I am Really an Insider

Chapter 678 675: Kindergarten Graduation (4K votes requested)

"Did you see it? Did you see it? At the critical moment, you have to lean back! So, your father and I are the strongest athletes in the league!

I totally anticipated Wayne's next move! "

Seeing Wayne hit a sure-shot shot with Yangzi Jue, Kobe was so excited that he jumped up and down, as if he was the one who scored the goal.

After all, it’s rare to successfully pretend to be in front of a little cotton-padded jacket, so it’s understandable why he’s so excited.

But when Nao Zai finished shouting excitedly and turned to look at his daughters, he did not see the admiring eyes of his daughters.

The eldest daughter, who has no interest in basketball and wants to be a model when she grows up, yawned: "Go to bed, dad, it's getting late."

The second daughter, who is extremely interested in basketball, looked up to him with admiration.

But the object of admiration is not him, but Wayne on the TV screen!

Kobe's situation at this moment, placed in the Two-thorned Ape, should be matched with a picture of a crow flying through the sky.

"Ahem! In fact, this goal is nothing special. Wayne has a height advantage, so it is not very simple for him to score on James' head in this way."

Nacai immediately changed his mind, but those who were not interested were still not interested, and those who admired him were still admired.

Kobe, defeated!

Being a father is so miserable.

On the court, fans in the Rose Garden cheered.

They had a fantastic final two minutes.

Over the years, no finals has been as exciting as today.

The scene of Wayne throwing his hands and shaking his head at James was replayed over and over again on the TV.

To be honest, this is because Lao Zhan's psychological quality has improved.

If it had been anyone else, this action would have been enough to fill up Wayne's shame meter.

There are 3 seconds left in the game. In theory, the Heat still have a chance to win the game.

However, everyone knows that if the Heat want to change their destiny, they can only rely on faith in the Lord!

Because the Heat have no timeouts, this means that Heat players must shoot directly from the backcourt.

There have been such super-long-distance kills in the history of the NBA. For example, Devin Harris, nicknamed Pluto, once did it.

On that ball, Harris shot directly near the midfield line. The most outrageous thing is that the ball was cut off by Iguodala the moment he took the shot.

But Harris was stunned to regain the basketball with his hand speed comparable to that of a single pigeon, and then just threw the ball into the air.

The ball just went in.

What is this but not believing in the Lord?

When you are away from home, you still have to believe in the Lord!

His luck in life may have ended with this ball.

But there is no guarantee that Ah Zhan will have such luck today?

James made a counterattack, ruining this happy night, and then forced the game into a tiebreaker.

Then why are you laughing? I really thought it was impossible.

As a senior reader of online articles in his previous life, Wayne had often seen such plots of force-feeding Xiang.

Therefore, although they know that the Heat's reversal is unlikely, the fans are still a little nervous.

It's like knowing that nothing will happen to you on a roller coaster, but you still get scared to pee after one lap.

At this time, it wasn't just Chalmers whose hands were shaking.

Even Lao Zhan, who has always been known for his big heart, has trembling hands.

how? Being able to accurately pass the ball to teammates at critical moments isn’t that called a big heart?

He was one goal away from the tiebreaker, just two points!

But in this kind of game, two points will kill you!

He knew very well that as long as the game could reach a tiebreaker, he would have the possibility of winning the championship.

That was the first championship in his career!

But it is clear that victory is very close, but yet untouchable.

This is the most painful.

The Heat were about to take a baseline kick, and Bosh's heart was pounding.

He originally wanted to pass the ball directly to Wade with a long pass from the backcourt, but Thompson entangled Wade so hard that he almost hugged Wade with his whole body.

Wade: This is not appropriate for us! I already have a man!

Thompson: What is appropriate and inappropriate? As a senior Neptune, I always cast a wide net!

Bosh saw that Wade didn't have the conditions to catch the ball, and finally passed the ball to James.

As soon as James got the ball, before he could get rid of Wayne, he threw the ball vigorously from the backcourt.

Halfway through the basketball's flight, the red light on the backboard turned on.

Wayne had already raised his arms in preparation for celebration, but looking at the flight path of the basketball

Why do you feel so right?

You can't really force-feed Xiang!

