I am Quaresma

Chapter 391 Champions League MVP (nine thousand)

"It seems that you really want to get the golden boot!" Henry looked at Quaresma and shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Then I won't fight with you!"

Henry also didn't expect that Quaresma was such an animal, scoring four goals in the first 10 minutes, even if he was in full form, he didn't dare to say that he could accomplish such a feat.

It seems that Quaresma's determination to win the Golden Boot is very firm!

It's time for him to pursue personal honor, so let's see what miracles Quaresma can create!

Quaresma smiled, and walked back with his arms around Henry, "Then you can give me more assists. Then I will get the golden boots, and you will get the assist king. The combination of two swords is invincible in the world. You can get the golden boots." Soft hands, but you haven't tasted the taste of the assist king yet?"

Henry nodded thoughtfully.

Assist king?

It looks good, but I have never won the assist king!

"Then you can't waste the opportunity, don't spit out cakes like Robin, I can't stand it!"

Henry thought about it, and smiled.

Van Persie sneezed suddenly on the bench, wondering in his heart, the weather is so hot, how could he have a tendency to catch a cold?

After celebrating the goal and the game continued, Quaresma finally calmed down.

The fans were still waiting to see Quaresma quickly score the fifth goal, but they didn't expect that Quaresma didn't seem to have this idea at all, and his actions were much more lazy than before.

In fact, it wasn't that Quaresma didn't want to score the fifth goal.

Who else dislikes scoring too many goals?

If Manchester City doesn't resist, they score ten or eight of his own, wouldn't it be good to break the record?

But the problem is, although the current Manchester City players don't have much fighting spirit, as soon as they get the ball, their eyes change immediately. It's more exciting than cuckolding them.

God knows that these guys are thinking about how to abolish themselves now!

Therefore, Quaresma felt that he should be more careful.

You can score anytime,

But if he is injured because of this, even if he is injured for two games, it is not worthwhile.

The important thing is that I haven't figured out how the newly updated system's injury tendency increases. If I don't need to worry about getting injured, I can ravage my opponent as much as I want, but I can't do it now!

Since he could no longer attack unscrupulously, Quaresma simply gave up his position and completed the position exchange with left back Clichy, let Clichy go to toss.

Anyway, Manchester City has very few counterattacks, and I don't have to worry about being blown up in the defensive position.

In this way, Arsenal's offense is still hot, but Quaresma has clocked out of get off work.

The Manchester City fans who did not leave at the beginning of the stage finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Quaresma continues to be destroyed, Manchester City will be defeated, and their mentality will collapse. If there is any fighting spirit to face other opponents in the future, wouldn't it be The rhythm of relegation?

Fortunately, Quaresma was merciful and chose to stop at this time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

If Quaresma knew what Manchester City fans thought, he would be very embarrassed!

That's right, I am showing mercy, otherwise, I will give you a basketball score.

I am so compassionate, do you want to erect a statue of me outside the Etihad Stadium to be admired?

However, when it comes to statues, Quaresma can't help but get black lines on his head.

As Portugal's biggest contributor to the World Cup, in order to recognize and commemorate Quaresma's contribution, Quaresma's birthplace in Lisbon is located in the community where a bronze statue was erected for Quaresma.

The heat of the World Cup has not yet passed, and this statue has become a place of worship for many fans.

But what is embarrassing is that the swarming fans touched the statue of Quaresma to shine, especially the private parts of the crotch, which almost shone, and looked from a distance, just like the little sun.

This incident was reported by the local media, and it became a good talk of the entire world football for a while.

Quaresma is an embarrassment!

You beasts can't touch me, just touch my statue?

Now I don't know how many girl fans are obsessed with me!

What's more, now it's just that the protruding private parts are shiny. If I touch more in the future and smooth the protuberances, wouldn't I be even more embarrassed.

Fans still have to think I didn't...?

Forget it, go back and find the relevant local authorities to make the statue more atmospheric, especially the private parts, to show your majesty at all, that would be plausible!

In the wild, Arsenal scored again. Henry received a cross from Ljungberg and scored with a header. In the first half, Arsenal had already achieved a 5-0 lead.

At this time, everyone was almost unable to breathe!

Are Arsenal that crazy?

After Quaresma abused Henry and abused him again, did he let him live?

Even if Manchester City is not strong enough and provokes Quaresma, it is almost enough to kill him, so why do they have to flog the corpse?

