I am Really an Insider

Chapter 717 714: I gave you a chance, but you couldn’t make the shot! (5.4K votes requested)

Wayne has Malone's elbow, and LeBron has Malone's buckle.

Q: What is the difference between Malone, Wayne and LeBron?

Answer: Malone does not have a championship.

James' opening made the Cleveland fans climax immediately.

I had an orgasm as soon as I entered.

Lao Zhan's dunking attitude, this steal timing, this celebration.

What does it mean to be an international superstar?

Thief Wei, this alliance can no longer tolerate you doing whatever you want. Quickly surrender to the new king of the alliance!

Looking at the cheering Kacun fans surrounding him, Wayne found it difficult to defeat them.

If this were a football match, a 2-0 lead might actually be something to be happy about.

But this is a basketball game!

It's only 2-0, but it's already hitting your G-spot?

And don’t talk to me about whether there is a new king or not. Lao Zhan didn’t steal it from my house while I was hanging up.

The key was the first time he stole it, but Deng Shu got the better of him halfway. He had to steal it twice before succeeding.

What are you so arrogant about?

Don't make any noise, just watch the game quietly!

"My, my, my," Wayne raised his hands and shouted at his teammates.

After all, I haven’t touched mousse in two years, so it was really a bit big just now.

But it can also be seen that Lao Zhan is fully prepared for this game.

After all, he is in his own village. James definitely doesn't want to lose in Cleveland, let alone Wayne.

After Lao Zhan succeeded in dunking, most of the tension in his heart was eliminated.

Wayne's speed is indeed slow!

Just the ball just now, although James dunked very coolly.

But he was actually frightened before he dunked the ball in.

Who wouldn't be afraid of Wayne's pursuit?

More than once in James' career, he was chased by Wayne in seemingly safe situations.

This all left a psychological shadow.

But just now, James dunked easily, and Wayne couldn't even get close to him.

This is enough to show that Wayne's speed has declined!

Sure enough, he is not a god either.

James is becoming more and more confident in this game. Winning the Trail Blazers may not be as difficult as imagined.

James's game is no longer a game, this is already a one-goal theory.

The Trail Blazers counterattacked, and Curry, facing a double-team, continued to run around Wayne's screen.

Curry was also distressed as he watched Irving and J.R. running after him.

Why can't you defend Teacher Tony?

This is not a matter of strategy or not, the main thing is that it hurts people if you do this, you know?

Teacher Tony is indeed a master of rim tracing, and his goals are basically random.

But at least there should be respect.

Look how serious I was when I was defending Robertson.

I've never looked down on Robertson because he couldn't even make free throws.

Robertson: Bah! You didn't even want to raise your hands when you were guarding me!

Although they were double-teamed, neither J.R. nor Irving were strong defensive players after all.

Therefore, through a series of screens, Curry temporarily got rid of the two.

The primary school boy had just rushed to the mid-range position, and Tristan Thompson quickly stepped in to help defend.

Wade cried when he saw it. If Whiteside was willing to take such a step, how could we be beaten badly in the last game?

Seeing the defense coming, Curry hit the ball to the ground and passed it to Big Johnson.

After receiving the ball, Big Johnson took two strides to the basket and prepared to dunk directly.

But as soon as he jumped up, he found that TT returned to the basket at an extremely fast speed and raised his arms high.

When the two collided, Mikey's posture in the air was completely deformed.

If it were someone like Jordan or Kobe, even if their aerial movements were deformed, they would most likely be able to score.

But Olajuki doesn't have such great powers.

In the air, he tilted his body and hit the ball on the basket with a "boom".

As expected of Olajuki, he won't score a goal without doing a few dance moves first.

"McGee dunked the ball away, and Thompson's defense was very successful. Facts have proved that the Cavaliers' money was not in vain."

Seeing McGee fail to dunk, Wayne just shook his head, feeling extremely calm.

Now, Wayne won't find it strange whatever Big Jon does.

Have you gotten used to it? It belongs to you.

Don't talk about dunking the ball away with a dunk, but just dunking the ball with an empty basket. That's also a basic skill.

This basic operation does not refer to basic operations, but McGee operations.

Of course, this dunk is indeed difficult, and this cannot be regarded as McGee's brain.

It can only be said that the man who can conquer Kardashian is indeed not an ordinary person.

Coach Lu applauded from the sidelines. Judging from these two rounds, his strategy was still very successful.