This goal really made Wayne lose his confidence. It was very embarrassing to celebrate the overturn in advance!

Curry, who had successfully stopped the bleeding, was now standing near the baseline. He looked at the basketball getting closer and closer to the basket, and his anus tightened.

"Boom!" The basketball hit the backboard and bounced back.

At that moment, one-third of the ball had fallen into the net.

But because the ball was shot too hard, the basketball bounced back and hit the basket with too much force.

In the end, the movement trajectory of the basketball was changed, and when one-third of the basketball was in the bag, it was suddenly thrown out again!

"James missed a three-pointer from a long distance, just a little bit short!

competition is over! Championship, the Trail Blazers won the NBA championship for the third consecutive year! "

Yu Jia stood up and shouted excitedly, and the fans in the Rose Garden were ecstatic.

In an instant, colorful confetti fell from the scene, and the tense atmosphere instantly relaxed.

The fans were relaxed, but Wayne and Curry were still in shock.

Especially Curry, who was standing under the basket, had just seen the entire process of the ball from entering the net to clearing the frame.

It's really a close call.

Therefore, when others at the scene were already ecstatic, Curry swallowed and then subconsciously touched little Curry.

Fortunately, it was done!

Wayne was also frightened. If Lao Zhan's luck had been just a little better, the championship would have been lost today.

Wayne didn't react until his teammates rushed up and hugged him.

He won!

He won the sixth NBA championship trophy of his career!

Moreover, this is also the third consecutive year that he has won the championship.

Excluding George McCann and Russell in ancient times, Wayne has become the third player in the league after Jordan and Shaq to lead a team to build a dynasty!

Kobe:? ? ?

Shouldn't it be after Jordan, Shaq and Kobe?

You really don’t take me seriously!

Wayne achieved his ultimate goal. After nearly 10 years of hard work in the league, he finally established his own dynasty.

The moment he was hugged by his teammates, Wayne finally put aside all worries and cheered crazily.

Garnett laughed and prepared to join the celebrating crowd, but he smiled and suddenly couldn't help crying.

He covered his face with his hands and, being a tough guy, burst into tears on the field in front of fans all over the world.

Entered the league in 1995, and now it is 2013.

18 years!

18 years!

How many 18 years can a life have?

In 2004, when he won the MVP and led the team to the Western Conference Finals, he felt that he was very close to the championship.

In 2008, when the Green Army's Big Three reached the finals, he felt that he was very close to the championship.

But every time, the trophy that seemed within reach would pass him by.

But today, he didn't let the opportunity slip away from him again.

Garnett walked to the center of the court, walked to the Trail Blazers' logo, knelt down and kissed the team's logo.

Although this is only his first season with the Trail Blazers, there is no doubt that this will be the most memorable stop of his career.

At this time, the on-site staff handed Garnett a championship hat and championship T-shirt.

Because it is the third consecutive championship, in addition to the team’s main color red, the ball cap and T-shirt also have gold embellishments.

Garnett took the hat and put it on, and stood up with the help of his teammates.

The reporter also walked up to the Wolf King who was crying with joy and asked a simple question: "Kevin, you finally won the NBA championship. How do you feel now?"

A simple question, but it reminded Garnett of a lot.

The regular season started with 26 consecutive wins and ended with 75 wins in the regular season.

In the playoffs, they overcame the veteran Spurs, and Wayne used his strong strength to overpower the Thunder.

Then, it’s the finals.

In G1 of the series, a magical goal was made even though it had been blocked by the opponent.

Today's G6 is like Michael Jordan's back.

Garnett feels that this season is so dreamy. Many things that he could not even imagine before have become a reality.

So, faced with this simple question, Ganai was very excited. The famous game of his career, although delayed for five years, was still born.

"I'm so happy right now.

I just want to say"

Gane paused for a moment, then looked up to the sky and shouted: "Everything is possible, everything is possible!"

The reporter on the side was like, you just keep talking, why are you holding your head high?

You're already tall, but you're still holding your head high. My fucking microphone can't even reach you!

Hey, calm down!

Hit the streets!

After roaring, Garnett couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into tears.

Moreover, the sound of crying was faithfully recorded by the microphone.

Okay, this is the end of the tough-minded character.