Henry, who scored the goal, didn't celebrate much. Although this was his first goal of the new season, looking at the half-dead Manchester City, he really didn't have much sense of accomplishment.

However, there is no sense of accomplishment if you don’t have a sense of accomplishment, but you still have to score a goal. It’s rare to meet a collapsed opponent. Wouldn’t it be a waste of resources not to score goals with him?

It's okay if you don't compete for the Golden Boot, but you can't make your goals too ugly!

Therefore, Henry became more and more energetic. Anyway, judging by Quaresma's appearance, he didn't plan to score any more goals today, so I'll just score a few more!

Henry felt that if he couldn't produce something, he might be almost forgotten by the fans!

You know, you are the real King of Highbury!

Manchester City couldn't stop a Quaresma with full firepower, and Manchester City had a hard time blocking Henry with full firepower. Even if they all returned to defense, Henry stabbed him in the heart again.

Before the end of the first half, the score had become 6:0.

Manchester City has never lost such a miserable half-time game!

The players on the field gradually adapted from the despair and decadence, and they were a little angry when they saw that Arsenal was still relentless!

Quaresma took advantage of their lack of reaction and scored four goals in a row. Although it was a bit unreasonable, at least Quaresma knew how to restrain himself, and now he can't stay in the backcourt.

But Henry, are you going too far?

Do you really think we are easy to bully?

The furious Manchester City players began to lose their minds. When Henry hit the front of Manchester City's penalty area again, the new aid central defender Trabelsi put on a hideous face and shoveled Henry off the field.

At this time, the narration in Trabelsi's heart was like this: "I came to the Premier League to play football, not to be abused!"

Henry looked devastated and innocent when he retired from injury.

It's obvious that Quaresma caused the disaster, but now I'm being blamed, it doesn't make sense!

I only scored two goals, Quaresma has scored four, why don't you tackle him?

Looking at Quaresma who stayed in his own half and stopped attacking at all, the corners of Henry's mouth twitched slightly.

You are such a chicken thief!


Henry retired from injury, and Trabelsi also got a red card. Although the game was not out of control, it had already deviated from the normal track, at least the score was very abnormal.

Since Quaresma had already started paddling, Wenger didn't let him continue playing in the second half. If Quaresma couldn't hold back any time, and was crippled by Manchester City after attacking, then Arsenal might as well not play in the following games. played.

Van Persie replaced Quaresma, and Quaresma sat back on the bench amidst the boos of Manchester City fans at home.

Shh, shh, shh!

Anyway, I have all four balls in my hand, and I don't know who will lose face in the end!

Moreover, Van Persie made his debut this season, and his desire to score goals is stronger than that of Henry. How can he say that he is the main player in the Dutch national team, but he can only play as a substitute when he returns to Arsenal? Fan?

So, with the cooperation of his teammates, Van Persie kicked his head and scored twice in ten minutes, rewriting the score on the field to 8:0.

A complete massacre, a complete tragedy, the Etihad Stadium is destined to be full of blood today.

Manchester City people cry!

They never thought that their team would be beaten like this. Before the start of the season, they still hoped that a strong team would be able to enter the European theater, but looking at it now, being able to relegation is God's mercy!

Quaresma and his teammates celebrated a big victory, but Henry's injury cast a shadow over the big victory. Even after the inspection, Henry's injury was not serious and he could recover in more than a week, but such combat power The damage is not what anyone wants to see.

Seeing the dejected look of his opponents, especially the face of Manchester City coach Pierce, Quaresma felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

If you don't have strength as capital, then don't speak big words, don't speak big words, and don't criticize your opponents.

This is the lesson!

But Quaresma is too lazy to argue with Pierce now, who knows if Pierce will be fired directly after playing this virtue, besides, Manchester City is not Arsenal's competitors in the first place, there is really no need to waste too much on them much energy.

In the post-match press conference, Quaresma just made a few jokes.

"My condition is really not good, and I don't even know how to complete my senior year!"

"But there's no way, maybe it's luck!"

"I like the opponent Manchester City very much, and I am also looking forward to the next round!"

"If I can still score four goals, then I would rather not be in good shape next time!"


Listening to Quaresma's triumphant ridicule, Pierce wished he could hit him in the face with a microphone!

Too damn bully!

Didn't I just say that you may not be in a good state, as for holding on to it all the time?

Damn it!

If I knew I was on the field, I would have let the players mess you up!

