I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 568 Chinese Valentine’s Day Extra (continued)

Mary was startled for a moment. Although she was born in the other world, the education given to her by the Mancini family was no different from the families in the outer world at that time. They all devoted themselves to making her a docile lamb and a silent flower. She had never been sensitive enough to politics, so she did things like blackmail and put Louis under house arrest. Now that Louis said this, she could feel that Louis was very happy, but she didn't know exactly why he was so happy.

Louis didn't get a response. When he saw Mary's confused look, he immediately understood, "Kings and churches often refer to people as livestock, but this kind of title, dear, is not all out of contempt. and disgust are more similar to a practical statement, because when the people's wisdom has not yet been enlightened, the common people who have not received education and do not know how to think for themselves, and all their wisdom is used for survival and reproduction, are indeed like animals, and Kings, lords and priests deliberately tolerated this situation because animals were more useful than humans before human technology had developed to a certain extent."

"For example," he said, "you have seen farmers clearing new land, right?"

Mary nodded.

“When farmers want to open up a new piece of land, before plowshares and ox yokes have been invented, they have to use manpower and wooden sticks to knock, smash and dig out the soil. This way of working is inefficient and extremely hard. It can also cause various diseases and it is not impossible to cause death, and human beings are naturally indolent and hate work. If they cannot be forced by the threat of punishment and death, they will never be willing to work."

"I've heard that Mancini also used serfs in the earliest days. At that time, there were still many overseers in our castle, but later..."

"Well, it's not your fault." Louis knew that Mary was talking about the resurrected corpses. Obviously, the wizards had their own methods to ensure a group of hard-working slaves: "But this method obviously cannot be used in one place. Fifteen million or more black slaves, so the method adopted by the British was to use various means to eliminate the humanity in them, enhance their animality, and make their uneducated minds simpler and slower. , unable to do anything except the most basic conditioned reflexes, for which they even gave up advanced machinery and steel agricultural tools - you may not have imagined that five hundred years later, in the fields and cotton fields, they would be together again Slaves and wooden tools appeared.”


"Well, what I do is to lift the black cloth covering their eyes and let them see the outside world and their miserable situation clearly. But, Mary, this is really a cruel thing. I am willing to do it for Although there are many Irish people I work for, how can the English allow their former slaves to share their 'property'? Besides, except for those born by slaves, there are very few children among the black slaves. In order to cover up others' eyes, my subordinates cannot Give them too many privileges - they still have to work, and their age, experience, and energy are all destined to make it difficult for many to come out."

"But coming out, wouldn't it be a good thing for them?" Louis seemed to be saying to himself: "A mule or a cow will always live a leisurely and comfortable life. In their little minds, it is People who will never understand what freedom is and what life is, and people who have been living in darkness will never be able to find that they are filthy and scarred everywhere."

Louis still remembered how the black man who was only half his age but looked twice his age staggered in, fell to the ground in disbelief, and fell to the ground - even though he had never He graduated from the University of Paris, but when he was frightened and oppressed, his first reaction was to kneel down - not out of etiquette, but out of fear.

After being allowed to stand up, he looked around dizzy, tears streaming down his face...

"Afterwards... almost all of them went back, and then there were wars, both with the Angsa people and with their own compatriots." During the slave trade, the British used to hire black tribal leaders to fight for them and rob slaves. Of course, they would not hesitate to divide black slaves who were hundreds of times their number. In British manors, slaves were used in several levels, from the most "proud" black housekeeper to the master's personal servant. , the wet nurses and maids around the lady, to the kitchen helpers, small laborers, the blacksmiths, cowherds, gardeners in the manor... The slaves who work in the fields are better than the slaves who work in the cotton fields and sugar cane fields. Slaves who can use tools are better than ordinary slaves, and ordinary slaves look down on those with shackles and handcuffs...

It's ridiculous, right? But really, when the black people who had tasted real freedom and dignity returned to Africa, what caused them more pain and fear than the white people was that they were the white people's mercenaries, that is, they were commanded by the British. The black army treated their "rebellious" compatriots even more cruelly and viciously than the British.

"So did they succeed in the end?"