The Cavaliers' defensive strategy is for James to defend Wayne alone, while J.R. and Irving double-team Curry.

Then TT helps prevent the sweep.

As long as these two great players are restrained, Director Lu does not believe that others can kill the game.

Look at what weird things the Blazers have left?

One is short, the other is stupid, and I can't even understand a layup.

It would be a real miracle if a few idiots could beat the knight to death.

Mikey: I'm not the stupid one, right?

Although Coach Lu was only as good at on-site command as sleeping on the spot, his pre-game arrangements were still excellent.

He had already arranged everything.

In the original history, the Cavaliers were able to contain the 73-win Warriors' offense with only one move - letting go of Barnes.

People say that the 2016 Finals was a confrontation between the Big Three and the Big Three.

The Big Three of the Cavaliers: James, Irving, and Barnes.

Warriors Big Three: Curry, Thompson, Love.

Then it turned out that Barnes was more powerful than anything else.

It's simply better than Mission Impossible.

As for the Trail Blazers, because Tony is extremely talented and Jabbert's three-point shooting is unstable, the Cavaliers will be more unscrupulous in targeting Curry and Wayne than they were against the Warriors back then.

After Irving attacked, facing Butler's defense, he directly performed a butterfly step.

The union of man and ball is no joke.

Although Butler's defense was fierce, Irving finally used a beautiful change of direction to gain space, and then made a mid-range jumper.

4-0, James and Ou Shuren each scored a goal. The Cavaliers' start was simply not perfect.

Wayne curled his lips. Is today's mission going to be canceled like this?

That was the Mousse lottery bag. The last time I drew a lottery from Mousse, I got something like the "Eye of Death".

Although I haven't had a chance to use it yet, the effect is really amazing.

It's a pity to miss it.

Seeing Irving score, James hurriedly touched his head.

Oh, men are all like this.

You keep saying that Wade is the only one in your life, but you are actually not coveting this younger body.

At this time, Nuxu and Lao Zhan are still a good pair.

Lao Zhan's routine was to make his teammates grow old and then change places to continue competing for the championship.

But he never expected that Owen would take the first step.

Of course, there is no barrier between the two now, so they work together very closely.

The Blazers must score. Not scoring for three consecutive rounds is very demoralizing.

Although Wayne wants to focus all his energy on the defensive end today, but since you can't grasp it, I will give you a try first.

Wayne took the initiative from outside the three-point line this time, and then called Big Johnson to cover.

Sure enough, the Cavaliers' method of dealing with the screen was to double-team directly, not caring about McGee at all.

But McGee did not cut in, but immediately set a screen for Curry.

In this case, it becomes J.R. to defend McGee!

Wayne passed the ball in, and James immediately helped defend the basket.

Although McGee has a lot of basic skills, there is still no problem in playing a J.R.

McGee was not impulsive, but returned the ball to Wayne again after James double-teamed him.

This time, Wayne finally got a singles opportunity.

Wayne leaned back, and Thompson's upper and lower body strength were very strong, so he did not let Wayne easily run into the penalty area.

These are two completely different flavors from Minneapolis Gummies.

But Wayne didn't give up and continued to slam back a second time.

After all, Wei Ge came from the era when hot insiders were king. It is not easy to bully the current new era insiders.

Although TT was not directly crushed, he still felt a little overwhelmed.

He was hurt by Wayne!

Wayne: The man who broke the Kardashian defense? That's it?

To be honest, if Wayne was as good as Khloe Kardashian, he probably would have been fine.

Seeing that he couldn't bear it, TT suddenly thought of a move.

So, when Wayne tried to push back for the third time, instead of pushing forward, Thompson took a step back.

Remove the stool!

When you can't withstand the opponent, removing the stool can be a life-saving straw.

When the other person's center of gravity is all leaning back, and you suddenly pull away, the other person is likely to lose their center of gravity and walk or fall.

More seriously, it may cause the other party to be injured.

Of course, although there is danger, there is nothing wrong with using this trick.

It's as if if I push you hard, there is no risk of injury to myself.

Wayne's filial son, Pao'er, is a serious fan of removing stools.

Limited by his mighty height, Pao'er is often misplaced by big men in singles.

And when he can't stand it anymore, he likes to use the trick of removing the stool to overcome the big one with a small one.

Countless centers in the league have been made fools of themselves by Paoer's move.

