I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 217 The Great Adventure of the Doctors (Part 1)

Chamborance picked up the large crown, burned it on a candle, and handed it to the man. Monsieur Lome looked at all this, "Oh, I'm sorry," he said, "I was negligent." They He had just come from an area full of smallpox patients, so he should not have direct contact with people. This person looked healthy. Chambrance glanced at the king's chief physician. Chambrance was a Huguenot, and Rome He is a Catholic, but he has to admit that the chief physician is not disgusting, he can even be called a pure person-although he already has the most supreme position for doctors, he still persists He trudges unremittingly on the narrow road of medicine. After discovering the epidemic in the valley area, he not only did not flee immediately, but also resolutely assumed the duty of the alarm-and, although, he ordered the officials here General He sealed off the infected area, but when the chief of the army wanted to send a team of soldiers to protect him, he also resolutely refused.

The protective suits on them are not affordable for ordinary people because of their exquisiteness and materials. Even if they could, who would configure such a set of ominous armor at home? Soldiers don’t have protective suits. That is to say, if they enter the epidemic area, they will not be able to avoid being infected. In the end, they can only stay in the epidemic area, pray to God and death, and see if they will be one of the lucky ones in the epidemic area. People are unlucky enough, insisted Mr. Lom, let no more innocents be the devil's trophies, he said, and wrote to the King to show that it was he who had firmly refused protection, and not here. The chief deliberately slacked off.

During this short one-day journey, Mr. Lom did not participate in the action of confining the dead—mainly because his body could no longer bear such physical labor. Although the protective clothing was effective, the beak mask was filled with Although the spices can ensure that they will not be affected by the disease, it also makes their breathing not so smooth-no joke, doctors at this time also need a good physique like a soldier, like Chambrance, he is a doctor , but also strong and tall, with superb martial arts skills. The Huguenots in the Orleans area elected him as their leader. In addition to his piety, the above characteristics are also key.

The policeman took the silver coin, thanked him vaguely, and withdrew it.

After the door was closed, Mr. Lom looked around. They were arranged in the chapel room, one for the four plague doctors and one for the remaining students. This is also what people in the village often do when entertaining distinguished guests. It is bigger and richer than the other two villages. It may also be possible that the cattlemen in Anfor not only raise cattle for the two nearby villages, but also manage the cattle for a nearby small monastery. It can’t be said that it’s very big—from the thirteenth century, the free tenant farmers in England were allowed to raise one horse, two cows, three pigs, four geese, fifteen ewes and many lambs...but here It’s not because the location of the village is bad, on the contrary, it’s because it’s so good. Most of the territory here belongs to the royal family. Although there is a rich dense forest behind the house, it’s not a place they can set foot in at will—so they The life can only be said to be stable, but this kind of stability cannot withstand twists and turns, just like this epidemic, which destroyed two of the three villages in one fell swoop.

Dr. Lom's concern for the cattle herd certainly attracted the attention of the other three doctors, but due to moral and self-evident rules, they were not allowed to ask questions. But to their surprise, Mr. Lom actually made a After gesturing to attract everyone's attention to himself, he said: "Gentlemen, you must be wondering why I pay so much attention to the cattle."

"True," said Setonham, "but if there is any reason for it, you need not explain it to us."

Mr. Lom smiled. Of course, in this era, "craft" is an expensive thing. Tailoring is "craft", "wine making" is "craft", armor making is "craft", and even cattle and ducks are raised. Raising chickens is a "craft" - otherwise those tenant farmers would not hand over their precious cattle to the Anfor family to raise them, or directly lease the cattle from the Anfor family. Any craftsmanship is passed down in the family. If someone is lucky enough to become an apprentice of a certain craftsman, it will take more than ten years or even decades of torment before he can learn a little bit of real skills from the teacher, but at that time, he can also have an apprentice, The pain that the teacher inflicts on himself, inflicts on another child.

Doctors, although their identities are more valuable, they are also "craftsmanship", like the Chambranc family, they fled to England, not only for their own beliefs, but also to ensure that their "craftsmanship" does not leak out, but even in Protestants occupy the mainstream of Britain, and their self-preservation has still caused dissatisfaction from the London Medical Association. The midwife guild they want to promote has not been recognized until today is the most straightforward proof.

In other words, let him say what he discovered, and he is more willing to give it to his students and family members, but the problem is that it has always been paid attention to by the king, and why did the king establish the Blois Medical College? The reason, he also knows, the king's expectation is that the research and development of medicine in France, Europe, and even the whole world can start from this river valley—that is to say, the king will never allow him to continue to develop this valley. The secret is hidden in the heart and in the family. Not only that, but Blois will welcome students and scholars from all over the world. The rich juice and honey of outsiders, while relying on the knowledge and ideas brought by outsiders, finally bear countless sweet fruits.

So he stated his ultimate goal without any burden.

"As you all know, not long after the king returned to Paris, a priest who came back from a distant and ancient eastern country had the honor to meet our majesty." Dr. Lome paused, "He reported to your majesty A surprising thing happened, that is, in a place a thousand miles away from us, people there are using a strange and effective method to prevent smallpox."

This sentence was like a nail that drove into the hearts of Setonham and Chambrance. Only Malbikey was at ease. After all, he was tempted in this way in the first place, so he ran from Italy to France. here.