"I didn't see it," Louis said, "but when I woke up I asked the children to bring me a world map - Africa is now divided into more than a dozen countries, some are still autonomous provinces of the United Kingdom, and some are They are members of the Commonwealth, some are republics, or free federations, and it seems that those respectable people have still fought for a place for their descendants."

Mary wanted to ask something, but suddenly stopped, Louis looked at her, "What do you want to ask?"

"I don't understand anything," Mary whispered, "Louis, I must have caused you a lot of trouble."

"It's not a sin that you don't understand. No one is born knowing this." Louis lowered his head, showing a rare look of pain: "Mary, I should have taught you, but at that time..." He was just a reckless person. The young man, with great ambitions, looked towards the distant future, but ignored the people around him. Mary did not follow him, but he should have stretched out a hand and held her tightly.

"So just ask whatever you want. This is my debt to you, Marie," Louis said. "You can always ask me questions and I will answer you. No matter how many times you ask, I just ask you not to get tired of it." Me." He put Mary's hand on his chest - the portrait was so lifelike, but there were only a few things missing, namely breathing, temperature and heartbeat - but Mary sighed and leaned closer, Her body was incredibly soft, like a flower bud stained with morning dew.

"So what kind of dream is this?" she murmured: "This is not a dream, Louis, I know, because I am not so lucky to have such a beautiful dream."

"I'm a fool."

This sentence made Mary laugh loudly, "That's also my favorite fool."

She was about to continue to say something-maybe it was the question just now, but she heard a gentle knock on the door. Mary jumped up suddenly-almost fell down. Louis, dumbfounded, supported her and asked her to turn to the door. While sitting down, before the children came in, she had already arranged her clothes, straightened her expression, and only showed a slight smile. She was no different from the ladies in those portraits.

Before Louis allowed them in, she actually had time to reach out and straighten Louis' crooked shoulder straps.

Louis couldn't hold back his laughter. He didn't know why. After Mary woke up, she was very concerned about her image, especially in front of the children.

"It seems that the result has been achieved." Louis looked at it and pointed to one of the children: "Uh, Louis, tell me."

"You should call me Alan." The child said - in fact, he was more than thirty years old. "There are about ten Louiss here."

The name Louis is quite popular among the French. After Saint Louis, the Bourbon royal family often used this name. Saint Louis was Louis IX, and Louis XIV was the fifth. Later, because of the Sun King Louis XIV, Relationship, the proportion of this name among French men accounts for 30%, and among the Bourbon royal family, it is as high as 70%...

People say that in places like Paris and Versailles, where Bourbon is densely populated, shouting "Louis" can give you the treatment of a king for a few seconds - hundreds of people salute you at the same time...most of them have Outstanding appearance, tall figure, extraordinary temperament.

Alan is even the best among these people. He is often called the "Little Sun King" and has played the role of the Sun King in the university theater troupe. He was about to inform the real Sun King of the results of the incident, but was stopped by Louis XIV. Stopped: "By the way, I want to answer a question for my wife first."

Alan looked at Mary, a little helpless. Although they were descendants of Louis and Theresa, this was a portrait of a wizard. Simply put, it was the marriage certificate of Louis Bourbon and Mary Mancini, that is, Said that in the other world, they are a legal and reasonable couple - ah, anyway, Queen Teresa not only accompanied the king to the end, but also went to heaven hundreds of years ago...

This painting was given to them by Luciano's descendants.

"Mary, I know what you just wanted to ask," Louis said patiently: "This starts with the final outcome of Africa. When the British began to use black people against black people, they also had to give some power. , weapons and positions were given to their former cattle, horses and tools, but they should also think that those are still humans after all, not animals that will never learn conspiracy and strife. What the black people learned from them will eventually be returned to Without them, even those territories that still belonged to the British king, black people could still rely on their population and the shamelessness and deeds they inherited to protect their power.

The most ridiculous thing is that as time goes by, some young British people have forgotten where their ancestors' assets came from - they lie on the pile of black bones, taste the wine made from black blood, and do nothing all day long. ——After all, in their clean and beautiful city, they couldn’t even find a homeless man to show mercy, so they said, why don’t we show mercy to black people, those former slaves?

