I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 298 Madame Aubigne and the relationship between the other world and the Roman Church (2)

Carlos II was lying on the bed. Even lying down, he looked like a dead cat or dog in a ditch. His face was ferocious, his hands and feet were stiff, and his body was twisted. Even though he often lived with deformed beasts and resurrected corpses, The dark wizards in the same place couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust. They privately laughed at Leopold I's greed more than once. In order to win an ally and the throne of Spain, he would rather let his eldest daughter die as soon as she came of age. into such a nightmare.

But at this time, they were naturally very respectful. The leading dark wizard raised the potion bottle. "Just in case," he said, "please hold his hands and feet down."

"Will this potion cause him pain?" asked the Queen Mother.

"If I say yes, will you give up?" The dark wizard sneered, and then said as if to redeem himself: "Of course, you are a mother, but any medical method will not make the patient feel comfortable, bloodletting , guanchang or using a soldering iron. These potions will remove the turbid impurities in his body, increase the mucus in his brain, reduce his chance of epileptic seizures, increase his yellow bile, and reduce his black bile, so that his The body can become hot, and there is blood. This potion will make his blood moist, just like some seeds need to be soaked in water to germinate, so that his seeds can become strong and grow in the queen's belly. Take root and sprout."

This explanation, which would sound as absurd to people hundreds of years later as babble in a dream, made the Queen Mother feel a lot more at ease - or she must feel at ease. She backed away from the bed, "I can't," she said sadly. Qi said: "I can't bear to see my children suffer. Let the servants do this."

"I have prepared a few servants." The regent said. He and the Queen Mother looked at each other. They knew each other well that the servants who were summoned were just farmers from a remote farm. Their strength Old and ignorant, they didn't even know that the master, wife and priest in the room were the Queen Mother and the Regent. They even regarded the wizard in black robe as a priest. Thinking of the reward of one silver coin for each person, they pressed the button Lived the young master lying on the bed,

In the eyes of the farmer, this young master was like a devil - after being fed the potion, he became even more like a devil when he struggled. The Queen Mother and the Regent both retreated to the corner of the room, looking at the pair of servants from a distance. The thin legs stretched out from the gaps in the curtains. Because Carlos II seldom walked, these legs were worse than a chicken or a rabbit to the farmers. They chanted the name of God and waited for their men. The people no longer struggled, and the "priest" cautiously walked over and tried to breathe. They stepped aside fearfully. After they filed out, the regent nodded gently, and the guards at the door left in search of the trace. Of course , these people must die here, no one is left.

In any case, the Habsburg family has now replaced France and become the son of the Roman Church. In order to prove their piety, the Spanish kings never dared to openly drive wizards. Wizards were expelled everywhere in Spain. Wild dogs, but this is all in the past, and the dark wizards will not be stupid enough to completely cure Carlos in one go. No, it should be said that they were not treating Carlos, they were just taking a shortcut. It was much easier to make Carlos II a non-person than to make him a healthy person.

In the wizard's potion, there is the blood of vampires, werewolves and chimeras, which are mixed with belladonna, datura and some unspeakable materials. It must be said that this is also a method that requires courage, skill and talent. , because of the slightest mistake, Carlos II was not wailing and twisting his body and limbs like now, but died immediately.

Carlos II has many similarities with Alfonso VI who died not long ago, like being half a prisoner, weak body, losing the most important male ability, etc., but Carlos II is better than The only thing that was worse than Alfonso VI was that his mind and thoughts were not as good as that of a three-year-old child. He could not understand what had just happened. He only knew that he was in pain, sad, and wanted to vomit. His beard and hair had grown rapidly. Becoming black, hard and sharp, his bones disappeared or grew under the skin. His heart even jumped out of the gap in his ribs and squirmed under the thin skin. He stretched out his sharp nails to grab the sheets, He called his mother and Don Juan in confusion, but they did not dare to step forward.

"Soon." The dark wizard said immediately when he saw the Queen Mother staring at them.

Carlos II's pain lasted from late at night to the second night, and the changes continued. The bed was covered with feces, urine, sweat and blood stains. The Queen Mother and the Prince Regent had to go to the next room to sleep first. The dark wizards were monitored by the priests of Toledo, and they could only endure Carlos's cries and ****. Fortunately, a few hours ago, this venerable majesty could not make too much noise. The sound is gone,

A dark wizard stepped forward to check on the king's condition: "He is getting better." He said that indeed, the mutations in Carlos were slowly decreasing, which meant that the part of him that was human had been treated as a monster. Partially swallowed, of course, the dark wizards would not tell anyone in the room the truth. They exchanged strange looks. Carlos II was not the first mortal to receive this potion.

Opening the files of the Inquisition, you will see many terrible rumors about formerly gentle and humble people turning into devils as if overnight. Sometimes they are just rumors, and sometimes they are the masterpieces of dark wizards. The most famous one is Mo General Gilles de Rais, who once fought bravely against the British under Joan of Arc, and Lady Elizabeth Bartoli, who was known for her wisdom and agility before she got married and lost her husband.

People call wizards the servants of the devil. This is not groundless. Wizards, especially dark wizards, believe that mortals are just cattle and sheep they herd, whether they are slaughtered, sacrificed, or used as Experiments are their pleasure. Most of them have bad natures, just like Boss, who often forces mortals to make all kinds of terrible choices - they don't bother to use force or magic to force mortals to drink this potion, they just need to make it clear These mortals will pounce on the "facts" that have been tampered with by them.

