I Am Not a Savage

Chapter 5: The first thief who broke the world

   Chapter 5 The First Thief

   Yunchuan followed the woman, thought for a long time, and finally decided to follow the woman to search the cave.

   He found a centipede from a crack in the stone that was roasted to death by fire. This centipede was very large, half a foot long, half of the centipede was scorched, and the other half was still lifelike.

   The woman got the gift from her son, kissed Yunchuan's clean cheek happily, then pinched off the centipede's head, raised her head, and swallowed a whole centipede, just like swallowing a piece of noodles.

   This night, the cave was brightly lit, no one was sleeping, and everyone was searching for food.

   Yunchuan, who was full, slept very sweetly.

   The hay under him is new. There are no bugs to harass him, no centipedes, scorpions to hurt him, and no poisonous snakes to watch his delicious flesh.

   This was almost the sweetest time he slept since he came to the new world.

   He woke up very late, if it weren't for the intense hunger that forced him to wake up from his sleep, he would definitely not get up.

After    woke up, he found that he not only had a drink, but also mixed some high-protein barbecue as a supplement.

   Everyone stayed in this cave, and outside the cave, the heavy rain was violent.

   Even the most greedy patriarch did not issue an order to find food.

Since it is idle, people can only continue to look for the fish that slipped through the net left in the cave last night. However, no matter how hard people try, the remaining bugs in the cave will not be enough for so many people to eat, and it is not even a tooth gap. .

   Yunchuan waited for a long time, but did not wait for food. The people in the cave seemed to be very peaceful, one by one lying down or resting quietly on the rock wall.

   It looks like there should be no food to eat.

   Yunchuan "Aoao" was speaking an alien language to the mother in front of him, hoping to get some useful information, or to learn their language in this way.

   I didn’t expect that this mother would also want to communicate with Yunchuan in an alien language like "Ao Ao"...

  Mother is so stupid...

   Yunchuan had to pay attention to the communication between adults and adults. As a result, he heard a lot of single-character pronunciations, and the intonation was strange and difficult to imitate.

   From the cooking utensils, Yunchuan already knew that this tribe should have entered the earthen pottery period, and had learned how to raise livestock, how to use fire, and how to make clothes out of plant skins. Then the light of civilization should have appeared.

   But, their language is very poor, with only a few simple monophonic sounds to express the meaning. When it comes to some complicated things, they prefer to express it in the same language as singing.

   Once you sing, you must dance. Dance is not a dance in the literal sense, but a body language.

This is good.

  The smart Yunchuan soon understood one thing from the dance of a guy who flattered his mother—he once killed a bear.

   Mother raised the hungry Yunchuan to the guy who claimed to have killed a bear.

   That guy embarrassedly wanted to pull Yunchuan aside. After all, his goal was a good mother, not the fat child in front of him.

   The mother stubbornly put Yunchuan between the two, the meaning is very clear. If you don't feed the child in front of her, you can't get close to her.

   So the man gritted his teeth and took out a small ripe centipede from a small basket hanging outside the animal skin skirt.

   Yunchuan changed his hand and handed it to his mother. The mother twisted her head while smiling, eating meat in one go, and then Yunchuan continued to show his fat hand to the man.

   The man took out another one. Yunchuan doesn’t eat centipedes, so it’s cheaper. Mother, Yunchuan’s fat hand stretched out again...

  Until the man took out two thick-fingered worms, Yunchuan ate it.

   The bugs are really delicious, Yun Chuan puts out his hand again, but the man's small basket is already empty.

   After seeing that the man could no longer get food out of the man's small basket, the mother hugged Yunchuan and went to the depths of the crowd.

   The man squatted on the ground in annoyance and knocked his own small basket forcefully. It seemed that he wanted to pour more food out of the small basket.

   The place where the mother sits is actually very particular. There are women holding children. When those women see their mothers coming back, there will be women holding their children and occupying the place where the mother had just received food.

   Their learning ability is very strong. When a man came over, they put their children between them... As a result, the things the men gave were quickly eaten by the children.

   The child does not know to keep asking for food!

   indicates that the transaction has been concluded.

   Seeing that the hungry woman was resisted by the man, the mother laughed loudly and hugged Yunchuan tightly for fear of being snatched away.

   Yunchuan walked very steadily, this is a very big improvement!

   He can even feel that his hands and feet are a lap bigger than the previous two days!

   This is abnormal, but Yunchuan is full of expectations.

   Thunder and lightning flashed outside the cave.

Every thunder will scare the people in the cave to cover their ears, especially when lightning hit a pine tree at the entrance of the cave and cut the pine tree in half, they all knelt on the ground and faced the plant burning in the rain. Worshipped by the pine trees.

