I am Quaresma

Chapter 152 Or would you continue to speak?

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Halfway through the first half, Arsenal led Newcastle 2-0 at home.

Both goals were scored by Quaresma, who conquered Highbury in just 25 minutes.

This should be the perfect debut!

Even the pickiest of fans can't help but give Quaresma a thumbs up.

Those parallel labels that were once attached to Quaresma were torn to shreds at this moment, and those doubts and devaluations were also smashed at this moment.

All Arsenal fans are aware that they picked up a big bargain.

Because he once encountered Waterloo in La Liga and Barcelona, ​​even if Quaresma played a phenomenal performance in the Portuguese Super League, his worth has never reached the level that he wants to match his own abilities.

And Arsenal only spent 15 million euros to buy a star that they can't usually buy with 30 million euros. Is there a more cost-effective deal than this?

Think about the little Wright-Phillips that Chelsea just bought from Manchester City. His ability is far inferior to Quaresma, and he also spent 2,100w, equivalent to 3,150w, of the Russian boss, twice as much as Quaresma.

By comparison, you can see how much cheap Arsenal have picked up.


Arsenal, with a two-goal lead, slowed down and focused more on defense and stabilized their position. If the score can be maintained until the end of halftime, the game will be extremely beneficial to Arsenal.

To win the game smoothly is Arsenal's goal.

After the restart, Quaresma was back with Barbajaro.

Barbayaro looked at Quaresma angrily. He thought that Quaresma was too shameless.

Obviously we had a good chat one second ago, why the next second you take out a knife and stab me without saying a word? What is this?

It's a shame I almost made you my confidant!

Quaresma was not embarrassed at all, looking at Baba Yaro with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you continue talking?"

Baba Yaro gritted his teeth,

I can't wait to bring Quaresma to the ring and fight for life and death.

But he did it ten times and eight times, and he didn't relieve his hatred at all.

But the game is still going on. Even if Barbayaro tries to clean up Quaresma, there is no chance. Anyway, Quaresma is shameless. Even if you turn me into a dog, what can you do? already?

Then, the two sides went back and forth, and they played very happily. However, the competition was more in the midfield, and there was little threat to the goal. At the end of the first half, the score remained at 2:0. , Arsenal lead.

"Ricardo, what did I think of Barbayaro as if he was going to eat you up just now, what did you do to him?"

Henry put his arm around Quaresma's shoulder and walked down. The team now leads the score. Henry is naturally happy and relaxed.

If Arsenal are not in the lead now, then Henry must be under enormous pressure. After all, as a captain, he has to take on the heavy responsibility of leading the team to win, and as a striker, he must also take on the heavy responsibility of attacking the city for the team. How can the pressure be small? Got it.

Now that the team leads by two goals, there is no pressure in this regard, and even I may get more scoring opportunities, so I am not happy.

Quaresma pouted, "Who knows, maybe he's constipated!"

Henry smiled, patted Quaresma's head and walked away. He didn't believe that nothing happened between Quaresma and Barbayaro, but since Quaresma didn't say anything, he wouldn't go either. Follow up, as long as the team can win, he doesn't care so much!

Of course, Baba Yaro also don't want to trouble Quaresma. Although the angry captain Vieira has left, Henry is not a vegetarian.

Sitting in the locker room for a while, listening to Wenger talk about the dos and don'ts of the second half, Quaresma will not miss the opportunity to improve every minute.

However, watching Wenger's soft-spoken speech, Quaresma still felt a lot of emotion.

Wenger is a gentleman. He is polite at all times. It is rare to see him rude. At least when he came to Arsenal for more than a month, he has never heard his impassioned motivation for the team.

This may be different from other managers, especially the old rival Ferguson, the old Scottish man can't wait to pierce your eardrums with every word...

Young players need the encouragement of Wenger and the thunderstorm of Ferguson. If the characteristics of the two people can be combined, then there is absolutely no such thing as a failure of the young players under them.

At the beginning of the second half, Newcastle showed a desperate attitude, even at Highbury Stadium, they would not give up easily.

After all, it is the traditional giants of the Premier League. Even if they are down and out, they can only wear patched shirts, but they still must adhere to noble etiquette and not lose face.

Arsenal's formation is once again appropriate to retreat, giving Newcastle more attacking space. At the same time, this also means that Newcastle's backcourt is about to become Arsenal's racecourse.

Pires and Quaresma on the left and right are all pure rockets tied to their feet. Although the absolute speed of Van Persie and Henry in the middle is not the strongest, but once activated, it will not be inferior to the opponent's defender.

As long as Arsenal's counterattack comes out, it's when the opponent is beaten up.

In the 51st minute of the second half, Lauren intercepted the opponent's pass and passed the ball forward to Quaresma's feet.

The middle and left also grabbed counterattacks without hesitation, and fired four arrows, almost not shooting the magpie into a sieve.

If it wasn't for Van Persie in the middle who stopped the ball and was stubbornly tackled by Bramble, the score on the field might have been rewritten to 3:0.

Two minutes later, Arsenal's counterattack came again. Pires dribbled the ball all the way to the bottom line, and then an inverted triangle pass hit Henry's feet. The Arsenal captain faced Shay with a blasting shot and directly pierced the opponent's goal. The score finally became 3:0.

Newcastle was completely stunned. Arsenal's sharp play was killing them.

Maybe they will be effective in attacking Arsenal's position, and they may break the Gunners goal, but in the process, their empty backcourt has been ravaged by Arsenal for many times.

The game loses suspense!

The suspense has been lost since Quaresma rewritten the score to 2-0, but Newcastle is reluctant to accept this reality.

But when they were desperately pressed up, the crueler reality told them that it would be impossible not to accept it.

Arsenal fans in the stands have started singing and dancing to celebrate the first victory of the new season. In the face of Newcastle, which is not weak, Arsenal can still play a hearty victory. Does this mean that Arsenal have a chance this season? To compete with Chelsea Manchester United for the league title?

There is nothing more beautiful in this world than seeing hope.

The m. reading net worth collecting by book lovers

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