But it's too late to think about anything now. Quaresma's miracle of 4 goals in 10 minutes, at the same time as the god, has completely regarded Manchester City as a background board of shame. When mentioning Quaresma's miracle, Manchester City is destined to be defeated Take it out and hang it.

"A hard-to-break record, 4 goals in 10 minutes, Quaresma's miraculous return!"

"Quaresma humiliated Manchester City in record-breaking fashion and slapped Pierce in the face!"

"4 goals in 10 minutes smashed the rumors of poor form, and the World Cup Golden Boot is back!"

"There is no suspense about the Premier League Golden Boot in the new season, and Quaresma strives to win all the Golden Boot honors!"


The sensation caused by 4 goals in 10 minutes is far from over. For a while, the whole world football is talking about the magic of Quaresma.

Although it is rare to score 4 goals in a game, it is not unheard of, but no one has seen 4 goals in 10 minutes.

Even though Quaresma didn't score a goal in the next 80 minutes, everyone could see that he was paddling.

Can he do it with any striker?

Even if you are strong enough, you still need the help of luck, otherwise, you may not be able to stage a big four in your life.

Of course, the cruelty of Arsenal has also become a topic that fans talk about. It’s nothing more than Quaresma’s big four, Henry and Van Persie are also quite unreasonable. Obviously Manchester City is so miserable, they still want to flog the corpse inhumanely , who is this for?

Such a brutal Arsenal, who else in the Premier League can resist?

At the end of the two rounds, only Arsenal and Manchester United are the only teams that have won two consecutive victories. Even Chelsea, this game capsized in the away gutter and lost to Middlesbrough.

Relying on the advantage of goal difference, Arsenal ranked first in the list. At the beginning of the season, they showed a strong desire to win the championship.

In the scorer list, Quaresma also occupied the top spot without any suspense. Even though he only played for more than ten minutes in the first game, no one could question his just completed four goals.

The Champions League Golden Boot, the World Cup Golden Boot, can they still compete for the Premier League Golden Boot?

With Henry, who scored like a ball, and Quaresma, whose scoring efficiency broke through the sky, coupled with Ballack's strong support, under the background of this victory, countless fans have already wailed - "Wolf!" up!

Who can stop such an Arsenal?


In order to celebrate the big victory, Quaresma held a party with his teammates to celebrate. At this time, the schedule is not too intensive. If you don’t play now, then you will really have no time to play at the end of the middle of the season.

Fortunately, it was not a shameful party. All the Quaresmas brought Emma together and had a great time. Although the physical attributes dropped again the next day, they can be recovered only by practicing a little more. Quares Sima didn't take it to heart.

For Emma, ​​Quaresma's new girlfriend, the teammates maintained their image, not being too unrestrained, at least Quaresma didn't notice that any bastard showed Emma like a pig.

Otherwise, Quaresma would be really worried that these bastards would treat him like brothers on the surface, but would attack his girlfriend secretly!

But what makes Quaresma helpless is that this guy Flamini is simply addicted to business. Since he can't play the main force now, he puts most of his energy on sales, and harass them in every possible way during training. At the party, Emma actually surrounded Emma to promote the so-called high-tech products newly launched by his investment laboratory, which made Quaresma almost unable to hold back the urge to clean him up.

Selling is not the point, the key is what you sell!

That bastard actually sold Emma something similar to Dali Pill, and it was for men. According to Flamini, that thing can prolong the time...

Nima, are you despising me?

Emma looked weird at that time, Quaresma really wanted to kick Flamini to death!

Anyway, now that Barack is here, there is no need for Flamini, so why keep this scourge?

Well, I will call Baia later and ask if the Porto goalkeeper can plead not guilty after killing Flamini.

Although there are differences between Portuguese law and English law, this thing is more or less the same.

If it's okay to just pay a fine, I must kill Flamini.


During the day off, Quaresma was always with Emma, ​​a concubine. If it weren't for the scenery destroyed by Quaresma's slightly trembling legs, it would have been the envy of everyone.


4 times in one night is harder than 4 goals in 10 minutes!

Quaresma, who felt a bit unable to recover, even gave up training in all weathers, and he just wanted to have a good rest.

At night, Quaresma and Emma snuggled up on the sofa, feeling the restless delicate body in their arms, Quaresma's face turned slightly green.

I'll deal with you when I come back!

Tomorrow, Quaresma will leave for Monaco to participate in the UEFA Champions League group stage draw ceremony.

The result of the draw is very important, and this result will be directly related to what kind of first half of the season Arsenal will have.

