I am Really an Insider

Chapter 524 521: This time, Brother Wei was taken care of (4K votes requested)

Sun, sand, waves, no cacti and old captains.

But I have a wife and children.

Florida, Miami. The sun is blazing in the sky and the coast is blue.

Wayne was lying on the beach wearing sunglasses. He looked to his left and saw his beautiful wife in a swimsuit smiling at you and flipping her hair.

Looking to the right, the cute little daughter is building a sand sculpture.

Wayne was caught in the middle and gently closed his eyes again.

That’s all there is to a winner in life.

It's been half a month since Wayne got married, and he has now embarked on a honeymoon trip with his whole family.

Wayne has never been to Miami before, and I have to say that this is indeed a resort.

Whoever comes to this place is not confused, it is simply a stumbling block on the road to success.

Well, if Wayne publicly stated that he likes Miami, do you think Mousse would immediately recruit him?

Mousse: Regarding brothers basketball, can that be called recruiting? Have you ever heard of no brothers and no basketball?

Just as Wayne was gradually transforming into Gu Tianwei, his cell phone rang at an inappropriate time, breaking the calm.

Wayne had already thought about it. If Artest called him to tell him that his new album was about to be released, Wayne would definitely hang up and put a credit on Artest's account.

Look for a chance to return next season!

But when I picked up the phone, I saw it was Schwartz.

He never bothered Wayne with anything unimportant.

"How's the situation?" Wayne got straight to the point. He knew why Schwartz was calling.

"It's not great, the talks have broken down again." Schwartz's tone was very disappointing. After all, the NBA shutdown will also directly affect the benefits of agents.

Wayne was not surprised by this. Historically, labor negotiations were not concluded until the end of November, but now it is only August, which is still very early.

In fact, in this labor negotiation, Stern is already letting jokes take care of many major matters.

Before the bald man and Laoyu PY make a deal, the negotiations will not progress.

Negotiations that were already complicated enough now have an agent added to the mix.

Just a few days before today's meeting, agents collectively sent emails to their players, asking them not to compromise.

Again, the players' income will be affected, and the agents' income will also be reduced. How can they sit idly by and do nothing.

With cunning agents behind the scenes to advise the players, it's no wonder that this negotiation can be successful.

"It's already August. According to the past, the new season training camp will start in one and a half months. But this year... Hunter said today that the 11-12 season is very likely to be cancelled."

"What's the point? If everything is cancelled, I'll go to Xibei." Wayne said happily.

"What if the NBA starts again in the middle of Xibi's season? Xibi has already made it clear that he won't be allowed to leave midway."

"That's a policy for foreign players. Am I a foreign player? I said I want to play in the NBA, but why don't I let him go every minute?" Wayne said, "I can't make the decision in my hometown basketball league?"

This season, due to the influx of a large number of NBA stars into the CBA, the Basketball Association urgently stipulated that foreign players must play the entire season before leaving.

We all know that you are here to collect money, so I will collect this money for you too.

But this round of money also depends on the basic laws, and you can't just come and go when you want.

You have to work hard with the money. At least you have to play a complete season.

At that time, it was said that Naochi almost joined the CBA Shanxi team. But just because the Basketball Association does not allow players to leave at any time to play in the NBA, this became one of the reasons why Naochi gave up playing in the CBA.

What to say about this matter? There are pros and cons.

If Naochi really comes to CBA, there is no doubt that the ratings of CBA will explode that season and the brand value will soar.

But to be honest, if this precedent is set, it will be difficult for others to manage, and the entire league will be very chaotic.

However, the CBA gives the green light for Chinese players to go to the NBA and they can leave anytime they want.

At that time, it seemed that Arab League had just returned to the CBA and played three games before going to play for the Mavericks.

That's right, it's such a double standard.

What happened to double standards? It’s as if a beautiful country doesn’t have double standards.

"Hey, let's see. The attitudes of both sides this year are very tough. Wei, you have to be mentally prepared for the cancellation of all next season."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ready."

After saying that, Wayne hung up the phone and continued to admire the beautiful scenery and beauty in front of him.

No matter who talks to Wayne about labor negotiations recently, Wayne is calm and has the air of a general.

Everyone feels that Wayne is too calm, and he is worthy of being recognized by Sir Baron as the number one PF in history.