They don't know that those who are trudging through the darkness and clinging to life will tear the iron barrier apart at all costs as long as they are given a crack. "

He looked at Alan, who nodded knowingly, and continued: "It was only seventy years ago that black people got the right to vote. Except for those 'good people' who are really unsophisticated, there are some candidates who cannot get the support of voters." It's about this.

You probably don’t know much about the current election. Madam, imagine this. A well-dressed politician comes out and says, gentlemen and ladies, please choose me. I am the kindest, most tolerant, and most generous. Empathic, as long as you choose me, I will make all your pain disappear - of course, this is impossible. "

He suppressed a trace of contempt: "The suffering of the civilians was originally caused by them, high medical expenses, employment-based security and firefighting teams, inflation, monopoly, war, etc... But they can't raise wages or shorten wages. working hours, universal higher education, lower hospital fees...But it is much easier for black voters to achieve their demands than those of white voters, and they are more likely to be deceived..."

"In the beginning." Louis said: "If black people were still so easy to be deceived, now..." He didn't know what to say: "This...propaganda," he said: "There shouldn't be these stupid and embarrassing things. It’s disgustingly hypocritical.”

"To put a black hero in a movie, the money and support required is much more convenient and cheaper than doing any useful measures for black or white civilians." Alan said.

"But this," Mary now fully understood, "doesn't it mean that we can satisfy our hunger with the painted bread?"

"Some black people do like it," Alan said. "Ma'am, you can think of it as mental alcohol to numb them."

"Where are some of the black people?"

"They saw it very clearly and felt disgusted. Your Majesty, you are right," Alan said: "They do not think that the black little mermaid, brown Snow White, and black Anne Boleyn are praise and appreciation for black skin. To put it a bit harshly and vulgarly - this is basically a monkey trick. The British still regard black people as animals without thoughts and memories, just like treating a dog or a mule. Giving them a ball can make them happy for a long time. Give them a handful of wheat and they will forget the whip of the past.”

"It's a bit vulgar, but it's correct." Louis XIV nodded: "But this time, in addition to flattering the black people, the British also want to mock us."

"They got carried away, Your Majesty," Alan said. "Now the director and producer has been arrested."

Louis smiled slightly.

"This gentleman's geography and history achievements have never been very good," Alan also smiled: "But there are indeed not many people who can clearly understand the territory and territorial waters of Poland, Italy, Spain and France."

The bloodline of the Bourbon royal family in Poland, Italy, Spain and France has never been cut off from beginning to end. In addition to the territories and colonies developed during the Louis XIV period, these Bourbons, who had continuous blood ties with each other, also traded. A small part of the country may be just an island, or it may be just a valley. The only people who can fully understand it are military scientists, geographers, and historians who specialize in this.

The director and producer was quite cautious, but he couldn't stay in England forever, so he went to America. Perhaps in his mind, the American Federation, which had never had a king, was jointly established by the French and Indians. Yes, but he probably won’t go to war for the Bourbons’ Sun King.

Alas, they really didn't do anything serious. They just sent people to break down the director and producer's yacht at night, and then gently pushed it and the people on it to the only place in France in southern America. A territory - an island.

"Now he is charged with three crimes, including promoting kongbuism, insulting the royal family and state institutions." Alain said: "There may also be violations of private property, illegal possession of qiangxie, dupin, etc.," he raised the question with Louis XIV Very similar blue eyes: "Your Majesty, I will lock him up for a hundred years."

"The people related to it have also been included in Bourbon's blacklist," he continued: "They will find that in Europa, they can't move... and America." Alan said in a complicated tone: " They probably won't understand what the 'Act of Liberty' signed by your grandson, Louis XVI, means to the people of America."

"They'll just laugh at his hypocrisy and ignorance," Louis said.

Alan initially wanted to ask whether Louis XVI's actions were inspired by his grandfather Louis XIV, but when he saw those smiling blue eyes, he suddenly felt relieved. Why must he get the answer? Even if it was not the instruction of this great king, it was his words and deeds that made Louis XVI perform such a noble and generous act.

"One more thing," Alan asked: "Someone hopes to get permission to make a movie about you and your wife... Generally speaking, we refuse..."

"Then continue to refuse." Louis said: "Now is a good ending."

A little late.

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