No matter who the three opponents are in the group stage, Quaresma is confident that he will lead Arsenal out of the group. If the defending champion cannot even make it out of the group stage, then the entire world of football will be shaken!

Although it does not affect qualifying, the opponent's strength actually has a certain impact on Arsenal.

If the three opponents are all fat, then Arsenal can easily win the battle, and in the first half of the season, they can focus more on the Premier League to strive for a greater advantage.

But once assigned to the death group, Arsenal will have to devote part of their energy to the group stage to avoid overturning the gutter, which will inevitably affect the league results.

So, this is very important.

Although Quaresma feels that UEFA is not crazy enough to arrange a death group for the defending champion, but it should not be too optimistic. God knows if Johansson will do anything shocking before he abdicates.

Against Arsenal?

no need!

Although Arsenal's style of play last season has gradually become more practical, but they scored more goals and played well, which is better than those teams that usually insist on attacking football but are conservative when it comes to the knockout rounds, right?

Therefore, Quaresma is not worried that Arsenal will be divided into a death group.

Moreover, many teams have not risen yet, even if they want to form a group, it is actually not easy.

Dortmund, Manchester City, Atletico Madrid, Paris, Naples, Sevilla...

Most of these later majestic teams are still struggling in their respective leagues, but they have little chance to show off in the Champions League.

In order to create something to watch, UEFA put Arsenal and the teams that had conflicts into a group, but even so, Arsenal don't have to worry about being out of the group.

But why did Quaresma go to the UEFA Champions League group stage draw?

The reason is also very simple. Before the draw ceremony, the Champions Cup award ceremony of last season will be held first.

In the previously announced list of candidates for the award, Quaresma received two nominations for the Most Valuable Player and the Best Forward. Moreover, with Quaresma's outstanding performance in the Champions League this season, I am afraid that no one can win it he.

Arsenal won the Champions League and Barcelona won the Champions League runner-up. Most of the candidates came from these two teams.

Early the next morning, after bidding farewell to Emma who was still sleeping soundly, Quaresma flew to Monaco with Henry and Lehman.

Henry was nominated for best striker and Lehmann was nominated for best goalkeeper.

"Actually, I shouldn't be here. Obviously I can't get this award, so I might as well stay in the team for training!" Henry sat next to Quaresma and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll just go to the scene to congratulate you Already!"

Henry knew very well that even if he entered the shortlist, he would probably miss the Best Forward award.

Quaresma has played against the sky, and even broke his personal Champions League scoring record in a single season. Who can compete with him?

Even if Quaresma had an accident, and that guy Eto'o, at least the Cheetahs scored more goals than themselves!

In fact, I still didn't live up to it. Although I won the Premier League Golden Boot, I didn't really have a very bright performance in the Champions League, far less dazzling than Quaresma.

Feeling that Henry's tone was a bit resentful, Quaresma smiled and said: "Don't be so sour, or I will lend you the trophy for a few days, as long as you don't do weird things with the trophy!"

Henry rolled his eyes, what the hell can I do with the trophy?

so hard!

However, Henry still felt that it was quite boring. The three of them were traveling together, and I am afraid that only he had nothing to gain. Lehmann had a high probability of winning the award for the best goalkeeper. The gate of Arsenal was impenetrable.

The grievances belong to the grievances, but Henry still feels very happy. At least, Arsenal is getting stronger and stronger now.

This time, I didn't come here to win a prize!

The group stage is the starting point of the new season of the Champions League. He came here to start again and walk the road to the championship again.

"Giving awards is boring, let's talk about the lottery!" Leman sneered with a swollen face.

Swollen face is normal, if Lehman face is not swollen, then Quaresma may think he and his wife divorced.

The two love each other and kill each other, and they never tire of it. As for the reason why their faces are swollen today, everyone knows it.

The party was over, and when they went home, Lehman pulled Xiaofa, proudly as if he was in charge of the house, "When I win the Champions League best goalkeeper trophy, I will dump that woman when I get home! "

Coincidentally, his wife came to pick him up in a car, and witnessed the whole process of Lyman's pretentiousness, and beat him so violently on the spot that Leman had to call the police!

The teammates wanted to persuade but dared not persuade, for fear of being beaten by Lehman's wife.

As for what happened to the couple after they got home, they couldn't control it, anyway, there would be nothing wrong the next day!

Quaresma laughed while looking at Lehmann's swollen face, and chatted with them about the lottery.

"Chelsea vs Barcelona"

"Liverpool vs Milan"

"We might touch Real Madrid!"