This kind of courage cannot be justified even if he is not the first in history.

But in fact

Wayne just knew the answer in advance

If he didn't know when the season would start, Wayne would probably be more anxious than anyone else.

On the window of my consecutive championships, you can’t stop under any circumstances!

"Hey, what are you drawing?" As soon as Wayne hung up the phone, he heard Sharapova asking her little daughter.

Wayne then took off his sunglasses and looked at his daughter.

I saw the little girl drew a little face with a very ugly smile on the beach.

"Is this daddy?" Sharapova asked jokingly.

The little girl shook her head.

"Then this...can't be mom?"

Fortunately, the little girl shook her head again.

"Then who is he?"

"Uncle silly." The girl said these words hesitantly.

"Who is the stupid uncle?" Sharapova looked at Wayne in confusion.

"Uh, Curry. Curry always held her in his arms on the wedding day, did you forget?"

"Wei, can you teach your daughter to be better? She knows how to curse at such a young age."

Wayne smiled and shook his head. This is not a curse, this is a fact!

Isn't that guy stupid?

Speaking of which, it’s already August now.

Wayne plans to start the training camp in mid-September and practice for a month and a half, and then everyone will adjust and rest for a month, and the new season will almost start.

Because next season is a shortened season, the schedule is intensive, the competition intensity is very high, and the risk of injury is high.

Therefore, it is necessary to leave a month's rest time.

Wayne is now thinking about how he will live with those fools every day.

Curry, Thompson and Stephenson, Wayne really doesn’t want to go

As the saying goes, the more you fear something, the more it will come.

Wayne felt that the days of having sex with his wife and children every day had not passed long, and in the blink of an eye, it was already September.

At this time, labor negotiations have broken down time and time again, and news of stars joining the CBA is bombarding fans' nerves every day.

A TV station in the beautiful country even announced that it will broadcast all CBA games next season live.

This is probably the most influential time of CBA.

However, because of this, many stars do not plan to come to Wayne's training camp this year for further training.

Most people still need to eat, and they don't have the time to waste time in a training camp without pay.

So Wayne's training camp lineup this year is Curry, Thompson, Matthews, Tucker, and Anderson who has resumed training.

As well as Stephenson, Green, Ji Fang, Wayne and Milicic.

Milicic didn't want to go overseas to play, so he came to Wayne to maintain his condition.

The star flavor of Wayne's training camp this year is a little lacking. They are basically players from their own team, unlike before where they could put together an all-star team.

However, this does not affect the effect. Wayne believes that under his leadership, this training camp should still be effective.

Wayne woke up very early on the first day. When he arrived, he found that there was already movement in the training hall.

Wayne pushed the door open and took a look. Good guy, Milicic and Stephenson were kissing each other so fast.

"What did you say? You can beat me in shooting? Are you kidding me?"

"Not only can I beat you in shooting, I can also beat you in fighting."

"Haha, just you? You are already in the past, Darko."

"Then do you want to die or not?"

As soon as Wayne came in, he saw Stephenson and Milicic bickering.

What happened was that Stephenson was the first to come and was practicing shooting, and then Mickey walked in because he was not familiar with Finson, so he didn't say hello.

Everyone knows that Fensen still has a lot of pride in his heart.

Seeing that Mitch didn't care about him, he shot and pressed at the same time.

"Damn it again, I am indeed a marksman."

"I go here and still get in? I am the MVP of the NBDL!"

"Yeah! I'm the D-League champion!"

How could Mickey stand this? Except for Brother Wei, who could send him to Mickey's Wonderful House, he wouldn't accept anyone in the league.

So I replied at that time: "If you shoot, just shoot well, don't make any noise, little boy!"

Can Stephenson tolerate his bad temper? The two of them just got into a fight.

That's right, just like kids arguing in school.

Just when Wayne was about to exercise his authority as a leader, Shadiao No. 2 appeared.

"Oh, don't be angry, you two. Life is like a play, we get together because of fate."

Thompson, who came in later, saw this situation, immediately walked to Milicic and Stephenson, and started thinking.

Of course, Stephenson and Milicic didn't stop bickering and completely ignored Thompson.

"You're done, boy, you." Milicic continued to confront Finson, but before he finished speaking, Tom continued to mutter and interrupted him.