In Wayne's previous life, Angua, who had sharp skills, was also embarrassed by Chairman Pao'er's withdrawal of a stool, and the banana boat capsized at any time.

After seeing the right opportunity, Thompson quickly dodged back when Wayne pretended to be behind for the third time!

Wayne hit the air, and at that moment Wayne really lost his center of gravity.

Thompson was overjoyed. This trick turned out to be successful every time!

However, just when Thompson was about to wait for Wayne to be embarrassed, Wayne used his strong core strength to stabilize his center of gravity.

Thompson watched helplessly as Wayne was about to fall down at the first blow, but then he forced himself to steady himself and gulp down his semen.

Because Thompson had backed away, there was no one around Wayne.

So, Wayne turned around and made a one-handed dunk, helping the Trail Blazers break their scoring drought!

After Wayne dunked, he smiled contemptuously at Thompson.

You, you are so young, why is it so dark there!

However, you don’t really think that this kind of trivial trick will work on the league’s number one player, do you?

There is a saying, although the elementary school student's three-pointer is unsolvable, in the original history, this season is also the scoring champion + unanimous MVP.

But when the team has not scored in several rounds and needs to break the ice, it depends on Wayne's indiscriminate singles.

Curry may have 100 assist points + 90 offense points.

But Wayne directly scored 100 points in offense + 100 points in elbow strikes.

Just look at the data and you will know that in the original 15-16 season, Curry averaged 30 points per game in the regular season.

But when they encountered the Cavaliers' desperate double-teaming in the finals, they averaged only 22 points per game.

And Wayne always kills the whole game, whether in the playoffs or the regular season.

After breaking the game, Irving wanted to get the score back immediately, but this time Butler didn't let Irving get what he wanted.

Hard Jiebao just can't guard against tall and long-armed strikers, but that doesn't mean that humans and ghosts can bully him.

There is no other way, Irving can only use tactic No. 2: give the ball to James!

What is tactic number three?

The third tactic is also to give the ball to James!

After Wayne challenged James in the first round, James finally challenged Wayne on the offensive end.

Wayne just let Lao Zhan go, because his arms are long and he can do whatever he wants.

To be honest, Wayne may be the second-best defender of James in NBA history.

Well, it can only be number two.

The best will always belong to Jordan Stephenson of Portland.

Lao Zhan's abnormal body is not that big of an advantage against Wayne.

Lao Zhan calmed down for a moment, and it would definitely not work to forcefully attack Wayne.

That's right, use the mid-range shot!

Use mid-range shots to deal with him!

In the last game, I was accurate in my investment, and I will definitely be able to control it today.

Ever since, Lao Zhan made a pull-up jumper this time.

Wayne, I am no longer the same person that you defeated me over and over again!


Wayne: No, you're still the same hot boy you once were and haven't changed at all.

“The mid-range shot missed, Wayne’s defensive range was very large and the interference was very timely.

From the beginning of the game until now, neither Wayne nor LeBron can score on the other's head! "

This thing about hand feel is usually not inherited from game to game.

After Mouss hit the iron, Butler, who was always in a state of congestion and excitement, rushed into the penalty area to grab the rebound, and then quickly counterattacked himself.

This time, the Cavaliers' defensive formation was completely broken up.

After Butler broke into the penalty area and faced a crowd of pursuers, he did not make a layup, but distributed the ball to Ku Hao outside the three-point line.

Ku Hao caught the ball and shot. After the shot, he turned around and spit out his braces to celebrate the goal in advance.

The basketball hit the net with a "swipe" sound, and Curry started to pretend to beep!

5 to 4, the Trail Blazers quickly took the lead.

The game directly entered a white-hot stage. Although Lao Zhan just missed the first shot, he is the only one who can stand up and stabilize the situation.

Facing Wayne with the ball again, the two Kings continued to perform offensive and defensive performances.

Ajan originally held the ball with one hand to face Wayne, but when he remembered the embarrassment of being intercepted while holding the ball with one hand, he changed to holding the ball with both hands.

Very conscientious.

"Wei! Watch out, this time is the real breakthrough!" James shouted at Wayne. It seemed that he was really angry.

Wei Ge stood ready and took another half step back.

Although Wayne is not afraid of guarding James, if James is easy to guard, he is really setting a new trend.

Therefore, seeing Lao Zhan being so serious, Wayne was still a little nervous.