On the other side, Wayne held up his two children with his left and right hands respectively, showing amazing arm strength.

Sharapova put her hands around Wayne's neck, and they kissed casually under the cheers of the fans and beautiful confetti.

"It's over, honey, it's all over."

"Yes, congratulations Wei, I'm proud of you. Next, you can have a good rest."

"No, not for a while, honey. It's over. I'm off work." Wayne smiled at Sharapova, then walked to the podium with his two children in his arms.

Sharapova froze in place, looking at her husband who was surrounded like a hero.

It's not like Wayne hasn't discussed retirement with her, but Sharapova always felt that Wayne was just paying lip service.

Unexpectedly, Wayne actually had this plan.

There were cameras all around Wayne, and most of the cameras on set were focused around Wayne.

Finally, seeing Coach Zhang squeeze into the crowd with a microphone, Wayne stopped with a smile.

"Awe, congratulations! Three consecutive championships, this is a great achievement! For an international player, it is not easy to achieve all this!

Come on, say something to the Chinese fans! "

Wayne looked at the camera and handed over his two children to the nanny duo of his sister-in-law and Tony.

The key G6, these two did not show much face during the game. When it comes to holding the baby, the photogenic rate is extremely high.

What is this if not a nanny~

That's what I came here to do today.

"Nights like today remind me of Beijing in 2008.

My teammates and I, we overcame all difficulties and defeated all enemies.

75 wins, three consecutive championships.

Before this happened, people thought it was a miracle.

However, if you dare not challenge, then miracles will always remain miracles.

But if you are willing to pay for it, willing to fight for it, and willing to face difficulties.

Well, miracles are reality!

I love my teammates and I couldn't do this without them.

At the same time, I also love the fans, thank you for your support!

Now, I just want to take a good look at the view from the top. "

By the time Wayne finished speaking, the temporary award podium had been set up.

David Stern stood on the stage with a smile, waiting for the arrival of the superstar.

Can you stop laughing? The ratings for each of the six games were overwhelming, and Stern was overjoyed.

Luodan, who was lying in the hospital, closed his eyes. He tried his best, but he still couldn't stop it.

Before taking the podium, the Trail Blazers also prepared flags for the international players.

So Wayne also walked up wearing the five-star red flag.

That touch of red is so dazzling in the eyes of Ludan and those fans who are eager for the rise of local players.

Do you really think they are not jealous?

After all, China’s crackdown on pornography and gangsterism is not the same thing as China’s crackdown on pornography and gangsterism.

Wayne stood on the podium draped in the national flag. When he received the O'Brien Trophy from Stern, it was undoubtedly a historic moment.

Wayne raised the championship trophy high, and the Trail Blazers dynasty was officially established!

The cheers that shattered the eardrums were endless, and the feeling of winning the cup at home was wonderful.

Subsequently, Wayne also won the unanimous FMVP.

But with the unanimous MVP already in place, there is nothing to brag about as the unanimous FMVP.

After winning the championship, Wayne placed the trophy in the center of the court and waved for everyone to take a photo.

Curry was the first to rush forward and lay down next to the trophy.

Stephenson followed, Curry lay down with his head to the left, and he lay down with his head to the right.

They are indeed two smart pioneers in Portland.

Afterwards, Jebo, Thompson and others squatted on both sides of Curry and Finson.

In the second row, Wayne stood in the middle. Ganai and Gasuo were like two guardians, standing next to Wayne on the left and right, and the rest of the people stood on both sides.

The birdman moved a small bench and placed it at the back, stood on it, and then made a flying gesture.

The players' faces were all filled with smiles, and then countless reporters took the neatest group photo of this dynasty team.

Wayne soon got a freshly released photo. Standing in the middle C position, his core position was clearly visible.

But the more he looked at it, the more strange the photo seemed to Wayne.

On the group photo, the words "2013 World Champion" were clearly written.

But the more Wayne looked at it, the more he felt that these words should be changed to "2013 Portland Kindergarten Class Graduation Photo."

Wayne, standing in the middle, is like the principal of a kindergarten, surrounded by funny people!

Looking at these people in the photo, Wayne couldn't help but smile.

So, how should I speak to them?

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