   Perhaps the worship has played a role. The torches made of burning pine trees were extinguished by the heavy rain, but these people worshipped more vigorously.

   Soon, Yunchuan discovered something wrong. These people, including their mothers, were extremely religious when they worshiped, and even fell into a wonderful spiritual world, and their perception of the outside world seemed to have been lost.

   so that even Yunchuan who stole their food turned a blind eye.

   The food stolen by Yunchuan filled his mother's small basket, and Yunchuan also ate seven or eight kinds of cooked insects in one go.

   He didn't follow one person's punnet, but stole a little from everyone's punnet, and finally accumulated a lot of things.

After    the worship was over, these people looked very tired and some people started to eat, but they didn’t seem to feel that the food had become less.

   Not only do these people have no sense of the amount of food, but the mother has no special feeling about the sudden filling of her punnet with food, just very happy, very happy.

   At this point, Yunchuan suddenly realized that he was probably the first thief in this group.

   is also very likely to be the first thief in this era.

   There may be many robbers in this world, thieves? He should be the only one!

   When it rained on the first day, Yunchuan had a very happy time. The second day was also good. On the third day, when the patriarch started to let people slaughter the animals, everyone started to cry...

   Yunchuan was puzzled,

   The calf Yunchuan knew escaped a catastrophe because it was too small, and the patriarch only killed a sheep.

   The sheep died miserably.

   was stoned to death...

   The scene of people cutting lamb while weeping makes Yunchuan difficult to understand.

   This sheep has been fully utilized, and all the edible parts of its body have been carefully thrown into the pottery pot.

   Yunchuan didn't want to get close to the pot of soup where the offal was cooked. He didn't think that these people could cook the viscera, especially the intestines, into a pot of delicious food.

   His mother held him close to the pot, making him think that his mother was going to throw him into the soup pot. After all, the fat and fat man seemed to be more eaten than the thin sheep.

The mother is very proud. It is her glory to have such a fat son like Yunchuan. Other children in the group have thin belly bulging high, and the ribs are clearly visible. The head is big, only Yunchuan has a big head and a fat body. , The whole body is meat, this kind of body is what a healthy animal cub should have.

   Yunchuan can actually understand his mother's mind. The strong males in the ethnic group are the hope of the ethnic group. Only strong men can bring back more prey and feed the whole family.

The patriarch set his eyes on Yun Chuan for the first time, took Yun Chuan from his mother, and touched Yun Chuan’s whole body fat with his big hands. Finally, he looked at the prominent male characteristics of his crotch with satisfaction. Yunchuan gave it back to his mother.

   The men sitting around the clay pot let out a place so that their mother could hold Yunchuan and sit down.

   Since the lamb became lamb, everyone was happy and threw a handful of moldy dried vegetables into the clay pot until the clay pot was filled.

The smell of dried vegetables and lamb entrails was very harmful to Yunchuan, but the people sitting around the pottery pot obviously did not look like that. Their eyes were fixed on the pottery pot until the patriarch took it out of a leather pocket. Some gray-brown powder was poured into the pot, and the people seemed to yearn for food even more. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Seeing Yunchuan kept looking at the leather pocket in his hand, the clan chief took out a little powder from the bag and smeared it on Yunchuan's lips.

   Yunchuan tried it carefully, it was salt.

   However, judging from the color, the salt must contain a lot of impurities, especially the gray salt, which is likely to contain some undesirable elements.

   A thin sheep, in any case, is not enough for the whole family of three hundred people to eat. All that is distributed to everyone's mouth is a little bit of broth.

   Yunchuan gave his mother the meat he had shared. He could see clearly that there was still half-formed sheep dung floating in the broth that the sheep hadn't had time to pull out.

   Therefore, he decisively chose to feed his mother first, and then eat his mother**.

   Yunchuan started quickly, and the method of making meat was better than his mother, and even the patriarch, because he could use chopsticks, unlike those people who are still fishing for meat in a hot pot with their hands.

   Even people with thick skins can't stand boiling water.

Therefore, Yunchuan can always find meat from the soup pot and feed it to her mother. Her mother was very happy. After her hands were scalded several times, she opened her mouth very happily, waiting for her son to fill her mouth. thing.

   This scene fell in the eyes of the patriarch, he did not stop Yunchuan's robbery, and also prevented others from trying to grab food from Yunchuan.

He even got two wooden sticks that were the same as Yunchuan's hands, and learned to pick up the food in the hot pot. It was very clumsy. However, after several attempts, he happily picked up some dried vegetables with chopsticks. To be precise, He uses pick!

   The patriarch is the smartest person in the clan, and he is also responsible for the evolution of the clan. His words and deeds will always be the target of the clan to imitate.

   Soon, the people stopped joking about grabbing food with their hands, and used wooden sticks instead.

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