I am Quaresma

Chapter 117 Turned over

"Hi, bro, you know, I've signed up for the rap contest, do you want to come with me?"

On the way to the training ground, Quaresma met Meireles, who greeted him through the car window.

Quaresma was about to say "Go away!" when he saw that the rear window of Meireles' car also slid down, revealing Fabiano's embarrassed and wretched face.

"Ricardo, yesterday I finally discovered the charm of the apocalypse theme. Would you like to come to my house tonight to watch a blockbuster?"

The corners of Quaresma's mouth twitched slightly, and he swore that every time he encountered these animals, he wanted to set their crotch on fire, and then kicked them violently to help them put out the fire.

But Quaresma could see that they had also turned the page, whether it was heartless, or engraved it in their hearts like themselves, at least what they showed was no different from usual.

Well, it should indeed be turned over!

No matter how bad the result is, you have to face it with a smile, right?

On the training ground, the players have returned to normal. No one wants to mention the game that just passed. They don't want others to see their scars. At least, they are strong on the surface.

When they assembled, team president Da Costa, accompanied by Adriance, walked up to them, and this was the first time Quaresma had seen Da Costa come to the training ground.

"Guys, I'm really proud of your performance. We didn't lose, let alone despair and despair. We can hold our heads high and say that we are the strongest Porto!"

"It doesn't matter if the Champions League is eliminated. We still have the Portuguese Super League. Now let's work hard with the goal of winning the league!"

"Please prove to all our fans that we are the champions!"


It turned out that Da Costa came to comfort the team.

After speaking, Mr. Chairman said a few words of encouragement to each team member. When he walked in front of Quaresma, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

For him, Quaresma is definitely the most proud of his business.

What was Quaresma like last summer?

What does Quaresma look like now?

This is the satisfaction of turning a stone into a golden eye.

Patting Quaresma on the shoulder, Da Costa didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said a lot. Everything was silent. He believed that Quaresma could continue to bring miracles to the team, and he believed even more. own vision!


Before leaving, Da Costa invited the whole team to a dinner at his home, which was a way to comfort the players and at the same time bring the players closer to him.

Since it was a dinner hosted by the chairman, there must be no such mess, and Quaresma went happily.

The mansion of Mr. Chairman is much more lavish than the players, and it also makes the players tongue-tied.

"When will I be able to live in such a mansion?" Pepe sighed as she stroked the decorations in the room one by one, as if she had never seen the world.

Quaresma pouted, waiting for your martial arts success, you will be dismissive of this!

At this moment, Fabiano's intoxicated sigh came from his side, "If you put a superb projection screen on the wall in such a large hall, it will be the best home theater. If you watch small movies here, then It is the ultimate enjoyment in the world!”

Quaresma decided not to stay with them, otherwise his IQ would not be enough!

At this time, Da Costa, as the host, came to the hall, put down the shelf of the chairman, and chatted with the players.

"Ricardo, do you know that there are more giants interested in you now!" Standing next to Quaresma, Costa said to Quaresma with great interest.

No need to cover up, a star like Porto can't stay in Porto forever,

So there is no need to avoid anything, even Da Costa is very calm.

But before Quaresma made an excuse, Bosingwa came over in a very uninteresting way.

"Mr. Chairman, why don't you keep some ornamental fish at home? It seems that there is no anger in such a large hall!" Bosingwa asked with a puzzled face, as if this matter was so important.

Da Costa was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Bosingwa to ask such a stray question. After a pause, he replied with a smile: "Fish raising is very troublesome, and I don't have the energy to take care of it, so I didn't raise fish!"

Quaresma rolled his eyes, what the hell is fish farming? Raise a mermaid?

But Bosingwa seemed to be interested, he grabbed Da Costa and began to speak, with the meaning of preaching and karma.

"Fish farming is actually very simple, just remember 1357! Follow these four steps, and you'll be fine!" Bosingwa patted his chest and assured.

Both Da Costa and Quaresma were interested in this claim.

1357 Fish farming method?

Sounds like a neat summary!

So both of them made expressions of willingness to hear the details, waiting for Bosingwa's next sentence.

"Just remember to feed once a day, change the water once every three days, clean the fish tank once every five days, and change a batch of fish every seven days, that's all right!"

Fish farming expert Bosingwa is triumphant.

Da Costa was quite interested at first, but then the whole person was sluggish!

He even has an urge to sell Bosingwa quickly now. It is such a scourge for such a sand sculpture to stay in the team!

Quaresma was also stunned. Now he wants to put Bosingwa into the fish tank and raise it as a fish.

I also feed you once a day, change your water once every three days, clean your fish tank once every five days, and fish out your body every seven days. What do you think?



Quaresma swears that he will be a sand sculpture himself if he hangs out with these second-hand people in the future.

Not at all fragrant!


After enjoying a not so sumptuous dinner at Da Costa's house, Quaresma hurriedly slipped away. In the past few days, his personal training has been delayed due to his bad mood. Now that he has recovered, he will not make up for it in a hurry.

He tied himself to the equipment and started strength training. At the same time, the video of the game was also playing on the opposite screen, but the difference is that now Quaresma is playing the first round of the Champions League knockout between Porto and Milan. Contest.

At that time, the loss was inexplicable and inexplicable. Although there were psychological factors at that time, I had to admit that Milan played with absolute dominance.

Isn't this the best object to learn by yourself?

Now, watching this game, he can be very calm and calm.

"Although this bastard Seedorf has a bad character, he doesn't say anything about his skills!"

"Kaka's ball seems to be running a little early, otherwise Bosingwa would not be able to defend at all!"

"Sleeping skin's straight kick is like a textbook. I'm so envious!"

"Crespo did a great job, how did he see Shevchenko go up?"


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