Of course, who is not afraid of aging and death?

There is also a situation like Carlos II. His life and death is not a matter of him alone, but is directly related to Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. Especially the dark wizards have shown that not only can Carlos extend his life, but he can also When he slept with a woman and had offspring, the hearts of the Queen Mother and the Regent immediately tilted to one side.

They probably didn't care too much about the suffering of Carlos II. The dark wizards could even guess that they might have been prepared. If Carlos II still had to die, they were well prepared. I don’t know whether it was against Leopold I of the Holy Roman Empire or Louis XIV of France...

In this dark room, Carlos II woke up. His lungs fully expanded for the first time. He took a breath of turbid air. If he were an ordinary person, he would immediately cough violently. He felt very Comfortable - although he didn't know what "comfort" was at this time, for the first time he could sleep close to the bed without being bumped by the arched shoulder blades. He stretched out his limbs, and his nails scratched the sheets. After listening to it, he continued to tear them into pieces.

The dark wizards were aware of it before the curtain was torn apart. The leading dark wizard, "accompanied" by the priest, cautiously approached the bed. He saw Carlos's face under the flickering candlelight, although Habsburg was the most distinctive. His huge jaw was still there, but a strange feeling came over him - because Carlos II was smiling at him, just a smile, and then he fell asleep again.

If the Queen Mother and the Prince Regent were here and saw this smile and those eyes, they would have guessed that something bad was going on. But here are only priests and black wizards who are unfamiliar with Carlos II. They don't know about Carlos II. Los II was just a dull idiot who was indifferent to the curiosity revealed in those eyes - until Carlos II woke up again, it was another week later.


Louis pinched the secret message from Toledo and sighed softly.

He recalled the predictions and perhaps accusations that Madame Aubigne had made in their previous conversation.

The history of wizards is actually longer than the Roman Church, no, even longer than their savior, because as early as BC, wizards were like water seeping into the soil, inseparable from the lives of mortals, but at that time they They are not called wizards yet, they are elders, priests, shamans, attendants and messengers of gods, that is, the earliest believers of polytheism. They have extraordinary power that can shock, panic and obey mortals. They once mastered In order to gain great power, kings must also bow to them or become one with them, just like Sumer and Egypt in the past.

Even the earliest church princes, bishops and popes were once these extraordinary people. They were originally a branch separated from the wizards, so various miracles continued to appear, and the ones recorded in the Bible , all kinds of terrible or painful wars can almost be seen as two forces belonging to wizards wrestling with each other - whether it is the Egyptians, the Romans, or any race that dares to confront God.

Louis remembered that he asked at that time if it was because there were differences among wizards - they obviously wanted to use different ways to rule mortals. Madame Aubigne gave an affirmative answer, but they probably didn't expect that, after a few hundred years, , not only did they fail to become true gods, but instead became slaves of mortals. At least in AD 300 (AD 300), the church already had 200 bishops, which meant there were 200 dioceses. But since then, saints who can perform miracles have been very rare. From then on, canonization was only allowed after death. It was also from that time that some people began to forge holy miracles.

What does this show? It can only mean that from that time on, the power of Extraordinary People in the church began to become weaker.

Louis once said that Merlin was the last resort for wizards, and he almost succeeded. No wonder the wizards still regard him as a saint, but Merlin failed in the end. He was imprisoned in a giant stone by his disciples. Reminiscent of The Witcher's Cornerstone - his results may not have been so wonderful.

So, those extraordinary people who founded the church would not have thought that their descendants would be reduced to becoming warriors hired by mortals at a low price - Louis didn't know how the church did it, but from the past Judging from Laluo's situation, even if those priests were born in the other world, they could not escape the indoctrination of ideas that were like a curse - they were also vaguely aware that their power might come from the same source as the wizards, but not only did they not get close to the wizards because of this, On the contrary, he hates these...servants of the devil even more, and hopes to use his piety and life to wash away the sins he is born with...

The reason why Elario is Elario is because he met Bishop Mazarin, a smart man who is more like a politician than the red prince. Once he lifts the dark curtain, he wants to see and admit the relationship between himself and his relatives. It's not hard to be stupid.

But the Roman Church is not without cards. Without Elario, they would still have Francis, Cyprian, Cornelius and Dominic... The reason why they are willing to negotiate with Louis XIV is not because they have any feelings for him. What fear (so they said) - "You know," said Madame Aubigne, "that the son of King Charles II of England was born into this world because his father had taken a wizard's potion. "

"That's a bit unfair," Louis replied immediately: "I have no power to order a king."

"But what a bad example you have set." Madame Aubigne said: "You see, before you, even if wizards came in and out of the palace, kings and powerful ministers still deliberately stayed away from these devil's servants. People's plots and women's skirts are lingering, but what about you, how did you do it? You let them come from behind the scenes to the front without fear. You made those kings and princes see the benefits. They saw you as Those who use wizards and benefit from them will certainly follow suit."

"The more important thing is that the Roman Church has lost its power to deter the kings." Louis said softly, and Madame Aubigne immediately pursed her lips to prevent herself from showing anger: "When I first sent the wizards to Dunker The church did not give me the great excommunication when I was in Erke or Flanders, and that was a mistake."

"Yes, this is a big mistake. My grandfather thought so too," Madame Aubigne said, "But no one would have thought that a mortal could be so greedy..." She paused suddenly: "My grandfather said something very ridiculous, Your Majesty."

"Please say."

"You have no faith, do you, Your Majesty?"

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