I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 254: Who is the ontology

This is the leading role of a leader.

In this small team, every day is full of racial discrimination, sexism, getting into trouble, making small reports, wearing small shoes, bad grooming, swear words, violence...

If the team were a little bigger, it might be a group of cosmic cancers wherever it went.

It's strange to say.

A star hunter in Nocton dignified, honor and order are more important than anything else.

Even if some of his good family members are not inferior to him, he will immediately turn his face and start a friendly game with the opponent called "Only one can live".

But in this team, there seems to be a special case.

So that after being gradually assimilated, Nocton also joined the ranks of "violators", not only launching personal attacks on related entities, but sometimes even making fun of Tang Chuan.

But everyone has never really gotten angry.

Perhaps it is because the leader is not angry, or even taking the lead in fanning the flames, waiting to eat melons. What is the need for us to be angry?

It can only be said that Tang Chuan has infected them, and while making everyone focus on this small group, he temporarily put aside some seemingly unshakable principles.

Of course, it's just letting go in this small group. If anyone else speaks badly, it would have been destroyed by the Association and the Nocton Humanitarianism.

Tang Chuan seems to have an intangible charm that can subtly influence the people around him.

It is not yet known how much of this charm comes from personality, and how much comes from the Lord Godhead.

However, this kind of influence does exist, including Tang Chuan himself, being gradually changed.

In this transition period, some extremely contradictory things often happen.

It's like Tang Chuan has gradually evolved into a good person who can't see his temper. But at the same time, he has everything to do with smoking and drinking, violent swear words, and malicious insults at the same time.

He does not easily attack the weak, even if the weak is his enemy.

He often respects life and will not bear to destroy even a flower bone.

However, he occasionally ignores life. When he encountered the contents of the "self-service vending machine" two days ago, the first thing he input was actually the skull of the social animal. It was just a newcomer and changed the skull to avoid riots. teeth.

When he was on the planet of the connected body, he was still on the rooftop a second before talking to a connected body normally, until he found that the other party was completely unable to communicate, without thinking about it, turned around and left, by the way, punched the other party with a backhand. Physically super, without the slightest mood swing.

When he was in Noah District, facing the weird pirate group that cheated him, he still had a good impression of it at first, but later people began to threaten his life, and Tang Chuan was "forced" to take the famous sea of ​​pirates. The band of thieves, to catch all of them, there is no survivor.

Even if there may be a few innocents among them, they will not be considered by Tang Chuan.

From a human point of view, these things are undoubtedly contradictory to the extreme.

After all, since you respect life so much and don't care about mortals, why can you turn your face without emotional ups and downs, and wipe out certain potential innocents without asking them indiscriminately.

But looking at the world from the perspective of the true god, everything seems reasonable and reasonable.

God contains all things in the universe and has all the characters in the world.

They can be kind and cruel, great and humble, smart and dull...

Tang Chuan has no doubt that if the meat ball is in a good mood for a certain time, even the weakest mortal seems to be able to tease him like a puppy.

The so-called dignity and style are things invented by low-end social animals to restrict their behavior.

If you want the gods to create their own supreme personas according to the image you imagined, to satisfy the low-end creatures' fantasy about gods, then mortals would have too much self-esteem.

One thought of the true **** can deny all the reasons for the existence of this inferior creature.

They stipulate that the way to show respect between people is salute and handshake, then salute and handshake will be a way for a group of inferior creatures to show respect to each other.

They stipulate that the highest etiquette between people is to point each other's middle finger, so the person who does not put the **** to each other is the most impolite among the ethnic group.

They stipulate the class division of a certain ethnic group, whoever eats a lot of **** is the most respected person.

Then this ethnic group will think from the heart and soul that eating **** is the only measure of social hierarchy, and then the deity envisioned in the ethnic group must be the most capable of eating shit.

If anyone thinks that gods can't eat shit, they will be tied to a fire and burned to death as a heretic.

Therefore, to measure the supremacy of a **** simply by any kind of behavior that humans think of, is like a serious statement of how much **** can be eaten by the true god, which is ridiculous and absolutely wrong.

Because for some races, saluting and bowing are indeed a means of provocation and mockery, you may excrete digestives in front of them, perhaps even more of a way to show respect.

This is not absolutely incomprehensible, because even in the small place where the sesame seeds are bigger, the same gesture is a gesture of goodwill in one area, but it is a straightforward expression of provocation in another area.

Therefore, blindly thinking that the true gods who transcend understanding must be indifferent and full of existence. It is simply the unilateral obscenity of the bugs towards super-high-dimensional things.

Truly distinguished gods of the universe, they have all the characters in the world, they are true, good and beautiful, and they are not lacking in evil and dirty.

Both right and evil cannot be limited.

If Meatball is teased by a mortal creature like a pet dog, can he deny his supremacy?

And Tang Chuan is actually gradually showing such characteristics. When he first entered the main universe, he still had the inherent knowledge of ordinary humans, and felt that the Supreme God should have what he believed to be a force.

But up to now, he has jumped out of the shackles invisibly, and has more character, showing the tolerance of the Supreme God.

It's just that among these countless personalities, there are still some original characteristics.

Multi-personality is not a lunatic. In a sense, it is a performance that the upper limit is beginning to rise.

It seems that no matter what he does now, he can be regarded as a normal behavior by the related body and Nocton.

This is actually the most terrifying point~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because no matter whether Tang Chuan chooses kindness or evil, or chooses to be extravagant, or dumbfounded, people around him will not think this is wrong, it seems that Tang Chuan He was originally such a person.

Subtle recognition and obedience to the Supreme God, even if a certain decision made by Tang Chuan is absurd, they will think that there is nothing wrong with it and try their best to obey it.

If the Lord Godhead did not affect the reality around him in the slightest, Tang Chuan would not believe it.

Whether it is a subtle change to the people around you, or wherever you go, disasters will occur, this is not a normal phenomenon.

Including myself, if you look back and compare it with before, you can see that the difference is quite big.

The most helpless thing is that this subtle influence is such a hegemony. Even if I realize that my original intention seems to have been tampered with, I will only think that I have become better, and I am unwilling to change it back.

So I and the Lord Godhead...

Who is the ontology?

Or in other words, who has a larger share of Ontology?

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