As a result, Wayne just took half a step back. Lao Zhan, who said he wanted to show Wayne what a breakthrough is, raised his hand and made a three-pointer.

Wayne:? ? ?

Come on, it turns out that your bald arrows can really stun people!

Damn it, now even trash talk has its own fake action effect?

Lao Zhan smiled proudly, you still haven't read "The Art of War" thoroughly.

Soldiers who, deception also!

Wayne never thought that one day, as the third consecutive DPOY, he would be deceived by James' cold arrows.

From now on, Wayne will never laugh at Mousse's baldness.

Although he failed to react immediately, thanks to his excellent defensive awareness and arm length, Wayne still interfered with Mouss's shooting.

Wayne originally thought it was over, but as soon as he landed after his jump was blocked, Wayne heard that heavenly sound again.


"Still missed, LeBron James missed two shots in a row!"

"Ah this!" Lao Zhan himself was a little unbelievable. He didn't seize such a good opportunity?

"Hahahahaha, I gave you the chance but you didn't use it! You don't have the strength to play "The Art of War" with me!"

Wayne was ecstatic. He had two good opportunities in a row, but failed twice.

It seems that Lao Zhan's shooting touch is not good today.

At least it's not good.

And as long as Lao Zhan's shooting touch is not above par, it will be easier to guard against him!

It's not impossible to limit Lao Zhan's shooting percentage to 45%!

Do you think this is reading a novel written by Lao Ge? Does it feel bad to have to be a member of the protagonist's team?

In real basketball, your opponent may also have a bad touch!

Today, if you don't let go, you can get Azhan!

To be honest, the key to success or failure of Lu's strategy today is Lao Zhan's touch.

Why is the Cavaliers' regular season record unstable? Because Lao Zhan's touch is unstable.

But why are the Cavaliers in the playoffs again?

Because the Cavaliers in the playoffs almost never play traditional positions, they either play one-star four-shot or roll-call tactics.

The roll call tactics directed by Lu can be said to be the product of his wisdom.

Although it is just a sentence of "Give James the ball for singles", there is a profound meaning behind it.

The man who holds James' instruction manual is well-deserved.

In the original history, the Cavaliers' roll call tactic was specially invented by Director Lu to fight against the Warriors.

But in this history, the Warriors in last season's finals are very different from the Warriors in the original history, so the Cavaliers won without using roll call tactics.

To put it bluntly, at this moment, Director Lu’s roll call tactic has not yet been born!

So the Cavaliers probably won't be able to do anything on the offensive end today!

Sure enough, after one round, Lao Zhan stopped shooting and forced a breakthrough.

It can be seen that he also knows that his shooting today is not very good.

Although this sudden foul caused Wayne to foul, James will never be so lucky every time.

It's not an easy thing to get a whistle from Wayne.

Throughout the first quarter, James struggled offensively. When he was substituted, Coach Lu was stunned.

"Azhan, what's going on with you today? Why didn't you come up with the tactics you arranged?"

Lao Zhan didn't know how to answer. His 1-for-6 shooting percentage made it impossible for him to answer!

That's right, Lao Zhan, who didn't feel very good in the first quarter, was directly defended by Wayne and shot 1-for-6.

In other words, except for Malone's dunk at the beginning of the game, Lao Zhan has not scored in a sports game.

The shooting feel is mediocre to begin with, and Wayne's long arms can interfere with it all the time, which undoubtedly makes James' already anxious shooting even worse.

Tonight, the Kings in Cleveland are a bit of a loser.

But even if Lao Zhan did this today, after the first quarter, the Cavaliers were only 5 points behind 22-27.

The reason is, firstly, because the offensive status of Xuxue and Love is not bad, which makes up for Lao Zhan's turnover shooting rate.

Secondly, it's because although the Cavaliers' offense is hindered, their defense is really good.

The constant double-teaming prevents primary school students from scoring as they please, and Lao James' single defense also prevents Wayne from casually scoring 40 points like he did against the Heat.

But the solution to this problem is very simple. In the second quarter, the one who can open up the space can help Curry break the double-team.

Who is suitable?

Lu Wei?

Eight lines, if Lu Wei comes up and frees J.R. or Shumpert, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Although Lu Wei can also draw, the draw and draw cancel each other out, which means it has no effect.

So during the break, both Wayne and Carlisle set their sights on old Carter.

It’s time for the demigod who humiliated Curry so much that he no longer wants to dunk, to participate in the battle for the crown.

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