Lehman's determined look made Quaresma and Henry's heads instantly full of black lines.

This is the rhythm of never dying and never giving up!

Chelsea and Barcelona have collided passionately for two consecutive seasons, and each time there were more controversies than goals;

Liverpool and Milan are also enemies, and the Istanbul night can be remembered by the two teams for a lifetime;

As for Arsenal and Real Madrid, Arsenal directly disintegrated the Galacticos last season, and there are stories in it;

Lehman's statement is obviously for the sake of spectacle, lest the world will not be chaotic.

But even if you want to have the excitement of sparks hitting the earth in the group stage, do you still have to abide by the following rules?

It's no problem for Chelsea to play Barcelona, ​​but the remaining four teams are all first-tier teams. How could they meet together?

"Okay, I'm just joking!" Seeing that Quaresma and Henry had darkened faces and spread their palms, Leman hurriedly explained with a sneer.

But Quaresma was moved in his heart.

It's unreliable to rule out Lehmann, Chelsea and Barcelona seem to have really met and went together.

After the rise of Chelsea, they have met for three consecutive seasons. If there is nothing in it, I am afraid that fools will not believe it.

Is this for Barcelona, ​​or Chelsea?

The water here is too deep!

Thinking of this, Quaresma became a little worried again. Both Barcelona and Chelsea can be arranged, so there is no reason why Arsenal should not be arranged clearly.

Although there are no particularly strong teams in the third and fourth tiers, if UEFA really wants to do something, it can do it.

If UEFA is really determined to fix any giant team, then arrange a powerful giant in the second tier, a Russian team in the third tier, and a brutal Turkish team in the fourth tier The team, I am afraid that the team that has been punished will also tremble.

Might not be able to play another big team;

When playing the Russian Super League team, arrange the schedule, go to Russia to play in the snow in winter, half life will be gone soon;

The Turkish team was kicked and injured a few times, and then was intimidated by the devilish Turkish fans in Turkey's away game;

In this way, who dares to say that they will definitely qualify?

Anyway, Quaresma never wants to play in such a group stage.

This has nothing to do with strength, and it doesn't mean that you don't care if you are strong!

No matter how strong you are, can you play well at minus 20 degrees?

No matter how strong you are, if you smash you with one kick, can you still stand?

So, the point is, UEFA doesn't want you!

Of course, Quaresma always feels that there is no need for UEFA to arrange Arsenal. At least the defending champion can attract some attention, which will help increase the attention of the Champions League. If Arsenal is eliminated early, the attention will drop a lot!

Presumably UEFA must have learned a lesson. In the 03-04 season of the Champions League, there were no giants in the final four. At that time, the ratings and attention must have been very bleak.

Perhaps UEFA intends to attract people's attention by being unpopular, but in the end they found that if you are too cold, people will not like to watch it.

Therefore, in the end, the rich and powerful will play the leading role.

"I don't really mind how the teams are grouped, as long as they don't draw the Russian team, that place is cold!"

When Quaresma said this, those who didn't come shuddered. In the Porto season, they met the Russian Super League team in the group stage. As a result, they caught a cold and caught a cold as soon as they got off the plane. It took more than a week to recover slowly. Don't want to go through this encounter again.

The three chatted along the way, and when Monaco got off the plane, Quaresma secretly threw away the three small notes that the stewardess had just handed him. As a good man, he had no idea what those were !

Moreover, Quaresma clearly saw that Lehman secretly stuffed a small note into his pocket, and the swelling on his face became more and more obvious because of his smile...

Shall I call Lyman's wife?

Quaresma rubbed his chin, thinking with a sense of justice.


Several awards in the Champions League are not judged by reporters or fans, but by the head coaches of the top eight teams in the Champions League last season and members of the UEFA Technical Committee to vote to determine the award.

Well, Quaresma feels that at least there are UEFA technical committee members who can ensure that UEFA's intentions can be implemented. As for the votes of the top eight team coaches, who cares!

In the evening, Quaresma appeared in a suit and received applause and cheers from all the guests present.

Although Quaresma doesn't often wear a suit and always shows off in athleisure attire, that doesn't mean he looks ugly in a suit!

On the contrary, Quaresma's ruffian handsomeness actually put on a different taste in the suit, which made countless female fans on the scene couldn't help screaming loudly.

Quaresma is proud of the spring equinox, and now he is the most handsome one!

Ronaldo didn't come, who can steal his limelight?