"It's not easy for you and me to get together. Should we cherish it more?"

"Come on, big man, come and try to move me." Stephenson was not to be outdone, but again, his words were interrupted by Atang.

"If you lose your temper over trivial matters, why bother thinking about it later. I don't get angry when others are angry. If I get angry, there is no one to take care of me. Amitabha, two donors, this is completely unnecessary."

Good guys, Thompson was chanting in a circle around the two of them, like a mantra, doing a 3D circle.

Finson and Mickey, who were originally arguing, immediately turned their attention to Thompson and shouted in unison: "Are you done yet? Blah blah blah blah, it's so annoying!"

Wayne really wanted to give Thompson a round of applause. He was worthy of being a Buddhist!

Does this really solve the problem?

"Hey, be patient and don't be impatient. Be patient and don't be impatient. I tell you, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Take a step back and the sea and the sky will be vast. Take a step forward. Wei Ge's elbow hurts.

Have you ever thought about your family? Have you thought about your children? Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory because of you.”

"Big brother, big brother! I called you big brother, you held it back! I'm convinced, I'm convinced. I'm sorry, Dako, I shouldn't pretend to be in front of you. I'm convinced, don't say it!"

Stephenson apologized to Mickey and ran away, covering his ears. Then Thompson looked at Darko again: "What did you say?"

Mickey said: "Brother, I'm convinced too. If Ning is really ruthless, I will obey you except Brother Wei. Please, take away your magical powers! Brother Finson, I'm sorry, I was too aggressive."

Atang's words were gone, and the matter was settled!

Wayne stood in the doorway, stunned.

Damn it. This is okay too!

Thompson turned his head and looked at Wayne with a smile, as if to say: "Brother Wei, praise me quickly, hurry up!"

Wayne blinked hard, what the hell was going on with the dazzling golden light radiating around Thompson?

Well, from now on the Trail Blazers will be really damn good in both civil and military matters.

Damn it, Wayne can give you an elbow.

Damn it, Thompson's 3D surround spray can make your sanity go crazy.

If you talk to him, you won't get a word in!

This appetizer can be said to be very good. This year's training camp is really not simple.

While Wayne was still immersed in Thompson's dominant performance, beside him, a messy-haired sand sculpture entered the training hall riding a children's three-wheeled bicycle.


Who is this big brother Ning? ?

You eight immortals are crossing the sea to show off your magical powers!

God, where am I? Is it a training camp or a circus!

At this time, the cyclist suddenly stood up and took off his messy wig: "Hahahaha, Brother Wei, you didn't recognize me!"

Wayne didn't smile at all, and everyone stared at the elementary school student in confusion. The arena was eerily quiet at that time.

The atmosphere suddenly became quite awkward.

Wayne’s daughter is right, she’s such a fool!

Curry posed for a long time, his expression stiffened. I found that everyone still didn't laugh, and then I smiled to save the situation.

"Haha. Hahahahaha, are you surprised by me?"



"Otherwise we'll go to the hospital to take pictures or something."

"Oh, Brother Wei, you really know how to joke. Now, this little tricycle is my gift to your daughter."

"I'm very happy and grateful for your gift, but can you be normal?"

Wayne's scalp is numb. I want to escape from this ghost place. I want to go home!

At this time, Wayne suddenly felt a burst of hot air coming from his ears.

He turned his head and found that Stephenson had run up to him at some point and blew into his ear.

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, I scared you!" Stephenson laughed proudly.


"Ahhhhhhhhh! Help, help! Let me go home!"

Everyone saw Brother Wei yelling and running out, looking at each other and shrugging.

This Brother Wei is really good. Although we haven’t seen him for a long time, there is no need to be so excited.

Wayne has never failed in anything in his life, but today, he admitted that he was almost defeated.

And this is actually just the prelude to Wayne's happy training camp life.

In the next month, Wayne's life will probably be full of surprises and frights.

Wei Ge's happy (tongku) life begins here.

Let’s start with 8K today and make up for it the day after tomorrow. There has been a lot of trouble lately as the Chinese New Year is approaching, but Lao Ge guarantees that the total number will not change. If I miss some updates on a certain day, I will definitely tell you later and make up for it. Everyone can supervise

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