"How is it possible!" cried Sidonham, "How is it possible?" He repeated: "Although it is said that wine, spices, or flowers can ward off diseases, we all know that diseases cannot rely on these Can withstand..."

"That's not what the Orientals do," said Dr. Lom. "They take the scars from the people who are going to be cured, grind them into powder, and blow them into the noses of healthy people, and the healthy people , will have a fever and a rash for a few days after that, but from then on, they will never have smallpox again." He said hurriedly, and the doctors in the room had taken off their masks, and under the light of candles , the old man's eyes were like animals with a terrible green light: "Gentlemen, in fact, not only those Orientals, those yellow-skinned people are doing it, but the Russians and Ottoman Turks are also doing it ——Yes, some unfortunate people died because of this, but more people recovered, so the king entrusted this matter to me."

He stopped for a while, but no one made a sound, and they all stared at Dr. Lom closely, so Mr. Lom continued: "Because the king gave me such a task, I took my students to the epidemic area At that time, there was a smallpox epidemic in a village, and I asked my students to go to those who were about to recover—I had several students," he said a little angrily, "but the relationship between them was not harmonious, "Sittonham nodded accordingly. Chambolance was because of his special status, and Malbighi was unable to be accepted by the Roman Church because of his specialization in anatomy and some medical concepts, and he had been wandering around. There are no students, but they have all experienced struggles among students. After all, in this era, what teachers are willing to teach their students depends on the wishes of the teachers. Students who are favored will get more and the road ahead will be smoother. Undoubtedly, "One of my students recruited a homeless man and asked him to go to the epidemic area to collect the scars and pus of those people, and another student of mine couldn't afford the money, but he While I praised the former, I exposed his behavior and suggested that two of the samples here are totally invalid because they came from two people who never had smallpox."

"And the bastard who was exposed plausibly said, I didn't stipulate that they have to do this in person, and he can ensure that these samples are all from people in the epidemic area-God!" Speaking of this, Lom said angrily: "They didn't even think about how these two people could avoid getting smallpox. They weren't even rich people who could afford to leave the infected area and hide elsewhere. They were just two people who worked in the cowshed. It’s just the female workers.” He took a deep breath: “But at that time, my experiment was already in progress, and all the people—I mean, those nasty convicts had already had a fever, including those who inhaled the allegedly Those two people who didn't get smallpox at all—and they've been with smallpox patients for weeks, but no, not one of them has smallpox!"

Mr. Lom took a breath, and it was obvious that his emotions became more excited: "Everyone, you should have thought of it, I went to find those two female workers right away, and as a result, hell, they have been burned! Yes Well, damn it, those people said it was these witches who brought in the smallpox so they wouldn't get it - so, so, oh, they simply... burnt them with joy! Burn such a precious sample!" He clenched his fist and waved it viciously in the air: "At that time, I really wanted to put them on the stake and burn them to death!"

"Didn't your king issue a decree not to allow people to try witches without permission?" Malbiki couldn't help asking.

"No matter where, at any time, these foolish people are indispensable." Sidonham commented that although he is a Calvinist, he has seen a lot of the actions of those radicals. To be honest, he really feels that radicals and The executioners (the Catholics) they condemned were no different.

"In short, although I searched hard afterwards, I only heard vaguely and rumors. Some people said it was a blessing from an angel, while others said it was a deal with the devil. I didn't care about these." He sighed. He said: "I have been looking for another 'female worker' for the past few years. Gentlemen, if these are not gifts from heaven, and there are no evil hands and feet in them, then it is the luck of mankind."

"My God..." Sidonham murmured, even Malpicky couldn't help being excited, only Chambrance, after his excitement, there was a burst of indescribable bitterness, he knew that Charles de Lome dared to be here They said in front of other families that this secret may have been passed on for a hundred years or more, firstly because the French king would not let this secret become a bargaining chip for the Rom family to exchange for benefits, and secondly because , everyone here, even if he can get out of the epidemic area, don't even think about getting out of Blois, he may... maybe... he really wants to work for the descendants of Henry IV-until this secret is no longer a secret...

With such a future, the leader of the Huguenots could not help but look pale.

The three people who learned of this secret, or Mr. Lom, even though they knew that the final answer might come tomorrow and they should have a good rest and recharge their batteries, none of them could close their eyes , after flipping side-to-side several times, Malbiki, the youngest of them all, couldn't help jumping up, "I want to meet those cowherds right now!"

Before Chambrance had time to say anything, Sidonham immediately yelled, although Mr. Lome complained that they were a group of troublesome people, but he got up and put on the mask faster than the young man Slowly, a few minutes later, the plague doctor and their students stood outside the chapel.

"Huh?" A student with good eyesight said in surprise, "Is anyone still awake?"

People in this era usually work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Candles are equipped by priests and lords, and even torches are only used when absolutely necessary, so once night falls, the village is dark.

They now see a spark.

"Is that the bullpen?" one student asked.

The cowshed that can accommodate more than a hundred cows is not too small. As a craftsman, the Anfor family also has a big house. Together, they occupy almost the entire hillside. When they entered the village, they immediately I asked casually—even if I didn't ask, I could find it by smelling it.

It was indeed the house of the Anfort family that was lit. A student went up and knocked on the door. There was a sudden commotion inside, and then there was a long silence. Chambrance frowned and lifted his robe.

The door opened, and an ax came head-on.

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