Ronaldinho's big buck teeth are protruding enough, Eto'o is black and shiny, Puyol has blond hair, but how can that fierce face attract girls?

As for Henry, Deco, etc., not to mention the skills, but the appearance is very ordinary.

Today, you will be my green leaves!

Feel free to set off me!

Henry next to him had an extremely helpless expression. He really wanted to choose not to know this guy, but obviously it was too late!

I probably won't be able to subdue this bastard in the future, whoever wants to take him away can take him away!

Arsenal no more!

When the awards ceremony officially began, Olsen, the UEFA executive who presided over the ceremony, walked out with a smile on his face.

There was no more nonsense. After a few opening remarks, the formal process of awarding began immediately.

Lehmann was the first to receive the award. He defeated Juventus' Buffon and Lyon's Coupet, and won the honor of the best goalkeeper. This award did not exceed everyone's expectations.

Arsenal won the championship, and the other goalkeepers did not perform like a crush, so Lehmann deserved the award.

The best defender was taken away by Puyol. Except for being destroyed by Quaresma in the final, the defense led by the Barcelona captain almost achieved the ultimate defense in the rest of the time, and there is no controversy about winning the award.

The winner of the best midfielder is Ronaldinho. When the core of Barcelona went up to receive the award, their expressions were bitter.

At this time last year, the award he won was still the best striker, but in order to give Quares Ma a place, UEFA counted him as a midfielder, which made him feel extremely heartbroken!

What is even more worrying is Deco. If Quaresma hadn't snatched the best striker from Ronaldinho, Ronaldinho wouldn't have snatched his best midfielder...

Finally, when it came time to present the best striker, all eyes were on Quaresma.

Quaresma adjusted his suit and stepped onto the podium confidently.

After receiving the trophy from Olson, Quaresma took the microphone, just about to speak, but paused randomly, after thinking for a while, he said: "I'll wait until I'm on stage to receive the most valuable player award again." Speak!"

After all, Quaresma was about to turn around and step down.

Everyone was stunned!

So arrogant?

Are you so sure that the MVP award must be yours?

Well, it really is yours!

Everyone was helpless, but they had to admit that Quaresma had capital and arrogance.

When Olsen saw that Quaresma didn't follow the routine, his face turned black!

don't go!

Olson took the MVP trophy, stuffed it into Quaresma's arms, then pointed to the microphone, indicating to Quaresma, you can speak now!

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, no one thought that Olson would learn badly if Quaresma didn't play his cards according to the routine!

Quaresma rolled his eyes, he finally tried to pretend to be coercive, but he was actually destroyed by you!

Well, holding two trophies, Quaresma returned to the microphone.

"I am very glad that I have two more important honor awards in my honor room!"

"I am very honored and proud. Arsenal won the Champions League and I also broke the record and won the Golden Boot. This makes me feel that we were successful last season!"

"However, my job is not only to score goals, but also to win with the team and win the championship!"

"This season, we will still aim at the championship, and I hope we can go all the way to the end!"

"Of course, on the basis of the championship, it would be even better if we can score more goals!"


Applause rang out. Although many coaches and players of other teams were not too impressed with what Quaresma said, they still applauded politely.

Is it so easy to defend the Champions League?

You said that if you win the championship, you will win the championship?

You said that if you take the golden boot, you will take the golden boot?

Then you think football is too simple!

After the restructuring of the UEFA Champions League in 1993, no team can defend the UEFA Champions League!

Well, young people always show their sharpness, maybe the reality will make him bow his head, won't he?

Quaresma didn't know what these guys were thinking at this time, even if he knew, he would just dismiss it.

In fact, football is quite simple!

The strength is enough, why can't you win the championship?

All kinds of unexpected factors?

Is there an accident factor bigger than yourself?

Even if such an incredible thing as rebirth happened to me, what kind of miracle is impossible?

What's more, Arsenal are strong and strong, and they have the confidence to shout slogans!

We are going to defend the title!

No matter who the opponent is, we can win it!






Don't worry, come one by one, we will eliminate you one by one!

Maybe you can pray that you don't run into Arsenal, otherwise at that time, it will be the time for you to cry.

Who was the champion of the UEFA Champions League this season in the previous life?

Milan led by Kaka?

I'm so sorry, Kaka!

Sorry to deprive you of your only chance to stand on the highest podium!

The champion is mine!

The Ballon d'Or and World Player of the Year are still mine!

To truly become king, start with defeating Kaka!


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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