the strong ones. A mountain is higher than a mountain. Is Ji Ge serious?

Wasn't it really hit by mistake?

Qiu Pengpai walked over silently, "Brother Ji, can you shoot another arrow?"

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao agreed.

He took out another arrow.

[Come here, come on, bet, can Mr. Ji hit this time? Whether he hit it by mistake just now or really is the most powerful, he bet on it! 】

[Ken really will, and I can bet this time. 】

[I think Xuan, I can't bet. 】

【I can't bet either, I've hit the shot just now, it won't be so easy this time. 】

As soon as the barrage was released, Ji Yuxiao's arrow shot out directly, and with a "bang", it hit the bull's-eye directly.

【"Hold"! Hit again! 】

[It's amazing, Mr. Ji is awesome. I'm already tired. 】

[Not only awesome, but also handsome! The scene of "shooting" the arrow just now is so handsome, isn't it? ! 】

[This kind of link is very popular. 】

[I always feel that the program team has tried their best to think about the game link, but it's useless. It's all about Ji Zong [cover face]. 】

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I would probably be a big head if I were in the program group. 】

【is not that right? No, I'm just a fan of Ji Zonghe Qingqing, so I just think it's good. 】

[Hahaha that's right. 】

Seeing that Ji Yuxiao "shot" the red heart again, Lin Luoqing said pleasantly, "This is too powerful!"

Ji Yuxiao smiled and said indifferently, "What's so difficult about it?"

Lin Luoqing: ...the current appearance is very Versailles, you know? !

"I'll teach."

Ji Yuxiao walked up to him again, asked him to position himself, held his bow-holding hand, then held his other hand, and pulled the bowstring back.

His eyes aimed at the bull's-eye, and he reminded Lin Luoqing to aim by himself. Only when Lin Luoqing was completely ready did he whisper in his ear, "Let it go."

Lin Luoqing let go of her hand quickly, and saw the bow and arrow flying straight towards the bull's-eye, and finally firmly nailed to the red heart.

He let out a "wow" in surprise, and hugged Ji Yuxiao excitedly, "It really hit the target!"

Ji Yuxiao hugged him, kissed his ear with a smile, and boasted, "It's amazing."

Lin Luoqing hugged his waist, her eyes were full of smiles, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

The netizen looked excitedly at the two people on the screen, smiling like an aunt.

[It's so sweet, so sweet, this turn hug is really too sweet. 】

[Qingqing is so sweet, and she will take the initiative to hug her. 】

[Crazy screenshot, this scene is too sweet. 】

【Looking at how sweet they are, I want to fall in love, woohoo. 】

[It's so sweet to me, why is Qingqing's sugar content so high! 】

[Other groups are obviously sports fan, but this group is girl fan, and the style of painting is too different! 】

【Hey, I like it. 】

Standing aside Qiu Pengpai: So sweet, so sweet, so envious, he really wants to be so good. Compared with Ji Ge, he is too good, huh.

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